As a result, this sense of mystery has not been fully created, Tang Yin directly asked the twelve robots to turn on their lighting systems to the maximum.

The next moment, the eyes of all the robots behind Tang Yin opened together like searchlights, directly illuminating the store as bright as day.

"Hey, hey, who are you, turn off these lights quickly, your eyes are going to disappear." The originally very calm figure immediately broke the defense.

"Huh? This voice, Dean Flanders?" Tang Yin and Yao secretly glanced at each other before. After all, although they had never seen it before, they all remembered that Flanders in the original book seemed to be the soul who opened a family. Guide shop.So just wanted to make sure.

"This voice, oh, so it's you guys. You've arrived in Lara, have you finished your registration?" Seeing that Tang Yin turned off most of the light sources, there was a faint light left behind, which was only seen by Flender come.


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Chapter 49 Tang Yin can finally be a human being

Flender is very depressed now. Originally, the layout of his store was intended to reflect a sense of mystery. With his own strength, he could give the other party a warning and negotiate a price with the other party.As a result, when he was about to follow the original plan today, the opponent started with a blinding move.

He wanted to teach Fang Fang a lesson, Tang Yin and the others had already spoken out.What can Flender do? Tang Yin is his special recruit, and he still has something to do to get rid of him...

Find the area of ​​Flender's psychological shadow...

And Tang Yin didn't expect that his and Tang Yin's conjectures turned out to be true.I actually met Flender here.This made Tang Yin a little speechless. After all, he is now able to use his skills to knock on the coffin boards of physics bosses in various worlds. Why is your world will still lead us in the direction of lifting?

At this moment, under the illumination of the robot behind him, Tang Yin found a bracelet that was very similar in style to his elder brother 24 Qiao Mingyueye.

Tang Yin came to the side of the bracelet, feeling the fluctuation of the soul power on it, and asked curiously: "Dean Frank, what kind of bracelet is this? It feels similar in style to my brother's soul guide."

"Oh, this, this is a space soul guide similar to your 24 Bridge Moonlight Night. This is a top-quality one, with a space of fifteen square meters inside. It is also the best among storage soul guides. ” Flender introduced with some pride.

But hearing Flender's words, Tang Yin's interest suddenly rose.After all, he has always felt that he has embarrassed his own time traveler. After all, if you look at other time travelers, which one is not ready to use all kinds of space, even his elder brother is the same.

Is a traverser without a storage space still a person?Tang Yin recalled the various experiences of rubbing his elder brother's belt over the years, and felt both troublesome and helpless.

Here everyone may have doubts, if it is a storage soul guide, doesn't Yao also have one?Don't get me wrong, Tang Yin is talking about people here, but if she wants to be a 10-year-old stupid roe deer, it is clear that Tang Yin's laws for people are not valid for her.

But this kind of thing can finally end now, because now Tang Yin has a storage space in front of him.Please today, I, Tang Yin, can finally be a human being!

I'm sorry that Xiaosheng failed to understand your good intentions before the will of the world, please continue to guide us like this!do not stop!

"Dean Flender, how do you sell this bracelet? How much?" Tang Yin directly turned his attention to Flender.

Seeing Tang Yin's naked eyes, Flender thought for a while: "If you want to buy it, it will be three hundred gold coins, but I have one more condition." Flender thought of what he wanted to ask Tang Yin, and he was very serious. Said.

To be reasonable, right now Douluo Dalu's Horcruxes are worth one or less, not including this top-level storage soul tool, which is more than [-] gold coins.Flender's price is definitely earned by Tang Yin.But what kind of character Flender is, Tang Yin can't figure it out.This low price shows that Flender's condition is definitely not that simple, at least for Tang Yin.

"Uh... Dean Flender, why don't you tell me what the conditions are first?" Tang Yin asked.

"There are not many big things. I just want you to teach your future classmates your skills of climbing trees and stepping on water. Especially in our college there is a soul master of the auxiliary department, so I still want you to teach Teach him the spiral pill..." Flender rubbed his hands flatteringly and said.

After all, most of the self-created soul skills are personal trump cards, and if it is put in the major sects, it will be a secret.Now I want to prostitute the other party's two skills and an attacking soul skill with unlimited potential with a soul tool.To be honest, Flender is thick-skinned enough, if it were someone else, he would really be ashamed to say such a thing.

"Oh thing... It's not that I can't agree, but I have to take one more thing from you." Tang Yin said.

