But maybe she didn't really feel complete fear and despair, at least, she never lost her mind and didn't give up.

"Well, Yingying, didn't you also dare to take her knife back then? Isn't that much better than me, and other aspects are also..."

"No, I was just out of fear!"

Bai Yingying seemed a little excited, and the side effects of drunkenness made it hard for her to control herself.

"What I fear most is losing you. There is nothing, nothing, that will make me feel that fear. I have no way to retreat, no way to avoid, so I will do that."

Bai Yingying buried her head on Xia Xue's stomach, as if she was already in tears, Xia Xue felt her stomach was moist.

"Xiaoxue, please, no matter what happens, don't leave me, okay?"

Faced with such a pleading, Xia Xue felt a little difficult to answer for a while.

"Xiaoxue, I'm alone just like you. After you enter my world, I only have you. I can give up anything, but you alone can't."

"No matter who wants to take you away in the future, I will never give up."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Xia Xue was also a little moved by Bai Yingying's words, but when she said 'meet someone', did she mean meeting someone like Jiang Xin in the future?

She probably won't meet Jiang Xin's kind of sick and delicate in the future. Bai Yingying may have been really scared in that incident, and her suppressed heart has not been able to relax. Said such a thing after drinking.

Her current situation is only the result of a temporary compromise with Bai Yingying, she can't accept Bai Yingying's request anyway, completely cut off contact with Si Wan, and moved to another place with her.

Their relationship has not developed to that level. Although they are very close, but because Bai Yingying has become like this, Xia Xue also began to hesitate.

She was afraid that Bai Yingying would become the next Jiang Xin.

In other words, a sickly girl similar to Jiang Xin.

But why did she choose to stay with Bai Yingying?

It was obviously hard to deceive herself, and it was obvious that Si Wan's sister was a better place to go, but she still couldn't bear to leave Bai Yingying.

She didn't want to lose the ordinary but precious daily life when she and Bai Yingying lived together.

Alas, as long as, as long as she hasn't reached that point.

At the very least, she can still live with Bai Yingying as usual.

Xia Xue couldn't help but looked down at Bai Yingying in her arms, only to find that she was also looking at him, the two looked at each other, and it was Xia Xue who quickly avoided her sight.

There is no doubt that when Bai Yingying looked at her, there was undisguised love in her eyes.

But Xia Xue couldn't respond to her, or rather, she didn't dare to respond. If it was before, she might have been captured long ago, but now that she had foreseen the consequences, she no longer dared to act rashly.

But since it was also a chat, Xia Xue couldn't talk about emotional matters, and there was no need to talk about games in real chat, so he had to find other topics to talk about.

For example, what Bai Yingying mentioned just now was about her past.

"At that time, why did those people bully you?"

Although it is the deep scars hidden in her heart, if it is now, maybe Xia Xue can let her untie some knots in her heart a little bit.

The reason why Bai Yingying is extremely repelled going out is also because of those experiences.

There should also be a certain relationship with the sick and delicate psychology that has been vaguely emerging now. If we can have a good chat, maybe it can really make her get out of those shadows, and maybe she won't become a sick and delicate in the future?

Of course, Xia Xue didn't have this confidence, but it happened to be an atmosphere for heart-to-heart talks, so she had to give it a try, and she couldn't lose this good opportunity. "Xiaoxue, when you were in school, were you ever bullied by your classmates?"

But she didn't expect Bai Yingying to ask Xia Xue back.

"Uh, this one doesn't..."

It would be better to say that her life when she was in school was surprisingly ordinary.

"Well... Xiaoxue, you are much luckier than me, but if it were you, even if you encountered such a thing, your ending would be completely different from mine."

"Uh, if this..."

Xia Xue didn't know what to say.

"Xiaoxue, when did your parents leave?"

Bai Yingying didn't seem to be in a hurry to answer Xia Xue's question.

"Well, just, some time ago..."

Xia Xue replied with a guilty conscience.

Her situation is actually completely different from Bai Yingying's, but it's not wrong to answer this way.

"My parents passed away very early. I have never seen my mother. When I was in junior high school, my father also died of illness."

"In the end, my uncle raised me, but he never cared about me. He just paid me the monthly maintenance fee on his behalf, and I still lived in my own home."

"At that time, I was even thinner than now, and because of low self-esteem and depression, I didn't dare to talk to my classmates, so I was isolated without knowing it."

