"Uh... let me demonstrate it again!" Tang Yin said, stepping on the wild boar soul beast that attacked him again. The wild boar that was directly attacked seemed to be unable to move, and was directly stepped on by Tang Yin. At his feet, Tang Yin shot him a few more times, but he didn't kill him.After all, he may have to demonstrate his skills later.

Wild Boar: You are amazing, you are lofty, you are just a test case.

I have a sentence of MMP that I must say.

At this time, Tang Yin has already started to make up his mind, congratulations to the player Tang Yin for his achievement: he almost defeated the wild boar at the age of six!


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Chapter 29 Find the psychological shadow area of ​​the wild boar...

"This is the grabbing skill. I now have two grabbing skills. The stepping shot and the spike shot are convenient. The grabbing skill has a very strong control effect. The opponent who is grabbed seems to be unable to move. As for the upper limit of control, I don't know." Tang Yin said.

"There is also a flaw in the super body itself, that is, although it can prevent my attack from being interrupted, the damage it receives will still not change. You still receive as much damage as you should receive." Tang Yin said.

"In addition, there are two physical kicking skills, namely floating shovel, roundabout kick, and topspin kick." Tang Yin said, and directly turned Thomas around, kicking the wild boar under his feet.Then a floating shovel chased in.The floating shovel is also a sliding shovel, except that there will be soul power attached to the feet, and it has the same effect as the floating bomb to knock the opponent into the air.

And as long as Tang Yin uses physical kicking skills, his feet will have blue soul power surging.

And now the master's mind has been completely confused, no, you only have a soul ring, isn't this soul skill a bit exaggerated.With that grasping skill, is this the control effect that the first soul ring can have?Is this strong a bit too much?Coupled with the overbearing body skill he heard for the first time, the three views that the master had just established collapsed again...

"These are physical skills, followed by heavy firearms and machinery." Tang Yin continued without giving the master and his brother a chance to build three views.

"Hey, it doesn't matter if you have a lot of skills, this is classified!" The master felt that he had failed to establish his three views again...

As a result, as soon as the master finished speaking, Tang Yin took out an M-137 Gatling machine gun!Just point the gun body at the wild boar that is about to land, and then shoot it high into the air with a wave of guns.

Wild boar, ground... just a little bit...

"This...what the hell is this? Is it a soul tool? No, what is the relationship between a martial soul and a soul tool?" Three masters who continued to collapse...

"This is my soul skill for heavy weapons. It's called the M-137 Gatling machine gun. As for the effect, it's the easiest fire coverage you can see. This is also the characteristic of heavy weapons. As for the fact that I used the M-137 Hit the wild boar with the Gatling machine gun, it's a heavy firearm strike! This is a passive skill." Tang Yin said.

"Heavy weapons also have the last skill, BBQ. This is the only single-target attack among the group-based heavy firearm skills." Tang Yin said, kicking the wild boar that started to fall again, and then Green The machine gun appeared again, and it fired another burst of output at the wild boar in the sky.

While outputting Tang Yin, he said: "BBQ is a derivative skill. He can freeze the opponent I kicked at a certain height, instead of continuously knocking into the air like I did at the beginning. But BBQ is an attack-type grabbing judgment, and it belongs to the bully. Figure, defensive state, opponents who are already unable to catch can only deal damage from knee bumps or back kicks."

Looking at Tang Yin who had adjusted the output power to the lowest level, ravaged the wild boars in the sky, and gave explanations, the master and Tang San at this moment just wanted to say: "Same as human beings, you Hexiu?"

"Hey, hey, you don't have to look at me with weird eyes, okay, I still have machinery, ammunition, and special alloys." Tang Yin didn't care at all whether his Oni sauce and the master's mind Unable to bear it, the two broke down and continued talking without paying attention.

"There are now two alloys, one is displacement skill overclocking: suppression. The other is smoke bomb." Tang Yin said, when the wild boar fell in front of him, his legs were instantly covered by various machinery, and then the energy exploded , Tang Yin came to the other side of the wild boar in the next moment.At the same time, the powerful energy also knocked the wild boar to a halt in mid-air.

And just as the wild boar continued to fall, Tang Yin turned around and fired several shots at the ground.Every time this round hits the ground, it splashes a cloud of smoke and dust.Even the smoke can kill opponents.

"The last two skills of machinery and ammunition are only one skill each." Tang Yin finally said consolingly.

"I'm not comforted at all." Tang San covered his face, speechless to his perverted Oududou.

At this time, Tang Yin had also summoned a small, boxy robot.Then he loaded his pistol.

The robot started to walk towards the wild boar, and Tang Yin's bullet rain had already covered it, but this time, Tang Yin's every attack was accompanied by two strong attributes of light and electricity (because in DNF there is no separation of light and light, Tang Yin Count them together.) Net

"Silver Bullet, you can replace my dual guns with thirty special bullets with photoelectric properties. This is an ammunition skill. And this little robot is a mechanical skill called RX-78 Chaser."

