But with the passage of time, although on the surface these countries and some duchies still follow the lead of the big countries they belong to.But in fact, these countries have now developed into a country within a country in the true sense.In terms of politics, it can be said that apart from the necessary annual tribute, they already have absolute autonomy in other matters.It can be said that if it weren't for the strong military strength of the two empires, which firmly suppressed them, various civil strife would have already appeared.

At this point, the situation of the two empires is very similar.So much so that although the two empires are still relatively strong as a whole in terms of the current situation, they have actually begun to decline in many aspects.The emergence of such a situation is often a precursor to troubled times.

Speaking of the Kingdom of Barak, in this kingdom, there are two core cities, one of which is of course the capital with the royal family seated.After all, it is the political and economic center of Barak Kingdom.And the other is Soto City, the most fertile land in the Barak Kingdom and the most suitable for planting!And this city has another name in the country - Barak Granary!

Of course, the biggest achievements of this city are not mentioned above. The reason why history really remembers this place is because it is the birthplace of Shrek!

Four figures appeared at the west gate of Soto City under the sunlight.These four figures looked to be in their early teens, and although each of them looked a little dusty, they didn't have any luggage on them.

That's right, these four are our protagonist group.

During these five years, Tang Yin and the others have undergone great changes.

Among other things, the height of each of their 12-year-old children is about 170cm.If you don't look at the front, there are quite a few people who strike up a conversation with them.

In this regard, Tang Yin's changes were the most extreme.I don't know if it's because of Wuhun, but Tang Yin's height has inherited the height of the heavenly sharpshooters in DNF. Now Tang Yin's height is close to 1.8 meters...

Then there is the appearance, because the two brothers have not fully awakened the blood of the Blue Silver Emperor in their bodies, so their appearance is now at a good-looking level.Gives a very friendly feeling.

And compared with Tang Yin and the others' good looks, the girls around them are really worthy of a sentence of beauty and beauty.Needless to say, Xiao Wu's hairstyle is still the original pink scorpion braid.But even with this hairstyle, her hair has reached directly below her knees.

Tang Yin didn't know anything else, but it was time-consuming for Xiao Wu to wash her hair every time.And in terms of height, the current Xiao Wu is still a little taller than Tang San.A pink dress looks very lively and bright.The body that had already begun to develop was tightly wrapped by it, although because of her full age, Xiao Wu could still see her toes when she lowered her head.But her slender waist, so slender that one hand can wrap it around, makes all the women I have seen envy.

The same is true for Yao's change, which is different from Xiao Wu.It is necessary to have a head of pure white hair without any restraints, so that it hangs naturally behind her back, with long hair reaching her waist.Similar to Xiao Wu's waistline, it has a C plus level altitude that Xiao Wu envies.Tang Yin even felt that Yao's body development was in accordance with the standards of a certain Pirate Empress.

But such a Yao gives people an ethereal feeling.Charm is the figure, paired with ethereal temperament.

It can be said that the golden ratio of the two beauties is in this body, even if their faces are still childish.From time to time, I still hear the sound of bumping posts around me...


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Chapter 41 Tang Yin who wants to replenish the brain of Wuhun

In the past five years, Tang San, Xiao Wu and Yao have all reached level 29.It can be said that they are only a thin line away from the [-]th level, and the breakthrough is just a matter of these few days.

And Tang Yin was two or three levels higher than his elder brother at the beginning because of Mother Yun's soul ring that was nearly a thousand years old.It was also because the first soul ring had a relatively high age, so when he absorbed the second soul ring, the master decided to let Tang Yin try the soul beast that was exactly a thousand years old.

And this happened not long after Tang Yin and the others returned to Notting College. With Tang Yin breaking through to No.20 level, the master directly called Flender over with a letter and asked him to help Tang Yin hunted down the thousand-year soul ring.

