"I don't care, anyway, if I die here anyway, you can't take responsibility, right?"

"Where are you going to escape after you walk out of this basement? How fast can you run so that you won't be caught up by me? Even if you escape from here, where can you go? Then, how will you settle down? So that you won't be caught up shall we bring it back?"

Xia Xue was stunned by Leng Yubing's calm question.

She didn't know, she didn't know where this was, she didn't know where she was going to flee to, and she couldn't answer any of Leng Yubing's questions.

But this does not affect her "escape".

"I don't care. If I can't even get out here, then I won't even have the chance to face the problems in the future. I don't know if I can completely get rid of your tracking, but I have to, escape!"

"If not, then I must do the final experiment with you, whether I will have a chance to recover after suffering a real fatal injury!"

Xia Xue looked at Leng Yubing who was still unwilling to move, and tried to throw the throwing knife at Leng Yubing forcefully with the throwing knife that was free in her front hand.

But as expected, he was caught lightly, Leng Yubing didn't even move his body, just waved his hand slightly, and the throwing knife that Xia Xue threw was caught between her fingers.

Speaking of which, when she threw the throwing knife, how was she able to keep the tip of the knife facing forward?When Xia Xue threw it at that time, the flying knife happened to rotate in front of Leng Yubing so that its tail was facing her. It is estimated that even if Leng Yubing didn't pick it up, the knife would have no effect.

But this was not something Xia Xue needed to think about. After Leng Yubing put the throwing knife thrown by Xia Xue back into the scabbard at his waist, he turned sideways to get out of the way.

She didn't close the door when she came in, so there was no need to open it again. Xia Xue could go out directly as long as she passed her.

Although Leng Yubing has made concessions, Xia Xue is still very careful, and most of her attention is still focused on Leng Yubing. She doesn't want to see the hope of escape, because she is too much looking forward to it. But when Leng Yubing took the opportunity to subdue him instantly.

This moment of falling back to the original desperate situation after seeing the dawn of hope is the most tragic.

Xia Xue approached the door step by step, always keeping her sideways facing Leng Yubing. Fortunately, Leng Yubing didn't do anything special, just stood there quietly, watching Xia Xue Say nothing.

Although it took a long time to do so and was very mentally exhausting, Xia Xue finally reached the edge of the heavy door in the basement safely.

The moment Xia Xue lost Leng Yubing's vision as soon as she went out, she ran out desperately without even thinking about it, and when she turned around again, Leng Yubing reappeared at the door.

The distance between them did not extend too much.

Xia Xue naturally stopped again and assumed the original posture, while Leng Yubing continued to maintain the original state, and had no intention of going any further.

If Xia Xue hadn't expected this in advance, she might be pushed to the ground by Leng Yubing from behind before she ran far, and the knife in her hand would be taken away at the same time.

It was thrilling, but fortunately Xia Xue turned around in time.

When Leng Yubing chased after him, there was no sound of footsteps.

In other words, even under this kind of pursuit, the sound of her footsteps was so slight that Xia Xue didn't notice it.

until she turns around.

Leng Yubing's distance is well controlled, which happens to be the limit of Xia Xue's safe distance. Since Xia Xue originally wanted to escape here because of the desire to survive, as long as she is not overly stimulated, she will not lose her mind. action to come.

But it also happened to be like this, as long as it was cold and not forced too hard, it would be fine.

So she still followed.

Just keep your distance.

Let Xia Xue have a glimmer of hope to escape, but don't give her a chance.

At this distance, as long as Xia Xue lost his mind for a moment, he would be pushed down immediately.

As long as Xia Xue didn't have time to make a move that could cause fatal injury to herself, then it was acceptable.

As for Xia Xue, as long as she hesitated a little more because of the desire to survive and dared not move the knife when she was in a daze, she would definitely be controlled again.

Obviously, both parties understood this, but fortunately, Leng Yubing didn't intend to gamble.

Unlike Xia Xue, this is just her job, and she doesn't need to bet on it.

At this critical juncture, Xia Xue couldn't help but think of a story she read when she was a child.

The hunting dog chased a rabbit, but failed to catch up, so the owner scolded the dog that it was useless. The dog said: "The rabbit ran desperately to escape, but I was only obeying orders."

It's roughly like this story, although she can't remember the details, but the characters that appear in it may just fit into the current situation.

Of course, if Hua Qiu were the object of confrontation now, maybe she would gamble with Xia Xue.

But it's a pity that she doesn't have Leng Yubing's skills. If it was Hua Qiu, Xia Xue, who had a knife in her hand and was provoked, would really touch her.

But it's not good if you are cold in the ice. Facing her, he has no choice but to escape.

She didn't need to think about the specific details after she and Leng Yubing actually confronted each other. Even if Leng Yubing faced her with a sharp knife empty-handed, the only result was that Xia Xue was instantly subdued.

