Xia Xue had three stops before getting off the bus, and it seemed that this woman was leaving at the next stop, so she got out of the seat early.

Speaking of which, when she was standing beside Xia Xue now, Xia Xue felt that she was really big, in every sense of the word, even though she was wearing a long-sleeved jacket that didn't show anything, she actually held up a very obvious magnitude.

Of course, this feeling is probably due to Xia Xue herself being too small.

With a sound of "呲", the bus passed another stop and stopped slowly, but the tall woman still had no intention of getting off the bus. She didn't grab the handrail on the bus, but she was still able to stand firmly. Looking at the scenery outside the window inadvertently, the shallow smile on the corner of his mouth has not dissipated for a long time.

The thief didn't get out of the car after the incident was revealed. Not long after he walked to the front compartment, he walked back slowly, but this time there were already two people behind him.

The two were obviously his accomplices, and they came from bad people. Seeing that something was wrong, the owner immediately took out a small screwdriver, held it tightly in his right hand, and held it above his head to demonstrate.

At this time, everyone in the carriage became nervous when they saw the situation, and they all became silent, and the quickest reaction was to take out their mobile phones and secretly record the video.

The three people didn't take it seriously, and continued to approach this side unsteadily. There was not much space in the car, and within a few steps, the three people had already forced him to the point where he could not retreat.

If you don't do it like this, I'm afraid you won't have that chance.

Now even Xia Xue knew that the situation was not good. Of course, she also made the judgment as a bystander, and the owner must have been very hesitant before making the move.

But the time of hesitation was really too long. He no longer wanted to force the thief aggressively like in the beginning, but held up the screwdriver blindly, and the muscles all over his body began to stiffen. He clenched his right hand tightly, and even his fingers get pale.

He didn't dare to strike first, but those three people may not be sure.

Suddenly, a person who walked around him suddenly hugged him, and the other two people also hugged him. One of them punched him hard in the face, causing the owner's head to tilt sideways, and the other Taking advantage of this moment, he snatched the screwdriver from him with both hands, and then stabbed his head several times fiercely with the screwdriver. The owner cried out in pain, and blood flowed out of his head immediately.

The aunt sitting on the seat next to her screamed out loud. The blood seemed to splash on her in the chaos. The passengers who were a little further away still stretched out their heads to look. As soon as they saw the blood, the carriage became lively again. stand up.

Xia Xue didn't expect the situation to change so quickly, but at this moment, the tall woman next to her also made a move.

She took a big step forward, firmly clasped the wrist of the person who was holding the screwdriver and was about to pierce it down, and at the same time twisted it suddenly, the thief's accomplice screamed in pain, and the wrist was twisted into a strange Angle, the screwdriver in her hand was in her hand in a blink of an eye, she shook her hand slightly, and the bloody screwdriver was thrown into the small iron trash can in the car with a "bang".

This is not over yet, her movements are so smooth that the person whose wrist was sprained just had time to frown and bend over to cover his hand after doing this, while the person next to him punched and kicked the owner Just when the accomplice looked up at the woman, he slapped her hard on the face.

This slap is not the kind of "crack" slap, but a slap that makes a muffled sound after the entire side of the face is fully stressed. Turning over, the head was hit hard on the ground and there was another sound, and then the whole person fell down, and couldn't get up for a while.

Now there was only the thief who was clinging to the owner to control his movements. He opened his eyes wide and looked up at the woman in front of him, as if he was stunned. The person with the wrist was even more afraid to make a sound.

For a while, the carriage suddenly became quiet again.

"Driver, please step on it."

The tall woman was full of anger when she spoke, and she seemed a bit unsatisfied after beating someone, and there was some unfinished anger in her tone.

The driver understood what she meant, and quickly responded, and the bus pulled over quickly. The driver had already called the police when the thieves were about to hit people. It is estimated that the three people would be arrested in a short time.

The fellow thief who was holding the owner was in good condition, but at this moment he was also a little afraid of being beaten. Although he let go of the injured owner, he still hid behind him and dared not stand up.

The thief who fell on the ground seemed to have been fainted by the slap, and he still hasn't woken up yet. A passenger a little further away found his bloody tooth that flew out on the ground, but the passenger just used it out of curiosity. He flicked his foot, but had no intention of picking it up.

The one whose wrist was twisted and dislocated squatted on the ground and covered his hands, and didn't make any more noise. The three of them no longer had the arrogance they had at the time, and they didn't dare to look up at this woman who obviously wasn't addicted to beating. They were as obedient as a piggy .

Such a strong oppressive force, but she is obviously a partner of justice like Xia Xue, so Xia Xue is not afraid of her.