In fact, Tang Yin didn't care much about the age of his soul ring compared to the masters who had high requirements for the age of the soul ring.After all, from his point of view, no matter what year the soul ring is, it can't give him skills. It's just a simple tool ring. In order to save trouble, Tang Yin even took a ten-year soul beast to unlock skills idea.

After all, he remembered that the million-year-old spirit ring in Douluo No. [-] High School was a bit close to white, so it's not impossible for me to use a ten-year-old spirit ring to pop out.And the ten-year soul ring is still confusing.Think about it, just when everyone thought your soul ring was rubbish, Tang Yin backhanded with a satellite ray and smeared his face.This picture is very nice.

However, Tang Yin didn't say anything about the master's thoughts. After all, absorbing a soul ring of a higher age is not without benefits. After the breakthrough, how many more levels can be improved?You must know that Tang Yin's goal is to break through to level [-] in the soul master competition. After all, only with the awakening skills can his plan be realized.

And Tang Yin knew very well that in terms of cultivation speed and talent alone, he was no different from his elder brother.Therefore, it is impossible to fulfill one's expectations solely by relying on normal cultivation, so one has to suffer a little.

And with the second millennium soul ring, Tang Yin's soul power was once again a bit ahead.Coupled with the 33th level soul ring this time, Tang Yin's soul power level has reached level [-] now.

And when he got the second soul ring, Tang Yin realized that he had misunderstood his soul ring.His soul ring has soul skills.

That's a dress change!Hmm, it's the dress-up you understand!A simple description is that Tang Yin can instantly change the decoration on his body to any one of Gunner, Mechanic, Ammunition Expert, Roaming Gunner or Metal Warrior.And... TM doesn't have any other attributes and bonuses.

It was the simplest and purest change of clothes, so pure that when Tang Yin knew the effect of this soul skill, he wanted to crush that soul ring.

But there is also a piece of good news. The skills of the martial arts commentator are the same as Tang Yin guessed at the beginning, and they directly unlock all the professional skills of the sharpshooter from level 15 to level 20.

Moreover, these skills can be used casually without any CD cooling, even if the skills are used across occupations, there will be no hindrance.There is absolutely no need to change the clothes of which profession to use the troublesome setting of which profession skill.

So Tang Yin's second soul skill is really an extremely pure costume change, begging Tang Yin's psychological shadow area at that time...

Of course, Tang Yin didn't slack off just because the brain circuit of the hell three-headed dog was all huskies.After all, if not counting the Clear Sky Hammer, his current melee skills are only some physical skills of the Wandering Gunner and Alloy Warrior.After all, close combat is one of his shortcoming.

So before you can't use your own Clear Sky Hammer, get a sledgehammer of [-] and a small hammer of [-].Tang Yin is planning to create his own soul skills!

And once again found that it can be attached to the soles of the feet through soul power, so that it can be adsorbed on the trunk wall.Tang Yin's inspiration came.

Since then, Tang Yin has vowed to learn how to make a round ball. After all, there is the prince of Hokage next door as a case. Is there any problem if I also use the ball to save the world?

The most important thing is that the spiral pill itself is a form change of energy, which can be reproduced as long as it can perfectly control its own energy.After all, soul power is essentially a kind of energy...

After Tang Yin's memories of the original work and continuous practice in reality, Tang Yin finally managed to make a very round and plump ball before graduation.

Then Tang Yin began to teach writing to his daughter-in-law, reading it as the daily life of eating tofu.

After all, because of the characteristics of Helix Pill, in essence, as long as you have soul power, you can use it.And the power of the meatball is directly proportional to the soul power you input.In other words, this skill theoretically has no power limit.

In other words, this skill can accompany them from now until they become Titled Douluo or even become gods. If you don't believe me, look at the prince next door with a vixen in his belly.Isn't he from Xiaobing to Datongmu, he is a meatball to conquer the world?

This is a perfect explanation of what is called with facts, there is nothing that a ball can't solve, if there is, then get another one.If it’s not enough, get a friend and send a bigger one... If it’s not possible, you can ask your father to rub a bigger one for him like the protagonist of a certain incombustible object.