"However, there are still one or two girls who are willing to say a few words to me. I seldom communicate with others. At that time, I also unilaterally regarded them as my friends. The original life like this is still good. go down..."

"But later, for some reason, several girls said, 'I don't like my eyes', so they started bullying me, throwing away my textbooks, or tearing up a few pages of them, and stealing other students' things, and then after school Then hid it in my desk..."

"I didn't know until later that it seemed that among those girls, there was a boy whom a girl liked who often looked at me in class, so she became jealous, and then she 'disliked me'."

"Then my 'friend' persuaded me to apologize to her, but even if I apologized in the past, it didn't help. The boy didn't like her because of her bullying, but because I kept showing it Their weakness made them intensify, and gradually turned from small frame-ups to physical venting."

"But so what? I can't even say the name of the boy she likes, just because he glanced at me a few times, just because I'm weak and deceitful..."

"And I really can't bear it. When I asked the teacher for help, what I got in exchange was only a few criticisms from the teacher. In the end, I mainly made peace with the matter. But what I got in exchange for this was only them. It's just worse revenge after the fact."

"Severe punishment for evil is like encouraging evil."

"Later, my 'friends' also took the initiative to alienate me because they were afraid of being bullied together, and even revealed my family situation to them so that they could come up with more words when they insulted me. At that time, I have no one to turn to for help."

"So I had no choice but to escape, maybe because my academic performance was average at that time, and it was not conspicuous, and I didn't attract too much attention when I dropped out. Then I painted at home every day. After I found out that I had this problem After I was able to support myself, I simply left that empty 'home'."

Bai Yingying talked about her experience in a flat tone, even when she talked about being bullied by her classmates and betrayed by her friends, she didn't have any mood swings, she didn't seem to care about the past,

But Bai Yingying in her arms looked at Xia Xue for a long time before speaking softly.

"Xiaoxue, the original me has nothing, everything I see is at a loss, I don't know the meaning of surviving, and everything I do seems to be meaningless, even if I saw something interesting on the Internet. After laughing a few times, I fell into emptiness and depression again. I was timid and cowardly. In the end, I could only escape from everything like a mouse, and then huddled and lived in my own small dark corner. …”

"However, I encountered a light that illuminates me in such a dark and desperate darkness."

Just like a person who has been in the dark for a long time sees a ray of warm sunshine, and a person who is about to drown grabs the straw to save his life, Xia Xue's arrival gave her hope.

"Xiaoxue, any interesting thing that happened in my previous life is not as good as any second with you. The moment I met you, everything has meaning. All the things I fear are not as good as losing The fear you brought to me is stronger, so as long as it is for you, I will no longer be afraid of anyone or anything."

No matter what, she will never give up, but it is this ray of sunshine that illuminates her, but she cannot hold it in her palm...

"Xiaoxue, no matter what you ask me to do, I'm willing, but please promise me, don't leave me, okay?"

Bai Yingying hugged Xia Xue tightly, begging pitifully.

"I won't leave you..."

Xia Xue touched Bai Yingying's head and responded softly.

"And if someone dares to bully you in the future, you don't have to be afraid anymore, because I will protect you by your side, and I will definitely smash their heads when the time comes!"

Not to mention whether the current Xia Xue can do it, but what she said must be sincere.

"Woooooh, Xiaoxue, we will never be separated again..."

Originally, she wanted to ease the atmosphere before she said such cruel words, but instead, Bai Yingying buried herself in her chest and began to cry.

This time Xia Xue was going to be out of control, she didn't expect that her words would make Bai Yingying cry so hard, so she could only scramble to coax her.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The words she said when she was full of sympathy were actually quite effective, and through this heart-to-heart talk, Xia Xue also knew the reason why Bai Yingying was always insecure.

However, it seems that Xia Xue's current handling method did not let Bai Yingying out of the shadow of the past, on the contrary, it made Bai Yingying's dependence on herself deeper.

But this is also something that can't be helped. She is not a psychiatrist, and she can't think of anything good to say. She just simply responds to her according to what she thinks in her heart.

Life in the future will be as dull as before, and that will be fine.

Well, maybe this kind of relationship is called: more than friends, less than lovers...

Bai Yingying cried for a long time in Xia Xue's arms, and then gradually stopped crying, but she was still sobbing, and her thin body still trembled from time to time, it seemed that she hadn't cried enough, but she couldn't shed tears.

