According to the time we spend together?

"Then, can I go to your place once a week in the future? One day per person, and two days on weekends, I can rest..."


Yang Luchan shook his head directly.

"Indeed, we spend too little time together. I can only see you once a week."

It is rare that Wen Ruyu has the same opinion as her.

"I hope you can use me every day, I am not very entangled in monopoly."

Being cold in the ice is nice to talk about, but it is actually a negative vote.

Bai Yingying and Jiang Xin belong to the silent side, they seem to feel that they are not qualified to make suggestions...

"Then let's go together..."

"I agree."

Wen Ruyu laughed.


Yang Luchan tilted her head, she seemed to feel that something was wrong, Wen Ruyu's way of speaking always felt like she was waiting for Xia Xue to say something like this.

But she doesn't care, it's good to be with Xia Xue every day, at least I can protect her from being bullied.

"Living together, right, Xiaoxue?"

Wen Ruyu asked again.

"Huh? Hmm..."

In this way, there should be no problem.

"But when the time comes, you can't bully the weak side. The premise is that you have to get along with each other in harmony."

Xia Xue added with some worry.

"Hmph, it's okay, I'll help you supervise them when the time comes!"

Yang Luchan smiled confidently.

Leng Yubing unconsciously let out a "tsk", as if he was a little displeased, but when he saw Xia Xue looking over, he still smiled at her and nodded.

Although she didn't speak, Xia Xue also knew that she would help her when the time came.

"So...that's it?"

Things went so smoothly that it was unbelievable that Xia Xue felt unreal.

In the end, Wen Ruyu drew up a relatively simple contract in a serious manner and asked everyone to sign it.

Although it has no legal effect, it can be regarded as a proof.

Like a non-aggression pact with Poland...

Although the metaphor seems a bit strange, but there is a "mutual non-aggression", the meaning is not bad!

Although the relationship between everyone is not harmonious yet, as long as they don't maintain a hostile attitude, it will definitely get better after getting along for a long time, right?

The atmosphere was a little more relaxed now, and Bai Yingying finally stood up from the sofa and threw herself directly on Xia Xue.

On the other hand, Jiang Xin took the initiative to go to the kitchen, saying that she was preparing today's dinner, which made Xia Xue a little happy.

From morning till now, she only ate a little fruit just now, and now she is very hungry.

And the scene where everyone sat together and had dinner in harmony made her look forward to it.

But there is one thing that makes Xia Xue uncomfortable, that is, she can't go anywhere now, surrounded by people from left to right, and guarded everywhere, so she can only continue to lie on the sofa and watch TV.

For the time being, I decided to live here. After all, this place is big enough to accommodate so many people, and there is no need to rent another place outside. Although Yang Luchan was a little unhappy, he still planned to compromise in the end.

After all, no one else has an opinion.

Wen Ruyu, who has the most right to speak on the surface, is sitting on the other side of the sofa. Instead of coming to Xia Xue's side, he is chatting with Leng Yubing, looking at Xia Xue from time to time, which makes her scalp tingle.

Obviously, the relationship between Leng Yubing and Wen Ruyu is not bad even now. After the reconciliation about Xia Xue, their perennial tacit understanding is also reflected at this moment. Although the content of the chat has not been deliberately concealed, but The riddle was so difficult that only the two of them could understand it, which made Xia Xue give up trying to figure out Wen Ruyu's intention.

On the left and right of Xia Xue are Yang Luchan and Bai Yingying. They are a rare group that has never had any conflicts from the beginning, and has even cooperated for a long time. After there are no threats from other factors, now The atmosphere is good, but Bai Yingying and Xia Xue can chat better, and Yang Luchan on the other side is a little bit stuck.

She hadn't had much experience with the Two-dimensional type, and Xia Xuebai Yingying, the two "animation masters", obviously had different experiences with the usual things, but she was still listening very seriously.

Could it be that this is the life she Xia Xue wants?

