"You might as well sleep on the bed today. I sleep late, and it's the same when I lie on the sofa later."

Bai Yingying pretended not to care and said, but for some reason, her heart was pounding.

Chapter 43 Apologizing in the Brain

"Okay, then I'll go to bed first."

Xia Xue didn't shirk it either, she was too sleepy to think, besides, for the two of them, the difference between a bed and a sofa is really not that big, it doesn't matter who sleeps, she walked into the bedroom with her slippers on, turned off the light, and fell on the bed. Fell asleep in bed.

Forget about taking a bath before going to bed, she has taken enough baths today.

Soon Xia Xue sank into a beautiful dreamland where she was not tortured and oppressed by sickness.

Seeing that the movement in her room gradually weakened, Bai Yingying withdrew her gaze and focused on her phone again, but it was difficult to concentrate her mind.

"Okay, okay, you can draw whatever you want, I understand, I understand, you are right."

After a few perfunctory words to Party A who made a few demands, she no longer wanted to waste time with the opposite party, so she turned off the phone screen and focused her eyes on the open door again.

The turned off night lights in the room made the doorway a bit dark, but unexpectedly, she was not as afraid of the dark as usual, but wanted to walk into the darkness more and more.

Oh, what time is it now?Why just sleep.

Too weak, Comrade Xiaoxue, you are really too weak!

Bai Yingying turned on her phone again, and glanced at the time. It was exactly nine o'clock, which was still very early. After playing for a while, she could start drawing.

Then eat a midnight snack and go to bed, as usual.

But now she was not in that mood, as if she was subconsciously attracted by something, and wanted to go to her room to see Xia Xue's appearance.

But I didn't have a reason to go there. Didn't I just tell her that I would sleep on the sofa today, so I can't regret waking her up in the past.

Although she is easy to get along with and cute, and I have known him on the Internet for several years, but I have only met him in less than a day today, so I shouldn't be so intimate now, or I will definitely cause trouble. People's resentment, that's not good.

Isn't Jiang Xin like this, only thinking about whether she likes the other party, but not whether the other party is willing to accept it, this kind of thinking of disrespecting the person she loves is a big mistake!

She had known for a long time that Jiang Xin, that is, (Young Yuan) would go down the road of crime, but she didn't expect it to be so soon.

But she didn't know what Jiang Xin looked like. She only knew that Xia Xue was afraid of her, but unfortunately she could only hide here. Bai Yingying, who was of the same build as Xia Xue, couldn't protect her well.

Speaking of which, the Magnet player is quite pitiful, but just happened to encounter this kind of thing, and he couldn't even go home, so he was forced to go to a completely strange city to hide.

Speaking of which, I have never heard her talk about her family.

If this kind of thing happened to me, I would definitely give priority to escaping back to my hometown, but maybe she had some unspeakable secrets, and she just happened to take advantage of me... No, it just happened to be a coincidence that she chose me.

In this case, you must take good care of her in the future.

Bai Yingying made up her mind.

By the way, she is so sleepy, did she cover herself well?Well, the weather doesn't need a quilt for the time being, so she must not have turned on the air conditioner, right?

Wouldn't it be nice to have the air conditioner under the quilt, so that you can have a good night's sleep comfortably.

Bai Yingying suddenly felt that she had figured something out, so she quickly jumped off the sofa she was nestling in, stepped on her slippers, and quietly walked into her room, which was Xia Xue's place.

Looking up, you can see a small figure lying quietly on the bed, and now you can only hear the sound of even breathing. Bai Yingying did not turn on the light, but relied on the faint light of the mobile phone screen, found the remote control, and beeped Turn on the air conditioner.

Now it's time to cover the quilt...

It's obviously my own room, why is it still like a thief.

Bai Yingying couldn't help complaining about herself.

Now she didn't dare to shine the light of her mobile phone directly on Xia Xue, for fear of waking her up. Relying on the dim light coming through the door, she groped on the bed, lifted a corner of the quilt, and gently Cover Xia Xue's belly.

In this hazy and dark room, she stared at Xia Xue's sleeping face for a long time, then stretched out her hand and hesitated in mid-air for a while, finally mustered up the courage, and lightly poked Xia Xue's soft face.

It's really soft and tender. Unlike herself who often stays up late, Xia Xue's skin is as delicate as satin. Even the vague feeling from the light touch of her fingers makes her heart skip a beat.

