At least she wants to know where the next stop is and how far it is from the final destination.

And Yang Luchan's answer did not reassure Xia Xue, because the end of this journey has not even been determined yet.

When will they be caught up?

Anyway, it doesn't matter what the result is, as Yang Luchan said to Xia Xue before, she doesn't need to do anything.

She is at the center of the vortex of struggle, but she has no ability to change this status quo.

No one could give her an answer, so asking "why" was equally pointless.


Xia Xue murmured softly as she looked at the scene flashing by outside the window.

She held her wrist tightly, and her arm began to tremble involuntarily due to too much force.

"Don't ask why."

she thought silently.

Xia Xue calmed down the manic and restless thoughts in her heart, and tried her best to relax her clenched teeth.

"Yang Luchan, do you like me?"

Leaning close to the driver's cab, she leaned against Yang Luchan's ear and asked softly.


Yang Luchan replied without thinking.

Before that, she never seemed to take the initiative to say "like" to Xia Xue, but if Xia Xue asked, she would naturally not hesitate to say such words.

"What do you like about me? When did you start liking me? No, you don't need to reply in a hurry..."

Xia Xue pushed back Yang Luchan's turned face, and motioned her to look at the road ahead.

"You like me so much. You can't find where to start. It can even be said that you like all of me. It's just that there are certain aspects that are particularly to your liking. If you recall carefully, it was the first time we met, right?"

"I didn't intend to go into such details, but you know a lot about feelings..."

Yang Luchan rubbed her nose with one free hand, she seemed a little shy, now she didn't need Xia Xue to say anything, she didn't look back.

Xia Xue looked at her already flushed ears, as if she had confirmed something, she couldn't help but relax, and lay back on the seat again.

"Little, Xiaoxue, why did you suddenly ask such a thing..."

Bai Yingying on the side seemed a little worried, and hurriedly leaned into Xia Xue's ear and whispered to her.

"No, Yingying, I just asked casually."

Xia Xue smiled lightly.

"Yang Luchan, if Wen Ruyu tricked Bai Yingying away, would you go and save her?"

"Reporting to the police is the end of the matter. If this method doesn't work, then forget it. Why do I have to find it by myself? I don't want to go to jail for her, but Wen Ruyu doesn't like her. Besides, Bai Yingying really met this Well, isn't that just right? I think she's pretty easy to deceive, and she should be able to live a good life with Wen Ruyu when the time comes, so I don't need to bother you."

"You nonsense! You bastard!"

Bai Yingying was furious immediately, but she still didn't dare to swear. The use of Zaan's language was still at the level of not saying hello when they first met, and it was already coming to an end.

"Xiaoxue, don't listen to her nonsense, I only like you, except you, I..."

"Ok, I know."

Xia Xue patted Bai Yingying's head, calmed her down, told her to sit down, and continued talking to Yang Luchan.

"But this time you are here."

"Because she cheated you, you know, you are different."

Yang Luchan obviously didn't feel any guilt at all for her different treatment. After thinking that she had taken Xia Xue back, she felt an inexplicable sense of accomplishment.

"Because it's me..."

Xia Xue repeated Yang Luchan's words softly.


Yang Luchan laughed.

After that, Xia Xue didn't speak anymore, and she looked out of the window again, her eyes were a little empty, as if she wasn't concerned about the scenery outside, but was thinking about something on her mind.

"Xiaoxue, Xiaoxue, don't listen to what that guy said. Although, although she has done a good thing now, and I am very grateful to her, it doesn't mean that she won't talk nonsense. I have nothing against you. Heart, for you..."

"Well, I know, Yingying, I like you too, didn't you say you listened to me before?"

"Yeah, I haven't forgotten that."

Bai Yingying didn't know what to think of, and her eyes suddenly lit up.

"So, can I be quiet for a while now?"

"it is good!"

Bai Yingying nodded repeatedly, as if completing the order made her very happy.

Yang Luchan who was sitting in the driver's cab seemed a little restless, she twisted a few times on the seat, making the sound of rubbing leather.

Bai Yingying didn't care about this, and she didn't have a mobile phone to watch. In order not to disturb Xia Xue, she followed her example and lay on the other side of the car window to watch the scenery.

But Xia Xue knew in her heart that Yang Luchan was jealous, and she made that noise on purpose, but she didn't want to say it clearly, so she expressed her dissatisfaction in this way.

Her way of expressing love is a little different from others. At present, she is more inclined to "protection" and "dedication". She will show reckless aggression towards those who try to violate the object she protects. Instead of trying to imprison Xia Xue.

Of course, there is still a question mark about whether she will imprison herself. The current situation is different, so she made the current choice. If the situation is a little better, maybe her approach will be different.

So far, Xia Xue has seen only these in Yang Luchan.

Wen Ruyu, on the other hand, hopes that Xia Xue will love her on the initiative. For this reason, she will artificially create various conditions and isolate Xia Xue as much as possible. Correspondingly, she will control her emotions and thoughts, and give a little relaxation. There is room for her so that she will not collapse mentally, and Bai Yingying's arrival is also because of this.

As for Leng Yubing, Xia Xue knew too little about her to make a judgment. The only thing she knew was that she was the reason for Leng Yubing's "resignation". She didn't dare to say that she fully understood the other party.And Bai Yingying was harmless, so she didn't need to spend much effort, just a little coaxing would be fine, and Wen Ruyu and the others didn't take Bai Yingying seriously.

As for Jiang Xin, who is now unknown, there is no need to mention it, and it is estimated that there will be no possibility of contacting her again in the future.

