Although it was still held for two hours.

Although Xia Xue felt that it was good to be petted and smelled by a gentle big sister, the feeling of being unilaterally played with was not very pleasant, like a kitten being caught and petted forcibly.

This alone is actually not bad, she is just not used to it now, but Jiang Xin's character, which is gentle on the surface but terrifyingly weird on the inside, completely puzzles her.

I really dare not get in touch with her too deeply, or I will really die!

Although she didn't have much contact with Jiang Xin, she could understand Jiang Xin's weak awareness of the law.

Although she understands the law, when doing what she wants to do, she doesn't care about other things, and only thinks about how to achieve her goals.

And if something goes wrong, although the law is useful, at that time, Jiang Xin will see the judge, and she will see the forensic doctor...

Xia Xue suddenly felt that Aunt Si Wan, the store manager, was so kind.

This is the gentle young woman in her mind (bah).

He is a decent person and doesn't like people of the same sex.

However, she was very patient when teaching herself how to make milk tea, and there was a table with recipes for various milk teas, as well as whipping cream, making tea, making pearls with tapioca starch...

By the way, this tea is quite fragrant, black tea, green tea, oolong tea, she has never drunk such a fragrant tea before, let alone used to make milk tea.

The tea is very strong, so it can't be drunk directly.

Under the hands-on teaching of the store manager, Xia Xue, a stupid contestant, also feels that she is very good at it.

There are no guests now, so Xia Xue still has plenty of time to study.

But before she reaches proficiency, she has to drink all the works she practiced.

The cost of such a cup of milk tea does not seem to be low, but the shop manager Si Wan doesn't care about it, and Xia Xue's loss of practice will not be included in her salary.

There is such a good thing?I wish I could have a few more whores for nothing.

Xia Xue was very interested and planned to choose her favorite drink from the recipe.

The formula is much more than those nice names on the menu outside. As long as customers pick it up, they can intuitively see what kind of milk tea they can drink, but I am afraid that this kind of thing will not be seen by people other than the staff.. ....

Speaking of which, this milk tea shop is actually quite high-end. After all, the things used are quite good, and the store is clean and tidy. Even as an employee, she will often come to drink.

Well, the main thing is that drinking milk tea doesn’t cost money. After all, this cup of milk tea costs a dozen or 20 yuan, which is still too early for Xia Xue now.

The few cups demonstrated by the store manager just stood there without moving, and I was still doing it. The difficulty is not too big. Serve with some dried fruit.

Of course, there are certain differences in how different types of milk tea are made, but they are generally the same. Anyway, they are all those things. For this kind of thing, the taste is actually secondary, as long as it is passable, it is more important to sell it.

Compared with the milk tea made by store manager Si Wan, the milk tea made by myself is much uglier, the milk cap is squeezed into an ugly shape, and it looks like this, only the old eight would move their index fingers...

Since it has failed, the pecans sprinkled on top have to be super doubled.

The taste is pretty good~

Xia Xue was a little excited as she drank the milk tea she made herself.

Store manager Si Wan also smiled at her, watching her drink in small sips without rushing, without urging her.

Is this the rare good boss in a century?I'm afraid I've run out of luck in this life.

And next, Xia Xue knew why store manager Si Wan didn't drink the cups of milk tea she made during the demonstration.

Although there is not much fructose in it, drinking too much milk tea will really make you tired.

Moreover, the calories in each cup are not low. If you drink too much of this kind of solid milk tea, you will really gain weight!

Although Aunt Si Wan made a delicious lunch, Xia Xue, who was already so full, couldn't eat anything anymore.

What a waste, what a waste.

Nearly half of the dozen or so cups of milk tea remained intact, and Xia Xue only drank a little more from the first cup, and only took a few sips of the others, or just put them there after tasting them.

"Xiaoxue, your task today is to make and taste each of the milk teas above."

Aunt Si Wan used a tone that seemed to be coaxing a child, but she said not so gentle words.