So she couldn't help but touch it lightly again, and it still felt too good.

Moreover, the stimulation brought by the fear of being discovered, coupled with the "reward" brought about by his own behavior, has gradually become a psychological pleasure.

Or, touch it again?Just a moment, and then I hurried back to draw the manuscript. Today, I must be full of inspiration, and Sabie Party A must not be able to fault it.

Bai Yingying's hand rested on Xia Xue's small face to caress, then slid down gently, and finally rested on the softer lips.

I really want to touch it, why don't I try it, what will it feel like?Just touch it, just touch it once, and let go immediately!

Bai Yingying first withdrew her hand and touched her lips. Although it was very soft, she didn't feel the heartbeat. Instead, the desire to compare with Xia Xue's lips became stronger and stronger.

Will it be the same?And this look, does it count...that, an indirect kiss?

If Xia Xue wakes up now, she must be finished. She just escaped from Jiang Xin, and now she has just settled down to sleep, and she will do this kind of thing to her immediately. If she is found out, she will definitely Be hated by her.

But, but...

Feeling the heart beating faster and faster, while praying that Xia Xue would not wake up, before he could hesitate, his hand seemed to be attracted and continued to touch her lips.

It was a tempting trap, and even though she already knew the danger, she couldn't help but want to try it.

Finally, her finger lightly brushed Xia Xue's lips, but before she could feel the touch, her index finger was gently held by Xia Xue.


Bai Yingying was so frightened that she lost her voice, her heart beat so suddenly that she almost lost her hearing temporarily, she subconsciously covered her mouth to prevent herself from making a sound.

sorry Sorry sorry!

I really didn't mean to, that, I'm, actually, really sorry...

Of course, Bai Yingying, who was covering her mouth tightly, would definitely not be able to say these words. Already paralyzed by fright, she could only apologize in her head at the speed of light while she closed her eyes and pretended to be an ostrich.

Strangely, after a long time, all she heard was the beating of her own heart, and Xia Xue still sucked her fingers, and there was no other movement.

Chapter 44 Patience

Bai Yingying secretly opened one eye, and found that Xia Xue was sleeping soundly, holding her finger or something, probably just an unconscious movement...

Finally, she breathed a sigh of relief, but now she found that somewhere in herself seemed a little wet.

That's right, I drank a lot of drinks and didn't go to the toilet all the time, plus I was scared by this, leaking...a little bit, it should be considered normal, right?

It's embarrassing, to be honest, really embarrassing.

She swore she would never dare to do this again.

Well, next time, come back after going to the toilet.

Not being fully prepared is no good.

After what happened now, Bai Yingying felt full of inspiration in her mind, so she won't draw the manuscript she received today, let's draw a short book instead.

Compared to drawing other people's needs, Bai Yingying still prefers to create stories by herself, after all, she still has a dream of being a cartoonist.

Although she draws a scarlet letter book, can't the scarlet letter book be called a manga?The air is shaking and cold.

Let's leave here for now, although being sucked by a finger is surprisingly comfortable, Xia Xue's tongue seems to be made of wet and slippery glutinous rice balls, delicate and soft, but as flexible as a snake letter, obviously just being licked by a finger , but it can also make her heart rippling along with it.

Bai Yingying withdrew her finger lightly, but halfway through, Xia Xue unconsciously bit her teeth, as if she was reluctant to leave her.

The bite was very light, so it only made Bai Yingying pause for a while. Now, it's okay to continue to pull out the remaining piece, but it was just this moment of her hesitation that Xia Xue's hand was entangled.


Looking at her wrist being hugged, Bai Yingying felt a chill in her heart.

She tried to continue pulling, and finally pulled out the finger that Xia Xue was subconsciously holding, but this time her wrist was entangled, what should I do?

If you pull it too lightly, you won't be able to get off your body. If you pull it too hard, it will definitely wake Xia Xue up. How can she explain this situation?

She obviously talked about sleeping on the other side, but now she ran over at night to attack Xia Xue who hadn't known him for a day?

I'm sorry, I don't want to be like this, don't hate me.

Trying to break free again but failing, Bai Yingying fell asleep, and now she is so anxious that she is about to cry.

But crying now is useless, crying will only wake Xia Xue up and make things worse.

Think of a way, Bai Yingying!

