Of course, she has no money, and no cute loli would do it.

Speaking of which, isn't she a cute loli?

But the feeling of cooking for yourself is the same, just like giving yourself a massage, which is completely different from others giving yourself a massage.

Although Bai Yingying is also very cute, it is completely delusional to ask her to cook.

Speaking of which, Bai Yingying hasn't gotten up to eat breakfast until now, it's past ten o'clock, and she can have lunch in a while, what time did she go to bed last night?

Xia Xue decided to wake her up.

But when she was called in the past, she was entangled instead, Bai Yingying actually wanted to use herself as a pillow, Xia Xue was so angry, hell, it's already this point, she still wants to continue to sleep!

"It's hard to get your work and rest into a regular pattern, why is it back to the old way now? Get up and have breakfast."

"Xiaoxue, I'm really not hungry, let me sleep for a while..."

"The last time you ate was after six o'clock in the afternoon yesterday, and you stayed up for so long at night. I don't believe that you are not hungry until now, or did you get up in the middle of the night and go to the kitchen to eat something?"

Xia Xue was a little puzzled, but then remembered that when she opened the refrigerator when she was making breakfast today, there was nothing missing. Bai Yingying was not hungry, so could it be that she drank the fairy dew?

Do you really think you are a bigu monk?After entangled with her for a while, Xia Xue managed to restart Bai Yingying, but she still didn't wake up, leaning on Xia Xue, and was led to the sink to brush her teeth in a daze.

Even though she hadn't eaten for such a long time, Bai Yingying still had no appetite after ten o'clock in the morning. She barely ate a little breakfast under Xia Xue's supervision, and then put down the dishes.

"Are you feeling unwell?"

Xia Xue asked worriedly.

Otherwise, I shouldn't lose my appetite like this.

But when she looked closely at Bai Yingying's face, she looked even better than when she didn't stay up late yesterday, which is really strange.

Hurry up and hand over your cultivation techniques to me!

Of course, Xia Xue didn't believe that she really knew how to practice. Anyway, she was going to have lunch later, so she didn't worry about it anymore.

Alas, why was she herself the one who was starving?

Bai Yingying ate one less meal, and she ate an extra meal herself. The feeling of being hungry is really uncomfortable.

Moreover, at noon, Bai Yingying still said she was full after eating only a little food, which made Xia Xue fall into extreme confusion.

"If you don't eat honestly again, I will take you to see a doctor."

"Xiaoxue, I'm really not hungry..."

Bai Yingying blushed for some reason, buried her face in the bowl and said in a low voice.

But fortunately, he finished the bowl of rice, and Xia Xue had already eaten three meals by noon, and he ate a lot of each meal.

Fortunately, after these three meals, Xia Xue finally recovered, at least not so hungry.

After finishing the housework, it was almost time to go to work. Although thinking of the proprietress over there felt a little bad, Xia Xue cheered up and went out.

Nothing special happened along the way. Although there are idiots in this world, generally speaking, a person will not meet them a few times in a lifetime.

Sister Leng came to work today. Sure enough, did she ask for leave yesterday because of something? Xia Xue thought she had resigned to find another way out.

However, her attitude towards herself is as cold as ever. During the past few days of working together, she may not have spoken more than ten words in total, but on the contrary, she will help her at work, which Xia Xue is very grateful for. her.

She can finally load the goods without using a ladder.

Speaking of which, if she was the one who met the idiot yesterday, that idiot would have been raped on the spot. Although this elder sister Leng is very beautiful, she is not a weak person, and she might directly give the idiot a wine bottle. Craniotomy on the spot.

But if his body shape and strength were normal, he wouldn't be afraid of idiots, but unfortunately, he couldn't change it.

Speaking of attacking idiots with heavy blows, she also remembered the tall woman named Yang Luchan she met on the bus before, who was even more heavyweight, if it were her, the idiots would surely blow her head off .

I don't know how she is now, although she also likes to touch her head, but Xia Xue still has a good impression of the kind of person who has a righteous heart in her heart.

But maybe we won't see each other again in the future, after all, we didn't leave any contact information, and we just took the same bus by chance.

The reason why I think of her is probably because I feel that she and this sister Leng are somewhat similar in some places.

