Speaking of which, there was something wrong with the knock on the door, it seemed a little too far away.

It stands to reason that he was nestled in the living room playing with his mobile phone, and the knock on the door should be relatively clear.

And Bai Yingying's shout was relatively far away.

Regardless of this, since Bai Yingying had already knocked on the door outside, she naturally wanted to go out.

You can't ignore her just because of such a small matter.

Xia Xue put down her phone, stepped on her indoor slippers, and walked lazily towards the door.

But when she just put her hand on the doorknob, she suddenly heard Bai Yingying's shout outside the door.

"Run! Idiot, run!"

The voice came from just outside the door, so close at hand, the tone was urgent and flustered, Xia Xue was so startled that she almost lost her grip on the phone.

She immediately went to the door, tiptoed to look outside the cat's eye.

Bai Yingying didn't call for help, but told her to run, what happened?

But there was no one outside the door. It was obvious that Bai Yingying had shouted at the door just now, but she couldn't see anything.

But she shouted so eagerly, she must be in danger, and she must go to save her!

The cat's eye can see a limited angle of view, but at least the position of the sound just now can still be seen. Isn't this too strange?

This suddenly terrifying atmosphere made Xia Xue nervous, and she really started to get scared.

Her body was already trembling a little, and she could feel that her teeth were constantly fighting.

Bai Yingying's near-exhaustion cry just now was definitely not a joke!She had never heard Bai Yingying speak in such a tone, it was like shouting to use all her strength.

She could have, had...

But all of this is just guesswork. Where is Bai Yingying now?Why did her voice suddenly disappear?

Do you want to open the door and have a look?

But what if someone is ambushing in the blind corner of the cat's eye as soon as you open the door?A body like my own is useless, as long as a normal person can easily beat her.

Once she was caught outside, Bai Yingying's cry just now would be useless.

With her back against the door, Xia Xue sat down weakly.

"Or, call the police first, and then go out and have a look."

Although there was silence outside the door, Xia Xue did not dare to open the door because of Bai Yingying's words just now.

My hands were shaking a little, but I was able to press the number.

"Crack - click."

There was a sound of the lock from the keyhole behind the door, and the key was already inserted!

who is it?

Xia Xue hurriedly stood up, the keyhole turned, and the door was already pushed open.

"Xiaoxue, sister is here to pick you up."

Jiang Xin let out a breath, looked at Xia Xue who was frozen in front of her, and showed a satisfied smile.

The slightly red knife in her hand was so conspicuous that Xia Xue ignored other things for a moment.

Xia Xue staggered back two steps, her legs were so weak that she tripped over her slippers.

"Xiaoxue, are you not injured?"

Jiang Xin was unexpectedly worried about Xia Xue, and seemed to want to come over and help her up, but she was so frightened that Xia Xue crawled back again and again, so she had to give up.

"Does Xiaoxue want to get up by herself?"

Xia Xue hesitated for a while, then got up again, looked at Jiang Xin who was looking at her tenderly, and gritted her teeth reluctantly and asked.

"Where's Bai Yingying?"

"Do you care about her that much?"

Jiang Xin obviously didn't intend to answer this question. Instead, she was entangled in who Xia Xue cared about. Xia Xue knew that she could no longer communicate.

It seemed that Bai Yingying's faint cough could be heard outside the door.

Looking at the blood-stained knife in Bai Yingying's hand, Xia Xue mustered up her courage and approached Jiang Xin slowly. She dodged for the last time to avoid Jiang Xin's embrace, and walked past her to the door.

And Jiang Xin didn't keep her, but let Xia Xue go.

The place where Bai Yingying fell was not far away, and she could be seen a little further away from the door. Of course, this location was indeed a blind spot in the door.

After Bai Yingying heard the sound of approaching footsteps, she raised her head and looked up, only to find that the person approaching was Xia Xue. Instead, her eyes became anxious, her lips moved, but she was unable to speak.

Xia Xue squatted in front of her, checking her injuries.

