Obviously, it was impossible for Bai Yingying to guess in advance that she was coming to take her away, and she couldn't go back to the room to pick it up in such a short time.

Then it is very likely that Xia Xue has looked for her...

Forget it, it doesn't matter what you do.

Everyone is almost here now, but Yang Luchan, who threw away her phone, can't be contacted for the time being. Considering that she will abandon the car halfway to find Xia Xue, she should still be walking to Jiang Xin's house now.

Of course, there was only Jiang Xin, whom she didn't know, there.

At that time, she would naturally ask Jiang Xin for the number she had just now, and there was no need to explain it to Jiang Xin.

Instead, let them get acquainted with themselves first, and it will be more convenient for them to cooperate in the future.

The key to everything lies in Xia Xue in the end. Contrary to what Wen Ruyu did, what she wants is true love. What she really longs for with a strong and stable personality is actually "to be loved".

What really satisfies her is not the love she confided unilaterally, but Xia Xue's response to this love.

So, who lost all bargaining chips with Xia Xue in the end?

Leng Yubing started the vehicle and drove out of Wen Ruyu's mansion.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The vehicle gradually drove into the main road, and in the rearview mirror, you could still see those familiar cars following behind, and of course the same in front.

It feels like a wedding reception team...

Xia Xue thought silently.

Wen Ruyu obviously remembered the way, so she didn't turn on the navigation, but Xia Xue, who was fairly familiar with this place, could also know where she was now. Judging from the current speed, in about a quarter of an hour, she should be on the highway.

Of course, it's not too early at this point, Xia Xue glanced at the phone, it was already five o'clock in the afternoon.

Anyway, when we got to Wen Ruyu's house, it would be late at night, and dinner would definitely be late.

"Xiaoxue, what's the matter? Are you unhappy?"

While waiting at the red light at the intersection, Wen Ruyu spoke suddenly, Xia Xue turned her head and found that she was looking at her.

The concerned and gentle eyes made Xia Xue even more discouraged.


Originally, she treated Wen Ruyu as an imaginary enemy at the level of the final boss, but with such eyes on her, she couldn't bear any embarrassment.

Although Xia Xue is a bit disappointed to be taken away by Wen Ruyu now, if she continues to stay at Jiang Xin's house tonight...

That would be bad too.

But she didn't want the person who came to be sister Wen either!

Ah, speaking of it, if it was her, she probably wouldn't let Xia Xue sleep well that night after a long absence.

Of course, compared to Jiang Xin who accidentally turned over and suppressed Xia Xue, Sister Wen seems to be more passive...

Maybe it's not that dangerous?But sister Wen is different from Miss Jiang Xin. Maybe she hid it deeply before?

Xia Xue shook her head to get rid of the waste in her mind.

Let's think about that kind of thing later.

At this time, the vehicles hadn't driven too far away from Jiang Xin's house, and they seemed to have taken a detour when they left. Of course, it didn't take long for Xia Xue to get in the car.

In fact, Wen Ruyu could have done these things more thoroughly. If she really thought about those people that Xia Xue cared about, she didn't need to be so procrastinated, which would lead to a series of troubles later. They can be excluded.

What made her soft was because she cared too much about Xia Xue's feelings.

For Wen Ruyu herself, she had made too many concessions, so much so that she even chose to give up on completely monopolizing Xia Xue.

Of course, even if it is sharing, she will not make many concessions. The only person Xia Xue really loves is herself, and they, Wen Ruyu can barely regard them as Xia Xue's "playmates", so that she will not So boring.

All of this is no different from the original idea. At first, the "playmate" she thought of was only Bai Yingying, and even if there were a few more in the future, it would not be affected in any way, and the extra people would not be separated. The part of Wen Ruyu's time spent with Xia Xue was shared with Bai Yingying.

And how they will divide the point that I gave up, that kind of thing is no longer important.

Of course, Xia Xue didn't know exactly what Wen Ruyu was thinking, but her attitude towards Jiang Xin and what she said just now made Xia Xue temporarily lose the idea of ​​confronting Wen Ruyu now.

Maybe she won't actually object?

If there is nothing wrong with sister Wen, the rest of the things will be easy to handle.


Not even Yang Luchan.

But having said that, since according to what Leng Yubing said before, if Yang Luchan can cooperate with Sister Wen to find him, he should also settle his suspicions with Sister Wen, right?

At the very least, they can reach an agreement on a certain matter. If this kind of thing can be done, the communication should be much smoother in the future.

But it shouldn't be long before Wen Ruyu will bring him to see her.

"That Sister Wen, when will our wedding be held?"

Xia Xue raised her head again and asked, obviously what she wanted to ask was not just this, it was just to find a topic that could interest Wen Ruyu.

Wen Ruyu smiled, and turned her head to look at Xia Xue, but at this time the green light had already turned on, so she turned her gaze back to the front again.

"If Xiaoxue wants to, she can do it tonight."

Of course, Xia Xue could also tell that this was a joke.

However, Wen Ruyu also seemed to understand Xia Xue's intentions at this moment, and drove away from the convoy, and finally stopped near a park.

Wait, this seems to be the park where Xia Xue and Jiang Xin came together today?

It really is......

But Wen Ruyu obviously didn't intend to get out of the car. She stopped the car specifically to hug Xia Xue from the co-pilot to her side. She had endured this journey for too long. During the few days when Xia Xue left her, The emptiness in her heart had reached an unprecedented extreme, and she could no longer bear it.

Although it wasn't the first time she was hugged and sucked, to be honest Xia Xue was still a little nervous, and she unconsciously clenched Wen Ruyu's skirt.

