And seeing Brother Ou who had already started to run away, what could Tang San do, he couldn't really throw the throwing knife, and in the end he could only shake his head pamperingly and continue to follow.

As soon as the two returned home, the two brothers began to cooperate with each other very tacitly.Because Tang Yin's cooking skills are relatively good, he is responsible for the main work of cooking, and Tang San is responsible for helping him.For example, Tang San is responsible for killing rabbits and cleaning up now.

The two brothers have been together day and night for so many years, and the tacit understanding is naturally less than an hour.The standard mix of one meat, two vegetables and one soup has been placed on their table.It has to be said that with the existence of the butterfly Tang Yin, Tang San's food is really much better than the original book.

Looking at the table that was completely finished, Tang Yin said while looking for a seat to sit down, "Brother, go and call the old man."

"Little Yin, father is our father after all, even if he usually ignores us, but after all..." But Tang Yin continued without waiting for Tang San to finish speaking.

"Okay, brother. I believe the old man has some difficulties. Oops~ Brother, this is how many times you have said it." Tang Yin said arrogantly.

In fact, Tang Yin didn't reject Tang Haodao very much. After all, he knew the reason why Tang Hao became what he is now.

After all, the death of their mother had really dealt a heavy blow to him. After all, the current Tang Hao is not some titled Douluo, but just a sad person.

But in Tang Yin's view, all of this is not a reason for Tang Hao to abandon his father's responsibilities and let the two children who didn't even fully take care of themselves fend for themselves while he has been immersed in the past.

After all, nine out of ten times life is unsatisfactory.Although it is said that Tang Yin's father in his previous life was very inappropriate, he was able to take responsibility at critical moments.Just like that year, their mother fell ill due to exhaustion from the experiment, and then the woman's old man had accidents one after another, and Tang Yin's grandfather passed away.For a while, all kinds of pressure were concentrated on Tang Yin's father in his previous life.

But even under such circumstances, he still did not resign himself to depravity, but forcibly supported the three broken families.survived the most painful time.

Of course, this is not to say that Tang Yin is going to compare the fathers of the two generations who are better and who is worse, he just feels sorry for Tang Hao.So Tang Yin liked to surprise the old man when he came out, so he didn't do anything else.

After all, he is very clear, don't persuade others to be kind if they have not suffered from others;If he really condemned his father from the perspective of a third party, it would be different from those who stand on the high ground of morality.Not to mention these most hurtful words, the target is still the closest relatives.

In a short while, Tang San came out of the room with a middle-aged man who looked a bit burly, obviously not very old but giving people an old feeling.

It can be said that no matter who it is, it is impossible to believe this scene.This person in front of him is the youngest Titled Douluo in the current Douluo World, Haotian Douluo——Tang Hao!

Seeing his father coming out, Tang Yin didn't say much.After Tang Hao moved his chopsticks, he made himself a spoonful of soup...

Tang San was also very helpless seeing the oppressive atmosphere that would appear every time he ate, after all, one side was his most respected father, and the other side was his most beloved younger brother, Tang San, who had already begun to show the attribute of younger brother control, was even more helpless. Have the heart to talk to each other.

In the end, I could only continue to eat in this strange atmosphere as usual.But Tang Yin and the others had just finished their meal.As a true legend in the world of Douluo, Old Jack, the head of Holy Soul Village, came to find Tang Yin and his two brothers.

It's not an exaggeration to say that old Jack is a legendary figure, after all, he cursed Title Douluo and touched Seagod's head.Talking and laughing happily, feeding one hundred thousand soul beasts.The master who quietly turned Holy Soul Village into Sea God Village.With this resume, a legend is not too much, right?

It can be said that in Tang Yin's mind, the only one comparable to the village chief, Old Jack, is the one who trapped the sixth generation with one hand, and violently abused the seventh generation with one punch, and kicked the Uchiha Erzhu who couldn't get up, and was scared by just using murderous aura Sakura trembled, and the ghost would not kill her again.The true sense of appearance is the pinnacle.

It's all downhill after all...

"Little San, Xiao Yin, are you at home?" Old Jack's voice came from outside the house.

"Yes, Grandpa Jack." Tang Yin responded first, then got up and opened the door for Old Jack.It's all about welcoming guests, definitely not avoiding washing dishes.

As soon as the door was opened, Tang Yin took the lead and said, "I'm sorry, Grandpa Jack, my old man just went to bed. If we have anything to say, let's talk in the yard first."

