Ah, she still spent a little more, but it was only a dozen yuan, and it would be a big deal to make up for it later.

In fact, Xia Xue didn't want to be greedy for compensation fees. Although there was an aspect of Jiang Xin's persecution in it, her main intention of taking the knife was not to let Xia Xue self-mutilate, but the result was counterproductive.

Taking advantage of this matter, it is best to get out as soon as possible.

She was really scared.

It is really difficult to live in fear every day after being entangled.

Not long after lunch, Bai Yingying's cell phone rang. It was a call from the police station. It seemed that Jiang Xin's relatives had also come over, and now she planned to negotiate with Xia Xue.

The police station is not far from here, much closer than the vegetable market where Xia Xue and Bai Yingying went to buy vegetables, and it takes a short taxi ride to get there.

Bai Yingying always wears a coat with a hood when she goes out, even if she puts in oranges. Obviously she still has a lot of cute clothes in her closet, but she never wears them out.

In other words, even at home, she mostly wears sportswear or ordinary white shirts, and the clothes in the closet, according to her, are references for drawing.

Are you using yourself as a reference...

No wonder she can only draw Lolita.

This matter is coming to an end, so Xia Xue doesn't feel nervous anymore.

Nonsense, if she doesn't feel safe running into the orange as a victim, then there is no relatively safe place in the world.

Chapter 78 Reconciliation

Walking into the lobby of the police station, I was a little nervous to be honest, but fortunately there was no one here, only a policewoman sitting in front. After explaining the situation, Xia Xue and the others were led to a room inside.

There was a couple sitting inside. They looked like they were in their 40s. The woman was in good condition. She looked like she was in her 30s. Her hair was coiled up, and her expression was calm and gentle. Jiang Xin had a similar face to hers. These two were probably Jiang Xin. parents.

Xia Xue thought that the aunt who collected her rent was Jiang Xin's mother. It seems that the landlord aunt is also a wage earner like herself, and she is only in charge of rent collection...

Speaking of it, everyone is a wage earner, why can they be so proud.

Xia Xue remembered the appearance of that bad-tempered aunt.

Not a good memory, so she decided to focus on the two in front of her.

Jiang Xin's father is more serious and serious, and Xia Xue also knows what he means, and he probably wants to reconcile.

In fact, Xia Xue didn't intend to send Jiang Xin to jail. According to what Dr. Hua Qiu said before, she seemed to be seriously injured.

Of course, after a few hours it went from serious to no injury...

At that time, when the police station took the notes at the hospital that night, they also filled in serious injuries, but they received a notice from the hospital early the next morning, saying that Xia Xue had completed the discharge procedures, which made the police station confused.

But anyway, Xia Xue still came, and she seemed to have nothing to do, which made everyone present a little puzzled.

Can a serious injury that heals in less than one night still be called a serious injury?

If I go to the hospital for another checkup now, I'm afraid Xia Xue's health will be unbelievably good.

However, Xia Xue never saw Jiang Xin's figure, and the police station obviously didn't ask herself a question about her body, but Jiang Xin's father couldn't help asking.

"Excuse me, did the extent of your injury meet the standard of 'serious injury'?"


Xia Xue replied uncertainly.

The police comrades on one side also nodded.

"According to the results of our investigation at the time and the certificate of the hospital doctor, she was indeed seriously injured at that time, with a ruptured liver and intestinal wounds, and a part of the liver was removed during the operation..."

The policeman was very polite to Jiang Xin's father, and responded to him patiently.

However, Jiang Xin's father's complexion became not so good. He obviously didn't believe these words very much.

Although it is true.

However, he didn't mean to pester him too much, but instead took out a card and handed it to Xia Xue.

"I don't care if what you said is true or not. According to what I know before, Xin'er is at fault. We didn't strictly restrict her behavior to you at the beginning, which caused this result. As parents, we have a certain degree of responsibility." responsibility."