After a while, Wen Ruyu, who had replenished Xia Xue's energy, moved her nostrils away from Xia Xue's little head, hugged her shoulders and looked at herself.

"Xiaoxue, what do you want to say to my sister?"

Obviously, Wen Ruyu saw through Xia Xue's intentions early on.

"I don't want you to intrigue with each other, or even evolve to the point of killing each other."

Xia Xue also said it very bluntly, Wen Ruyu has already asked this level, and she doesn't need to make any cover-ups.


Wen Ruyu nodded and laughed.

"Xiaoxue is so cute, my sister agrees with your idea."

Speaking of which, how cute is it?Besides, I have been preparing for so long, did you agree so easily?


Xia Xue didn't know what to say for a while, but Wen Ruyu agreed so readily that she felt a little unreal.

"Sister really thinks so?"


Wen Ruyu laughed, and kissed Xia Xue, and Xia Xue also began to respond positively to her at this moment, maybe she wanted to use this method to confirm the authenticity of the things just now, compared to pinching her own thigh, it really is this way more comfortable...

What she said was indeed correct, she agreed with Xia Xue's idea, and lived in harmony with them, and this was indeed something that could be achieved.

But all of this has a basic premise.

That is distribution.

After letting all of them give up the idea of ​​monopoly, the next thing that can cause them disputes is the issue of distribution.

Everyone wants to share more, and Wen Ruyu is no exception.

It's just that she is more entitled to more.

Reluctantly parting her lips, Xia Xue playfully licked Wen Ruyu's lips when she left, preventing the possibility of string drawing.

"If that's the case, why don't we just ask Sister Jiang Xin to come with me?"

Xia Xue's question was a little naive, and perhaps she couldn't think of the reason for being loved by everyone.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Only after our affairs have ended perfectly, will she be eligible to enter."

"Do you mean to call her over when the wedding is held?"

Xia Xue still hadn't fully understood the meaning of Wen Ruyu's words, but when she uttered her question, she had vaguely understood Wen Ruyu's real thoughts.

Xia Xue is the only one who can marry Xia Xue. Although this kind of ceremony has no legal meaning here, it is actually equivalent to declaring sovereignty to them.

And how could this behavior make them agree?

Jiang Xin and Bai Yingying may have to choose to compromise because of lack of ability, but Leng Yubing and Yang Luchan don't think so. Even if Leng Yubing supports her, she will no longer obey Wen Ruyu's orders. The decisions she is led to make under control are equally unlikely to make her obey.

Leng Yubing alone would be like this, let alone Yang Luchan, unless Xia Xue told her to leave directly, but she might not listen, let alone Xia Xue didn't want to do it.

This approach still cannot resolve the dispute in the end. As long as their respective wishes conflict with each other, it is doomed to be difficult to conclude satisfactorily.

"Sister Wen, can you Can you listen to me about this kind of thing once? "

After a little hesitation, Xia Xue opened her mouth to Wen Ruyu. The park where the car was parked happened to be relatively secluded, so it was a good place to chat.

Wen Ruyu smiled and touched Xia Xue's head, looking into her eyes.

She has changed a lot from before, at least before, Xia Xue would not do this in front of her.

But this is better, Xia Xue who is more assertive is what she really wants. She is just being guided, and the compromise she made out of helplessness is not stable. As long as the conditions as a threat disappear, then this compromise will also change. for empty talk.

And if Xia Xue really loves herself based on her own thoughts...

"Okay, what does Xiaoxue want to say to sister?"

Wen Ruyu asked Xia Xue, she was thinking about how much concessions she could give Xia Xue because of this, love is selfish, but Xia Xue who is simply loved may know this, but under the pressure of multiple loves Now, she can no longer make a choice.

Therefore, only Wen Ruyu can make the choice.

But she can't give up too much.

Wen Ruyu can compromise with Xia Xue on other matters, but not this one.

"I want to know what you will do and how you will treat them when I go back with you."

Xia Xue's question was exactly the same as what Wen Ruyu was thinking in her mind, and the answer in her mind was already thought of from the very beginning.

"When you want to see them, I can let them come over temporarily as a guest, but only when you want to see them, and they are not allowed to contact you at any other time."

The conditions seem to be very loose, and according to what Wen Ruyu said, in theory, as long as Xia Xue thinks...

It seems that bugs can be stuck all the time and let them come all the time?

But if Wen Ruyu thought so from the beginning, then why bother to put so much thought into it?

I'm afraid the problem lies in Xia Xue's "thinking".

If Wen Ruyu and Xia Xue get along long enough, then even if she doesn't deliberately guide Xia Xue's thoughts, Xia Xue will feel guilty because of Wen Ruyu's concession and gradually reduce the time to meet them.

Now Xia Xue is a little embarrassed. In fact, she said that she wanted them to come together, but in fact, what she said is no different from wanting to open the harem. Wen Ruyu's ability to make such a concession is already the limit.

Even if Xia Xue agreed at this time, would Yang Luchan and Leng Yubing agree then?

Probably impossible, the dispute has not changed in fact, Wen Ruyu made a compromise with Xia Xue, not them.

It's just that Wen Ruyu can deal with them mercilessly in front of Xia Xue at that time.

After all, he had already made such a concession, and Xia Xue had already agreed.

If they are not happy.

It's just a simple ignorance of good and bad.

Even though she was vaguely aware of this in her heart, Xia Xue at this time had no possibility of rejecting Wen Ruyu.

Because this is already the biggest concession Wen Ruyu can make under this situation.

If she wants to change her mind, it can only be that Leng Yubing and the others add another bargaining chip. At this time, Xia Xue is already by Wen Ruyu's side. Come up with the conditions that make Wen Ruyu change his mind.

"Then... well, thank you sister."

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