There were obvious red marks on Bai Yingying's neck, which seemed to be pinched, and she still hasn't recovered from it.

On the arm, there was a shallow and long cut, which was bleeding slowly after cutting through the clothes and skin.

Xia Xue frowned, Bai Yingying's tragic situation made her feel a sudden pain in her heart.

But before she could do anything more, she was hugged from behind.

The soft touch wraps him tightly, and from the corner of his eyes, he can still see the shining light of the knife in Jiang Xin's hand. While being filled with her body fragrance, the faint smell of blood is also lingering. don't go.

"I didn't intend to hurt her. After all, she's not a big threat, so I don't have to do it."

Jiang Xin kissed Xia Xue's face and said affectionately.

"I've already told her beforehand, don't play tricks to force me to do it, but unfortunately, she is not willing to cooperate with me, and that's why things turned out like this. It's her own fault."

Xia Xue wanted to gently hold Bai Yingying's hand, but Jiang Xin hugged her and took a few steps back, and this idea fell through.

"Please, let her go, I, I will listen to you, I will go with you, as long as you let her go..."

Xia Xue begged. "Really? Xiaoxue is willing to go with me only if she is let go. Is she that important to you?" "I..."

Xia Xue didn't know how to reply.

But Jiang Xin seemed to just feel jealous.

"Xiaoxue, didn't I just say that I didn't intend to attack Bai Yingying, but she tried every means to prevent me from coming to see you, so I will punish her. Now that I have achieved my goal, and Why do anything more to her? Right?"


Xia Xue could only nod her head, looking at Bai Yingying who was still coughing slowly, now she just wanted to get out of here with Jiang Xin quickly.

At least in this way, no matter how much Jiang Xin fell ill, it would not affect Bai Yingying again.

The knife in her hand still exerted great pressure on Xia Xue, she could easily give Bai Yingying to...

Alas, if I knew this, I probably shouldn't have come here.

On the contrary, it hurts others.

Not only is he incompetent, but he also drags people into the water because of it?

"Xiaoxue, I really miss you during the time I can't see you."

Jiang Xin hugged Xia Xue in front of her, and met her eyes. Xia Xue's eyes dodged, but she still didn't dare to turn her head away, for fear of making her angry again.

Chapter 63 Taking the Knife

Jiang Xin kissed Xia Xue's face, smelling the unique and alluring fragrance on her body, after a while, she raised her head and said dissatisfiedly: "Xiao Xue's body seems to have some miscellaneous smell... .”

Xia Xue's heart tightened suddenly, the miscellaneous smell Jiang Xin mentioned obviously meant Bai Yingying's smell.

"No, me, Bai Yingying and I are just, just ordinary friends, that has nothing to do with her, it's just that I have a lot of contact with her. I, I like sister Jiang Xin..."

Xia Xue expected that something would happen if this went on, so she hurriedly said.

"Well, I'm sorry, I, I will go with you, I will live with you, I will not run away again, and when Sister Si Wan asks me in the future, I will also say that I am willing..."

"Let's go back like this? Okay? Sister Jiang Xin?"

"Bai Yingying is just your ordinary friend. I thought...hehe, it seems I misunderstood."

Jiang Xin squinted at Bai Yingying who was lying on the ground looking at her side with a bitter face, and couldn't help laughing.

"Xiaoxue, friends can hug each other, and if they sleep together, what should lovers do?"


Xia Xue panicked for a moment, not knowing what to answer.

"Things that only lovers can do..."

"Well, it's something other than hugging and holding hands together."

Jiang Xin put her face close, teaching Xia Xue earnestly and kindly.

"Things that cannot be done between friends and girlfriends."

Her meaning was already obvious, even Xia Xue knew what to do.

And Bai Yingying was still watching.

Perhaps, she did this just to let Bai Yingying see it.

This can be regarded as a kind of revenge. She saw Bai Yingying holding Xia Xue's hand affectionately in front of her eyes yesterday, so now, she will pay back twice as much.

"Xiaoxue is very smart, she must be able to understand what I mean, right?"