"I can assure you that my daughter will not pester you again in the future. I also talked to her when I met her in the morning. I hope you can accept our apology."

"There is 100 million in the card. I hope this matter can be brought to an end and we can reach a settlement."

Although he said it very politely, there was inevitably some unkindness in his eyes.

Well, people regard their side as colluding to cheat money.

Even if I would lie to you, would the police comrades still lie to you?

Xia Xue didn't get angry.

However, it's hard to say anything about her own physique, and she doesn't want to let everyone know about her, otherwise her life will be difficult when the time comes.

By the way, except for Jiang Xin's parents, everyone here is very considerate and doesn't talk about this matter deeply, which makes Xia Xue a little moved.

"Hey, who wants your stinky money!"

Bai Yingying, who had been sitting silently for a long time, finally couldn't help but speak.

However, she obviously lacked stamina, and coughed lightly after holding back these words.

"Well, I don't need the money. Also, this is the hospitalization fee paid by your daughter. She is not in the hospital, so I refunded it when I went through the discharge procedures. I will pay it back to you now."

Xia Xue took out the money that was stuffed in her pocket before and put it on the table.

"I can write a letter of understanding, but you have to do what you say and let your daughter stop pestering me."

Xia Xue stood up, she didn't have a good impression of this person, being looked down upon by him was the next best thing, anyway, it's okay to have money, and it's okay to have no money, if he is not short of money, then she is not short of money either!

It's not that you can't make more money.

But Xia Xue will not make up the breakfast money.

"If I don't sign, I will send your daughter to jail!"

After Bai Yingying slowed down, she continued to grit her teeth and speak, apparently Jiang Xin's family made her very upset.


Jiang Xin's father nodded and didn't say anything else. He didn't care about Bai Yingying's affairs.

Bai Yingying was only slightly injured, and if she didn't forgive her, she would only be detained for a few days, and seeing Bai Yingying's appearance, it would be a waste of effort for him to plead for mercy, there is no need to waste it.

Coming to this city overnight made him a little tired, and after this matter was settled, he also planned to go back to rest.

Of course, he will do well what he promised this little girl, and it is indeed his responsibility for not taking good care of his daughter.

Of course, he also suspected that his daughter had been cheated.

The injury was identified as a serious injury, and it turned out to be healed overnight. Do they believe it when they say this?

The slightly injured one sitting next to him looked good, but the seriously injured one was alive and well, very energetic.

Is this reasonable?

However, Jiang Wei didn't intend to pay too much attention to this matter. Her daughter's mental state was very unusual, and she kept apologizing, but the person she was apologizing to had nothing to do, which really gave her a headache.

You need to find a psychiatrist.

Chapter 79 Convinced

Speaking of which, Xia Xue's cell phone seems to have been found, but it was picked up by someone at first, and it was only handed over to the police station at noon today.

It is a good thing that the mobile phone is lost and recovered, and it saves a lot of troubles. Fortunately, the screen of the mobile phone is still intact and it was not broken.

Without Jiang Xin's threat, Xia Xue felt much more relaxed. Although Jiang Xin's father was not very pleasing, he seemed to be a reliable person in handling affairs, so she shouldn't have to worry about it in the future.

Speaking of which, I still couldn't see Jiang Xin in the end, and I don't know what she looks like now.

Hey, I'm actually worried about her, so I might as well say that I won't see her in the future.

Xia Xue didn't want to try it a second time because of the fear of being caught doing whatever she wanted.

Jiang Xin's kind of love is not something that Xia Xue can agree with.

But after she made such a move, even Xia Xue herself couldn't figure out what true love was.

Regardless of this for the time being, the matter of finding a job still needs to be paid close attention.

Xia Xue didn't feel bad about the 2 yuan that was returned to Jiang Wei. It wasn't her thing in the first place, and she didn't feel much about getting or losing it.

Of course, if you spend your hard-earned money, it will really hurt your heart.

Although she promised Bai Yingying not to work at Sister Si Wan's place, it was not easy to find a suitable job in this strange city.

