"If someone comes over later, you get out of the car, you know?"

But without waiting for Xia Xue to continue talking, Yang Luchan put the car window up again under Xia Xue's puzzled eyes, and got under the car.

She was waiting, waiting for the gang to come.

The first batch of people who came to chase her should not be many. The first thing the police did after they arrived at Wen Ruyu's residence was to ask her to confirm what happened just now.

And when Wen Ruyu knew that those security personnel could not be used for hunting, she would probably change her policy, and only send a small number of people to follow directly behind, so as not to get lost. The rest of the people would probably go from the front or the side. The route to be blocked.

So Yang Luchan had to get rid of the preliminary surveillance as soon as possible, otherwise when they started to cooperate with the police, she might not be able to escape.

But she didn't intend to be able to escape?

Why did she run away?

The purpose of her trip was only to escort Xia Xue to a safe place. After completing this matter, Wen Ruyu would be the one to escape.

Xia Xue didn't commit any crime, and she didn't have any substantive relationship with Wen Ruyu. Wen Ruyu had no reason to ignore her wishes and take her away through formal channels. It was enough to bear all the responsibilities and sins by herself.

And in the short time left, she has to do more ideological work with Xia Xue, so as not to be deceived again.

The same is true for Bai Yingying, if she dares to use any means to force Xia Xue, Yang Luchan will not let her go.

Putting his ear close to the ground, Yang Luchan could already hear the slight sound. During this period of time, the vehicles appearing on the remote section of the road can basically be concluded to be the people chasing them, and soon, Yang Luchan saw from under the vehicle. Lights coming from behind.

The speeding vehicle began to slow down gradually as it approached here, until it stopped not far away.

Yang Luchan stepped back a little to avoid being noticed, and it was easier for her to climb out from under the car afterwards.

Then she heard the sound of the car door opening, but the car was still on, and she didn't seem to let go of her guard.

But all these doubts dissipated after Xia Xue opened the car door. At that time, two people began to approach Xia Xue, while the remaining one walked to the front of the vehicle to confirm the situation in the cab.

"Xia Xue's location has been confirmed, but Yang Luchan and Bai Yingying are not here..."

One of them appeared to pull out a walkie-talkie and began reporting.

And Xia Xue also followed Yang Luchan's previous instructions, got out of the car, and approached the other party, but her steps were very small, which made those people a little anxious, and finally had to take the initiative to approach.

No matter what, as long as you can take Xia Xue away later, you can run back to the car as soon as possible. The reward Wen Ruyu offered before made them a little unbelievable.

Although Yang Luchan's location is not yet clear, in any case, as long as he seizes the time and quickly carries Xia Xue back into the car, such a small risk is still acceptable.

And the colleague who was driving seemed to understand what they meant. Before the rear door was closed, he slowly approached the car so that they could get it quickly.

Soon, they had already arrived in front of Xia Xue, but before they could hold her hand, a figure jumped out from behind the car quickly, so frightened that one of them took a step back unconsciously, seeing her This was especially true when they were holding a knife in their hand, they subconsciously raised their hand to protect their face, they knew that Yang Luchan really dared to chop it off.

However, this level of blocking will not be of much use. If she really gets hit by her knife, it is estimated that she will be cut off with her hands and the lead.

But Yang Luchan's target was obviously not the two people near Xia Xue, nor the person holding the flashlight in front of the vehicle. The first thing she ran to was the car approaching this way.

In a few seconds, Yang Luchan was already close to the vehicle that started to recede, and then threw the knife in his hand with all his strength, the window in front of the car was shattered, and the knife that hadn't exhausted its power was rubbing against the driver's head stuck in the back seat of the car.

Before the frightened driver had time to regain his senses and continue to turn to the side to escape, Yang Luchan jumped up and kicked the broken window with both legs, jumping directly into the car from the front.

Then the vehicle also stopped, and the driver who was kicked like this naturally had no ability to resist, curled up and fell to the side.

Yang Luchan pulled out the car keys, then recovered the knife stuck in the back seat of the car, and then went back the same way, and started chasing the three people who had gotten out of the car.

One of them tried to drive Yang Luchan's abandoned car, but there was no car key on it, so he only cared about running for his life afterwards, no one had the confidence to run past Yang Luchan behind with Xia Xue.

Everyone is afraid of being hacked to death by this crazy woman. No matter how much money you have, you have to spend your life. Although this sentence is silly, it really couldn’t be better used here. Now no one cares about their original responsibilities, and only wants to hurry up. run.