"You, don't come here again!"

Xia Xue also realized that going on like this was definitely not an option, so she hurriedly shouted at Leng Yubing.

But it didn't have any effect. Leng Yubing just tilted his head slightly to show that he heard it, but he didn't mean to obey. As long as Xia Xue took a step back, she would follow suit.

In this way, the distance between the two sides remained unchanged until Xia Xue was about to finish walking this corridor.Xia Xue no longer had the time to look back. There were only two roads behind her, one was the elevator, and the other was the long staircase going up.

Starting from here, as Leng Yubing said before, this is an unfinished building, so except for this section, the rest are almost just unfinished rough houses, but at least the elevator can be used normally, Xia Xue can See the red numbers showing the floors light up on the display.

Negative layer.

There is no need for Leng Yubing to lie to her.

The elevator should work, but if it doesn't...

But if you take the stairs, this situation may not be until Xia Xue leaves the building, no, what if she leaves this area, she can't distance herself from Leng Yubing, and she is in a state of full concentration, constantly It consumes energy and physical strength, and Leng Yubing only needs to wait for work at leisure, and he can already wait until Xia Xue can't hold on anymore.

And even if she has been spending time with Xia Xue like this, since the basement is monitored, the situation here will definitely be seen. Leng Yubing will have enough time to wait for reinforcements. At that time, Xia Xue needs to be on guard. Leng Yubing wasn't the only one who had sex with her.

And after that, there are too many ways to make Xia Xue instantly lose her resistance without actual contact.

Then, only by taking the elevator can we truly distance ourselves from Leng Yubing.

Even if it doesn't work, it's better than the status quo without any changes.

Xia Xue then retreated to the edge of the elevator door, fumbled for the elevator button behind her with her free hand, and then pressed it from memory.

The elevator door finally opened successfully, Xia Xue retreated to the elevator, and Leng Yubing had already arrived at the door.

She also knew that if she went in, Xia Xue would be stimulated by the approach, so she just stood outside and watched.

Xia Xue pressed the button on the top floor, the elevator doors closed slowly, and the cold figure gradually disappeared.

Fortunately, the elevator door that was about to close was not suddenly opened by hand.

Xia Xue finally breathed a sigh of relief at this time, the long-term mental tension almost made her a little unsteady after a short relaxation.

Chapter 140 Six: Hide and Seek

But the matter didn't end there, the real problem hadn't been solved yet, and she couldn't relax at all.

He had to wait until he escaped from here completely and Leng Yubing lost his trace.

The highest floor is the fifteenth floor, which is exactly the number of floors that Xia Xue pressed before.

Fortunately, there was only one elevator installed, and Leng Yubing couldn't go up through the elevator, and she didn't seem to have the speed to run to the second floor and press the elevator to stop Xia Xue halfway.

Of course, the current level of human beings should not be able to achieve that kind of thing.

Otherwise, another subject to be studied will be added.

After all, the stairs are still far away from the elevator, and at least when Xia Xue closed the elevator door and was about to go up, Leng Yubing still stood in front of Xia Xue and looked at her calmly.

She must have known the number of floors she wanted to go to, so Xia Xue continued to press the button for the [-]th floor when the elevator was halfway up.In this case, Leng Yubing, who had been walking up the stairs, might not notice the increased floor number halfway, and ran to the fifteenth floor to find himself, so this could still delay a certain amount of time.

Soon, the floor stopped at the twelfth floor. After Xia Xue went out, she immediately pressed the button to close the elevator door and walked out.

Because it is still a rough building, there are no windshield doors and windows here, and there are a lot of hollows around the building. I didn't feel it in the relatively closed basement just now, but now I just got out of the elevator door, and Xia Xue has already felt it. The cold wind is blowing from outside.

And the long-lost voice that belongs to the outside world.

It is already night now, and since there are no lights above, the line of sight is very dim, and the light outside is very weak, so you can only see the outline of the surrounding area clearly. Class stumbles.

Moreover, it was still raining, and the wind was naturally much stronger on the higher floors, which made Xia Xue, who was wearing relatively thin clothes, shrink her shoulders involuntarily.

a little cold.

But this is nothing, the important thing is that she has taken the second step now, and after escaping from the basement, she has put a distance away from Leng Yubing, and what she has to think about now is how to get out.

Leng Yubing came here by the stairs, and she may not have reached the twelfth floor yet, so Xia Xue naturally wouldn't go down the stairs to meet her, and now that the elevator has reached the fifteenth floor, she wouldn't press the elevator to go back immediately.

She won't question Leng Yubing's physical strength, even if she spends it up and down with her like this, it won't help, her ultimate goal is always to leave this building, not to consume her physical strength.