Of course, the personalities must be completely different, and she can't tell the specific similarities, but she feels that this sister Leng can definitely fight.

Holding two cases of beer easily with one hand without changing expression, and the pace is still steady, this is not something ordinary people can do.

Two boxes of beer can weigh more than 50 kilograms. There must be a lot that adults can lift, but there are probably not many that are as relaxed as hers.

And she lifts it flat, and can move four boxes at a time...

Fortunately, although she has a cold attitude, compared to her colleagues around her, she is still very kind to Xia Xue, but she doesn't like to talk.

Maybe he is the kind of person who is cold on the outside and warm on the inside?She can't say for sure, but Xia Xue is a little happy that sister Leng is back to work with her. Of course, she won't just take advantage of others. She will also go to help.

Speaking of which, she still doesn't know the full name of this elder sister Leng.

Xia Xue, who already felt that she was not so scary, asked tentatively, and found that she did not feel offended, but said her name very plainly.

colder than ice.

This is also very similar to her personality.

Xia Xue also put on the badge given by Bai Yingying again, but this sister Leng never looked at it again. Xia Xue thought she liked it...

The proprietress didn't seem to come to the supermarket today, which made Xia Xue secretly happy. The two good things happened together, and today's work is quite happy.

If it goes on like this every day, this job is actually quite easy, but unfortunately the lady boss may come later, and it is inevitable that I will be targeted by her, but I haven't asked myself to leave yet.

After all, no contract was signed during the internship, Xia Xue guessed that she would not let herself stay until the day of signing the contract.

Sure enough, this kind of job that needs to be exposed every day is still not suitable for me?

When the time comes, what kind of work will I have to change to?

Although she already has plans for the future, she still needs some time to hone her skills. During this period of time, it is impossible for her to let Bai Yingying support herself.

In short, there is no pressure from being sick and delicate now, and as long as Bai Yingying can hold on, it is not a big problem, so let's go on like this.

And if you actually understand it, you will also find that sister Leng Yubing is not such a difficult person to get along with. Bai Yingying's worries can be said to be pure nonsense.

She is the only beautiful big sister who doesn't touch her head!

How could there be a problem?

Chapter 110 Investigation (Five in One)

Since the proprietress didn't come today, Xia Xue went to work a lot easier. After sorting out the goods in their respective counters with Leng Yubing, Xia Xue also chatted with her.

After all, standing here every day is quite boring. Due to the previous incident, I am afraid that the business in the supermarket will not be too much in the past two days, and Xia Xue does not think that the proprietress will look through the surveillance records to find fault with her.

If she really did that, then Xia Xue might as well just run away with the bucket, even if she just nestled on the sofa and shut herself up, it would be better than being scolded for no reason.

"Sister Leng, you didn't come over yesterday, what's the matter?"

Xia Xue didn't know where to start the chat, so she asked casually with some doubts that hadn't been resolved yesterday.


Leng Yubing's answer was very short, she did not come because of something.

But this directly chatted the sky to death, and after a long time, she didn't see her talking to him, Xia Xue was a little embarrassed for a while.

It turns out that there are still people who can't chat better than me...

Speaking of it, even Bai Yingying, who is very cowardly outside, is very active on the Internet, but this sister Leng seems to rarely speak on the Internet, and she seems to have retired from the supermarket staff group long ago.

Xia Xue still remembers the strangely shaped knives on her profile picture, and they should be flying knives. Xia Xue also checked it on Baidu later, and it feels a bit similar.

But those knives of hers are not pictures on the Internet, they are more like photos taken by herself to make avatars, and the workmanship is also very good, and it seems that the price is not low.

Maybe it's her hobby, and besides, if she hadn't really practiced, Xia Xue wouldn't believe that an ordinary woman could easily lift dozens of catties.

And that's obviously not her best effort. Speaking of which, the hobby of throwing knives seems to be quite niche, and Xia Xue has only seen it in martial arts novels.

For example, the Amorous Swordsman's Ruthless Sword or something...

Wow, it seems that the atmosphere has changed to a martial arts style. Can throwing knives and quick swords still appear in this society where charlatans are rampant?

I'm afraid that nowadays there will only be some masters like Hunyuan Lightning Five Whips to ruin the reputation of martial arts.