After Tang Yin's Helix Pill was successfully researched, even the master was full of praise for this skill.It can be said that as long as this skill is learned, even an auxiliary soul master can have a certain combat power.

Tang Yin broke through to level [-] within two days after studying the Helix Pill. At this time, Flender, who was once again called by the master to help Tang Yin hunt the soul ring, saw Tang Yin Helix Pill and its derivatives, and directly gave Obtained Tang Yin Shrek's first special enrollment quota in history.

Even when he was helping Tang Yin hunt down the third soul ring, he planned to abduct Tang Yin secretly first, in case the master changed his mind midway.But finally discovered by the master.He drove Flender away on the grounds that Tang Yin still had a lot of theoretical knowledge to learn.

And now that Tang Yin and the others have successfully graduated, of course the master will not continue to stop them.Flender himself planned to come directly to pick up Tang Yin, but Tang Yin would of course have to go with his own wife for such a journey, so why would he go with Flender?

So now the four of them have just arrived in Soto City.

By the way, Xiao Wu and Yao now each have a necklace around their necks, and the pendant of the necklace is inlaid with a resurrection coin!

That's right, the two resurrection coins on them were produced by Tang Yin Wuhun's passive skills in recent years.

And after knowing the abnormality of Tang Yin's resurrection coin, even the great master called Tang Yin's martial soul too terrifying.

The one on Xiao Wu is to see if there are any relics of her mother in the Star Dou Great Forest, and to see if her mother can be resurrected through the relics, and the one on Yao is to prevent any accidents between the two sisters.

Of course these are not the most powerful, the most powerful is Tang San, he has eleven.Here everyone is going to ask, isn’t the resurrection coin only appearing every three years?Why does Tang San have eleven?

Tang Yin was also very curious about this at the beginning. When Tang Yin gave the first resurrection coin to his wife first, he found that the cooling time of the next resurrection coin became one and a half years, and the third time it became nine. Months... In this way, the time began to decrease.It has become one a day by now.

But one a day is the limit, because if the resurrection coins want to enter the cooldown, Tang Yin must not have them.Coupled with the one-day setting, Tang Yin felt that this might be the one in the game mall that as long as you use it, you can get another free resurrection coin the next day.

After realizing this, a question appeared in Tang Yin's mind.Now that there are resurrection coins, what about my shopping mall?Where did my big shopping mall go?

In the end, Tang Yin finally understood the reason through the subtle connection with his own Wuhun...how his Wuhun forgot how to open that thing...

At that moment, Tang Yin already had one hundred and eight ways to melt his martial soul in his mind. God knows what he lost. This is no longer a small goal or something that can be described as a pleasure, okay?Seeking Tang Yin's psychological shadow area at that time...

That is to say, there is no fairy grass to replenish the brain in this world, otherwise Tang Yin would have to give his martial soul a whole one.


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The website provides you with the fastest update of Douluo: Full-time Sharpshooter, Chapter 41 is free to read for Tang Yin, who wants to replenish his brain with Wuhun.

Chapter 42 Absolutely no revenge

Of course, there was no good news in the past few years, at least after Yao and the others got the resurrection coins, they didn't know the reason. Yao found that the existence of the resurrection coins could shield their soul beast breath.This is very good news.

Because in this way, Tang Yin can directly take the place of his sister-in-law in the finals of the soul master competition, so Xiao Wu and Yao don't have to play, and their chances of being exposed are even smaller.After all, you can evacuate safely and without injury, so why do you have to go shopping so hard?

At that time, as long as Xiao Wu and the others hide in the lounge at ease, the Spirit Hall will not be able to trouble them, so maybe the Spirit Hall will not go to the Star Dou Forest to hunt and kill Xiao Wu and the others.Then their early development is very comfortable.

Although Tang Yin knew very well that even if something happened to them, his father would come to the rescue.But after all, his old man's injury is there, and it is still a bit reluctant to fight so many Title Douluo by himself.It would be a lie to say no worries.