But Yang Luchan would not be so stupid as to run with them, but directly dragged Xia Xue into the car. After all, they could not catch up with Yang Luchan who was driving with their two legs, and finally chose to surrender when they were about to be overtaken, so they were spared. The ending of being created and flying.

But they didn't seem to know the location of the tracker on Xia Xue's body. Even after being beaten severely, they couldn't tell, so Yang Luchan had to give up. It seemed that they really didn't know.

It's just that Xia Xue on one side felt a little uncomfortable watching it. Although she had seen the scene of Yang Luchan beating the gangster violently at the beginning, she still couldn't get used to this kind of torture.

Yang Luchan let them go when they were tied to their car with their heads covered.

And it seemed that Xia Xue didn't know the location of the locator implanted on her body, so she could only find it slowly.

Yang Luchan drove the car a little farther, finally put down the window, and took out a jackknife from her pocket, and Xia Xue also cooperated very well and approached her actively.

The first thing Yang Luchan groped was Xia Xue's scalp, to see if there were any unusual bumps there.

Every inch of the skin must be checked in place, otherwise, if one is missed, it will cause very dangerous consequences.

"Aren't you afraid of me?"

Yang Luchan couldn't help smelling Xia Xue's hair, there was a unique fragrance, which gradually calmed down her original depression and hostility.

"Not afraid."

Xia Xue sighed softly.

"I don't know what to do, what am I supposed to do so you don't hurt each other? I really, really don't want things to be like this..."

When Xia Xue said this, the corners of her eyes felt a little sour. Yang Luchan was undoubtedly an upright person. At such a good age, she shouldn't give up everything because of this kind of thing, and end up in prison in the end.

The same goes for Wen Ruyu, she never actually meant to hurt herself, Xia Xue never hated her, and her affection for her never faded, not to mention that she was still with her...

"Why did it become like this? Can you tell me? Tell me what to do to..."

"Little Snow."

At this time, Yang Luchan had touched the back of her neck, but no abnormality was found under the skin.

"When you can't even control your own destiny, to sympathize with others is undoubtedly extremely cruel to yourself."

"I can't bear to see you like this become a puppet without self. You don't belong to anyone, you only belong to yourself."

"You don't have to worry about what Wen Ruyu will think, don't worry about what Bai Yingying wants you to do, and don't worry about what I will become because of you. You have never made any mistakes, you don't need to take responsibility for our mistakes, and you don't need to reconcile Our contradictions are blindly clinging and compromising."

"You can understand Wen Ruyu's restraint on you and the happiness imposed on you, but can you recognize what you really want to do after getting rid of these things?"

"If you really say from the bottom of your heart that you want to go back to Wen Ruyu, and are willing to stay by her side forever and obey her orders, if that's the case, I will send you back immediately."

"What's your answer, Xiaoxue?"

Yang Luchan's words made Xia Xue unable to speak for a long time, she lowered her head, never daring to meet Yang Luchan's sincere eyes again.

"You...... What do you want to do?"

She hesitated, and asked Yang Luchan.

"I want you to be able to actually do what you want to do."

"I want to protect you. Even if you don't choose me in the end, it doesn't matter, but no one can force you in front of my eyes. If you are not satisfied with the place I chose for you, you can move out by yourself after confirming it yourself." of."

"It's the same with Bai Yingying, did she do anything you don't want?"

When Yang Luchan said this, her tone seemed to become a little dangerous, causing Xia Xue to wave her hands quickly.

"No, Yingying treats me very well, and I don't want to be separated from her."

"I'm not talking about this, but what she did to you."

Yang Luchan fixedly looked into Xia Xue's eyes, causing her eyes to turn to the other side unconsciously.

At this time, she had already checked Xia Xue's shoulders, and she didn't find any hard objects hidden under the skin.


"I'll teach her a lesson later."

"No, really, don't do this!"

Xia Xue exclaimed, Bai Yingying's small body couldn't keep up with Yang Luchan, and those adult men who were beaten to kneel on the ground and wept bitterly just now had a great impact on Xia Xue.

But it's not that those men are soft bones. If Xia Xue was tortured by a big comrade with a knife, she would have to crawl around.

Fortunately, comrades...

"In any case, verbal education is still necessary. Don't worry, I will not use violence against her, but I can also guarantee that after I teach her a lesson, she will not dare to threaten you in the future."

At this time, Yang Luchan also confidently made a promise.

"She didn't..."

When Xia Xue said this, she obviously lacked confidence.

Yang Luchan picked up Xia Xue and put it on her lap. Xia Xue only felt that she was completely wrapped in her, and then her wrist was gently pinched. Yang Luchan's technique was also very careful. Personal appearance is completely out of touch.