The long-lost sense of security made Xia Xue's face involuntarily burst into a bright smile. Although the content of the chat was not funny, she couldn't help laughing out loud, which made Bai Yingying on the side a little confused, and Yang Luchan who was listening Even more confused.

Of course, in fact, she didn't want to choose "all of them", but she didn't have the ability to refuse, and she couldn't bear to let anyone among them leave the stage completely.

So it's the only way to do it.

On the way, Wen Ruyu left for a while, as if he was going to buy something, and Leng Yubing went to help in the kitchen.

And without the pressure brought by the two of them, Bai Yingying's side has also become much more lively, and she will nestle in Xia Xue's arms and act like a baby when the conversation gets excited.

Before he knew it, it was already dinner time. He was obviously talking on an empty stomach before, but Xia Xue didn't feel that his life was suffering at all.

Afterwards, Jiang Xin and Leng Yubing served a sumptuous dinner, and the overflowing aroma made Xia Xue swallow unconsciously, but it seemed that Wen Ruyu hadn't come back yet.

Xia Xue remembered that she seemed to be talking about going out to buy some things before, but she didn't ask what she bought specifically. Although this place is a bit far from the city center, it shouldn't take so long to talk, right?

And some of the daily necessities here are delivered regularly, but in this case, what exactly did she buy?

Or are you sulking and looking for an excuse to be alone for a while?No, she's not that kind of person, if Wen Ruyu was really angry, she wouldn't do that.

Xia Xue didn't think much about that kind of thing, but at least she had to call her over for dinner now.

And when Xia Xue just picked up her phone to make a call, Leng Yubing on the side spoke to her.

"Miss Wen said she would be back soon."

"All right......"

It seemed that Leng Yubing had thought of this a long time ago and had done things well in advance.

It didn't take long for Wen Ruyu to arrive at the scene, but he didn't say what he bought or brought anything in his hand, which made Xia Xue feel a little strange.

Could it be that it was put on the car and not taken off...

In the end, the six people got together to have dinner, but there was no competition for the distribution of seats. They all sat in the seats that had been allocated before. Xia Xue was surrounded by Leng Yubing and Yang Luchan, and on the farther sides were Bai Yingying and Yang Luchan. Jiang Xin, and the one opposite Xia Xue was Wen Ruyu.

I always feel like eating together as a big family, but they are very silent during the meal. It may be the first time I sit together. Another thing is that there are too many dishes in Xia Xue’s bowl, which makes her a little depressed. The feeling of eating with children and their parents...

"Xiaoxue, eat more and supplement your nutrition."


The dishes on the table are all the ones she likes, which is okay, Xia Xue can only eat them all honestly, Jiang Xin on the other side looks a little envious, but she is a little far away from Xia Xue's position, there is no When Fa Jiacai came over, it was usually Yang Luchan who brought her food.

"Jiang Xin, get up early tomorrow, prepare more drinks for Xiaoxue, and give her more nutrition."

Wen Ruyu also spoke now, emphasizing the word "nutrition" again just like Yang Luchan.

To be honest, Xia Xue feels that her nutrition is already very substantial, but there is no need for this at all.

Fortunately, she also has a unique nutritional adjustment function, so the problem is not too big.

After the meal, Xia Xue proposed that she wanted to sleep alone. Unexpectedly, Wen Ruyu didn't have any objection, just nodded with a smile.

There are also quite a few guest rooms here, which are usually kept clean and can be occupied at any time. Naturally, Xia Xue lives in the original room, which is next to Wen Ruyu's, which is the remaining guest room on the first floor. Yang Luchan had a dispute, but in the end, because of Xia Xue and Wen Ruyu's preference, Leng Yubing stayed on the first floor, while the other three stayed in the guest room on the second floor.

The night was unexpectedly quiet, and everyone didn't know why, but they all went to bed very early in a tacit understanding, and no one was tired of Xia Xue's side, which made her feel even more uneasy.

And many things today are very strange, why?