"Good Yingying, don't cry, don't cry."

Xia Xue gently stroked Bai Yingying's head and said awkward words. Although she had experience coaxing children before, Bai Yingying was not a child like Su Qianqian.

And the reasons for crying are also different. The obedient Bai Yingying is not a real loli like Su Qianxi who will use her tears to achieve her goals.

Su Qianqian can directly make her give up the existence of lolicon fantasies!

Although it doesn't make sense to think about these things, and there is no comparison if they are all different ages, the real loli will still grow into a girl in the future.

Although she cried a lot, Bai Yingying was still tired from crying after a while. I have to say that this kind of twitching crying is quite exhausting, not like the real child Su Qianqian who knows how to control the heart. After the break, I gave Xia Xue the illusion that she had been coaxed, and then continued to cry after regaining her strength...

Bai Yingying who calmed down soon fell asleep, her chest felt a little cold now, probably because the tears just now had turned cold, not to mention the air conditioner was still on, even if Bai Yingying buried her head in her arms, it wouldn't help.

Of course, Xia Xue also discovered another reason for the coolness. The light cotton pajamas she was wearing were wiped away by Bai Yingying.

It should be that she accidentally rubbed it away when she was crying just now. When Xia Xue changed her clothes because it was awkward, she tried to move as quickly as possible and didn't fasten it tightly.

Although her chest was very flat, Xia Xue was always very embarrassed to open it up like this, not to mention that she was only wearing pajamas, and she didn't have the habit of wearing a bra when she slept at night.

Although she is so poor that she doesn't need to wear it during the day......

Well, that's not right, strictly speaking, there are still a little ups and downs, which is better than nothing.

Now that he looked like this, he couldn't fasten the buttons again, so he had to get out first.

But if she pushes Bai Yingying away now, won't she see everything when she wakes up?

She, Xia Xue, was still a little ashamed.

It's better to slowly remove her hand holding her waist, so Xia Xue turned around and gently removed Bai Yingying's hand.

Since Bai Yingying was already asleep, the hug wasn't too tight, and it wasn't difficult to move away, but if it wasn't enough to wake her up, the movements had to be slowed down a lot.

But before Xia Xue moved away much, a strange feeling came from his chest.

Contrary to the already cold area, her little white rabbit was wrapped in something warm and moist.

What followed was Bai Yingying's sucking action.

It's a very classic sucking reflex, but it's hard for Xia Xue to resist. This strange stimulation is very clear in the contrast between the cold and the heat in the chest, and there is a strange tingling feeling.

Damn, she's not Bai Yingying's mother!And Bai Yingying is not a baby either.

This time Xia Xue didn't care whether Bai Yingying would wake up or not, she was going to push Bai Yingying away directly from embarrassment.

This is no longer an ordinary girlfriend's intimate behavior, it must be punched hard!


Bai Yingying's slurred dreams made Xia Xue pause involuntarily when she was half-charged.

"Really, if you haven't felt the warmth of your own mother, you don't need to look for it here..."

Xia Xue muttered helplessly, for some reason, she softened her heart a little.

Anyway, anyway, she has already fallen asleep, and she won't know about it when she wakes up tomorrow, so don't pursue it.

"Hey, although I'm not your relative, I will definitely take good care of you in the future..."

Xia Xue gently patted Bai Yingying's head, still planning not to wake her up, let her have a good dream tonight.

Perhaps this also aroused Xia Xue's inexplicable, instinctive desire to protect. If it were normal, she would not be like this.

But after a while, Xia Xue couldn't stand it anymore. This feeling similar to breastfeeding is still too early for her now. In this strange feeling, it seems that there is also a kind of body sucked. dry illusion...

For some reason, the lower abdomen began to become hot. In order not to wake up Bai Yingying, Xia Xue kept clenching her teeth so that she would not accidentally let out her voice.

Well, she couldn't take it anymore.

Although he didn't push Bai Yingying away, he still slowly moved her hand away, and then turned over by himself, successfully getting away from Bai Yingying.

I thought she would let it go after a while, but I didn't expect it to be endless. Xia Xue couldn't figure out what's so good about it, and couldn't suck anything...

Before fastening the buttons again, you have to wipe off the saliva on the little white rabbit.

There was unexpectedly a lot of saliva left on it, and Xia Xue couldn't find a tissue in the dark, so she had to simply wipe it with her hands.

It didn't take long anyway.

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