She can be a little tired and wait for reinforcements here, but what about Xia Xue, what can she wait for?

She must hurry up, although it is not clear when the other people in this organization will arrive, but it will definitely not be too late, she must hurry up.

In the dark environment, the air was very damp and cold, and it was raining heavily outside. Xia Xue lingered on the twelfth floor for a while, temporarily staying in an unfinished room near the stairs.

Although it is very inconvenient for me to move around at night, there is also an advantage, that is, everyone can't see it. As long as you find something to cover it, it will be difficult to be found, and it is very easy to hide.

But this method is not a long-term solution, and hard to find does not mean that it cannot be found.

Xia Xue waited quietly for a while before hearing unhurried footsteps in the corridor, which was obviously a cold voice.

She didn't seem in a hurry at all, and she was talking to someone now.

Maybe it's the phone, or maybe it's the communication equipment dedicated to this organization. It's impossible for Xia Xue to poke her head out to look, so she can only huddle in a corner and listen with her ears up.

Although a building with only one frame has the advantage of being spacious and convenient for sound transmission, but the sound of rain and wind around it also interferes to a certain extent, so Xia Xue can't hear it very clearly.

"Yes, the elevator has been cut off, and it was opened once on the twelfth floor and the fifteenth floor."

Leng Yubing's voice was so calm that when she went upstairs, she was not as fast as Xia Xue imagined. Slowly, her voice gradually approached and became clearer.

Xia Xue immediately shrank back. Fortunately, her target is relatively small. There is also a small pile of unused building materials in this room. As long as Xia Xue stays honestly, she will not be easily discovered. of.

"It was my dereliction of duty, and I will get her back."

After Leng Yubing said this, he seemed to put down the phone and didn't make any more noise.

But the footsteps were still approaching. She could hardly feel the footsteps when she was chasing her before, but why is it so clear now?

Moreover, Leng Yubing did not give Xia Xue the opportunity to consume her physical strength as Xia Xue imagined. After Xia Xue got on the elevator, she did not choose to go upstairs, but went directly to close the gate.

She had immediately blocked the possibility of Xia Xue going downstairs from the elevator again.

From then on, even if Xia Xue wanted to go downstairs, she could only go through the stairs.

And she should be able to see the situation of going out from the twelfth floor through the surveillance, so she only needs to find herself from here.

Xia Xue might be able to run to the eleventh floor to hide immediately through the stairs as soon as she got out of the elevator. In this case, she might still have a chance, but unfortunately, she didn't have the guts at that time.

Because she expected that Leng Yubing would catch up immediately, and in that case, this approach would have the possibility of meeting Leng Yubing.

This is actually a game, but because Xia Xue's decision is to stay as far away from the cold as possible, so although she will take risks to a certain extent, she will not make such a decision.

Perhaps this was something Leng Yubing had expected.

She just needs to find Xia Xue slowly on this floor.

Maybe she doesn't need to work too hard at all, just guarding on the first floor and waiting for reinforcements to arrive is enough.

Perhaps it was also to make up for what she had done, so she still came to find Xia Xue.

Before Xia Xue could think about it, a beam of snow-white light shone on Xia Xue's room. Although there was a block in front, the sudden beam of light made Xia Xue subconsciously close her eyes.

Fortunately, I had already hidden it before, otherwise, when Leng Yubing came over, she would definitely find out even if I touched something while temporarily moving to the shelter.

Now Xia Xue could only lie down on the ground and curl up into a ball, closing her eyes and praying that she would not be caught immediately.

Fortunately, the lights were quickly removed, and it seemed that Leng Yubing didn't stay for long, and his footsteps gradually drifted away.

Xia Xue was afraid that she would come back to take another look, so she waited until the sound of Leng Yubing's footsteps had completely disappeared before she dared to poke her head out of the cover.

My approximate location has been determined, what should I do now?

Xia Xue gritted her teeth and thought.

She has already searched here, and she probably won't come back for the time being, maybe she can go out temporarily?

Leng Yubing came here with a flashlight. It can be said that he was well prepared. Xia Xue could still see the faint light reflected from the door. She should be getting farther and farther away from here.

If I go out now, I can run to the stairs immediately, and in this case, maybe I can really leave.

But as long as you walk over and make a loud noise, or accidentally step on and kick something and make a noise, you will be discovered immediately, so you must be careful, so you can't be too fast.

Although this room is close to the stairs, there is still a distance. In addition, the speed needs to be slowed down, and the time required is still not short.

As long as Leng Yubing turned his head and looked at the stairs during this period of time, he would also be found.

Since the elevator route was closed, she had no other means to distance herself from Leng Yubing. As long as she was found here, Xia Xue would only have the possibility of being caught up.

What will Xia Xue do by then?Continue to hold this knife as a threat?

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