Next, where should we go?

Xia Xue asked herself this way.

But she hasn't figured out the answer yet.

Chapter 140: Nothing

Looking at the slowly moving tragic shadow downstairs, even though it was colder than ice, he unconsciously sighed.

Maybe it was because I didn't think carefully and forced her too hard. I originally expected to let her go downstairs after creating enough tension, but I never thought that Xia Xue would choose to jump directly from the twelfth floor.

Resisting the thought of going on, Leng Yubing turned off the flashlight, and quietly looked down from the window.

The figure was still moving hard. Since it was still moving, it meant that Xia Xue would not die.


They still have backups of the records that were destroyed in the hospital before. Logically speaking, as long as they don't die on the spot, Xia Xue can still restore them.

But it's just logical.

No one can say for sure about this kind of thing.

But if it continues now, all previous efforts will be in vain. This is the path Xia Xue chose herself. Before she stops acting, Leng Yubing has no intention of going over to rescue her.

Perhaps compared to those doctors, she herself is more aware of the limits of her physique.

After all, even her existence itself is a mystery.

Maybe that's why she made such a decision.

But Xia Xue's struggle was in vain after all.

If you are a little stupid, maybe you don't have to suffer this kind of pain.

It can also be said that cleverness was mistaken by cleverness. After roughly guessing the reason why Xia Xue jumped from the height, Leng Yubing couldn't help thinking.

She couldn't escape anyway.

The locator implanted in Xia Xue's body before is still working normally, so no matter where Xia Xue flees, she can't get rid of the tracking.

Her body recovered extremely quickly, so the tiny wounds caused by the subcutaneous implants healed in a few minutes. Although she had been mentally prepared before, when she actually saw it, she couldn't help but feel as cold as ice. I'm a little surprised.

Of course, Xia Xue jumped down the stairs and reported it to Wen Ruyu just now. She didn't give any orders or instructions, but planned to come directly.

She doesn't seem to intend to show her attitude and thoughts too much in front of Leng Yubing, but this behavior has already proved that she has lost her composure.

She was originally very patient and thoughtful, but sometimes she couldn't help herself.

Is this what she really wants?

So, what do you want?

Unknowingly, that little black shadow also slowly crawled over a long distance. She was clearly unable to refuse food before, but now she can persist until such a long time when she is seriously injured. To an extent, it's really interesting.

But she may not see such an interesting appearance in the future.


Leng Yubing looked away and walked downstairs.

Her work is done, there is no need to stay here anymore.


The dark clouds gradually became clear, and the rain stopped with the brightening sky, but there was still a thin layer of muddy water on the road. Xia Xue stepped through the black mud on the roadside and returned to the empty road. pavement.

She has been walking in the rain for a while, and even if the rain stopped, it did not warm her up at all. It has almost exhausted her remaining strength to walk around this abandoned development area. The dress was tightly attached to her body, unable to bring her any warmth, but instead, being blown by the cold wind made her body shiver uncontrollably.

The exquisite throwing knife pinned to the clothes belonged to Leng Yubing did not fall elsewhere when she fell to the ground, but was just pressed under Xia Xue's body, although Xia Xue's wound was aggravated to a certain extent , but now that it has been restored, it is nothing.

On the contrary, he had an extra knife for self-defense.

Xia Xue was afraid that her trembling hand would unknowingly let go of the knife, so she had to hold it tightly. Although her knuckles were already stiff and white, she did not dare to relax at all.

Where are you going now?

She didn't have a clear understanding, she just thought about running away.

That's it.

Although this area is relatively remote compared to the busy city, it was once regarded as a development zone anyway, so there are still streets and shops in places a little further away.

It doesn't take too long to walk to a place where there are crowds.

Although she might not die due to fatal injuries, if she continued to starve like this, she might really die.

The body has already given a strong feedback, which means that she still has to eat to replenish the lost energy.

She turned over from the opposite direction of the development zone, and those cars would not chase here even if they returned from the same road.

"Very hungry and tired."

so painful...

Xia Xue didn't have time to feel these things until she realized that she had finally escaped.

And it was just like this that the sudden sense of relief made her, who was originally exhausted, suddenly fall forward and fell to the ground.

The body could no longer make the instinctive reaction of "supporting the ground with your elbows", so Xia Xue only felt a muffled sound coming from her head, and after a while, she curled up on the ground with her forehead covered.

She had escaped, but so what?

Those people were still looking for her, and it was absolutely impossible to find people they knew before. If she went to the police station, she might be fine for a while, but once she went out, she would definitely return to that basement.

No, maybe he would be pulled directly into an unfamiliar vehicle, and when those people were ready, he could already be sent to be sliced.

So what next?How can those people never find themselves again in the days to come?And on the premise of satisfying this condition, how to live, no, survive?

Xia Xue wanted to get up again in the mud, but found that she couldn't lift up anymore.

Or, just die like this.