Even tonight, they were able to sleep well, and their request to sleep alone in the future would be accepted by them all, which Xia Xue never expected.

Originally, she also felt that she was going to suffer badly tonight, so she tentatively raised her...

Is it tomorrow?Shouldn't it?At that time, everyone will be together and see if we can delay it for a while. It stands to reason that Xia Xue should only go to them when she has a heart, right?Only in this way, they will not fight!

And if everyone had to do it for so long like Wen Ruyu, wouldn't Xia Xue have no time to sleep if they came one by one?

Indeed, since they are all under the same roof, they can also supervise each other, so it stands to reason that there should be no problem, as long as they can take the lead, it will be fine.

Although she was still a little uneasy, Xia Xue could only comfort herself in this way so that she could sleep well.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

I had no dreams all night, but when Xia Xue opened her eyes, the sky was already bright, and she was full of energy now, it was time to face a new day!

Thinking about what happened yesterday is really like a dream.

It's just that I seem to be wearing the same maid outfit, do I need to change to another style then?

Just as Xia Xue was thinking this way, the door in her room had already been opened.


She remembered that she locked it up last night to prevent being attacked at night.

But it was too late to think about it now, a bad premonition suddenly rose from the bottom of her heart, making Xia Xue's body tense suddenly.

"Xiaoxue, good morning, how did you rest last night?"

Wen Ruyu who was standing at the door said with a smile, as she slowly approached, Leng Yubing and the others entered the room one by one, including Bai Yingying and the others.

"Ah, good morning...good morning, who are you?"

Xia Xue sat on the edge of the bed and didn't even have time to put on her shoes. Now it seems that there is nowhere to go because the door is blocked, and it is not good to go back to bed again. I don't know what to do.

"Of course Xiaoxue is preparing to accept her new life. Are you ready?"

"Sure, what are you going to do?"

Xia Xue subconsciously turned her head to avoid Wen Ruyu's sight, she already knew what they were going to do to her later.

It's over, it's over, it's over!They actually colluded!Wen Ruyu must have done all of this!

Sister Wen, you are really despicable now!

"Of course it is for your own choice, to be prepared to bear everything."

The smile on Wen Ruyu's face could not stop.

Hmph, look at me being autistic!

Xia Xue pretended to bend down to put on her little leather shoes, but in fact she threw her head on the ground, the target: under the bed!

Although they knocked their heads, it seemed that they also caught Wen Ruyu and the others by surprise. Taking advantage of this gap, they successfully rolled and crawled under the bed.

"You, you, you, don't mess around! I warn you! Otherwise, I can really call the police and say that you want domestic violence!"

While stammering threats, Xia Xue frantically touched the phone on her body, but found nothing.

It's over, the phone is still next to the pillow, she forgot to take it down!

On the contrary, Xia Xue's threat amused Yang Luchan who was on the side. She knelt down beside the bed and smiled while poking her head over.

"It's okay, Xiaoxue. We had a meeting last night. We thought that since Xiaoxue hasn't experienced the feeling of fingers, it's okay for everyone to share your first time. Don't worry, you can treat me like that when the time comes?"

"It's okay, Xiaoxue, it will only hurt at first."

Jiang Xin on the side apparently also came to persuade.

"Leng Leng Leng... Sister Leng!"

Xia Xue shrank back, trying to lean in as much as possible, while calling for Leng Yubing to come over.


"Xia Xue, you will have such a day sooner or later. I let you escape now, but it is just delaying the day. And I think you, as the person who allows us to compromise with each other, should take corresponding responsibilities."

"Woooooo, is it really just this time?"


Leng Yubing gave a very affirmative answer, which completely shattered Xia Xue's little courage that had been brought up with great difficulty.

"Why does Xiaoxue think that once is enough? The days to come will be long. Could it be that the decision you made at that time was just with this level of belief?"

It's Wen Ruyu's aggressive method, but Xia Xue won't be fooled.

"Yingying, help! Help me call the police, if it's impossible, just throw your phone over!"

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