Speaking of which, the owner is the worst one now. The screwdriver is not sharp, and the human skull is hard, so his scalp is probably the only obvious injury. But even so, he is obviously not feeling well. Now the wound The blood has been slowly flowing from the head.

His face was almost covered in blood, and more and more he wiped, and the clothes on his shoulders gradually turned red, and now he was covering his head with his hands, screaming "Ouch" in pain.

It is estimated that the ambulance will come later, but before this matter is dealt with, the bus will probably stop here, so the driver politely said to let everyone get off and wait for the bus at a nearby platform, leave here The cards are probably only tens of meters away.

The newly-appeared righteous partner obviously didn't care about the victim. Seeing that the owner was not seriously injured, she didn't intend to comfort her in the past. Instead, she picked up her bag and carried it on her back, and got out of the car.

Compared with Xia Xue who only dared to remind her, this tall woman who kills gangsters is obviously more eye-catching. Everyone in the car looked at her curiously, but she didn't seem to be so approachable, so Everyone didn't go over to talk to her.

Chapter 87 Blood and Light

"That, comrade, you are amazing..."

Both of them are partners of justice, people with the same aspirations, Xia Xue still couldn't help saying something towards her back, but she heard it, the woman stopped getting out of the car, turned her head towards Xia Xue smile.

"Little comrade, you are also great, I like you very much."

As she spoke, she planned to reach out to touch Xia Xue's head, but Xia Xue was well prepared, and when she saw someone stretching out her hand, she quickly backed away to avoid it.

Hell, does she still think that when people reach out to her, they want to shake hands with her?It's impossible for her to encounter that kind of situation now (sad).

Although Xia Xue had already taken several steps back, her little head was caught and rubbed several times with precision.

Damn, you actually said that I am young, you should be the one who is younger than me!

However, the woman quickly withdrew her hand. After touching her head, she was all smiles. The unhappiness left over from the beating just now seemed to be satisfied in this wonderful way.

After the woman got out of the car, Xia Xue glanced at the two gangsters in the empty car. They also looked at the door, as if planning to escape after a while.

After all, there is no way to restrict their movement, such as tying them up or something, but even if they run, how far can they run?

Xia Xue didn't plan to stay for long, so she also got off the car with the last group of passengers.

But when I went out, I found that the woman was still guarding the door, and the people in this position seemed to be invisible.

She probably wanted to wait for the thieves to come down, then she would have a reason to beat them up again.

Xia Xue guessed her intention immediately.

However, Xia Xue didn't plan to stay here to watch the fun, she was only one and a half stops away from the interview place, and if it was this distance, there was no need to take a taxi, and she should be able to get there in about ten minutes.

And if you chat with her, it will reveal her position, so forget it.

Seeing this tall woman smiling kindly at her, Xia Xue also smiled at her, and then left.

Speaking of which, the reason why this woman left her seat early was probably because she guessed that the thief would come to take revenge.

Carrying the bag on her back, Xia Xue thought silently.

There should be two reasons for her to make this judgment. One is that the thief did not get out of the car immediately after being caught, indicating that the matter is not over yet. The other is that the owner did not realize what might happen next in this situation. So without precaution, get off the bus early at the next stop to avoid possible retaliation.

There was no way to avoid it in the carriage. If you thought that there were more people around who would come to help him, you would be wrong.

Those who dare to come forward to help on such occasions are still a minority after all.

But in the end he was lucky enough to meet their two righteous partners.

But now, both parties are injured. The thief who is the perpetrator is nothing and does not deserve sympathy, but the owner who encountered such a thing for nothing is even more pitiful.

Although the victim's brain was not pierced by them, the few blows must have been uncomfortable, after all, his head was bleeding.

And even if he can get compensation, it will take a long time for his injuries to heal, and it will be very difficult to live during this period of recuperation.

These thieves are also relatively young people, in their early twenties, so they beat people directly in public.

However, impulsive people are regardless of age, but young people are more likely to be impulsive.

Not to mention that these few people don't have much money to compensate, do people with money in their pockets still need to rely on pickpocketing for a living, not to mention that their own injuries have to be treated, and in the end they may not be able to pay and choose to sit more. Jailed for a while.

If I hadn't reminded the owner at that time, how would the situation have developed?

It is estimated that the owner only had his mobile phone and wallet stolen, and then called the police, and there is surveillance in the car. It should not be difficult to find it.

In this way, the owner has lost his fortune, but has not been able to eliminate the bloody disaster.

Alas, if I didn't remind him, maybe the ending would be better...

Thinking of this, Xia Xue couldn't help but feel a little regretful, the development of the situation was not as simple as she thought at first.

Of course, I have to thank the unknown lesbian. If she hadn't shot, the victim might have been injured more seriously, and those few people would get out of the car and run away after the beating. In the end, even if they went to jail, it would be better to be killed on the spot It was fun.