And judging by her appearance, before Xia Xue became a teacher, what she did today would become her daily routine.

No wonder Su Qianqian doesn't like to drink milk tea, it turns out that this is really boring...

Chapter 22 Home

There don't seem to be many customers in the store today. Although the quality of milk tea is excellent, the price is correspondingly not so beautiful...

In addition, most of the people's activities now are at night. At this point in the day, most of the takeaway boys come to take orders, and hurriedly carry the packaged milk tea on the counter, turn around and leave, but a few of them will secretly watch more Xia Xue and the store manager looked at each other.

The place where the milk tea is made is very transparent, without any occlusion, customers can see the milk tea making process intuitively, and it also makes Xia Xue unable to hide in the background and see no one...

By the way, a few customers have been sitting for almost two hours, and they ordered three cups of milk tea. Although there is WiFi in the store, they shouldn't stay for so long...

The bathroom in the store is not open to the public.

From time to time, she could feel the glances from over there, and the mobile phones secretly raised by those people from time to time, so Xia Xue knew that they were taking pictures of herself.

Forget it, there is nothing she can do about this kind of thing, she will get used to it anyway.

Although she spent most of her time walking around standing up and her legs were a little sore, Xia Xue also felt that this was much better than the previous job of sitting in front of a computer.

I didn't have much appetite for dinner, and I drank too much milk tea. Although the store manager Si Wan asked her to just taste the taste after making a cup, she didn't eat much. Can't live.

However, the advantage of this method is that you can learn quickly. After getting familiar with it, this job is surprisingly not difficult, and you will get used to it in a short time.

It’s just that I was a little shy when I brought the milk tea, after all, it’s not easy for the society to do this.

Brave Xuexue, not afraid of difficulties!

In the evening, when it was time to get off work, she had to clean up, but the shop manager Si Wan knew that Xia Xue had no strength, so she only gave her some light work, such as washing various small objects and so on.

Aunt Si Wan, you are so gentle, I decided to call you Sister Si Wan from now on!

The off-duty time was a little earlier than ten o'clock, and Xia Xue arrived home at 10:30 even if she was a little slow.

Speaking of which, even at night, the business in the store is not very good, not as busy as Xia Xue thought before, even if there is only store manager Si Wan alone, it is not too difficult to deal with it.

There is no shortage of manpower but still want to recruit people, maybe more because I want to find someone who can talk, so I won't be so lonely.

In fact, Xia Xue still called the store manager, Si Wan, sister, and secretly called her aunt because she was treated like a child, although she was gentle and patient, not like she was ordering her wage earners. But this always makes Xia Xue feel a generation younger than her...

Xia Xue, who was originally weak, was already exhausted after a busy day, and her whole body was a little sore. Now she just wanted to lie on the bed and sleep quickly.

After finally walking into the familiar corridor, the first thing I saw was a familiar figure before I saw the door of my own house.

Or maybe it's a figure that I've only become familiar with for the past two days.

It's over, I was squatted by Jiang Xin.

To be honest, I'm really scared of you like this...

Xia Xue whispered in her heart, but since we have already met, we still need to say hello first.

"Well... sister Jiang Xin."

"Sister Xiaoxue, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Xia Xue bravely walked up to her and patted her head, then inserted the key into the lock with the pressure on her head, only to find that the door was not locked at all, so she had no choice but to push the door open.

My room has been tidy and tidy, and it seems that I have done a very thorough sanitation. All kinds of things are clean, and the clothes I changed after taking a shower yesterday are also cleaned, which is my previous one. Those old clothes are all thrown away...

Then there are a lot of clothes that fit, the kind that look cute.

Xia Xue wasn't too worried about other things. Apart from her own life, she had nothing to lose. After all, she was a poor ghost.

Jiang Xin looked at Xia Xue with a happy face, she might think that Xia Xue would like this.

If she asks Xia Xue for permission before doing these things...

Maybe she will still be rejected, Xia Xue doesn't like her things being turned over and over.