Tang Yin said again and again, and brought Old Jack to the stone chair in the yard.By the way, he poured a glass of water for the other party.

And Tang San just smiled slightly when he saw Tang Yin's actions, he knew very well that his younger brother was just a pure knife-mouthed bean curd heart.Although it is not easy to talk to his father, but in the details of life, it can be seen that he cares about his father very much.

Of course Tang San wouldn't stay in the house, even though he knew that his brother still had the intention of avoiding washing the dishes, what could he say?A little tidying up is also a greeting to old Jack.


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Chapter 4 Two Attitudes

"It would be great if all the children in our village were as sensible as your brother." Looking at the two brothers who were busy after he arrived, Old Jack couldn't help sighing.

"Hey, grandpa the village chief, you said that..." Tang Yin was a little embarrassed when Old Jack said that. After all, he is also a young man in his 20s, and he always feels that he is compared with children. Where is very strange...

"Grandpa Jack, what are you looking for us for?" Not only Tang Yin, but Tang San also found it strange, so he immediately changed the subject and said.

"Oh, I came here mainly to remind you that in three days it will be time for our village to awaken the martial soul for the children. Your two brothers are already six years old this year, and it's time to participate." Old Jack said.

"Awakening this year's Wuhun... I know Grandpa Jack. Thank you, thank you for making a trip early in the morning. We just collected some eggs today. Grandpa Jack, please take some back." Tang Yin thanked, At the same time, he took some eggs and passed them to the old village head.

"Grandpa, the village head, will not accept it. There are still a few families to leave. It is troublesome to carry this bag. Both of you brothers are still growing up, so you can eat by yourself." Old Jack touched it with great satisfaction. He touched the hair of the two brothers and said.

"Don't worry, Grandpa Village Chief, we have kept a lot here, our family is only three, and we can't eat it anyway. Just treat it as a help." Tang San also said at this time.

After all, both Tang Yin and Tang San respect this Grandpa Jack very much.

Because when they were young, their family had received help from the old village head.Every time, the old village head used various excuses to send them food. Now that they are rich, they also want to give back to the old man.

In the end, old Jack still didn't say anything to the two brothers, and left with a bag of fresh eggs.


Time is still passing by, and when the three days are over, it feels like a flash.And today is the day when the children of Holy Soul Village wake up.

But these days Tang Yin can be said to be excited and entangled, the reason is because of the uncertainty of Wuhun's awakening.The best situation is of course to awaken the same twin martial souls as my brother, so that one can cover and one can output.

The Blue Silver Grass can perfectly cover his identity, and the Clear Sky Hammer can reason with the opponent.

And if only one of them is used, each has its own defects and troubles.Such an unknown situation caused Tang Yin's mood to be very tangled now.

And now the old Jack had already taken Tang Yin and the others and a group of children of the same age to the Wuhun Hall in their village.

"Why should the old man be so lazy? When we are so important, since we would rather sleep at home than come over..." Tang Yin said indignantly to the old man who was probably still sleeping at home now.

Seeing the appearance of his own Oududou, Tang San comforted: "Father should have something else to do today."

"As far as what he can do, is there any order for blacksmithing recently? What else does he have to do all day besides sleeping and drinking?" Tang Yin complained mercilessly.

"Don't say that about father, don't worry, I'm here, no matter what kind of martial spirit you awaken, you can relax, I'm here for everything." Tang San is Tang Yin's elder brother after all, so of course he noticed Tang Yin's abnormal mental state these days.Combined with the time, he probably guessed what Tang Yin was worried about.So at this moment, he calmly comforted Tang Yin.

Same thing, two attitudes.Although part of this is that Tang Yin knows the hardships ahead, so he is a little worried.But more is the difference in the environment in which the two brothers grew up in the previous life.

In Tang San's previous life, he lived in a world full of sects, happy and enmity.Naturally, he experienced more cruelty and bloodshed than Tang Yin.The ability to adapt to the unknown is naturally relatively strong.

But Tang Yin didn't need it. He lived in a peaceful country in his previous life, and the most quarreling with others was whether to eat sweet or salty rice dumplings.Although Tang Yin has made possible adjustments in the past few years, it is inevitable that he will be a little nervous when things come to an end...

Hearing what his elder brother said, Tang Yin didn't say much.And at this moment when the two brothers were communicating, Old Jack had already brought them to the gate of the Wuhun Temple in the village.

