Rather than worrying about her safety, it is better to guess when Xia Xue will suffer again because of her stupid behavior.

Turning on the TV in the living room, Xia Xue lay on the sofa and pressed the remote control to play. She was hungry and couldn't concentrate on the program, but the watch hanging above the TV kept attracting Xia Xue's attention.

Ten minutes after Leng Yubing left, Xia Xue heard the sound of the car when she came back again, and before she could reach the gate, the gate had already opened.

"So fast?"

Although it was quite painful to wait while looking at the watch, in fact, the 10-minute round trip was indeed very fast.

"Because I have prepared these things before, and I just walked around outside just now."

Leng Yubing lifted the bag in his hand, avoiding Xia Xue's grasping hand lightly.

"Did I say you could eat it?"

she chuckled softly.

In the past, Leng Yubing only had slight changes in his expression when he smiled, and he never made a sound. He never thought that after Xia Xue mentioned it before, he would still make a sound when he laughed now.

"Are you kidding me on purpose?"

Seeing that she couldn't get it, Xia Xue didn't try to grab it, as long as Leng Yubing didn't allow it, it would be useless even if she got it...

"You can eat, but first..."

Xia Xue seemed to think of something, and immediately sat down in front of her.

"Is it sitting on the ground like this?"

Xia Xue tilted her head and asked Leng Yubing.

Well, isn't this the same as when you were locked in the basement before?

"And then there's the handshake, right? I can do whatever else you want!"

Xia Xue laughed softly.

Anyway, this kind of thing is nothing, if every time I find something to do, I can pass the cold punishment, then Xia Xue just wants to say more.

She still has to find a way to run next time.


Leng Yubing was also a little helpless, but he also called out "handshake" symbolically.

Xia Xue immediately kept sitting on the ground and stretched out her hand towards Leng Yubing.

"And then?"

"And then...the circle."

After a few instructions, both parties seemed to enjoy it, mainly because Xia Xue was so easy to train that Leng Yubing didn't feel any sense of accomplishment.

It's like playing a game in cheating mode, you will get tired of it soon. This kind of domesticated gameplay didn't take long, and Xia Xue finished eating the food prepared in the ice bag.

"Okay, I'm almost full, so, sister Leng, is there anything else you want to play with me? As long as it doesn't hurt me, I can do it~"

Xia Xue looked at Leng Yubing and smiled softly.

Chapter 250 Doubt

Xia Xue said so on her lips, but her eyes were always looking at Leng Yubing's eyes, trying to find an opportunity through her reaction.

Although she is very obedient now, and humans are indeed the easiest to tame among all animals.

But Xia Xue is not as tame as she looks on the outside. If her will is really so weak, she probably has completely collapsed in Jiang Xin's test, and she has not yet developed to the point where she is now.

But Leng Yubing's concentration was just like her appearance, she was not seduced by Xia Xue's intentional teasing, and even her expression did not change after that.


Xia Xue turned around and lay down on the sofa as if she was discouraged.

Anyway, she's full now, and she doesn't have anything to get from Leng Yubing by acting good for the time being, so naturally she doesn't have to please her anymore.

But soon Xia Xue was picked up again, Leng Yubing carried her to the bedroom, Xia Xue wouldn't ask any more questions now, things that she wouldn't do in the bathroom before, but now she went to the bed, naturally I won't do it either.

She is calm, silent and introverted, as if it is a long-standing habit that makes her never express her emotions easily, only when she gets along with Xia Xue, she will relax a little.

But if it was only to this extent, Xia Xue, who was not good at observing words and expressions, would not be able to understand her real thoughts from it.

Leng Yubing said that the doubts in her heart should be answered from Xia Xue, but what is that?

But what can be known now is that all her actions after bringing Xia Xue back are related to her.

The light in the bedroom was not turned on, and when she was about to enter, Leng Yubing also turned off the light in the living room, and the inside became even darker. Finally, when she closed the door behind her in the bedroom, she turned on a little light. Also did not reveal.

The curtains were very thick, and the slight light outside could not penetrate at all. Xia Xue raised her head in Leng Yubing's arms, but there was also darkness in front of her eyes, so she simply closed her eyes.

But even so, Leng Yubing still accurately walked to the bed and put her down.

The soft mattress sank again, and Xia Xue knew that she was also lying on it.

After losing her visual senses, other feelings became clearer. Xia Xue heard Leng Yubing's gentle breathing, felt her slender fingers caressing her abdomen, and smelled the mint-like freshness on her body. The scent is cool even when it gets into the nasal cavity.

"Do you hate me?"

After being cold in the ice for a long time, he asked softly.

Xia Xue remembered that Leng Yubing had asked her this question several times.

What is this confirming?

What kind of answer does she want to get from the so-called mild punishment and resistance teaching along the way, as well as the tough contact with Jiang Xin?

"Do you want to hear me say 'I love you'?"

For Xia Xue's straightforward question, Leng Yubing failed to give an answer for a long time.

"Don't want to do this? Don't you all like this? I don't understand, no, I can understand the reason..."

Xia Xue sighed.