The reason for all these conflicts, in the final analysis, is Xia Xue.

There is a certain degree of "disease" in their hearts, and their own appearance will cause the outbreak of this "disease".

Attract delicate physique.

Xia Xue suddenly thought so.

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Chapter 230 Questions

"How far is it?"

"It's still early."

Xia Xue couldn't remember how many times she asked this question, but every time she got the same answer.

Even though they haven't seen any stalkers until now, Yang Luchan didn't slack off because of this, and still chose a safer way to go around.

Without any navigation, Yang Luchan was able to drive all the way according to the memory in her mind, which is pretty amazing.

Of course, Yang Luchan would occasionally take a look at the map book that she had downloaded offline on her phone before, but if it was Xia Xuelai, she would not be able to do this, let alone run around.

But does this degree of detour serve any purpose?

Xia Xue couldn't help being a little puzzled. Of course, if they had already started to fall into the intense car chase scene like in the movie, it shouldn't be too far before Yang Luchan was arrested.

When the sky turned dark again, Yang Luchan finally parked the car on the side of the road and let Xia Xue and the others come down to get some air.

Yang Luchan's hometown is not close to here, and under the condition of constant detours, it will take about four days to send Xia Xue there, and Xia Xue can't bear to break Yang Luchan's so persistent thoughts.

Even if she gets there, Xia Xue may not be "safe", unless Xia Xue completely disappears from Wen Ruyu's sight, otherwise, it is only a matter of time before she is caught back.

"Let's go outside and have some hot food by the way."

Yang Luchan held Xia Xue's hand very naturally, and Bai Yingying who was beside her quickly followed up and held Xia Xue's other hand.

This way of walking obliquely made Xia Xue feel a little weird, so she had to take the initiative to control the speed of her advance and let Yang Luchan in front slow down so that Bai Yingying behind could keep up, and the three of them walked in a row.

"Where are you going?"

Xia Xue raised her head and asked, although it was a handshake, but Xia Xue felt like being "handshaked", her hand was completely wrapped by Yang Luchan's palm.

"I don't know, just take a look."

Yang Luchan turned her head and glanced at Xia Xue. After replying to her, she continued to scan the shops on both sides of the street.

"Xiaoxue, what do you want to eat? Or which store do you want to go to?"

"Whatever, find one you like."

Xia Xue didn't pay much attention to this kind of thing, she was thinking about Wen Ruyu's side.

At that time, what conditions should she ask Wen Ruyu to let Yang Luchan go?

Although Yang Luchan must not be able to avoid the corresponding consequences, after all, she has indeed hurt someone, but the size of this "consequence" is something that can be discussed, if Xia Xue just leaves it alone, then the result will definitely not be good.

And if Yang Luchan is allowed to do those things, Wen Ruyu herself will be in some danger, but that possibility has become very slim now, Leng Yubing won't let her in, and it will be a problem for Yang Luchan to find Wen Ruyu , let alone kill her.

And Xia Xue also felt that people like Wen Ruyu would not suffer a second time.

If Yang Luchan is not restricted, there may be serious consequences for Wen Ruyu. If Wen Ruyu is not restricted, Yang Luchan will naturally have a hard time in the end. If this kind of thing is to be sentenced severely, there is no possibility of justification.

But seemingly irreconcilable contradictions, in fact, are not without solutions.

Don't be led by others, this is what Yang Luchan said to her before.

Because of this, not only Wen Ruyu, Xia Xue shouldn't just be led by the nose by Yang Luchan now.

How to persuade?

Xia Xue couldn't even persuade Bai Yingying, let alone them, it would be better to give up on that kind of thing as soon as possible, and find other ways to be more reliable.

"Xiaoxue, you seem to have something on your mind?"

Bai Yingying also came to Xia Xue's side at this moment, seeming a little worried about her abnormal behavior.

"I'm thinking about how I can save you."

Xia Xue replied softly.

"Ha ha!"

Yang Luchan on the side couldn't help laughing when she heard this.

"Xiaoxue, instead of thinking about how to save us, you should think about how to save yourself. Have you forgotten what I told you before?"

"We people don't need you to save us. Didn't we live as usual when you were away? On the contrary, after we appeared in front of you, your situation became a mess. Do you think what I said is right?"

"Is such that."

Xia Xue nodded and smiled at Yang Luchan.

The cause of everything is because of my encounter with them.

"Xiaoxue, I wouldn't do that. It's their fault that this happened. I've always listened to you..."

"Bai Yingying, shut up, how dare you say that you never threatened Xia Xue?"

Yang Luchan directly interrupted Bai Yingying's words.


"But what? You are here, tell me the things you threatened Xia Xue before, and then come and say 'but' to me."

"Ah, yes, I just remembered that I haven't taught you a lesson. Now it seems that you haven't realized your mistakes, so let me help you correct them!"

"Xiaoxue, help, help!"

Although Yang Luchan spoke half-jokingly, Bai Yingying obviously couldn't stand it anymore, she immediately shrank her body and buried her head in Xia Xue's arms like an ostrich.

The way Yang Luchan pressed Wen Ruyu to the ground before was still in her mind, that was someone she dared not resist in her entire life, who was so easily...

If the person who "taught me a lesson" was replaced by herself, Bai Yingying would not dare to think about it.

"Stop making such jokes, let's eat first."

Xia Xue patted Bai Yingying on the head, and then signaled Yang Luchan to go to the hot pot restaurant in front.

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