Accompanied by their arrival, a figure in a white robe floated down in front of the Wuhun Gate, and finally stood proudly in front of everyone.

That's right, the person here is the biggest traitor in the history of the Wuhun Hall, and the awakened protagonists can go around the Wuhun Hall together.At the same time, he also has the traverser of flowing water, the awakener of iron... and so on - Su Yuntao!

Seeing Su Yuntao's arrival, Village Chief Jack greeted him immediately, and after a slight salute, he said, "Dear Great Soul Master, it's been so hard for you to come this far."

"Needless to say, my time is limited. Let's start right away if we are all here." Su Yuntao said very calmly, his temperament was really well-balanced.

"Okay." Old Jack didn't delay when he heard Su Yuntao's words, he turned around and introduced Su Yuntao to the crowd behind him.

It's just that among them, I will talk about a few points first, then I will say a few points, and finally there are a few points in the way of speaking that Tang Yin has already begun to want to sleep.He was curious, are these leaders so capable?

Facts have proved that Tang Yin is not the only one who can't listen to it now. Su Yuntao, who looked at the village and took out a speech from his arms, stepped forward and interrupted: "Okay, it's meaningful to talk so much every year. Is it that simple to become a soul master?"

"Not to mention anything else, so far I have walked through six nearby villages, but I still haven't found any children with soul power, or any martial soul suitable for cultivating soul power..." Su Yuntao's tone Also said a little depressed.

You must know that for soul masters like them who help children awaken, only if someone awakens successfully, they can get certain rewards.

In this regard, the old Jack who has been the village head for so many years is of course very clear, and said in a helpless tone: "That's right, most of them are disciples of major sects and families. Ordinary people like us... really too difficult……"

Seeing that Old Jack finally stopped talking, Su Yuntao directly opened the door of Wuhun Hall with his soul power.There was no way he was worried that he would slow down, what if old Jack started talking again?

"Come with me."

Following Su Yuntao into the Wuhun Hall in the village, Tang Yin looked around curiously.After all, there are no soul masters in their village, nor are there permanent soul masters.It can be said that this Wuhundian only opens once a year.But that piece was like this, Tang Yin found that since there was no dust around.


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Chapter 5 Huskies? !

After all, what Tang Yin and the others are now is only a village-level Wuhun Temple. Although it is already the largest building in the village, it's just that.After a while, the two brothers Tang Yin and the other six were still standing in a row.

For a moment Tang Yin's mood became more and more excited. After all, as a traveler, it would be a lie to say that he was not excited when faced with the power that was finally about to awaken.But more importantly, this may be Tang Yin's last chance to confirm whether he has cheated or not.

Because Tang Yin remembered that when watching various Douluo colleagues, many protagonists had no signs of cheating at first, and finally knew their cheating with the awakening of their martial soul.So this awakening of Wuhun is undoubtedly Tang Yin's last chance.

As for some of the factors in the late stage of Secondary Disease, Tang Yin himself would never admit it...

Under such a complicated mood, a thought suddenly appeared in Tang Yin's mind. In an instant, it was like a white light rushing through Tang Yin's little head (it is often the case when Conan figured out something). In the complicated time, Tang Yin suddenly figured it out.He didn't seem to need to be so frightened, after all, if he awakened the blue silver grass, it wouldn't attract the attention of Su Yuntao and Wuhundian, and the twin spirits could be covered by the blue silver grass.

And if it was the Clear Sky Hammer, Tang Yin didn't need to worry about this.At worst, he wouldn't tell the old man that no matter how useless his father was, it would be easy to threaten a great soul master, or it wouldn't be surprising to kill a soul master directly.So it was not him who was threatened with his life, but Su Yuntao.Why are you panicking? It's Su Yuntao if you panic.

But as soon as the thought came through here, Tang Yin stopped being cowardly in an instant.On the contrary, he looks forward to the awakened martial soul even more.

"Lone wolf! Possession!" Just as Tang Yin had thought through all this, Su Yuntao in front of them suddenly shouted, directly entering the state of Wuhun possession.As a canine creature appeared behind Su Yuntao, two halos, one white and one yellow, appeared around his body.

When Tang Yin saw Du Yuntao's martial soul, he just got a slot stuck in his mouth...

Tang Yin: "..." You fucking told me you were a lone wolf?Look at the black and white hair, look at the color that reveals the light of wisdom all the time, and match it with the iconic three fires on the head.This kind of good looks bought with IQ.This is clearly a husky, right? !

