Anyway, no matter what I do, I can only endure for a few more days, and it will be very difficult for Yang Luchan to see Xia Xue again after this.

Moreover, it was Yang Luchan who changed their status quo. She should not have unnecessary rejection of Yang Luchan because of her possessive desire for Xia Xue.

"But then again, can three people sleep in the same bed?"

When she was about to turn off the lights, Bai Yingying asked a very practical question.

Xia Xue was happy to hear that, which meant that Bai Yingying had already started to think in that direction, and she had made some progress.

Start with small conflicts and slowly dissolve them until they no longer hate each other. If this is the case, then there will be no more disputes in the future.

If only they could get along in harmony...

Xia Xue thought silently.

And Yang Luchan's solution to the problem was also very simple. She brought a quilt from the next room and prepared to sleep on the floor.

"Let's forget about this approach. You might as well sleep on the bed. At worst, we'll squeeze in for one night."

Xia Xue sighed, and signaled Yang Luchan to sleep on the bed.

Naturally, Yang Luchan didn't have any intention of refusing, after hearing Xia Xue's words, she put the quilt aside and sat on the single bed.

Although Xia Xue and Bai Yingying didn't take up much space, adding Yang Luchan was still too crowded. Bai Yingying who was in the inner position was constantly pushed aside, but Yang Luchan's body hadn't completely lie down yet.

But the smart Yang Luchan naturally thought of a solution long ago. She hugged Xia Xue as a pillow, as if engulfing her, and immediately occupied the seat where Xia Xue was originally sitting, and now she has become a big girl. One or two people squeezed into a single bed.

"You bastard, let Xia Xue go!"

Naturally, Bai Yingying couldn't bear it. Even though she knew that Yang Luchan was not easy to mess with, she was not to be outdone, and tried to pull Xia Xue out of Yang Luchan's arms, but her strength was useless, and she couldn't even move Xia Xue a little bit. , She was so anxious that she almost cried.

"It's a little too tight."

Xia Xue, who was completely wrapped, barely poked her head out from Yang Luchan's chest at this moment, panting, and added.

"Okay, what about this?"

Yang Luchan immediately relaxed her strength.

"more or less......"

"Why? Damn it!"

Even so, Bai Yingying still had nothing to do with Yang Luchan.

"Otherwise, how could I squeeze in?"


"Forget it, go to bed, don't you have to get up early tomorrow?"

Xia Xue's words finally suppressed this small quarrel, and finally the room finally returned to calm.

However, after that, Bai Yingying was not to be outdone and pressed her back against Xia Xue's back, completely wrapping her up right now. Although this feeling is not uncomfortable and very warm, if Xia Xue wants to move, , is completely impossible.

What's interesting is that Yang Luchan, who said she wanted to supervise Bai Yingying's bad behavior, now buried her face on Xia Xue's little head, sniffing her body secretly, and sometimes felt a very slight Feeling hot to the touch, Xia Xue estimated that Yang Luchan should still be licking secretly.

However, this kind of guarding and self-stealing behavior was too inconspicuous, and it was still in the darkness, so Bai Yingying, who was lying on the side, didn't notice it. After persisting for a while, she finally fell asleep in this comfortable atmosphere.

Although she was dissatisfied with Yang Luchan ruining her affairs, at least if she was here, at least she would not have to worry as before.

Although she often has uncontrollable thoughts, if she really stays with Yang Luchan with Xia Xue, she can still feel safe.

Chapter 240 Determination

The night was getting deeper, not only Bai Yingying who had already fallen asleep, but also Yang Luchan, who was making small movements from time to time, gradually stopped. Xia Xue barely raised her head from her arms, and what she saw was her peaceful sleeping face.

The feeling of happiness and satisfaction made Yang Luchan's face unconsciously put on a warm smile that couldn't be dispelled. At this moment, she was no longer as aggressive as before. Under this contrast, she looked inexplicably cute.

"Is this love?"

Xia Xue opened her lips lightly, but did not make a sound.

Xia Xue doesn't want to wake them up, but compared to them who can truly face their feelings, the indecisive self who has always been indecisive may be the root of all problems.

