The feeling of eating together is very different from the feeling of finishing the meal alone.

The proprietress also circled Xia Xue in the employee group last night. She didn't seem to be scolding, so she said a few more words in the group.

Originally, there was nothing to do when I went to work these two days, and it was normal to be caught fishing. Anyway, Xia Xue didn't have the habit of fishing and playing with mobile phones at work, otherwise she would be scolded if she was caught by surveillance.

Speaking of which, the proprietress was still angry last night, and she even adjusted the monitoring, which is very difficult.

Moreover, this kind of monitoring may have to continue for a while. As for how long it will last, it depends on the attitude of the proprietress.

In short, it won't be too long, even if she wants to target Xia Xue for a year because of this incident, Xia Xue will run away with a bucket before that.

At the longest, it will only last until Xia Xue finds her next job.

Bai Yingying wasn't the type to dawdle in the shower, she knew Xia Xue was waiting for her, so she came out in a hurry after entering the bathroom, even the buttons of her clothes were crookedly tied.

But at least he didn't forget to bring a change of clothes like Xia Xue...

When Bai Yingying had breakfast, she always took her cup of honey milk and sipped small sips, looking thoughtful.

But she hadn't finished sipping the milk yet, Xia Xue had finished eating for a long time, and was waiting for her to clean up the dishes and wash the dishes.

But Bai Yingying was really just sipping milk, she didn't take a bite of the food on the table.

"What are you thinking about?"

Xia Xue looked at her and asked curiously.

"Ah, no, I, I was just thinking about drinking, drinking water."

Only then did Bai Yingying come back to her senses.


Xia Xue said that she was kept in the dark for the time being.

She did not expect Bai Yingying to turn into a Riddler abruptly.

But seeing how she ate the rice after drinking the rest of the milk with a few sips after she came to her senses, Xia Xue didn't say anything more.

Bai Yingying didn't know why, she thought that everything would disappear after waking up from the dream, but in that hazy nightmare last night, the only thing left was the residual sweetness in her mouth.

That must not taste like glutinous rice wine, but why?

She fell asleep directly after drinking water last night, and there was no taste in her mouth at that time.

Could it be that the weird dream I had last night wasn't completely false?


Bai Yingying couldn't figure out the reason anymore, but when she lowered her head to eat, she always raised her eyes involuntarily, and secretly glanced at Xia Xue's slightly heaving chest. Every button of the white shirt was fastened meticulously. No skin was exposed, but she didn't know why, and felt that there was an inexplicable attraction there.

So she ate an extra bowl of rice than usual.

Xia Xue, who was playing with her mobile phone before, was a little surprised. The dishes left on the table were not touched at all. There are still people who can eat two bowls of rice without food, let alone Bai Yingying, who has a small appetite. I didn't know that Bai Yingying was so easy to support.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

It was already past nine o'clock, and it was still uncomfortable to rub the sheets with hands. Xia Xue was not a small housework expert, so she could only rely on time and patience to wear it down.

But in the end, I cleaned all the oil stains on the sheets and Bai Yingying's clothes. Now that she has no other skills, she has become proficient in housework. Maybe it won't be long before she can achieve a qualitative leap in housework. .

But what's the use...

Is the strength of a married woman increasing?This is still free.

Although she used to like to read scarlet letters of this kind of subject, but Lori still doesn't go well with the word 'wife'.

Boring thinking about messy things, Xia Xue finally finished the housework, not only the laundry, but also the hygiene at home by the way.

This time, the cleaning was easier than the previous one. There was no garbage and potato chip residues everywhere in the house, but a light layer of dust accumulated in many places, and it was cleaned after a little wiping.

She didn't expect Bai Yingying to be of any help, so she asked her to draw pictures in the room... Ah, I can't say that, it should be a painting list.

After all, not every boss will ask for sketches when they ask for a draft.

Xia Xue put down the mop in her hand, wiped the fine sweat on her forehead with her cuff, and let out a long breath.

I have to say that the house has become completely new after cleaning, which gives her an inexplicable sense of accomplishment.