Xia Xue also knew that she had nothing to say, maybe she should call the police now?But she didn't cause any substantial harm to herself, and even if she was punished, it wouldn't be too severe, and if Jiang Xin was stimulated by this kind of thing, she didn't know what more excessive things she would do.

"My computer, have you turned it over?"

Xia Xue, who was already exhausted, couldn't lift her energy much anymore.

"Well, I didn't expect Xiaoxue to be...hehe, it's really interesting."

Jiang Xin giggled, she didn't feel angry, on the contrary, she became happier after discovering this.

No one competed with her for Xia Xue, and many doubts could be dispelled step by step, but there were always some things that could not be found out, and the remaining little doubts became a nail in her heart instead.


Xia Xue subconsciously apologized, watching Jiang Xin enter the door with her, but didn't know what to do.

What is she going to do?Should the police be called immediately?It might be too late now.


"Why do you have to do this?"

Xia Xue asked Jiang Xin.

Most of her energy was consumed by the day's work, so she was not so afraid now.

Jiang Xin froze for a moment, then turned to show a shy expression.

"Because, Xiaoxue, I fell in love with you from the first moment I saw you."

"Really? But you're taking it too far now, and I don't like it very much."

It was rare for Xia Xue to be stubborn, but she also secretly pressed the alarm number on her mobile phone. Once the situation was wrong, she immediately pressed the dial button, and then...then got under the bed!

The bed in her home is not big, and the bottom of the bed is relatively low. It is very difficult for Jiang Xin to get in. Presumably this can buy time to call the police.

"Xiaoxue, don't you like this? I'm sorry, I just want to know more about you, but you always refuse to answer me directly, so I have no choice but to..."

Although Jiang Xin said apologetic words, there was no sign of regret on her face. Instead, she approached Xia Xue while speaking.

"Don't come here!"

While backing away, Xia Xue raised her phone to reveal the dialed number, and shouted loudly.

"If you do this again, I'll call the police and arrest you!"

Jiang Xin suddenly approached and hugged Xia Xue tightly. Xia Xue's small body couldn't resist the inertia of rushing forward, and was crushed by Jiang Xin on the bed.

Chapter 23 Voices


The overwhelmed Xia Xue only felt that the air in her lungs was squeezed out all at once, and her head was momentarily dazed, just thinking about taking another breath of air, her mobile phone was easily snatched away by Jiang Xin.

After the only means of threat were useless, Xia Xue had no chance of turning the tables.

"Xiaoxue, Xiaoxue, please don't hate me, I'm sorry!"


Just as Xia Xue had time to speak, she was held back by Jiang Xin's hug again.

The two lumps of softness that blocked her breathing were no longer beautiful at this time, Xia Xue desperately wanted to push Jiang Xin away, but the harder she tried, the tighter she hugged Jiang Xin.


Even the instinct to survive seemed ridiculous in the face of the huge power gap. Xia Xue, who couldn't struggle no matter what, had to give up and choose to stay still.

There might still be a chance...

When Xia Xue was hypoxic to the point of dizziness, Jiang Xin's embrace relaxed a little.

This finally left a little space for breathing. Xia Xue quickly seized the opportunity and opened her mouth to breathe desperately.

"Xiaoxue, you're making me itchy."

Jiang Xin's face blushed a little unnaturally. This kind of close hug made her fully feel the softness and fragility of Xia Xue's body. The faint fragrance and the body temperature that closely adhered to each other made her heart beat extremely fast.

And, of course, the dizzying sense of security that comes with being in complete control of the actions of a loved one.

Xia Xue's breathing gradually stabilized. Fortunately, if she didn't struggle, she wouldn't be entangled more tightly. Now she didn't dare to move except for breathing, for fear of being covered by Jiang Xin again so that she couldn't breathe.

"Why did it stop?"

Jiang Xin asked suddenly.

Xia Xue, who finally survived, didn't know what Jiang Xin was talking about, so she didn't dare to act rashly, so she had to keep silent.

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