Perhaps the sentence that Yang Luchan blurted out accidentally before was not wrong, and it was Xia Xue herself who was extremely insecure.

She was afraid that this sudden "love" would disappear one day just like it appeared, and she was afraid that this relationship was actually a false illusion caused by her special body.

Therefore, she is always trying to prove it, and she also hopes that this relationship, as they said, is undoubtedly "real" and from the heart.

But their sentence "I have fallen in love with you from the beginning" made Xia Xue even more afraid.

What is that?So what is it?

Why is it because of this that Jiang Xin and Bai Yingying, who were originally netizens, wanted to fight each other desperately, but the relationship between Wen Ruyu and Leng Yubing for many years turned against each other. Xia Xue snatched it back?

What if it was me instead?If she only met people once, would she do this for them?

Probably not.

Therefore she could not respond to their too intense and sudden feelings.

But it was also because this feeling was so hot that it was close to frenzy, so she couldn't refuse it.

Xia Xue thought quietly, Yang Luchan's body had a faint scent of rosin, and her body, which had been exercising regularly, was actually very soft when it was completely relaxed. With the right strength, she pressed against Xia Xue tightly, making her body a little hot.

If she couldn't refuse, she could only try to accept it.

And it would be fine if it was just one of them, but in this situation, she is no longer allowed to make any choices. Not only does she not have the right to refuse, but she also has no right to choose one of them.

Of course, if Xia Xue allowed the situation to continue, in the end, there would naturally be a final winner after the battle between them was completely over.

But judging from the current situation, the process of their struggle must be very tragic, and the loser will not have any good ending, and will continue to fight because of their own strong feelings.

For them, the failure of an action may not be considered a failure, and the real failure only occurs when they completely lose the qualification to compete.

And that, is death.

Yang Luchan had already conceived a plan to end all of this, and although her chances of success were very small, she still thought of this after all.

The way to end it all once and for all.

And would Wen Ruyu think so?She may not have planned to do anything before this, but it doesn't mean she won't do it.

Who will appear after them?

Even here, Bai Yingying, who was temporarily living in harmony with Yang Luchan, their relationship was not so stable before. Although Bai Yingying could accept sharing with Yang Luchan temporarily, what she could accept now was only "these few days".

The essence of love is possession, but possession and sharing are mutually exclusive.

Can I really make them live in harmony for a long time in the future?

The more Xia Xue thought about it, the more confused she became.

Yang Luchan can be said to be the most difficult woman she has ever met so far, even easier to deal with than Bai Yingying, because she doesn't even need to be coaxed...

However, in terms of the things she identified, she was still the same as everyone else, and there was no possibility of persuading her to come back. Although the danger seemed small, it was only limited to Xia Xue.

But then again, it seems that among the women Xia Xue met, none of them wanted to hurt her subjectively. It seemed that the danger to Xia Xue was very small, but Yang Luchan didn't care about Xia Xue. In terms of desire to control, but she is very aggressive towards other people.

Yang Luchan shouldn't sacrifice herself for herself, so she must find a way to make Wen Ruyu stop.

Xia Xue recognized the essence of their love from Wen Ruyu, so she also understood from Yang Luchan and Bai Yingying that although possession and sharing are mutually exclusive, they can also be compatible through compromise.

Just like she asked Bai Yingying to compromise, she can also try to make a move on Wen Ruyu's side in the future.

Wen Ruyu actually dotes on Xia Xue very much, and will try her best to meet Xia Xue's needs, but she also refuses to give in on the most fundamental issues.

She refused to give up Xia Xue.

But on the other hand, she didn't want to lose Xia Xue.

If ordinary persuasion doesn't work for Wen Ruyu, then try to use more extreme methods to blackmail, what will happen?

Will Wen Ruyu compromise?

But Yang Luchan's side is easier to handle. What she wants to do actually has no conflict with what Xia Xue thinks in her heart. Instead, it can be said to be her most reliable help, and the difference between them is only because Yang Luchan acted too Just extreme.

What Xia Xue objected to was not Yang Luchan's motives, but what she had done.

But if she didn't do this once, maybe Xia Xue wouldn't realize this until now...

