Regarding the wedding ceremony with Wen Ruyu tomorrow, Xia Xue has not had any special feelings about it until now. She always feels that she has no real feelings. Maybe it all happened too fast?She couldn't tell.

It's impossible to refuse anyway.

She couldn't imagine what kind of clothes she would change into tomorrow, and she didn't know what kind of people she would face. Anyway, she didn't know anyone. Is the clothes Chinese or Western?How many people came to participate?

It was so illusory and confused that I couldn't even imagine the tension on the spot.

Xia Xue finished drinking the water, but found a slight noise from upstairs.

The sound was very soft, but it could be judged from the sense of rhythm that it was suppressed footsteps. Even in the silent night, only Xia Xue who was closest to the stairs could hear it.

But she didn't need to go up to confirm who it was, and she didn't need to go back to Wen Ruyu to explain this to her, because the person who walked down the stairs like a stroller had already appeared from the darkness.


When Xia Xue just called out Leng Yubing's surname, she immediately shut her mouth tactfully, because Leng Yubing had already walked up to her.


Leng Yubing stretched out his hand towards Xia Xue, and seeing her tense body began to tremble subconsciously due to nervousness, he couldn't help but want to laugh.

It was an interesting reaction, especially after she pinched Xia Xue's soft earlobe.

" are here, yes, what do you want to do?"

Xia Xue asked stammeringly.

Although those things were Wen Ruyu's instructions in the past, Leng Yubing was responsible for carrying them out, and Xia Xue had suffered quite a lot under her hands, so much so that she was a little afraid of her now.

"Just take back what's mine."

Leng Yubing's finger brushed across Xia Xue's cheek, and answered Xia Xue's question truthfully.

After finishing speaking, she turned and left without any hesitation.

Xia Xue noticed that Leng Yubing's other hand was holding a knife, and it dangled twice in front of her eyes as if showing off.

While the figure was gradually going away, she also put the knife into the only vacant sheath at her waist.

That was the one that Xia Xue took from her before. After she was taken in by Wen Ruyu, this knife was naturally placed here, and Leng Yubing, who had no chance to come here after that, never took it back. Chances are, it's impossible for Wen Ruyu to personally deliver this thing.

So the day of recycling this knife has been delayed until now.

The purpose of Leng Yubing's coming here was indeed to take back his own things.

But... just a knife?

After Leng Yubing's figure completely disappeared in front of her eyes for a while, Xia Xue finally came back to her senses, and swallowed with lingering fear, she always felt that the place touched by Leng Yubing's fingertips just now was a bit cool.

I don't know if she has completely left here, maybe she is still wandering around here.

But she didn't seem to mean to pack Xia Xue away directly.

Speaking of which, how did she get in here?This seemingly bluffing security measure always feels like it has no effect at all.

Could it be the same as a door lock, only guarding against gentlemen but not villains...

Of course, it would be fine if she was alone. If she planned to take someone out of here, it would probably be impossible not to be discovered by those security personnel.

Not to mention there will be "reinforcements" after this.

What made Xia Xue feel even more strange was that after she went back to the room and explained the matter to Wen Ruyu, she didn't seem too surprised, as if all this was taken for granted, she calmly hugged Xia Xue and touched her head .

"elder sister?"

Xia Xue was also a little curious about Wen Ruyu's reaction.

"It's nothing, she can't take you away."

Wen Ruyu could probably guess how she got in, but there was no way to avoid it. They knew each other too well, and because of this, it was impossible to really guard against each other.

And in the same way, even if Leng Yubing was able to catch the loophole of the shift change and sneak in after guessing the personnel arrangement, he couldn't take Xia Xue out.

"Maybe she's still here..."

Although Xia Xue watched Leng Yubing leave her sight, she always felt that the other party hadn't gone far.


Wen Ruyu also smiled at Xia Xue.

"Xiaoxue is very smart. She really won't leave, but when she came this time, she just took her knife away."

"Why? She worked so hard just for this?"

Xia Xue couldn't help asking.

"Yes, she came here just for this, and she can only do this to this extent. She won't do unnecessary and meaningless things."

As Wen Ruyu spoke, she also fell into deep thought. She was wondering what Leng Yubing's next move would be.

Originally, she thought that Yang Luchan's move was a cover-up to attract attention on the bright side, and the real threat was coldness, but now it seems that it is not just like that.

"Yang Luchan..."

Wen Ruyu whispered the name softly.

This happens to be a character that she hasn't fully understood yet. Will something beyond her expectations happen to her?

The mobile phone rang suddenly at this moment, and the callers who made the call in the middle of the night were naturally those patrol officers. It was only at this time that they discovered Leng Yubing's existence, but they have not been able to catch up with her until now.

But it is only a matter of time before she is caught up. After all, the space here is not vast and complicated. At this time, all the security personnel have arrived to surround the place. It was impossible to escape.

"Then, how long will it take for Yang Luchan to arrive?"

Wen Ruyu asked the woman on the phone.

"......There is still about an hour left. She doesn't seem to intend to stop on the way here. The car she drives is also rented. Do you need to know the information of the renter?"

The other party paused for a while before giving a hasty response.


Wen Ruyu hung up the phone.

After all, Leng Yubing's "resignation" still made her a little uncomfortable, and the newcomer just replaced was not so easy to use.