There is no longer any hope.

Why, why did I have to encounter such a thing?

Obviously she has never done anything bad, she just wants to live a peaceful and happy daily life...

But now she has lost all the ways to return to normal life, and has lost the courage to continue to survive in this situation.

There is no possibility of pursuing happiness again, and there is nothing to lose. She has nothing left.

Xia Xue looked at the knife tightly held in her hand. Although her body was covered with dirt, the knife was still clean and sharp. as ever.

Very beautiful knife, with exquisite structure but no fancy texture, beautiful arc, excellent material and extremely sharp.

If she is seriously injured again now, her body should not be able to recover.

Because she hasn't been supplemented, although her physique is unique, it should still have a certain limit.

Xia Xue raised the knife, but the knife, which was not too heavy, seemed to be extra heavy at this moment. She took a lot of effort to place the knife vertically on her heart.

The sharp point of the knife pierced the skin just because of Xia Xue's trembling hands, but not much blood flowed out, it just made a dark red dot smudge on the clothes that couldn't see the original color.


Xia Xue closed her eyes, gritted her teeth, and let out a weak breath.

It shouldn't take much effort for such a knife to pierce the heart.

she thought so.

Then, he will really die.

Unable to face such a situation, he had no choice but to escape with death.

That's what she is.

Nothing has changed.

What a cowardly and incompetent self.

After raising the knife for a long time, Xia Xue suddenly turned sideways and put the knife down again.

Because she dare not die.

She was actually scared.

Chapter 140 Nine Begging

She did not have the ability and courage to survive tenaciously in a desperate situation like a truly brave person. Although she dared not face it, she did not dare to take the last way of escape at the same time.

Because she didn't have the courage to face death.

In the end timidity overcame her, and the desire to survive and hunger drove her to get up from the ground again. Perhaps it was not all a bad thing to fall to the ground. She took a short "rest" for a while, and then recovered a little to continue to the unknown. The strength to go somewhere.

The dress on his body was worn out a lot due to dragging in the rain before, but the hem of the skirt was more stressed, so even though it was terribly dirty, it still had the function of covering the body.

The blood stains on it were also hastily scrubbed by Xia Xue a few times. Fortunately, the blood stains had not been dried, so not much remained, and the rest was mixed with muddy water, turning into dark brown dirt. It doesn't come out the way it used to be.

If someone sees this appearance now, at least it won't cause people to call the police immediately, but they will think that this is a very poor child.

No, maybe there will be such a person?

But it doesn't matter anymore, although after she was brought into the bureau, she might be re-handled soon, but she doesn't care so much now.

Perhaps under someone's persecution, he could commit suicide first.

After all, it was only a matter of time before she was caught again with nowhere to go.

Unknowingly, I have already walked into the urban area. It is not yet fully lit. There are almost no pedestrians on the road, and there are almost no vehicles. I can only see a few trucks passing by occasionally. This is not the time when shops are open. time.

Although I am hungry, I have nowhere to find food now.

Xia Xue could also clearly feel that her body hadn't fully recovered, she had only recovered to the point where she could walk normally, her body was still very weak, and the wound that was punctured on her heart just now hadn't healed yet.

As expected, her recovery ability still has a limit. If she can't be supplemented in time, she won't be able to bear it after being injured again.

Now she is as fragile as a frail little girl.


Xia Xue found a small alley by the side of the road, walked in, and squatted down.

Even if he kept breathing on his hands, he couldn't warm up his cold and stiff fingers, let alone his trembling body.

It might be better to take off the soaked clothes, but the wet and cold wind blowing against the skin, which is close to the skin, will be even more bone-piercing.

But Xia Xue still didn't do that, or in other words, she couldn't think of such a way now.

The sharp dull pain caused by the previous serious injury has disappeared, but it is replaced by the abdominal pain caused by hunger. This feeling will not fade over time, but will only become more intense.

I don't have any money on me, if I want to fill my stomach, I can only ask for it.

He was still holding the knife in his hand, and maybe this could be exchanged for some money to buy food, after all, this thing is not cheap at first glance.

Of course, if it's just treated as scrap iron, it's not worth a lot of money.

Although this knife is colder than ice, Xia Xue doesn't feel guilty about taking it as her own now.

But if this knife is replaced, there will be no way to resist when caught later.

Better than dying of starvation now.

A figure suddenly flashed outside the alley, Xia Xue only had time to turn her head, and the figure had already passed.

Before she could stand up, a tall woman was already standing at the entrance of the alley.

Since the sky was already dark and the light was behind her back, she couldn't see the person's appearance clearly, so she could only tell that it was a woman from the outline of her figure, but as a woman, her height was indeed very tall up.

Are you here to catch yourself?

Xia Xue thought so.

"Little comrade?"

There was some doubt in the tall female tone.

Although the name is a little strange, the voice is a little familiar.

But just by this title, Xia Xue knew that she was just a passerby.

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