Please, another me!

But there is no other ancient soul in her body as her partner to solve this difficult problem for her, she has exhausted all kinds of stalks, and she can't think of any good way to get out, so she can only lie on the bed together, and Xia Xing Snow face to face.

Otherwise, just sleep for a while like this, maybe she will turn over later or something, and she will let go of her hand naturally?

That's right, since she can catch me unconsciously, why can't she let me go unconsciously?

Bai Yingying, found a blind spot!

So she settled down and prepared to sleep with Xia Xue.

Speaking of which, Xiaoxue's sleeping face is so cute...

And that grating little mouth, no good, now you must not be fooled again!

Bai Yingying patted her face with her free hand, forced herself to close her eyes, and waited patiently.

She would definitely not be able to fall asleep at this point, but for some reason, after being hugged by Xia Xue today, she quickly fell asleep.

Um?Why are you holding?Since she can wrap her arms around her, why can't she turn over and hug herself like a pillow?

And when Bai Yingying, who was lying on the side and closed her eyes, realized that Xia Xue turned over and came over to hug her, it was already too late, and she had no time to get away.

Well, that's not bad, because I can't break free anyway, and Xia Xue's body is fragrant and soft, comfortable and warm. Obviously, blowing on the air conditioner while covering the quilt is obviously not as comfortable as blowing on the air conditioner after being hugged by a cute loli.

But don't be so anxious about getting away. After all, as mentioned above, since Xia Xue likes to move around so much when she sleeps, she will let go of herself sooner or later and turn over to the other side. I'm a bit reluctant.

But it didn't take long for Bai Yingying to feel uncomfortable.

She was suffocated awake.

It is true that she has drank so much happy water before, and after the body has fully enjoyed the happiness, the remnants of these happiness will eventually be excreted from the body.

And since then, she has been kept from going to the toilet, and she finally tasted the feeling of being backlashed by "happiness".

Please, please let me go...

I really can't hold back anymore.

Ah, no, just now when I relaxed my mind, I accidentally leaked a little more.

Bai Yingying clamped her legs tightly. She continued to wait for a long time after being suffocated, but now she couldn't bear it any longer. Even if she moved a little, the embankment might burst.

It may be too hard to get off now, even if Xia Xue let her go at this time, how can she hold back when she gets up?

"Xia Xue, Xia Xue?"

It doesn't matter if he is discovered now, if he gets out in this place, his life must be over.

Bai Yingying softly called Xia Xue's name with a bitter face, but Xia Xue, who was deeply asleep, would not be able to get up just because of this level of voice. Instead, she crossed her legs and wrapped her waist, She was completely treated like a pillow by Xia Xue.

I really can't help it...

The pressure on her stomach increased due to Xia Xue's movements. She almost clenched her teeth tightly and exhausted her last strength to barely keep her dignity.

"Well, delicious pudding."

Xia Xue started talking in her sleep, but Bai Yingying didn't want to listen any more. She had already been boiled to death with a frog in warm water.

And Xia Xue's little head had already been attached to her ear at some point, and she gently licked her sensitive earlobe.

She couldn't hold back the numb feeling in her head anymore, feeling the uncontrollable heat gradually spreading in her thighs, and what she had endured for a long time was released at the last moment, which gave her a weird feeling Pleasure, of course, the extremely strong sense of shame coupled with Xia Xue's constant teasing in her ear until her brain was numb, broke a certain string in her head that had been stretched to the limit.

Breathing unconsciously became uncontrollable, the lower abdomen contracted uncontrollably, and the brain was also difficult to think. Because she was too ashamed, tears fell uncontrollably, and the feeling of dryness and heat had swept through her whole body. Presumably her face had become It's red.

I actually, under such circumstances, climbed to a certain peak.

And Xia Xue's movement of biting her earlobe seemed to be caressing after the aftertaste, the tip of her tongue was numb, and Bai Yingying stuck out a piece of her tongue, feeling that the air she spit out also became hot.

She turned her face away, trying to get closer to Xia Xue, and now she was unable to think about the consequences of what she had done.

Chapter 45 Apply for Matching

Have you ever heard of an ancient punishment, dripping water?

It is to fix the prisoner in one place, and then slowly drip water on his head, so that he cannot fall asleep, and is used to torture his spirit.

Although this punishment is painless, it is still terrifying.

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