Tang Yin even sometimes thought, how about finding a time to kill his old man first, and then use the resurrection coin to revive him later.After all, with this operation, the old man's injuries will be healed, and he won't have to cut his arms and legs in the future.The strength will not be affected, how good!Maybe Tang Yin will still be able to obtain a taboo skill LV1 at that time.

So old man, if I say that I killed you to save you... would you believe me?

Don't worry, there is absolutely no intention of revenge, as evidenced by Tang Yin's notebooks...

Regardless of Tang Yin's various brain circuits that make Tang Hao who doesn't know where he is, in reality, Xiao Wu has already begun to wipe his sweat and said at the same time: "My God, we have finally reached this place called what is it? By the way, this is what the master said, is the position of our future college? But that uncle owl is also true, why only send the admission letter to Xiao Yin, we are obviously together, why don’t we have no.” Xiao Wu is very Said in an unconvinced small tone.

Regardless of the strange brain circuit on Tang Yin's side, Xiao Wu raised her hand, swipe at her slightly damp forehead, and said with some complaints: "Finally arrived at this city called Suotuo. This is what the uncle said before." Is he the location of the college? But that uncle is also right, so he sent Tang Yin an admission notice. We didn't have one!" Xiao Wu said unconvinced.

"If you are like Little Silver, you can have so many soul skills in the third soul ring, and you can also unleash self-created soul skills like Helix Wan alone, as well as treading water and climbing trees. Dean Flender beside you also I'll give you a special recruitment spot." Tang San pampered Xiao Wu's little head, but the pride in his tone seemed to be talking about himself.

"That's right, let's find out, Miss Xiaowu, after the academy, there will be senior Tang Yin covering you. Oh, it seems a bit inappropriate to call you sister now, and one is junior sister Xiaowu." Tang Yin felt very sorry. Said flatly.

"You, hum! Yao~ Your boyfriend is bullying your sister and me, help me deal with him quickly." Hearing Tang Yin's words, Xiao Wu angrily ran to Yao's side and acted like a spoiled child.

"Okay, how long have you been bragging about this, and you've been talking all the way, so you should calm down a bit." Yao looked helplessly at her smug girlfriend.

But Yao can't help it, after all, she can't say no matter how harsh the words are.After all, although Tang Yin has always been researching the spiral pill in order to develop a melee skill for himself.But Yao is very clear that the real reason here is because of her.After all, Tang Yin has a lot of melee skills, and it's not like DNF Yao has never played, whether it's a new professional alloy warrior or a roaming gunner.

Just relying on Tang Yin's cheats alone, the melee skills attached to these two professions are completely sufficient.Not to mention hitting someone directly with the Haotian Hammer in the later stage.So rather than saying that Tang Yin spared no effort to spend his training time, the reason for five years of hard work is to acquire a melee skill.In the end, it was not that she was worried about her injury, but that she had more life-saving means.

As for the skills of climbing trees and treading water derived from spiral pills, Tang Yin had only just begun to teach them, and they hadn't learned them for two days.

As for these skills created by Tang Yin, the master is very supportive of everyone's learning.After all, treading water and climbing trees may not be useful in competitive arenas, but they are very convenient to use in actual combat.

"Yao, you can't pamper Xiaoyin like this every day, you are too gentle with him. If that's the case, what should he do if he bullies you in the future?" Xiao Wu looked at Tang Yin and even said that Tang Yin was so gentle. That's fine.

Woohoo, this is the cabbage that I have raised for 10 years, how could it be so thoroughly beaten by Tang Yin, whoooo.

"Hey, Miss Wu, don't talk nonsense. To be reasonable, since when did I bully my Yaochan? Are you right, little mica?" Tang Yin finally scratched the little mica on his shoulder said the chin.

"Wow!" Little Mica whined cutely, expressing her support for her shit-shoveling officer.Naimeng Naimeng's little expression perfectly explained what a foul is. M.