"Eh? Aix 78 Chaser? These names are so strange, and he walks so slowly, why is he called Chaser..." The master was a little curious when he saw this thing he had never seen before.As a result, before finishing the question here, I saw the RX-78 pursuer.Walking to the wild boar and directly lying down and exploding, it was done in one go.

This time Tang Yin didn't hold back.The powerful power is fully displayed.For a while, the surrounding trees were tilted by the wind wave.But no matter whether it was Tang Yin or the master Tang San, even if they were covered by the flames of the explosion, nothing happened.

"What... what's going on here?" The master's CPU is completely unusable...

"Oh, this is a characteristic of my soul skills. As long as my default teammates and my own people exist, my soul skills will not be affected." Tang Yin said.Even he himself is desperate for himself, the hacker who knocked on the coffin boards of the big physics big shots, made all the big physics big shots get up and lie down, get up and lie down again.

In the past, he would not let go of the big physics boss in his previous life, but now he doesn't even let go of Douluo's coffin at this time... It's simply insane!

Not to mention anything else, is it really okay for you to have so many skills with a soul ring?How can you make Xiao Wu and these 10-year-old soul beasts feel so good about you?

However, Tang Yin still had a feeling that this situation might not be the reason for the soul ring, even Tang Yin suspected that the soul ring was a tool ring.It doesn't give skills itself, but simply helps Tang Yin explain skills, so everything makes sense.

"A total of fifteen skills?" At this moment, the master's eyes were a little empty, as if he had been spoiled.Tang San on the other side is not going anywhere...

But no one cares about the wild boar that has already GG, asking for the psychological shadow area of ​​the wild boar...


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Chapter 30 Silly Roe Deer

In the end, the master spent the time of returning all the way before he reluctantly classified Tang Yin as a special case, and forcibly re-established his broken three views.

So much so that along the way, the master didn't even have time to ask Tang Yin what the effect of the external spirit bone was. As far as Tang Yin saw the master's situation, he probably wouldn't be able to remember it for a while.

But Tang San is better about this, after all he has just started learning, and the impact of his own Oududou on him is still relatively limited.But seeing his own Oududou's successful smile, he couldn't help but give Tang Yin a supercilious look.He hadn't seen Tang Yin's external spirit bone before, and he didn't know what the external spirit bone was, so he didn't ask.

Tang Yin himself wanted to experiment with the effect of his external spirit bone, but he was not in a hurry now.For Tang Yin now, the most important thing is to pet the cat!

Not only is Erwei Yunmao very similar to the mica in Inuyasha, but it is also a real cat.Thinking about the size of the little mica mother, it feels like raising a cute Northeast Golden Gradient.

Tang Yin in his previous life was a senior excrement shoveler, and now he has such a cute kitten, so of course he won't let go of the opportunity to pet the little mica.

On the way back, he completely ignored the dazed master, and left all the tasks of taking care of the master to his elder brother. After all, the master is his master, so isn't it a matter of course for the apprentice to take care of the master?

So the little kitten on the road where I feel at ease is completely fine?

Mica: "... woo woo, mom, I'm not clean anymore..."

"Huh!" Completely ignoring the little mica who was already looking loveless, Tang Yin buried his head in the little mica's stomach and sucked for a while, before sighing: Sure enough, cat smoking is addictive!

Thinking back to his previous life, Tang Yin played Monster Hunter just so that he could raise an Elu cat.But in his previous life, Mo's parents and Mo's mother did not allow cats to be kept, so in his previous life, Tang Yin always went to cat cafes to pet cats.

But now that I think about it, it’s a good thing that I don’t have a cat. If I suddenly left that world inexplicably like now, what should I do with the cats I keep at home?Tang Yin shook his head and threw away all the things from the previous life.

But as soon as the past life was thrown away here, Tang Yin began to feel depressed again.Friends who have been on the train know very well that it would be fine if they could fall asleep on the train, just like Tang Yin did when he came.But if you can't sleep, it's very painful.And this is how Tang Yin feels now.

At this moment, Tang Yin infinitely hoped that he had already awakened, and then he could use the gunner's awakening skills to make a miniature of himself in the sky, and with the technical support of a mechanic, it wouldn't be too much to get a mobile phone or something, right?At that time, we will create an Internet, and directly turn the world into a group of people who bow their heads.

That picture is exciting.

Time passed like this in Tang Yin's brain twitch, and after a half-day carriage ride, Tang Yin and the three finally returned to the Soul Master Academy.

My elder brother still needs to send the master meeting room that has not yet been adjusted, so Tang Yin planned to go back to Xiao Wu and the others to have a look. fight.Now that he came back more slowly due to his own reasons, Tang Yin was a little curious if there were still any.