In other words, she didn't seem to have felt this way before, she just liked tidiness in general, and she didn't have any special feelings after tidying up her room at that time.

It's different now, or rather, it's different because there is an extra roommate here?

The back of the shirt was also wet with sweat, and it was tightly stuck to the back. The wind outside the window was blowing, and it still felt a little cold.

Had to take a shower.

Having gradually gotten used to doing housework, she didn't feel very tired after cleaning this time. Maybe her stamina has increased a lot, but it's a pity that her strength hasn't increased at all. Things that she couldn't lift before are still Not moving at all.

This time Xia Xue remembered to take a change of clothes when taking a bath.

Hmph, she won't make the same mistake again.

The meal at noon should be much richer, and Xia Xue came back late at night, so this time I have to count Bai Yingying's dinner.

Of course, since she is so easy to feed, maybe she can handle it just by cooking a little more.

Of course, this is just a joke. Now that she has improved a lot in cooking, she can already be sure that her food tastes as good as most of the takeaways outside.

I don't know why, Bai Yingying seems to be working more seriously now than before. I haven't seen how she plays games these days. Basically, she is drawing sketches in front of the computer.

Xia Xue occasionally saw some information about receiving orders on her dedicated social account. What made her want to save money again?

Xia Xue didn't know, if she wanted to save money to buy a house, Bai Yingying herself had a vacant house, but now she moved here, and the only major expense now was the rent.

Of course, this is also true for Xia Xue. Before she came to live here, Bai Yingying spent more than [-] yuan on monthly rent just for ordering takeout.

In other words, coming here and renting with her together saved her thousands of dollars every month, so logically speaking, it would be less stressful.

But working hard is also a good thing, Xia Xue imagined that there would be no way to work hard like her...

Although the acid is a bit sour, life is still going on, let's work and live honestly.

Isn't that good.

After eating, Xia Xue lit up her phone, planning to find another job.

Maybe it's because she opened the recruitment software too frequently recently, and just clicking on any webpage will push her nearby recruitment information.

Is this the precise delivery of big data?

The key words can be captured when chatting with friends on social software, and then the advertisement will be accurately pushed, let alone someone like Xia Xue who is obviously looking for a job on recruitment software.

It is said that when someone was chatting face-to-face with a friend, the voice of the conversation was recorded by the mobile phone, and when the corresponding product keyword was captured, the corresponding advertisement was pushed, but Xia Xue was not too clear about the truth of the matter.It would be too magical if it were real.

What was pushed on the phone was a domestic service job, the salary seemed to be not low, and there was a daily payment, several hundred per day, Xia Xue took a look at it and then turned it off.

Speaking of which, why are you pushing her a job in the service industry? Why can't you push her a job like a Java development engineer and make her look at the salary and be greedy...

She has no interest in being a babysitter for the time being. Of course, not to mention whether she likes it or not, the employer must be so surprised that she is speechless when she sees that a little loli is coming to do the housekeeping.

And if you encounter a real pedophile or something, don't you send it to your door, the risk factor is MAX.

It's better to do something else, although she is very reluctant, if she can't do other things, she can just continue to be a customer service.

Ah, it would be easy to make money if you were a cover anchor or something, and Bai Yingying could also help herself draw a top cover...

She can still work honestly, but she still doesn't want to do jobs that come with quick money.

Others can do the way of Internet celebrity, she is not made for this line of work.

Speaking of which, she recently discovered that she seems to be quite talented in cooking, why don't she try to do this kind of work after a while?

Of course, she can't do things like a chef in a restaurant. She can't handle that kind of big pot, let alone cook vegetables all day long, and her physical strength will be exhausted quickly.

Instead, you can try to make some snacks and sell them online, so you don’t need to go out, but it is difficult to obtain a food business license and other certificates.

Not to mention the subsequent sales process, she is the only one who operates the art, customer service and logistics......

There are still many things to learn. Although it is feasible, it is not an easy task. At the very least, she must first know how to make some pastries, which is also one of the most basic prerequisites.

But before that, she still had to be a wage earner honestly.