And now she also understood that Leng Yubing who went here alone was the real bait.

The key point lies in Yang Luchan, who has always been little-known.

"Xiaoxue, I need you to go to a place to stay for a while, is that okay?"

Wen Ruyu kissed Xia Xue lightly and said to her.

The words were soft, but there was no room for her to refuse. She was not asking Xia Xue.


Xia Xue nodded, was held by Wen Ruyu, and walked out the door.

But when they passed by Bai Yingying's room, they saw a small head protruding from the door.


Bai Yingying looked at Wen Ruyu with timidity in her eyes.

Wen Ruyu didn't hesitate, and directly motioned for Bai Yingying to follow.

Chapter 220 IX Chamber of Secrets

The place Wen Ruyu took Xia Xue and the others was his study.

On the way, Wen Ruyu also brought a coat for Xia Xue to put on. If she stays outside for a long time in her pajamas at night, it is easy to catch cold.

Of course, Bai Yingying didn't change her clothes at all, she didn't plan to sleep tonight.

At first glance, there is nothing special about this study room. Xia Xue knows that Wen Ruyu brought them here to avoid the limelight, but if that is the case, there is no difference between staying in the study room and locking the door in her own room. .

And just as Xia Xue thought, after Wen Ruyu closed the door of the study, she walked to the bookshelf next to her.

Then Xia Xue showed another dark room. The thick bookshelf is actually a door that can be turned over, and it can be opened after entering the password. Although this kind of plot has been seen a lot on TV before, Seeing it actually made some Xia Xue feel very novel.

"come in."

Wen Ruyu waved at Xia Xue, motioning for her to follow.

Bai Yingying, who was behind her, also followed her into this dark room. The space here is not very big, and there are only a few old wooden furniture inside, which look very valuable, and Xia Xue can't guess the wooden furniture. What is the material of.

Just hide here for a while...

Xia Xue has no objection. To be on the safe side, Wen Ruyu's actions are normal, but she didn't know about this place until today. Sure enough, darkrooms are standard equipment for rich people...

But Wen Ruyu didn't seem to want to stop. After returning the bookshelf to its original position, she lifted the floor from a corner of the dark room again, and there was actually a narrow staircase going down.

Unlike the dark room, which was obviously cleaned regularly, no one seemed to have walked down the stairs. Xia Xue walked behind Wen Ruyu, and she could see the light marks she left on the stairs, which were obviously caused by stepping on the accumulated dust. .

The stairs that can only be passed by one person reached the bottom in a short time, and the end of the stairs is really suddenly enlightened, but because there is no light, it is difficult to see what is around. Although the air is a bit dull, there is an old smell , but not cloudy, apparently with vents.

Wen Ruyu didn't seem to be particularly familiar with the environment here either. She turned on the light on her phone and found the button to turn on the light on the wall next to her.

And when Wen Ruyu turned on the light, the true face here was fully revealed.

Of course, there is nothing special, the impression is that it is old.

There are also rows of iron cabinets around. There are a lot of them. There is nothing else, not even the chairs used as decorations. There is a thick layer of dust on the ground. No one ever came.

This basement might have been built much earlier than the villa above.

"Are we just waiting here?"

Seeing the dust raised by them in the air, Xia Xue couldn't help holding her breath.

"Well, even I only learned about this place from my father not long ago, so of course Leng Yubing won't be clear about it."

Wen Ruyu hugged Xia Xue over, lovingly stroking her head.

"Xiaoxue, although the environment here is not very good, I still have to let you endure here for a while, and I will call you out after the matter is over, okay?"

Xia Xue naturally nodded obediently.

"Well, be obedient."

Wen Ruyu smiled.

"Bai Yingying."

"I don't need you to tell me."

Bai Yingying was a little unhappy at the moment, especially after being called by Wen Ruyu's name, but she also knew what she should do at this time.

"Well, if you can do it well, then I won't bother you when you get along with Xiaoxue in the future, but you should also know what the premise is."

"I won't be troublesome."

After hearing Bai Yingying's sensible answer, Wen Ruyu stopped talking and prepared to leave here.

"Sister, aren't you with us?"

Xia Xue also asked at this moment, if it is really for the sake of safety, then it is best for everyone to stay here together.

"No, Xiaoxue, I don't need to hide."

Wen Ruyu laughed.

She really doesn't need to hide, and she won't have any fear of the cooperation between Leng Yubing and Yang Luchan, even if they beat everyone they bring to the ground, as long as Xia Xue is still there, anyone else The situation is no longer a problem.

After Wen Ruyu left, Xia Xue began to feel a little bored.

If possible, she would still go to the secret room on the first floor, at least there is a place to sit, and there is not so much dust.

But Xia Xue touched his pocket at this moment, and found two dust masks in his pocket.

Xia Xue took out one for Bai Yingying, and when she put it on, she couldn't help but marvel at Wen Ruyu's meticulousness.

Her coat seemed to have been prepared early in the morning, and Xia Xue didn't see her temporarily put the mask in it.

"How long will it take?"

Bai Yingying also leaned over at this moment, she didn't care much, took out a tissue from her pocket, wiped it on one of the lower iron cabinets, and sat on it.

"Wait for the notice."

After Xia Xue hesitated for a while, she also sat down next to her.

"But anyway, what are these cabinets for?"

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