Originally, Tang Yin thought it was a very difficult thing?It turned out that this was the matter. You must know that Tang Yin planned to hand over these skills to the other Shrek Five Monsters.After all, everyone's relationship will be here in the future.In addition to going to Sea God Island in the future, stepping on water is definitely a magical skill in that environment.

As for Helix Pill, although the upper limit of this skill is very high, in Tang Yin's opinion, the most effective effect is for auxiliary-type soul masters, and it is the icing on the cake for attack-type soul masters.Just add an attack method.

So in Tang Yin's estimate, there is a high probability that Ning Rongrong and Oscar will learn.These are things he wants to do, and now Flender is simply giving them away for nothing with these conditions.

But then again, since the other party said it was a condition, of course Tang Yin wanted something more.

You must know that Tang Yin and Tang San can be said to teach Tang Yin everything, as long as he can teach Tang Yin.And of course there is everything about hidden weapons.It didn't take Tang Yin to find the very unremarkable top-quality sheet metal in Flender's shop in the original book.

And when Tang Yin got the sheet metal, Tang San's eyes also brightened obviously.The two brothers looked at each other and smiled slightly, neither of them said much.

"Okay, it's the one in your hand, right? That's it." When Flender heard Tang Yin's agreement, it was even more agreeable if the addition was just a spar, as if he was worried that Tang Yin would go back on his word. Said.

But what Flender didn't know was that he thought he was on the third floor and Tang Yin was on the bottom floor.But in fact he was on the third floor, but Tang Yin was in the stratosphere.

"Here are three hundred gold coins. The education in the yard is fun." Tang Yin said with a smile.

"Hey, happy deal, happy deal!" Flender smiled like an owl stealing a chicken.

"Yao, is there anything you want here? Put it here." Tang Yin who got the soul tool was like a player who had liked it for a long time and finally bought it. He came to show off to his favorite person .

Of course Yao would not disturb Tang Yin's current interest, so he casually strolled around Flender's store to see if there was anything pleasing to the eye to buy.It's not expensive, because she knows that Tang Yin, who is in high spirits now, will definitely compete for superficiality.Shun Yanyao also took some trinkets.

It may be that Flender feels that he is a bit ashamed of Tang Yin for this operation, so Yao bought these things very cheaply.

As soon as he came out of Flender's shop, Tang Yin couldn't wait to put the things he wanted into his soul guide, and then put all the robots into it.Then let it out and put it in

Tang Yin even asked his elder brother to release one of his things in the moonlit night of 24 bridges, and then put them away to play.And looking at his Oududou's childlike appearance, Tang San was also funny and helpless.what can he doBesides pampering your own Oududou, is there any other choice?


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Chapter 50 To Shrek

"Okay, I was wrong before, Little Silver. What you got from Flender before was a sheet crystal, right?" Tang San saw that Tang Yin had already played all the way, and he didn't intend to stop. Can't stop talking.After all, the first thing Tang Yin put away when he said this was the slab crystal.Don't give him a chance to look at it at all.And the reason Tang San is also very clear, after all, Tang Yin's hatred for such a long time before is also a lot of white hatred.

They have a good relationship, but Tang Yin is not polite to his brother at all.It's just that he and Tang Yin are together every day, and there are many opportunities for revenge, so they don't need a notebook.

"Hey, brother, mine is not an ordinary plate crystal, but the one in Wang Wei's poem...cough cough, it's bad, mine is the best plate gold." Tang Yin saw that his brother had admitted his mistake, so he didn't continue to torture him My elder brother, he directly took out the top-quality plate crystal that he brought from Flender.

"Extreme plate crystals! But Xiaoyin, it is really the best plate crystals. This is a rare and rare thing! Let's go, let's go back to the hotel now." Seeing the best plate crystals, Tang San couldn't continue. In the mood of shopping, the only thought now is to take my Oududou back to the hotel as soon as possible.

"Ah~ We've just started shopping, are we going back?" Xiao Wu said very dissatisfied with Tang San's words.

Tang Yin: "..." Miss Xiaowu, would you like to hear what you are talking about?

"This is simple, Lai Yao, let's continue with this." Tang San didn't even think about what he said to Xiao Wu, and directly recorded Tang Yin's storage soul guide from his hand, threw it to Yao Yao and continued: "Brothers and sisters Keep playing, let's go back first."

Tang San didn't even wait for him to finish speaking, he dragged Tang Yin to run through the hotel, the whole movement was smooth and smooth, Tang Yin didn't even react.

Tang Yin could only look at the soul guide he had just obtained, and it was getting farther and farther away from him like this... Beg Tang Yin's psychological shadow area...