In the end, the problem was still not resolved, but at least it was an extra thought about the future, which was not in vain.

So Xia Xue looked for some tutorials on pastry making on the Internet.

Speaking of these snacks, she couldn't help but think of Jiang Xinlai. Maybe she is the real talented player. Xia Xue's current cooking skills are still far behind her.

If Jiang Xin wasn't so extreme, Xia Xue wouldn't be so afraid of her.

But after the sense of crisis was relieved, Xia Xue recalled the previous events and found that she didn't hate her that much.

Maybe she really didn't mean to hurt herself.

But her understanding of "love" is really different from ordinary people. If Xia Xue hadn't escaped at that time, she would probably still be in the small dark room now.Even dogs need to go for a walk, let alone people?

She can't bear the ending of being locked up all day, and anyone who wants to do this to her will not be able to do so.

Time passed quickly. After watching a few pastry-making videos, Xia Xue was about to give it a try. When she looked at the time, it was getting late, and it was time for her to go to work.

Let's save the pastry making for tomorrow morning, as it happens that I can bring back some ingredients and tools to be used in the supermarket.

But Bai Yingying doesn't have an oven or anything like that here. Of course, that is a bit expensive, and Xia Xue plans to wait until she gets her first salary.

Anyway, there are quite a few snacks that don’t need an oven, so I’m not in a hurry to buy them.

"Yingying, I'm going out."

Xia Xue picked up her bag and yelled towards the room.

She originally planned to leave after saying this, but unexpectedly, Bai Yingying put down her work and came out of the room to see her off.

"Xiaoxue, be careful on the road."

"Well, I still carry that anti-wolf spray. Whenever I meet a moron, I will kill him on the spot!"

Xia Xue unzipped the outermost zipper to confirm the existence of self-defense items.

It will be embarrassing if you forget to bring it, you must be equipped when you go out.

"Hmm...Xiaoxue, that's the woman surnamed Leng you mentioned earlier. I don't think she's a good person. It's better to communicate with her as little as possible."

Bai Yingying seemed to recall something, and said with lingering fear.

"You haven't even seen her face, so you think she is not a good person."

Xia Xue was almost amused by her question.

"Well, I am, it's just a feeling, I, I can't say it..."

"Well, don't say people are looking for me, I go to chat with her, and it's not likely that people will talk to me."

Xia Xue, who had already changed her shoes at the door, also planned to leave, and she might be late if she and Bai Yingying continued to dawdle here.

If you are late and have to be caught by the proprietress, it is very uncomfortable. Although I have planned to run away with a bucket in a few days, at least I will feel better if I don’t get scolded a few times before leaving.

As for Bai Yingying's unfounded subjective speculation about her colleague, she didn't intend to take it to heart.

If she gets serious about these things, she loses.

Bai Yingying, my Riddler.

"By the way, you have to be more careful than me. You haven't left any self-defense here. 'Little White Rabbit' don't open the door until 'Mom' comes back!"

Xia Xue smiled at her, while humming the tune of "Little Rabbit, Be Good".

Hmph, it's impossible to get Xia Xue to sing the lyrics, but it's not bad to hum and tease Bai Yingying.

"I'll pay attention... I won't open the door to anyone but you."

Bai Yingying lowered her head and said with a blushing face.

Looking at Xia Xue's leaving back, she hesitated for a while, but in the end she just stretched out her hand towards Xia Xue, and didn't say anything to keep her.

In fact, it is not impossible for her to explain the reason why Xia Xue stayed away from that woman surnamed Leng.

Just don't dare to say it.

If Xia Xue knew that the trinkets she gave her were equipped with cameras and recording functions, everything would be over...

But she couldn't let Xia Xue go out to work alone, but she couldn't keep Xia Xue at home by herself, so she could only do this.

In this way, she can see Xia Xue at any time and know her location. In this way, she can also make up for the sense of security that Xia Xue lost when she left her.

In fact, she knew the appearance of that woman surnamed Leng, including her voice, and the scent that Xia Xue smelled on her when she came home, which belonged to that woman.

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