But if the situation is too serious and there is no one to help, Xia Xue may deploy a range of damage weapons.

At that time, the whole car will suffer, but at least the crime can be stopped. If those few people don't tie it well, it is very likely that they will kill others by mistake.

She wasn't so sure that these young gangsters could completely control the severity of their shots.I have been walking for seven or eight minutes according to the navigation on the mobile phone, and I will probably reach the destination after turning two more turns. Xia Xue raised her head to look at the road again, but her little head lowered again inexplicably.

Eh?What exactly is going on?

Feeling the feeling of being pressed and rubbed on her head, Xia Xue, who couldn't raise her head, had to tilt her head in the direction of being rubbed, and then saw the waist of that big lesbian.

Another professional accountant?Xia Xue waved her hands left and right but couldn't escape from the claws, so she was helpless and furious.

Damn, as a partner of justice, you actually came to pat someone's head without permission. Did you also rebel?

Fortunately, touching the head is not endless, she seems to be just saying hello, just like the level of greeting that ordinary people pat other people's shoulders to attract attention, but it has changed in Xia Xue's place.

Xia Xue looked up at her, and found that she was also looking down at him with a smile.

Forget it, I don't know why, I have a little bit of inferiority complex.

She really dwarves too much to find a reason to justify herself.

"Well, didn't you plan to guard those people before?"

Xia Xue couldn't help asking.

Could it be that the police station arrived at the destination at the speed of light after receiving the report?It can't be so fast, right?It's only a few minutes?

"No, I saw that they didn't dare to get down, so I got into the car and beat them up again. Now those few can't get down for the time being."

The righteous partner said nonchalantly, touching her head and beating someone gave her double satisfaction, and Xia Xue could see that her face was full of spring.

Speaking of which, although she was beating those thieves, I don't know if she will compensate them for their soup and medicine. Xia Xue can imagine what will happen to those people when they are beaten for the second time, after all He was beaten to such an extent that he couldn't get off the car by himself, not to mention that this comrade was not light on his hands.

The first time can be said to have stopped crime, but the latter is not so easy to say.

Chapter 88 Head Squat Defense

Speaking of which, if she was waiting for the next bus, wouldn't she have already passed the stop sign?Could it be that her destination is also near here?

"Well, may I ask your name?"

It's a bit boring to go so silent all the way, so Xia Xue took the initiative to talk to her.

Because of what happened just now, Xia Xue still has a good impression of this tall and decent woman.

"My name is Yang Luchan, little comrade, what's your name?"

Although the meaning of this title is good, it still feels a little weird to be called a comrade.

"You can just call me Xia Xue. Also, how old are you?"

Xia Xue became persistent in an inexplicable place.

"Twenty, what's the matter?"

Yang Luchan asked curiously.


Xia Xue smiled noncommittally.

Sure enough, my vision is not bad. Although she is physically mature, this kind of woman with slightly green eyebrows and eyes will not be too old.

"I'm 23!"

Xia Xue said confidently.

"Really, I didn't expect Comrade Xiaoxue to be two years older than me."

Yang Luchan said with a smile, she obviously just didn't believe it.

Damn it, Xia Xue was a little unwilling, but after thinking about it for a while, she gave up her plan to touch her with her ID card.

After all, I had almost reached that milk tea shop.

Perhaps looking for some sense of approval, Xia Xue asked her suddenly.

"Well, Comrade Yang Luchan, do you think it was right for me to remind the owner just now?" "Why do you say that?"

Yang Luchan tilted her head in doubt.

"Because, if I hadn't reminded him at the time, the owner might have just lost some property. Now he is injured and has to spend money on medical treatment, and he will miss work while recuperating. Those gangsters may not have the ability to pay compensation. Most of these losses have to be borne by himself..."

Yang Luchan thought for a while, and then planned to touch Xia Xue's head to comfort her, but Xia Xue had already figured out a countermeasure, and put her head in her hands first, and escaped.

As long as I touch my own head and take up the position, you won't be able to touch my head anymore!

This wave is to strike first, and the invincible squatting defense only needs to use five successes to deal with this situation.

Damn it, why didn't Xia Xue think of such an easy-to-use move before?

Although he was confused, Yang Luchan still opened his mouth and said to Xia Xue: "It is difficult to predict the consequences when doing this kind of thing. Who can say for sure? Do you feel guilty because of what you did? ashamed?"

Facing Yang Luchan's rhetorical question, Xia Xue thought for a while, then shook her head.

Although she felt regret, she didn't feel ashamed.

"Then it's over, what you did at that time was undoubtedly just, so no matter what the outcome of the matter, you will not feel ashamed, and your regret is that the situation did not go as smoothly as you imagined That's all."

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