In the end, Tang Yin could only use it. Anyway, the storage bracelet was in his daughter-in-law's hands, and it would eventually return to his own hands to comfort himself.

Tang Yin was dragged back to the hotel by his elder brother with such a loveless expression on his face. At this moment, Tang Yin obviously saw that the clerk looked at his brothers with a strange expression. At this moment, Tang Yin wanted to learn from him. Uchiha Erzhuzi came to kill his brother and sacrifice to the sky... Net

Tang San, who returned to his own direction, saw that his Oududou was still in a state of confusion, and shook Tang Yin inhumanely.Abruptly draw Tang Yin's attention back.

What else Tang Yin could do about this, in the end, he could only turn grief and anger into motivation.In this way, the two brothers began to work on the top-quality sheet metal.

To be honest, that is, this banjin can't speak, otherwise, the inhumane things Tang Yin and the two brothers did to him would start indefinitely, and there would be no chance of probation.


"Little mica is good, come here, eat one of my special cat strips. Well, you have to know, it's not that I don't want you, I was also forcibly taken away by my brother, he is the guy who forcibly broke us up " On the way to the Conservatory of Music the next day, Tang Yin comforted the little mica who was squatting on his shoulder.

There was no way, after Tang Yin had nothing on her body yesterday, Xiao Yunmu planned to return to Tang Yin's body.As a result, before it passed, Tang Yin was pulled away by Tang San and left it directly. This incident made our little Mica very angry, and Tang Yin didn't let Tang Yin touch it all morning.

So now Tang Yin is comforting the little mica squatting on his shoulder with the cat stick he made before.

"Meow~" Little Mica called out softly, expressing that for the sake of the cat, she would reluctantly forgive Tang Yin today.

"Hey, little silver, you're not kind, and you didn't take less sheet metal, okay? How could you transfer all the hatred to me. It's too unkind." Tang San said helplessly.

"You still have the nerve to say, anyway, it's your fault." Tang Yin now remembered the way the service staff looked at him when they left the hotel, and Tang Yin began to feel depressed.Now he even put on a mask directly, which shows how desperate Tang Yin is now.

"Xiaoyin, Xiaosan, are you sure you're going this way? Why haven't we seen Shrek Academy after we've been walking for so long?" Xiaowu asked.The group of them left Soto City early in the morning and headed south.

Walking to the farmland where the scenery on both sides of them has now been turned into, it can be seen that the name of the food capital of the Barak Kingdom is not for nothing.

But this is also what Xiao Wu is curious about. After all, there are farmlands all around, and there is nothing blocking her view.It can almost be said that the end of the road can be seen at a glance.But under such circumstances, they didn't see anything related to the academy at all, but various villagers saw quite a few.

They also passed through quite a few villages along the way, but with the current route that is getting more and more deviated, is there really a college in front of it?Xiao Wu is very suspicious of this.

"It stands to reason that it should be here soon, but we are all here for the first time, so it's normal not to find it for a while. Don't worry, we just keep walking for a while. Anyway, we are in the right direction, and it is only a matter of time before we find it. Dean Frank met, which means that Shrek is indeed nearby." Tang Yin, who knew about Shrek's current situation, said.

"Brother." Hearing Tang Yin's words, Xiao Wu's eyes rolled.Facing Tang San, he used coquetry.The effect is outstanding!

After getting along for so many years, how could Tang San not know why Xiao Wu called him that.As long as Xiao Wu calls him in this tone, it means asking for something.Coupled with the current situation, Tang San tried to know Xiao Wu's intentions with his toes.Some helplessly said: "Xiao Wu, you are not young anymore, you are already a level 29 soul master, it's not like you can't walk."

"That's right, I don't know who put the two of us on the ground yesterday." Tang Yin agreed with his brother's point of view very much.

"Hey, I don't care, you are my brother, isn't it only natural for a brother to carry a sister?" Xiao Wu said while running and lunging.Jumped directly behind Tang San.

As for Xiao Wu's actions, Tang San had already formed a conditioned reflex.With a pull of both hands, Xiao Wu will be held back, and her figure also leans forward slightly to make it easier for Xiao Wu to buffer.

"Hey, I knew the third brother was the best, let's go!" Now Xiao Wu is like a captain, and said to her own sailor Tang San with a wave of her arm.

What can Tang San do about this, does he have the right to refuse?Regarding this, Tang San could only shake his head helplessly, and after a gesture with Tang Yin, he ran forward with Xiao Wu.

Seeing this scene, Tang Yin also smiled at Yao, and made a gesture of turning his back to signal Yao to come up too.