I also know this guy is also called a Siberian Husky!


In the next moment, Tang Yin suddenly discovered a flaw.After all, if Su Yuntao's martial soul is Erha, then it is understandable for Su Yuntao to make all the protagonist's martial souls into waste martial souls.After all, the phrase "God spread wisdom to the world, and only Erha held up the umbrella" is not a lot of nonsense.

Immediately, Tang Yin began to despise Su Yuntao again. After all, with Su Yuntao's combat power and martial spirit level, he really felt that he was not worthy of Erha.

What kind of dog is a husky? It's one husky topping three tigers, three huskies sinking an aircraft carrier, five huskies fighting against God, ten huskies creating the world, one hundred huskies destroying the galaxy, and one thousand huskies dominating the universe!My brother in society, the dog talks too much!Never lost a fight, never won a fight!I can't understand the instructions, so I don't need to talk about tearing down the house!If you don't know how to bark like a dog, you will whine!If the wolf turns back, there must be a reason, either to repay a favor, or to revenge!Erha, look back, the days are over!It's not demolishing the house, it's the existence of demolishing the building.

Husky, as a first-class state-protected waste, was not good-looking when he was young, but only bad-looking when he grows up.It’s no fun if you don’t raise it, and you will get angry if you raise it. It is a kind of dog suitable for other people’s families.If I don't get beaten for a day, I feel uncomfortable all over.As the saying goes, laugh with two haha, complete decoration.It is a non-aggressive dog, but it will make the owner extremely aggressive.

Such a Erha, since Su Yuntao is only at this level.Tang Yin can only say that he wasted too much of his martial soul.

"Those two should be the soul rings that other people in the village are talking about..." Compared with Tang Yin whose brain circuit had already flown to nowhere, Tang San was much more stable. Just observing these things that are very strange to him very seriously. M.

Ignoring the two brothers Tang Yin and Tang San who have completely opposite thinking now, the rest of the children have already stood in a row waiting to wake up.

And the martial spirits they awakened are nothing more than sickles, hoes and the like.Among them, Tang Yin also saw a girl awakened to the pan. Although she didn't know her, Tang Yin was already in humanitarianism and began to mourn for him and her husband...

Because Tang Yin and the others were next to him, they were of course awakened last.And the two of them, Tang Yin, were outsider than his elder brother, so they were the last ones, and because of this, Tang Yin had the opportunity to see everyone's spirits first.

In the end, until his brother, Tang Yin did not see the little girl who awakened the blue silver grass in the original book.

Is this the butterfly effect I brought?Is this small one a little too much?

While Tang Yin's brain circuit is still floating around here, Tang San has also completed his awakening here.Seeing his elder brother's Blue Silver Grass, Tang Yin pulled back his brain pumping thoughts.Wei Wei looked back, and from his angle, he could clearly see a flash of black light that seemed extremely heavy and heavy in the palm of his back.

This should be the special effect of the Clear Sky Hammer, it would be great if I could awaken the Clear Sky Hammer too, so whoever is blindly forcing it will be directly eighty for the big hammer and forty for the small hammer.Just set up a physics holy sword, and talk to the other party... Tsk tsk, that picture is very touching when you think about it.

Just when Tang Yin's brain circuits began to twitch, a violent white light pulled him back again.The next moment, I heard Su Yuntao's exclamation, "My God, it turned out to be full of soul power!"

"Uncle, what is innate full soul power?" Seeing Su Yuntao's surprised expression, Tang San asked curiously.

Regarding Tang San's question, Su Yuntao explained it patiently.It's just that in the end, he was still a little depressed complaining about his luck. Finally, an innate full soul power appeared, but the martial soul turned out to be blue silver grass, which made the bonus he was expecting leave him again...

After explaining, Su Yuntao didn't intend to say anything more, and went directly to Tang Yin's side to end the awakening here quickly.

Tang Yin didn't say much about this, and walked directly to the center of the magic circle where the martial soul was awakened, and the anticipation in his heart grew stronger.

With the activation of Su Yuntao's soul power, Tang Yin felt as if he was soaking in a hot spring at this moment.At the same time, the Xuantian Kungfu in his body was also mobilized by these soul powers, and it seemed that a certain shackle on him was smashed invisibly...


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Chapter 6 Blue and Silver Guns

With the guidance of this power, Tang Yin could clearly feel that a kind of power began to appear in his body.Finally rushed towards his hands.

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