Of course, the key point is the word "suitable". If you don't choose, you basically don't have to worry about work.

Speaking of which, Xia Xue's mobile phone seems to have become much smoother, is it an illusion?I always feel that when I open all kinds of software, it is not as stuck as before.

This phone has been used for almost three years, and regardless of the increasingly garbage battery, due to the damn system upgrade and rogue-like software, these old phones will gradually become stuck, causing you to have to replace it with a new one of.

It's much smoother now, is there really a crash bonus?

Through continuous beating, the performance of the mobile phone can be improved back to the original level.

Imagination is already beyond ordinary people.

There was an unread message from Su Qianqian in the text message on the phone. Xia Xue clicked on it, but found that she was just asking if Xia Xue was there.

If you want to ask if you are here, then I am definitely not here.

If there is something to say, just say no. If I don't want to agree, I just pretend not to be there. If I am willing to listen, then I will definitely reply directly.

That's great.

But Xia Xue still replied "yes"

It has been a long time since the message was delivered, but Su Qianqian did not reply to the message.

Xia Xue didn't dare to call casually. Su Qianqian's family doesn't allow her to play with her mobile phone. If she calls by herself and exposes her matter, there may be a chain reaction, which will even bring her weekend. Everything about seeing my mother was in vain.

I feel that it's better not to tell Sister Si Wan about what happened yesterday in detail. You can't say that she stabbed herself seriously under the pressure given by Jiang Xin yesterday afternoon, and then she will be fine in the evening, right?

Let's just say that after Jiang Xin came here, Bai Yingying called the police and arrested her justice, and then her father took her back and promised that she would never come to harass her again.

Selectively telling the truth is hardly a lie.

The next two days went well, and Bai Yingying's mentality seemed to have adjusted, at least she didn't kiss her forcibly like before in the hospital.

Speaking of which, does Bai Yingying deserve to be the overlord?It's ridiculous, if Xia Xue hadn't seen the injuries on her body, how could Xia Xue let her succeed.

Ah, speaking of which, my first kiss was nothing.

And it wasn't a great experience both times...

Why are they all forced?

Xia Xue suddenly discovered a blind spot.

Although Bai Yingying was not as extreme as before, she became very clingy. Basically, she followed Xia Xue wherever she went, and she seemed to want Xia Xue to be in her sight all the time.

Fortunately, Xia Xue could barely accept her approach. After all, it did not affect Xia Xue's normal actions.

In the evening, Si Wan's sister's regular contact came over.

Speaking of which, Su Qianqian hasn't chatted with herself these few nights.

After talking about the previous incident with Si Wan, she also felt very puzzled, and she just found out about it, and asked Xia Xue why she didn't tell herself earlier.

Xia Xue was still a little embarrassed to call and lie on her own initiative.

As for Su Qianqian, she seemed to have talked to Si Wan about not answering her message call that day, but Si Wan happened to be busy at that time, so she planned to call again at night, but later Su Qianqian received another message from Xia Xue After replying, there is no plan to disturb Xia Xue frequently.

As for why Su Qianqian hasn't contacted Xia Xue these days, Si Wan is not too clear. After all, she doesn't live with her daughter, so she doesn't know much about her daughter in detail, only on weekends. We can talk more when we meet each other, usually it's hard to take the initiative to call, we can only wait for Su Qianqian to call.

Bai Yingying buried her head in Xia Xue's arms who was leaning on the bed, and said nothing, which made Si Wan a little curious. Bai Yingying would occasionally say something about how she was doing normally.

As for the reason, Xia Xue is hard to say, so she can only find an excuse to confuse it.

Bai Yingying no longer trusted Si Wan, and as for Xia Xue's locator, she actually secretly disposed of it.

But that thing has long been useless, and Xia Xue doesn't plan to run around with it.

Bai Yingying didn't speak until Xia Xue finished talking on the phone.

"Xiaoxue, don't trust their mother and daughter."


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