The small success of today's experiment may have given Xia Xue confidence, let her understand that she is not as she thought before, that she can do nothing about what is happening now, and she will not let herself do nothing as Yang Luchan said. Don't do it.

The reason for all their disputes is because of herself, and it is precisely because of this that she should do something more.

What is Xia Xue's original intention?

She didn't want them to get into endless fights because of herself, that's all.

And whether she can accept this feeling and give it a response depends on waiting until everything subsides, and then let time give Xia Xue the answer she wants.

The only thing that can respond to love is love, and such a fiery and strong love must be responded with the same level of love. At that time, will Xia Xue be able to make corresponding preparations?

She is the root of all problems, so the only person who can solve the problem must be her.

In this small room, Xia Xue secretly made up her mind.

She must find a solution to the problem.

Chapter 240 Three Jokes

Although Xia Xue was the last one to fall asleep, she was the first to wake up.

Both Yang Luchan and Bai Yingying slept very well, and they didn't move much throughout the night. Even when Xia Xue opened her eyes, what she saw was the same as last night.

The outside light shines on the closed curtains, revealing a dim light, even if the lights are not turned on, everything in the room can already be seen clearly.

It's getting late now.

But not only Bai Yingying, who stayed in bed, but also Yang Luchan, who had reminded her to get up early last night, also closed her eyes tightly, as if she was sleeping soundly.

Forget it for Bai Yingying, she probably didn't get up, but Xia Xue doesn't believe that Yang Luchan, who has the habit of running in the morning, is really still asleep now, she is probably pretending to be asleep.

Although Xia Xue is already awake, she has no way to get up in this situation. Although Yang Luchan's hug is not particularly tight, it is still very difficult for Xia Xue to take a hand out of her arms.

"Yang Luchan, it's time to get up."

Xia Xue, who was squeezed by the two of them and couldn't move, could only speak softly to Yang Luchan, trying to call her up.

But it seemed to have little effect, Yang Luchan's breathing was still steady, and she seemed to be really asleep.

Of course, if she called her louder or struggled hard, she might not be able to pretend anymore, but Xia Xue suddenly had an idea at this time, and she thought of a better way.

So she closed her eyes again, sighed lightly, and calmed down again, as if she was helplessly preparing to regain sleep.

But after a while, Xia Xue's suppressed sweet voice suddenly came from Yang Luchan's ear.

"Yingying, stop, stop, if this is the case, I will..."

What do you want?

Yang Luchan couldn't help opening her eyes, but saw Xia Xue who was looking at her with a smile on her face.

And Bai Yingying behind her is obviously very innocent. Since most of Xia Xue's body is sunken by Yang Luchan's side, the remaining space can only allow her to put her face against Xia Xue's back, but even so, she slept very well. sweet.

"Will you wake up now?"

The smile on Xia Xue's face still didn't fade away, but Yang Luchan, who was watched by her, began to feel a little embarrassed. The shame of being seen through Xiaoxin made her cheeks turn red, and she deliberately avoided Xia Xue's sight.


It's not a problem to be so embarrassed all the time, Yang Luchan had no choice but to give Xia Xue a reply.

She reversed her hand and pulled out the mobile phone that had been charged overnight on the bedside table, turned on the screen and glanced at the time.

"It's 08:30 now, sorry, I overslept."

"It doesn't matter."

Xia Xue seemed to deliberately prolong the ending of these three words, with a hint of teasing, her soft and bright lips opened and closed, which made Yang Luchan feel a little itchy, and unconsciously licked her lips.

Xia Xue herself does not seem to have this kind of subjective awareness. Although she is already aware of the inexplicable attraction emanating from her body, she has not yet fully understood the extent of her attraction to them.

In Yang Luchan's eyes, her behavior already had a strong provocative meaning.

She is weak and seductive, yet so endearing, her bright smiling eyes are circulating, as if they contain affection that makes people want to find out.

Yang Luchan felt her heart beating very hard, and at the same time, her emotions were also ignited. If she wanted to, she could push Xia Xue down on the bed almost effortlessly.

No, you don't even need to push her down, you have already fully embraced her in your arms, so why waste another step?

Just bowing your head and kissing her is enough.

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