He turned on the ability of Lianying.

"Lian movie line!"

His expression moved.

"The inside of the Umbrella Corporation building..."

Hong Kai asked.

"What's wrong??"

"Unexpectedly, there is a Galatron hidden, and Nasumi and Bilanki are inside!"

Shirakawa, who was talking with Nasumi, smiled slightly.

"The preview is over, and the big show is about to begin. Please prepare, both of you."

Chapter 113 Light and Darkness, the Power of Fate

"A play? What play, Bai Chuan, what are you talking about?"

Naomi said eagerly.

Bai Chuan smiled, stood up and looked outside and said.

"Nasumi, tell me, will Kai do something unexpected for you?"

Hearing this, Nasumi didn't feel anything yet, but she saw the figures of Lianying and Uub rushing towards them outside.

Bilanki released lavender energy between her hands, and she pointed at Bai Chuan with a gentle and elegant smile.

"Mr. Bai Chuan, what are you going to do..."

Bai Chuan rolled his eyes, looking out the window at the endless black night sky.

"In this world, darkness is always the main color, and there is no light at all, so I can only create light myself."

"Making, light??"

As soon as the words fell, the chests of the three Galatron MK2s in the sky released light together.

"Galatron spark!"

The enhanced version of Galatron sparks exploded directly on the way for the three of Lian Ying to advance.


When the three Ultraman Uub, Lianying, and Dyna were shrouded in flames together, the pupils of Nasumi and Bilanki shrank suddenly.

"do not want!"

The sound echoed for a long time.

Inside the umbrella company, the people here have already evacuated, and the whole building suddenly opened from the middle, like a secret base, and a Galatron covered in platinum appeared in front of everyone.

At the same time, Bai Chuan, who was inside Galatron, smiled with his hands behind his back.

"Struggle in pain, I will give you hope."

Bilanki no longer hesitated, and rushed over with a leap.

"Don't hurt me, Master Juggler!!!"

Bai Chuan didn't even look back.

Just a flick of a finger.

The dark energy enveloped Bilanki like a cloud, and her figure disappeared into the space.

Seeing this scene, Jugula in Lianying's body opened his eyes and shouted loudly.


Nasumi took two steps back in fear, and said in disbelief.

"Bai Chuan, you, how did you become what you are now..."

Bai Chuan waved his hand again, and black mist surged up.

"If what you see is real, why are there so many things that are not clear?"

These were the last words Nasumi heard before losing consciousness.

Uub struggled to get up.

he said fiercely.

"Bai Chuan, absolutely, I will never let you go!!!"

Bai Chuan said with a smile.

"If you can speak harsh words, then I will convince you."

After speaking, the eyes of the four Galatron MK2s simultaneously lit up red.

"Galatron Spark!" x4

The full attack of the four legendary low-level fighters is unstoppable even if the three of them work together.

"Uub holy sword shield!"

"Lianying holy sword shield!"

Lianying and Uub in front opened their shields at the same time.

Not a few seconds yet.



The powerful attack directly broke the shields of the two at the same time, and the violent explosion sound spread.


The two huge bodies fell to the ground, and they couldn't get up for a while.

Smoke rose.

It seemed that someone was coming from behind.

"Kay, Jugula, you must know how to fuse the power of light and darkness. The power of the two is far beyond your imagination."

Before that, in order to deal with Maga Yamata no Orochi, Asuka Shinobu had mentioned that the two should study the power of fusion, but unfortunately there was too little time.

Four Galatrons floated in the sky, and the red lights lit up again.

Asuka Shin's voice seemed extremely free and easy at this moment.

"You know, Ultraman is an existence that turns the impossible into the possible... Before that, let me, the old man, do my last bit for your progress!"

Chapter 114 Fusion of Light and Darkness, Despair and Miracle

Under the terrified eyes of Uub and Lian Ying, there was a golden light shining on Dyna's body.

That is Ultraman's ability to maximize the release of his own energy limitations.


An extremely powerful red light blasted on Dyna's body.

The dark red energy particles and the golden light particles collided with each other, and the light became more and more intense during the ebb and flow.

However, no matter how strong the light is, there will be a day when it disappears.

In endless light.

Daina turned his head.

Asuka's voice sounded.

"Don't give up! Miracles will definitely appear!"

Like the legacy of the world.

The huge explosion that should have appeared did not sound.

On the contrary, it was so quiet that it made people panic.

The petrified flashing sword fell from the sky, and fell to the ground together with Asuka Shin's figure.

"Increase light output."

Bai Chuan gave the order expressionlessly.

Galatron, which had stopped originally, burst out with red light again.

At this moment, Hongkai was in a rare state of composure.

Juggler put his hand on his shoulder.

The two nodded to each other.

Hong Kai seemed to feel the little bit of golden light belonging to Dyna.

He said.

"Absolutely, I will not disappoint Senior Asuka!!!"


The blows from the four Galatron MK2s fell, and the extinction light appeared.

The light is soft and serene.

Uub's supreme sword and shadow-bearing spark sword appear together.

One side is pure light, the other side is pure darkness.

It seems to be the entanglement of fate.

In that wonderful space, it was like lightning flashing across.

Hongkai and Jugula hold hope together.

"This sword is named, Supreme Spark Holy Sword!"

They raised their holy swords and pointed at the sky.

"Although darkness is the main theme of the universe, you and I are all that little bit of starlight!"

The petrified flashing swords that were originally scattered on the ground revealed traces of colorful light.

That is the power of miracles!

Together into the hope of this new life.

The white, black, and colorful energy storms gathered in the sky and even directly bounced off the four Galatron MK2s.

Earth, wind, water, fire, light, and darkness.

The six elements reunited in the storm and danced on the holy sword.

Bai Chuan felt this majestic aura and twisted his neck.

"Finally able to have fun."

In his hand, Galatron's card was floating.

With a flick of a finger.

There are hundreds of red magic circles densely packed in the sky.

Many figures of Galatron emerged from it.

"Galatron Sparks!" xN

The red light all over the sky moved towards the center of the energy storm.


It was like sinking into the sea, without any response.

Suddenly, a ray of light emerged.

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