"Ah! Little Mica, you traitor, we are on the side. Have you forgotten that I took you out to eat before?" Xiao Wu said with a little sad expression while being very annoyed at Xiao Mica.

"Yes, yes, and then you forgot the little mica in someone else's shop, you have the nerve to talk about it?" Tang Yin directly made a wave of ruthless make-ups.

"Okay, Xiaoyin. Don't bully Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu, didn't you say that you wanted to take a good stroll in this city? Then let's find a rest hotel to rest. Then I will accompany you to have a good time." Go shopping. How is it?" Tang San also comforted Xiao Wu.

"Third brother is better, let's go!" Xiao Wu said with a wave of her hand.

The level of Soto City is higher than that of Notting City, so the flow of people and the size of it are naturally not comparable to Notting City.

Among other things, the constant flow of people coming and going is a scenery that cannot be seen in Notting City.

Four people and one cat were looking for a hotel to stay in, while buying some local snacks on the road.After walking around, eating and eating for a while, Xiao Wu discovered a hotel with a very special style.

The hotel has three floors as a whole, and the scale of the entrance is not particularly large, but the overall decoration is very uniform, with all kinds of roses.So much so that the whole hotel feels like a blooming rose.The overall decoration style is more Western-style, and there are also some amazing things that belong to him.

"Rose Hotel. I like this name, Yao, how about we stay here?" Xiao Wu said with satisfaction.

Compared with Xiao Wu, Tang Yin and Yao who saw the name of this hotel had weird expressions on their faces.For a moment, they can only sigh that this is the power of fate?


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Chapter 43 What happened to my son when I beat him up?

Yao turned her head and looked at Tang Yin who was already eager to try on the other side, and Tang Yin who was still giving her a thumbs up felt helpless for a while.How could she not know what Tang Yin meant?He just thought it was time for him to make the move.

"Wait a minute and be careful when you start, they are still my brothers. Of course, don't hurt yourself." Yao came to Tang Yin and said.

"Hey, don't worry about this, it's your man's strength. Don't you worry?" Tang Yin said.

Tang San looked at Tang Yin and Yao who were whispering, and then at the excited Xiao Wu.Seeing that everyone has no opinion and agrees with Xiao Wu's choice.The four walked into the Rose Hotel in this way.

The first feeling when entering the hotel is the scent of roses, which is very refreshing and makes people feel relaxed.Paired with the hotel's style of white, silver and rose red as the main colors, people feel warm when entering the door, and the soft style adds some elegance to the hotel.

As the coolie and chief model worker of the team, Tang San walked to the front desk first and said, "Please return the four rooms to me, thank you."

When the service staff saw Tang San in the lead, they looked again. Xiao Wu beside Tang San, and Tang Yin and Yao who were still whispering something, responded to Tang San with a look that I understood. Tang San looked confused...

"Uh... hello? Is there something wrong? What's wrong with your eyes?" Tang San looked at the waiter who looked at him with strange eyes.

"Oh. I'm sorry, I was lost in thought. Sorry, I checked here, and we only have two rooms left now." The waiter said.

And Tang Yin, who was behind Tang San, seeing the waiter's eyes, didn't know that there were definitely more than two rooms here.But the waiter was doing them good, and of course Tang Yin wouldn't talk about such a good thing.

"Two rooms?" Hearing what the service staff said, Tang San couldn't help frowning.But thinking of myself being with Tang Yin, Xiao Wu and Yao, two rooms would be enough, since they would only stay for one night anyway.

Seeing Tang San thinking, the waiter emphasized again: "That guest, although we only have two rooms left, you don't have to worry about the space in our direction at all. Moreover, our rooms are very complete in various facilities. One room can accommodate two people. Personally take it easy." Speaking of which, the service staff still gave Tang San a look that you understand. www.

But Tang San obviously didn't understand the waiter's eyes, but since there was enough space, Tang San didn't pick and choose, and agreed directly.

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