Xia Xue, whose eyes had begun to slacken, began to try hard to remember, but her brain that had become chaotic made her unable to remember anything.

No, no one can rescue her.

"Tuk-tuk" is the sound of soles stepping on hard ground.

No one stopped for her. Such rhythmic footsteps, like the echoes buzzing in the brain, are the illusions brought about by mental breakdown?

"Little Snow."

The footsteps stopped, and a gentle and mature voice suddenly sounded. Xia Xue raised her head with difficulty, but only saw a familiar black dress.

She couldn't raise her head higher, but she also smelled the sweet smell that followed, which seemed a bit out of place with the environment here.

Who is it?Such a familiar feeling.

Did you come to save yourself?

Now she can't remember anymore, but she still instinctively wants to crawl forward, like a drowning person grabbing the last straw, even though she can't think anymore, she can still reach out her hand forward.

But in this way, she could no longer support her upper body, and just as soon as she raised her hand, she fell to the ground again.

But Xia Xue's face did not hit the ground again, but fell into warmth and softness.

It's like indulging in a sweet and beautiful utopia.

The cold and stiff body was wrapped in warmth and softness instead, and the woman who held her in her arms didn't care about Xia Xue's dirt all over her body, but hugged her even tighter after the initial contact.

"Xiaoxue, can you tell my sister, where are you going now, okay?"

Wen Ruyu said softly in a pitiful tone, Xia Xue's current appearance made her feel a little distressed.

It was even more so after hugging her tightly, the body in his arms was so cold, as if he was going to die soon.


But it doesn't matter, she can warm her cold body, so she hugged Xia Xue tightly in her arms.

She didn't get an answer immediately, Xia Xue seemed to be unable to fully understand Wen Ruyu's words, or to say that she was unable to think, but instinctively approached Wen Ruyu, trying to be warmer.

So Wen Ruyu continued to hug her.

"Save...help me."

After a long while, Wen Ruyu heard Xia Xue's faint voice like a dream.

Later, she realized that Xia Xue had closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Perhaps it is not an exaggeration to say that he has lost consciousness. It is normal for the spirit that has been tense to the point of collapse to suddenly relax.

She hugged Xia Xue, her body was unexpectedly light, Wen Ruyu carefully looked at Xia Xue's sleeping face, although there were still a lot of dirt on the face, it did not make her interest fade in the slightest, on the contrary it aroused Her pity came.

"Actually, you don't need to make this choice..."

Wen Ruyu sighed suddenly.

Her original intention was not to let Xia Xue fall into such a situation, but who would have thought that such a weak-looking Xia Xue would actually choose to escape by jumping off the twelfth floor?

The idea of ​​letting her come down the stairs was really taken for granted.

After all, the plan was made too hastily, and perhaps it should have taken longer to prepare.

But this time she was not as patient as usual.

This time, the plan has already started just to the extent that it can be used.

Although it is not so perfect, it still achieves the result I want, but I feel sorry for Xiaoxue.

Wen Ruyu picked up the flying knife on the ground, then carried Xia Xue back to her car.

150 Chapter Three Succeeded

This time Xia Xue didn't lose consciousness for a long time, she woke up almost a few minutes after leaving Wen Ruyu's arms.

In her subconscious mind, she may still think that she is not really out of danger, but the figure she saw after waking up made her feel at ease again.

"Sister Wen..."

Xia Xue's voice was a little weak.

The vehicle was driving, Wen Ruyu just turned her head, glanced at her with a smile, and then started to look at the road ahead again.

"Xiaoxue, do you feel better now?"


Xia Xue looked at the conspicuous dirt on Wen Ruyu's dress, and even though her memory was still very vague before she passed out, she could still know that it was caused by herself.

That warm, nostalgic embrace is real.

"Sister Wen, I'm sorry, I, I made you dirty."

"It's ok."

Wen Ruyu didn't seem to ask about Xia Xue's intention of being reduced to this level right away. It was just dawn, and there weren't too many vehicles here. The road was unobstructed, and she was driving a little faster.

Xia Xue didn't know where Wen Ruyu planned to take her, but according to common sense, she might be sent to the hospital or the police station.

"Sister Wen, thank you, I still Can you let me get off first?"

Xia Xue couldn't think of any reason to use for a while, because a hasty lie would not stand up to questioning, and she was still not fully awake, let alone a good way to excuse her.

"Xiaoxue, where are you going now?"

Wen Ruyu asked softly.

She didn't ask Xia Xue why she wanted to get off the car immediately, but Xia Xue couldn't answer this question either.

"I have no idea......"

Wen Ruyu's question made Xia Xue distressed again.

"But I don't want to go to other places. In this case, I, I will be arrested by those people again."

"Sister Wen, I don't want you to get into trouble too, so let me go down, I will find a way..."

Having said that, Xia Xue, who was already exhausted, didn't know what to do.

If you leave her alone like this, maybe she really...

"But Xiaoxue, you were asking me for help just now."

Wen Ruyu slightly emphasized the word "I".

If she could seek help through obvious means, then she would not end up on the streets. Since she was asking Wen Ruyu for help alone, she only hoped that she could save herself.

Although it was just whispering unconsciously, it also revealed her true thoughts.

"Come to me, those people won't find you."

Xia Xue was obviously being hunted down, and this was something she had revealed on her own initiative.