And when Tang Yin was walking towards their student dormitory again, he heard a few passing students who were obviously senior students chatting about something, and Tang Yin obviously heard the word "work-study student" while passing by.

Hearing these three words, Tang Yin immediately got close, and directly relied on his soul power to use the method of listening to voices shifting in a hidden weapon, and began to eavesdrop on what these people were talking about.

"Speaking of those work-study students, they are really overestimating their capabilities. They are obviously the most low-grade guys. Since they dare to directly challenge Boss Xiao, who is the strongest in six years. I guess, after tomorrow, we should not see those work-study students. is gone," said the first voice.

"I can't be so sure. I heard that those work-study students dare to do this. It seems that there are two very strong little girls in the first grade of their work-study students. They seem to be called Xiao Wu. Sister and Sister Xiaoyao. I heard that the incident this time was initiated under their leadership." Another person said.

"That's right, that's right, I've heard other people say the same thing. I heard that their bets are also very hard this time. If Boss Xiao wins the competition this time, then those work-study students will be their pets. Otherwise, if the work-study students If they win, they will be Miss Xiaowu and Miss Xiaoyao of our entire academy." The last person also added.

Hearing what they said, Tang Yin covered his face again.Although I don't know how to complain about my butterfly effect, I am very happy to be able to catch up.

After Tang Yin beat up all three of them casually, he started to go to the place where he asked.Although he has forgotten the reason for this battle, it is definitely not as simple as they said.At least the source is definitely not my fellow villagers and my sister-in-law.

So I am interested in this kind of blindness without knowing the truth, Tang Yin is directly a wave of positive output.

While clapping the hand that was not waved, Tang Yin came to the place where Xiao Wu and the others had an appointment to fight while stroking Xiao Mica.

But Tang Yinren hadn't reached his position completely, and he could clearly see the two teams confronting each other not far away.

And the leader on one side is his sister-in-law Xiao Wu.

"You two little girls, if you regret it now, it's not like I can't give you a chance. After all, I just want to raise a rabbit and a silly roe deer. If I remember correctly, your martial spirits seem to be rabbits and silly roe deer, right? "At this time, a very arrogant voice sounded from the opposite side.

But when he heard that man's words, Tang Yin couldn't hold back his smile. After all, as he said, the silly roe deer seems to be really a kind of deer.Thinking about it this way is quite appropriate for Yao.

And Tang Yin's third-party laughter immediately attracted the attention of everyone present, and seeing that everyone was paying attention, Tang Yin forcibly controlled his emotions.After all, it is my fellow villagers who are being ridiculed now, and I have received professional training, ahem... just now I couldn't help it...

"Then what? What's the situation? Such a big thing doesn't wait for me and my brother to come over." Tang Yin calmed down his emotions and said.

"Humph╭(╯^╰)╮! Who wants your hentai (perverted Japanese empty ear) to help!" Yao was a little happy when she saw Tang Yin for the first time. After all, with Tang Yin's combat power, she really just fought casually. .But thinking of what Tang Yin saw that night, she became angry.Even if it was caused by her own mistakes...


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Chapter 31 I am the strongest elementary school student in history

"Um... alright. I was wrong before, so what do you think if I say that I plan to chase you now?" Tang Yin came to Yao's body, and before she could react, she held two fingers Close together, facing Yao's forehead and asked.

"Oh!" The sudden scene made Yao unable to react for a while, but the work-students around her immediately started booing.

"Hey, hey! What are you doing! Do this as soon as you come back!" Huishen Yao absolutely said with a bit of embarrassment.

Tang Yin didn't answer in a hurry, he turned his head and walked in the direction of Boss Xiao.What happened this time was not something that Tang Yin just figured out as soon as he thought about it.

In fact, he had thought about this question for a long time the night before he set off.To be reasonable, it is obviously impossible to say that Tang Yin likes Yao now, after all, Tang Yin is not a lolicon.Not to mention being perverted enough to attack Yao, who still looks so young now.

Tang Yin would have this idea simply because Yao could be said to be someone in this world who he could let go of all his worries and chat with. Tang Yin really experienced a rare sense of relaxation watching his old brother chatting on a date that night.It's a really great feeling that you don't have any worries and the other party understands what you say.

Tang Yin liked this feeling very much, so after thinking for a while, Tang Yin finally made such a decision.That's why he directly left his brother down to find Yao and the others.Just kidding, why is it important for my elder brother to have a daughter-in-law?

And many of their Tang family ancestors also said:

Under Tang Hao's support, be sure to remember clearly.

A man who marries a soul beast starts at [-] yuan.

If a woman marries a cheater, she will not marry unless she is a god.