Jiang Xin urged softly.


Xia Xue didn't have that ambiguous feeling in her heart, she was more just afraid.

Jiang Xin was obviously waiting, she wanted Xia Xue to take the initiative to kiss her, which would cause more harm to Bai Yingying.

Naturally, Xia Xue wouldn't dare to worry about the first kiss at such a time. She just hesitated for a moment, then closed her eyes, and kissed her lightly.

The touch brought by the soft lips after closing the eyes is particularly clear, and there is also a warm feeling. If it is not in this case, it must be a good memory.

After Xia Xue finished kissing, she was ready to separate, but Jiang Xin was obviously not satisfied with this, she stretched out a hand to gently hug Xia Xue, not letting her back away, and then kissed her again.

Xia Xue only felt a slippery and warm thing slipping into her mouth unexpectedly, and she realized that the kiss this time was obviously completely different from the light tap of her lips just now.

The taste seems to be a little sweet, and it keeps stirring and entangled in the mouth. Xia Xue didn't know what to do at first, but just let Jiang Xin do what she did, and her tongue became crispy and numb. This feeling gradually faded away. It spread to her head, which made her not quite sober, and in the end she unconsciously responded to Jiang Xin's actions.

Jiang Xin was able to separate her mind at first, looking at Bai Yingying who was struggling on the ground and trying to get up with great interest, seeing her resentful look, the double pleasure of body and mind almost made her dizzy.

But gradually, when Xia Xue began to respond unconsciously, Jiang Xin began to feel a little overwhelmed, her body gradually softened, her face became seductively blush, and she almost couldn't hold Xia Xue. The hand that was holding the knife tightly fell down, and only the other hand rested lightly on Xia Xue's shoulder.

Closing her eyes, Xia Xue, who only thought that she would be able to get Bai Yingying out of danger after dealing with Jiang Xin, was not so exaggerated, but this feeling was surprisingly not very strange, obviously it was the first time she did this, but she Jiang Xin's weakness will soon be found, perhaps a weakness?

After all, she could feel that Jiang Xin was very satisfied, but she didn't know when it would end...

Bai Yingying stared at the two embracing in front of her eyes, almost biting her teeth, the pain in her body had gradually weakened, she looked at Jiang Xin resentfully, but even after a while, she could barely sit still. get up.

Why is he so weak?She couldn't even protect her most important person, so she could only watch helplessly as Xia Xue was forcibly taken away.

"Cough cough..."

The sequelae of being pressed to the ground and choking her throat just now still made her cough lightly unconsciously, but obviously, Jiang Xin, who was already immersed in the kiss, would not notice this.

And even if Xia Xue noticed it, so what?She didn't dare to look over, she agreed to do such a thing in order to prevent Jiang Xin from hurting herself.

The blood from the wound on the arm had gradually stopped. After all, the wound was very shallow, and it was just a long streak, which looked very terrifying, but the blood that flowed out had already soaked through the sleeve, dyeing it bright red.

Due to blood loss, she was already weak and dizzy, but now she couldn't give up, and she couldn't cry. Even if she risked her life, she didn't want Xia Xue to be taken away like this.

To actually do such an excessive thing to my Xia Xue.

Definitely, must kill her!

Jiang Xin's body gradually relaxed, and her vigilance also weakened, and Bai Yingying gradually recovered. She stared closely at the knife in Jiang Xin's hand, and quietly approached her from behind.

She didn't notice it until Bai Yingying rushed over to grab the handle of the knife with both hands, and Jiang Xin came back to her senses and opened her eyes.

Naturally, she didn't have time to deal with Bai Yingying, who was already prepared, but she instinctively raised her hand. Although she couldn't hold the knife, Bai Yingying, who was in poor health, also couldn't hold the knife firmly. fell to the ground.

But before she had time to pick up the knife on the ground again, Jiang Xin lifted it up abruptly, and then pressed it to the ground, easily jamming her neck.

"You don't think I need a knife to deal with you, do you?"

Jiang Xin no longer had the slightest smile in her eyes.

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