Most likely, the wrist and neck were not found, and there may be more than one locator on Xia Xue's body, so even if it is found, it cannot be taken lightly, so the skin of the whole body needs to be checked.

After pinching Xia Xue's face half-jokingly, Yang Luchan couldn't help but also laughed. This kind of rare happy mood may never be there again in the future.

"When you live with Bai Yingying in the future, you can't indulge her if she has bad intentions, you know? You have to let her listen to you."


This kind of tone that seemed to be explaining the funeral inevitably made Xia Xue a little sad, but she also knew that there was nothing she could do, especially after Yang Luchan said that to her.

Although she was the cause of the conflict, she was no longer able to mediate this conflict. What's more, what Yang Luchan said was actually not wrong.

It's just that her approach was wrong, at least, she shouldn't have thought of getting rid of Wen Ruyu......

What will happen next?

She can't imagine.

Yang Luchan gently placed her on the back seat, raised one of her feet, took off the shoe, pinched her bare foot, and checked from the toes.

Although Xia Xue also thinks that there should be nothing abnormal about this part...

When the soft toes were lightly pinched, Xia Xue couldn't help but hum softly, and the itching and numbness made her retract her legs unconsciously.

"Does it hurt you?"

Yang Luchan asked.

"No... just a little itchy."

Xia Xue continued to stretch her legs back.

"Xiaoxue, your feet are really small."

Yang Luchan seemed to feel a little novelty, and held Xia Xue's feet at once. There was a unique feeling between the pink, white and moist toes, and she unconsciously "examined" this place for a long time, until Xia Xue When Xue couldn't help shouting anymore, she finally recovered and wiped the corners of her mouth.

"Ah, sorry."

"No, nothing..."

Subsequent inspections were much faster, and some places were not necessary to be inspected. No matter what, Wen Ruyu would not implant the locator there.

Naturally, Yang Luchan would not ignore Xia Xue's wishes to check there, and while checking by herself, Xia Xue would also pinch the skin on her body in a decent way, which was very significant for the speed-up of the progress.

In the end, Yang Luchan found the abnormality a little above Xia Xue's navel.

And she didn't hesitate too much, took out a pocket knife to cut open the skin, and quickly took out a small thing, and the wound above Xia Xue's navel also began to heal when the blood was dried, and it recovered after a while As ever.

There is no need to stay here anymore, Yang Luchan picked up Xia Xue, held the knife, and walked to the car where Bai Yingying was at the corner ahead.

Chapter 230 Expectations

When Yang Luchan came to the back of the car, the door had already been opened, and Bai Yingying had obviously been lying on the window looking outside.

It's just that due to her limited vision, she didn't know exactly what happened around the corner, but she could roughly guess what Yang Luchan was doing in the past through the screams that lasted for a long time.

But that kind of thing doesn't matter, as long as Xia Xue is fine, after confirming Xia Xue's safety, she quickly felt relieved.

Bai Yingying also knew in her heart that although Yang Luchan was scary, she was still very reliable as a friend.

"Is the matter over there finished?"


Yang Luchan threw away the car keys he had snatched from those people before, took out a spare number plate from the trunk for a temporary cover, and then sat in the cab to start the car.

Then she jumped the front of the car and drove back.

The original route had been exposed from the very beginning. After taking out the locator, she naturally didn't need to go the old way, otherwise what she just did would not be of much use, and she would still fall into the siege in the end.

Going in the opposite direction is not just a straight line. There are many small fork roads that Yang Luchan can walk as much as he can, and the relative speed has also slowed down a lot. Although the final destination has not changed, but in the case of constant detours It still takes quite a while to get there.

Of course, the most important point is that the destination of her trip was not revealed to Wen Ruyu.

Even though Wen Ruyu already had the expectation that Yang Luchan would be ready to go home, she couldn't be sure of this point, and there were many other possibilities, no matter how she tried, she couldn't fully take them into account.

Yang Luchan is not quite sure whether the reason for her being wanted by the police this time is the crime of intentional injury or the crime of kidnapping. Anyway, the difference will not be too big. Arrested.

When the vehicle drove to the next city, the sky was already dark, and for safety reasons, Xia Xue and Bai Yingying's mobile phones were thrown away by Yang Luchan. Now they are also very bored, Xia Xue has been lying on the edge of the window and looking outside Bai Yingying was lying in her arms and sleeping in a daze.

Yang Luchan stopped the car, looked in the back seat, and found that Xia Xue was also looking at her at this time.

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