"I don't want you to memorize it." As he spoke, he directly activated the first soul skill, turned into a spirit body and flew over Tang Yin's head.

Since being seen by Tang Yin for the first time, Yao now rarely wears skirts.

But when Tang Yin found out that his plan to eat his wife's tofu was discovered by his wife, Tang Yin didn't get too entangled.Immediately, Ghost Shadow Mizong started to chase after his brother.


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Chapter 51 Why do my closed beta players queue up?

The two brothers of the Tang family ran wildly along the country lanes with all kinds of future daughter-in-laws, but along the way, Tang San and Xiao Wu also began to notice that something was wrong around them.There are more and more children around their age.All the way to the entrance of a village, where a large number of children of their age gathered.

The only difference is that these children were accompanied by adults, but Tang Yin and the others did not...

When the four of them walked into the entrance of the village, they saw a table that looked a bit shabby, and sitting opposite the table was an old man who looked to be in his 60s.Tang Yin and Yao looked forward to such a scene, but the expressions of Tang San and Xiao Wu were a little weird.

They knew that their dean was a soul sage, but they never imagined that the academy where a soul sage was in charge would look so dilapidated.Seriously, if it wasn't for Zi, the wooden plaque above the old man said Shrek Academy, they would have thought they had gone the wrong way.

Compared to Tang San and Xiao Wu who were shocked by the dilapidation of their own academy, Tang Yinhe focused all his attention on the head of the spirit beast Shrek next to the plaque.There is no way, after all, this soul beast with the same forgiveness green color as Hulk looks really strange.But what's even more strange is that you've been watching this soul beast for a long time, and since you still think it's inexplicably cute...

"No way, this is Dean Flender's Shrek Academy." Xiao Wu got down from Tang San's back, looking at the Shrek plaque with an expression like you're sure you're not kidding me.After all, Xiao Wu has lived with Yao for 10 years, so of course he is very clear about what green represents.Turning his gaze to Tang San, his own third brother also had a confused expression on his face.

"Although this kind of thing has already been expected..."

"But it is indeed crude and somewhat exaggerated..."

Yao and Tang Yin couldn't help complaining, after all, they had already arrived at their destination, and there was a high probability that they would ask everyone later, so Yao immediately jumped off Tang Yin's head.Appeared beside Tang Yin.

Don't blame them for complaining, there is no harm without comparison.Take Nuoding Elementary Soul Master Academy in their small city as a comparison, the current Shrek Academy is only about a third of the size of Nuoding Academy.Even from the looks of it, it looks like a small village.

"Uh... Dean Flender is also a strong soul saint. I heard that the teachers in the academy are also very strong. With such a faculty, the academy wouldn't be so poor..." For a moment Tang San had great doubts in his little head.

"Uh... In my impression, Dean Flender really doesn't seem to have much money." Tang Yin began to recall the plot of the original work.

To be honest, Tang Yin had read the original book, otherwise who would have thought of it.In the future, the strongest academy in the mainland with a detached status is now so dilapidated.

"Yao, looking at it this way, compared to the Shrek of later generations, the teachers of our generation are indeed a little great." Tang Yin said with emotion in a low voice.

"They are indeed a respectable generation." Yao also fully agrees with Tang Yin's point of view.

Of course, only Tang Yin and Yao have confidence in Shrek now. The others, including Xiao Wu, count as one of the children present. After seeing Shrek's situation, they all frown in various ways. head.

Regardless of this, it has nothing to do with Tang Yin and the others, after all, they are definitely going to enter Shrek.So go quietly and start queuing.

"Eh? No, I'm a special recruiter, and I'm here to report on the Clear Sky Hammer?" Tang Yin, who finally realized that he was still an inside player, finally discovered the difference between himself and the ordinary players in front of him.

"Then I'll go in first, you guys work hard. Take the little mica, and I'll take you to eat delicious food." Tang Yin said, the little mica on top of his head ran inside.

"Xiao Yin doesn't take you with me, I want to eat too!" Xiao Wu said angrily behind Tang Yin.

But Tang Yin obviously ignored her intentions and ran directly to the admissions office.

When he came to the admissions office, Tang Yin saw an old man sitting lazily at the entrance of the village. This old man was dressed in simple clothes if he said he had a high EQ, but if he had a low EQ... then there would be no good words.

Anyway, this old man is similar to the kind of old man who basks in the sun at the entrance of the village every day. Every time you see him dying, he just doesn't die, and he lives a long life.To be honest, in terms of spirit alone, Tang Yin even felt that the old Jack in their village was more energetic than this one.

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