See, even our ancestral motto is professionally said, "A man who marries a soul beast starts with a hundred thousand." As the second son of Haotian Douluo, I will marry a daughter-in-law who is 10 years older than me What is the problem.Don't tell me that Yao and he are still a child and realize that it's not perfect.They were all adults in their previous lives.Needless to say, the age of 10 years is here.Old cows eat tender grass, and that grass is also Tang Yin.

Besides, I haven't heard of it: female junior, holding gold bricks.Women's college thirty, send Jiangshan.Female college three hundred, send elixir.Three thousand women, ranked in the fairy class.Thirty thousand women, the Queen Mother feeds.Women's University 30, what if you stand in front of the Buddha's gate?This is obviously blood money, right?

But what Tang Yin has to do now is to beat up the guys in front of him who may be based on the beauty of his own wife and future sister-in-law.

"Hey, I told you to hurry up and go directly together, I am quite busy here." Tang Yin summoned the blue silver hand cannon directly in his hand, one hand cannon was carried on his shoulder, and the other hand cannon was pointed at Boss Xiao and a group of people said.

"You kid... who are you...!" This was a sixth-year student who was a little frightened by Tang Yin's aura, and said in a stubborn tone as if he was trying his best to save face.

"Me? I am the strongest primary school student in history, Wang Da... bah... Tang Yin!"

"Return to the strongest elementary school student in history, kid, don't be too arrogant, little ones, since he wants to be beaten, let's all go up together and beat him up!" Boss Xiao was even more angry at Tang Yin's appearance, just kidding, now He is the boss of this academy.As a result, since the brat in front of him is even more arrogant than him. 23sk.net

"What about the young ones? What's wrong? Do you think you are the Erque Pirate King who once smashed the Four Emperors with a wine bottle and stomped on the future One Piece King?" Seeing the group of people who had started to come towards him, Tang Yin directly Looking for ignorance, the hand cannon in his hand has also become an automatic pistol.There is no way, the hand cannon is enough to pretend to be handsome. Now that he is competing, he is really worried about killing them with the hand cannon.

So Tang Yin directly replaced the weapon with the blue silver pistol with the worst attack power.

Looking at the group of elementary school students who were getting closer, Tang Yin suddenly rang in his mind: I love you walking in a dark alley alone, I love the way you don't kneel... Tsk tsk, the visual impact is too strong.The blue silver pistol in Tang Yin's hand was fired directly for six years, hitting the legs of the people running in front one after another, directly bringing them into close contact with the ground.After all, if you don't kneel, then lie down.

Tang Yin adhered to the principle that it's not good for a brat to make a fuss, and it's probably because he owed money.Directly rushed into the crowd with a sliding shovel, and shoveled one in the middle with the sliding shovel, and then got up and kicked in a roundabout, and Tang Yin made a cool Thomas roundabout, kicking the surrounding crowd away.

Although in terms of physical fitness alone, there is not much difference between Tang Yin and soul masters of the same level.But these are not purely physical skills.It is a soul skill with soul power attached.Coupled with the soul power of mother mica, now Tang Yin's soul power is definitely the highest here.After all, it was a 900-year soul ring.God knows what level Tang Yin's soul power is now.

So it is easy to kick four or five people away with one kick.

Before the roundabout kick was completely over, Tang Yin directly forced a backward jump.A white afterimage was left on the spot, and the figure had already retreated from their encirclement. Then Tang Yin turned around, pulled out a Gatling machine gun, and aimed at the man who had just been knocked down by him. A group of elementary school students is a burst of output.

"Don't fight, don't fight. We surrender! We surrender!" After all, they are children, and Tang Yin can't really kill someone.Therefore, the power of the Gatling machine gun was very low for Tang Yin, but each bullet had the power of a punch.Tang Yin attacked in this wave.As if they were hit by Wang Lufei's rubber machine gun, a group of people had bruised noses and swollen faces.It shouldn't be too miserable like that.

"Sister Xiaowu, it's done!" Tang Yin put away the Gatling machine gun, waved his dust-free hand, and motioned for Xiaowu to come and collect the younger brother.

"Hey! Tang Yin, didn't you and your brother go hunting for soul rings? What about your soul ring?" Seeing Tang Yin's series of manipulations, Xiao Wu suddenly asked curiously.

And hearing Xiao Wu's words, Tang Yin slapped himself on the face very speechlessly.He just said that his soul ring is a tool ring handle, and the soul ring corresponding to the skills used by a normal soul master will have a certain reaction, but what about him?His soul ring is a simple and emotionless unlocking machine.

Moreover, Tang Yin felt that his consumption of soul power for skills might be similar to the current consumption of Lan in the game.How long has passed, Tang Yin felt that his soul power was about to recover...

That is to say, even if Tang Yin uses all kinds of skills indiscriminately in the future, it will be very difficult to exhaust his soul power. Thinking about it this way, his cheat seems a bit too strong...

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