Although the "organization" that hunted her down had never been freed from her pursuit, and now she has even been found.

And the "those people" that Wen Ruyu refers to is obviously different from Xia Xue's understanding.

"No, didn't you take me to the police station or hospital?"

Xia Xue seemed to understand what Wen Ruyu said, and opened her eyes slightly.

"Well, didn't you agree to come to me for an interview before? Why, let me wait for so long, and you still don't know if I will be heard. Are you planning to leave now?"

Wen Ruyu laughed softly.

"That, that, those people chasing me..."

"There is no 'eye' where you are, and you have not been seen by anyone other than me along the way. I think if there are no other unknown tracking methods, it should be impossible to find you again."

What she meant was that Xia Xue hadn't been exposed along the way, and that Wen Ruyu could give her a place to stay without being implicated.

In fact, as long as Wen Ruyu is willing to give Xia Xue hope, how can she refuse now.

What's more, it won't implicate her, as long as I hide honestly.

Now Xia Xue is lying in the back seat, as long as she doesn't take the initiative to poke her head out, the camera outside will not capture her appearance, and that organization should not be so powerful, as long as she doesn't appear again, There should be no possibility of finding it again.

And the interview that Wen Ruyu talked about before was also an appointment before all this happened.

It's just that I can't go to the appointment.

But now, there is another chance.


Xia Xue didn't know what to say at this time, he hesitated for a long time before uttering a dry word.

The eye sockets became moist again, but this time it was not because of despair.

If it is said that she encountered all this due to bad luck, then it seems that it is not entirely true. With a body like hers, it may be inevitable that she will face such a situation, but she was able to find hope again under the desperate situation. Not bad.

Because she was driving, and because of the cameras on the road, Wen Ruyu didn't do too many special actions, and she seldom even looked back. She didn't gradually slow down until the car drove smoothly into a place similar to a development zone.

The location here is relatively remote, and the traffic flow is not too much, especially the section that Wen Ruyu drove into. Like a private area, it gave her the feeling of a summer resort.

But it doesn't receive tourists, and you can't even see a family of residents around, let alone passers-by. However, there are many landscape trees that cannot be named, and there are neat rows of waist-length red trees on the side of the road. There is also a large pool and exquisitely built pavilions. You can't see all the layout here from the car, but it is also a very beautiful garden.

It wasn't until Wen Ruyu stopped the car that Xia Xue came to a Chinese-style villa.

It wasn't until Wen Ruyu led Xia Xue in that Xia Xue confirmed that there were really only the two of them here.

It is true what Wen Ruyu said before that she just moved here alone and has not hired any staff yet.

According to the scale of ancient gardens, this place is obviously incomparable. The area occupied is much smaller, and it should not be built at the level of a garden. However, if Wen Ruyu lived alone, then It seemed too luxurious and empty.

Perhaps the design here is not for too many people to live in. Except for the gazebo built by the water, the only building here seems to be this house, and the rest of the things seem to be built around this house. Landscape only.

Although the architectural style is somewhat antique, the display in the room is quite modern. All kinds of electrical appliances and furniture are placed there as usual, but the decoration style is antique.

"Go to the bathroom first."

Although there is no need to blow cold air indoors now, Xia Xue's wet and dirty body should have been changed long ago.

And really desperately needed a hot shower.

As for the rest of the matter, we can discuss it later, Wen Ruyu is not in a hurry.

In other words, she no longer needs to worry about anything.

Chapter 150 Four Worry

"what happened?"

Wen Ruyu looked at the submissive Xia Xue in the bathroom, and couldn't help asking.

Although there is hot water as soon as you turn on the faucet, and there is no need to wait, and the hot water in the bathtub is almost ready, but Xia Xue still seems unwilling to put this body close to the skin, constantly taking away the dirty water from her body temperature. Take off the dress.

"Well, sister Wen, why don't you wash it first?"

Xia Xue said hesitantly.

Although he was shivering from the cold, after all, it was only picked up by Wen Ruyu out of kindness, not only himself, Wen Ruyu whose dress was also soiled also needed to wash her body.

Of course, she would never even think about the option of washing together.

However, Xia Xue's refusal was pushed back by Wen Ruyu on the grounds that "there is more than one bathroom in the house". After Wen Ruyu left the bathroom, Xia Xue closed the door and began to take off her dress.

In fact, she wanted to take it off a long time ago.

After taking off all the clothes, the naked body was not as cold as before surrounded by hot and humid steam and warm lamps.

After the shampoo was applied on the dirty hair, it returned to a smooth state after a little scrubbing, and it also carried some special fragrance of the shampoo. After washing her body, Xia Xue went to the bathtub with hot water Before walking, he checked the temperature of the water with his hand, and then lay down in it.

The long-lost comfort and warmth. When the cold body was completely wrapped in hot water for a period of time, the stiff joints became numb and itchy, and then gradually relaxed. The long-lost comfort made Xia Xue drowsy.

Sister Wen should be in the bathroom upstairs now, so she can't soak for too long, and I have to talk to her later.

You can't hide these things from her.

Although it doesn't take much thinking to know that she is not an ordinary person and has the ability to help him, but whether she is willing to help is another matter.

So when the time comes, she has to tell the truth about her current situation, and then it's up to her to decide whether to keep herself.

Although she misses Wen Ruyu's gentleness, Xia Xue actually doesn't think she is worth much.

Except as a research object.

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