"I just didn't dare to accept this kind of unreasonable love before, just like a different passerby picked up a huge sum of money that I couldn't even imagine before, but in fact, who doesn't want to be loved? ..."

"Although it is an unimaginable huge sum of money, just like your sudden love, I cannot accept it with peace of mind. What kind of price will it bring? Can I manage it? I have no confidence."

"Until I found out that I don't have the right to refuse at all, so what I want now is to let you stop killing each other because of competing for me."

"Is it true that as long as I completely disappear from your eyes, the relationship between you will not be like this?"

"That's not your fault, Xia Xue."

Leng Yubing gently pinched Xia Xue's face.

"As I said, the root of the conflict is within ourselves, the twisted emotions are there, you just let them show."

"It is precisely because of this that we compete with each other and calculate each other regardless of the consequences."

"Isn't it the same in the end to decide the outcome? Now it seems that only Wen Ruyu can be your opponent."

"But I don't understand. What exactly do you want to find from me? Is there any value for you to explore in a person like me?"

It seems that Leng Yubing's feelings for her are not just pure love, the doubts that even she herself has not been able to fully answer, even overwhelmed such wishes, so that not only Leng Yubing herself, but also Xia Xue couldn't even understand her intentions.


Leng Yubing seemed to be nodding in the dark, and Xia Xue could hear the slight sound of rubbing the pillow in her ears.

"I have a hunch that the doubts between us may be answered at the same time."

"Xia Xue, what is it that you really want to seek? Or do you just hate being loved by us?"

"It's not that...I'm trying to accept this kind of feeling too, but the problem is, I can't refuse to accept either side, um... Let me use an analogy, it's like putting two will A violent substance was poured into the same container, and not only am I very fragile as a container, but now even this 'substance' is much better, what do you want me to do?"

"Then what is the result you want?"

asked Leng Yubing.

"Of course I want you to live a peaceful life, but I think it's probably impossible..."

Xia Xue sighed at the thought.

"So now I just want to see if I can save Yang Luchan, at least she won't enter the orange because of me."

"You don't need to save her. Everything Yang Luchan does is out of her own consideration and has nothing to do with your wishes. You never ordered her, just like her feelings for you, so she did All the consequences caused by this should also be borne by herself."

Leng Yubing's reply was somewhat beyond Xia Xue's expectation. She had thought that Leng Yubing would say that it was impossible for her to escape and accomplish that kind of thing...

I didn't expect to just let myself not move that thought.

"Besides, Yang Luchan doesn't need you to save her."


Xia Xue asked.

"Because I know Miss Wen very well."

"Won't she take revenge on Yang Luchan? How is it possible? Yang Luchan held her down that day..."

Xia Xue was really shocked at this moment. She turned over, but unfortunately she couldn't see Leng Yubing's face. In the room, she really couldn't see her fingers.

"What do you think is the reason for their irrelevant fierce conflict?"

"I will."


"You want to say it's because I'm in your hands, right?"

Before Leng Yubing could finish speaking, Xia Xue had already come up with the answer.

"Well, and she is short of someone who can fight me."

The two who killed each other because of competing for Xia Xue can also work together for the same reason.

This is what Leng Yubing expressed.

Chapter 260 Persuasion

But if that's the case, what's the point of Xia Xue trying to go back?

Without her participation, the matter on Yang Luchan's side has been resolved to another extent.

Of course, this kind of "solution" is essentially just a transfer of contradictions, not to mention that Leng Yubing only put forward his own guess. If it is not confirmed, then no matter how confident she is, Xia Xue cannot take it completely seriously.

If this kind of words are just a lie to dispel Xia Xue's intention of resistance, just like Wen Ruyu's model, although it has a certain degree of credibility, it is just a one-sided statement.

"Don't you believe me?"

Leng Yubing seemed to have guessed what Xia Xue was thinking at this time.

"I don't know what to say to you, but if I can find a chance, I still want to prove it myself."

"After the matter about Yang Luchan is over, what are you going to do?"

"It depends on you..."

Xia Xue shrank back.

"But if it's possible, I sincerely hope that you can get along well in the future. If that's the case, I won't hesitate about my choice until now."

Leng Yubing gently touched Xia Xue's head, but did not reply.

This conversation has now come to an end, and Xia Xue gradually fell asleep in the darkness and silence.

Although it wasn't Leng Yubing who confided his heart, at least what she said to Xia Xue was enough to make her sleep well.

Could it be that she really has been watching the changes like this?

Although the conflict was passed on, it was not removed. According to what Leng Yubing said before, she now had to face the joint attack of Yang Luchan and Wen Ruyu.

And after that, even if the winner is decided, the dispute will not stop, not only the few people Xia Xue knows now, but maybe there will be new existences joining the battle in the future.

Is there no other solution other than the disappearance of Xia Xue, who is their target,?

No, there may be a way.

It's just that the vague idea that has arisen in Xia Xue's heart has not been realized until now.

There is one more thing missing.

What Leng Yubing said just now, the different doubts in the hearts of the two of them will be solved at the same time, what does it indicate?

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