The master is wandering, the clown is in the palace (sorrow)

Horse riding, how did Chuanwu become like this? .jpg

Although the chat failed, it was nice to have such a colleague.

At least following her is still full of security. As long as anyone intends to come to harass Xia Xue, when faced with the repulsive temperament exuded by this Leng Yubing sister, they will hesitate for a while before acting. .

And even if someone came to talk to her, they would all be defeated by her cold attitude.

Of course, the most important thing is that Xia Xue doesn't have to take the blame.

After all, it wasn't her who drove those people away, she was just following sister Leng Yubing.

But there is one thing that makes Xia Xue a little curious, why hasn't sister Leng, who has done more extraordinary things, been reprimanded by the store manager?On the contrary, the store manager ignored all her actions and even acquiesced. There were quite a few customers who left angrily because of Leng Yubing's attitude.

Of course, most of the customers who came to Leng Yubing were men who just wanted to talk to them. Normally, most people who came to the supermarket to buy things could find what they wanted through their ingenuity. It's not that when you see a beautiful sister, you rush over to ask where are the things you didn't plan to buy.

And sometimes some of their questions are really stupid, and the products that they thought up on the spur of the moment are actually by their side. It seems that this can't be entirely to blame for the indifference of this sister Leng.

As for Xia Xue who had become a small follower, Leng Yubing did not show any displeasure, but remained expressionless, and then led Xia Xue to the warehouse to fish.

Maybe she doesn't want to be harassed all the time either.

On the other hand, Xia Xue glanced outside with a guilty conscience before entering the warehouse, and walked in after not seeing the figure of the proprietress.

There is a feeling of doing something bad.

Of course, the main reason for this feeling is that I am afraid of being reprimanded later. It has been like this for a long time. When I was scolded by the boss, I always felt like I was back in primary school, brought by my elders who were a lot taller than me. Stress naturally multiplies.

But elder sister Leng Yubing is fine, she won't be scolded even if she fishes for a whole day.

Of course, in addition to receiving and guiding customers, she has done a very good job.

After entering the warehouse, Leng Yubing didn't take out his phone, but looked at Xia Xue calmly, making Xia Xue feel a little uncomfortable.

"Well, sister Leng, is there something on my face?"

"No, aren't we chatting? It happens to be relatively quiet here, and they won't come over for a long time after the delivery is finished."

"Uh, yes, too..."

Xia Xue echoed, saying, did she really talk to herself seriously?Xia Xue thought she didn't really want to continue the chat, but it turned out that she just planned to change to a better place.

And if I remember correctly, this should be the longest sentence this sister Leng has ever said to me so far.

However, this chat will end at the longest time when the proprietress comes over, and Xia Xue will have to go out at that time.

"Well, what does Sister Leng want to talk about?"

Seeing that Leng Yubing did not continue talking, and Xia Xue was not very good at chatting, she had to speak first.

"Eyes, I like your eyes very much, let's start here."


Xia Xue pointed to her face with some doubts.

This topic seems to be a bit unusual from the very beginning, is it true that a person with her personality also pays attention to things differently from ordinary people?

"Well, do you remember the last time you tested your eyesight, what was the value?"

Xia Xue thought for a while, and felt that this question seemed difficult to answer.

Because she used to stare at the computer and mobile phone a lot, her eyes are not very good, and she knows it herself, but after becoming like this, her eyesight is obviously much better, and she has not tested the specific value of her eyesight now.

And if the previous value is reported, it is obviously inconsistent. The vision can be reduced quickly, but it is extremely difficult to recover naturally.

"Well, I'm not sure, it seems... I forgot how much it is."

Xia Xue had no choice but to confuse this matter, hoping to change the subject.

After all, as long as the eyesight is normal, there is nothing to talk about, and my pupil color is also normal black, not the classic white hair and red pupil like Two-dimensional.

"If my estimation is correct, your eyesight should be above 6.0, which is several times that of ordinary people."

Xia Xue was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to continue the conversation.

Where did she see it?Or is it because of her hobbies that she likes to pay attention to these small details that are ignored by ordinary people?Or did she come to a conclusion after observing herself for a long time?

"Of course, my estimation is not rigorous, but your eyes are indeed beautiful."

"Well, thanks..."

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