But the current situation is obviously not within the limits Tang Yin drew for himself.

Tang Yin's face was gloomy, and a golden light appeared in his eyes, watching him lock on to Oscar. (The golden light is because of the awakening of the skill potential of the Gunner's [-]th level status! It can increase the attack power of the Gunner's skills.)

"Boss Sausage, what did you want to say to my girlfriend just now? I'm very curious." While Tang Yin was talking, the laser cannon in his hand had begun to charge again.

Oscar: "..." God knows what I have experienced today?

Fortunately, Tang Yin was quickly appeased, but although Tang Yin had put down the laser cannon, Oscar was still drawing circles tremblingly on the wall.

There was no way, looking at the scorching mark several meters on the ground, Oscar decisively chose Congxin.After all, the moment the laser light flashed past him was the closest he was to heaven.

Seeing this scene, Dai Mubai was even more fortunate. Now he really wants to go back to the day before and beat himself up for wanting to find Tang Yin and the others. If Tang Yin used this skill yesterday, he would probably be a scumbag There are none left.He really doesn't understand now, how fooled was he back then to confront Tang Yingang?

At this time, the teacher of the second academy also noticed the movement here and ran over. Tang Yin didn't have any impression of the teacher, but he vaguely remembered that the teacher's martial soul seemed to be scattered.

The matter here was quickly explained clearly by Dai Mubai. Although Tang Yin said that he intended to scare Oscar, but it was mainly for fun. Destroy the opponent.That's too brain-dead, so Tang Yin has already paid attention to the angle of attack, not to mention people, even buildings can't be hit.

Seeing that there was nothing wrong, the teacher continued to take the test without paying much attention.

"Okay, the things here are settled, Tang San, you go with me first, I will take you to the last level directly, Xiaoyin, do you plan to go shopping by yourself, or come with us?" Dai Mu Bai asked.

"Of course I'll be with you." Tang Yin said, after all, his daughter-in-law is here, so of course he wants to accompany her.

"By the way, Boss Dai, is it okay for us to go straight to the last level like this?" Tang Yin asked for his brothers, after all, they didn't know Shrek's rules.

"Don't worry, this is not me opening the back door for you, but the regulations of our Shrek Academy. As long as the soul master's soul power reaches level 25, he can directly enter the final test. And with regard to your strength, the last test Passing is not a difficult task." Dai Mubai said.

"This rule is good, I like it very much." Hearing that there was finally no need to wait any longer, he was immediately happy.

Seeing this, Dai Mubai also smiled slightly, talked to Tang Yin and the others before going to explain to the teacher.And after the teacher knew about Tang Yin and Tang San's situation, he naturally wouldn't be embarrassed, and waved his hand to signal that they could go over.

Dai Mubai also returned to Tang Yin and the others at this time, and continued to walk inside with a few people.But seeing this scene, once again some candidates were unwilling to say: "Wait a minute, teacher, why can they go straight down without doing anything, but we still need to take tests one by one?"

And Tang Yin was speechless after seeing this scene. This kind of face-slapping scene that was popular only a few decades ago is not over yet, is it?


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Chapter 55 A monster must have the arrogance of a monster.

Hearing that person's words, the teacher in charge of the second level didn't pay much attention, and said lightly: "If you also have soul power of level 25 or above, you can go directly. This is our rule here, as long as you Once you have reached it, you can also go directly to the fourth level. But the fact is that you only have soul power in your early twenties, so of course you have to pass each level with this little soul power."

But after hearing this teacher Li's words, the examiner believed even more and said, "You mean that their soul power is above level 25? Impossible, absolutely impossible! .”

"We are all 12 years old. At this age, you tell me that they all reach level 25? Are you kidding?" At this time, some other students also booed.

But it's not that they look down on people with this kind of mentality, the main reason is that this matter is too unimaginable for ordinary people.After all, those who can appear here are all above level 13 and under the age of [-].With their qualifications, they were regarded as the chosen ones in the previous colleges.

But with existence like them, when they came to this academy, they bumped into walls in various ways.The mentality will inevitably collapse.

And Dai Mubai is very used to these booing guys, and said directly with disdain: "If you can't do it yourself, don't blame others. When I first came to the academy, my spirit power was just at level 25. Little San, come here! Let them see Look at our Shrek standards." Dai Mubai said, and directly threw the crystal on the table to Tang San.

Seeing such a scene, Tang Yin was also quite helpless. You said that I am so low-key and don't like noisy people.Why are you all forcing me to pretend?

The test crystal is a special crystal that can improve everyone's soul power level and emit different degrees of light.And now in the hands of the old crystal master Tang San, under Tang San's control, pure white light began to emit, in terms of brightness, it can be clearly seen that this spirit power is already very close to the thirtyth rank.

And as the teacher of this test anyway, seeing such a scene, he also sighed with a lot of fun: "It seems that this year's Shrek can be more lively, and there are many relatively high-quality little monsters. "

After Tang San finished here, he completely ignored the stunned audience, and directly handed the crystal to Xiao Wu beside him.Anyway, he has already done it, and he doesn't want Xiao Wu to be gossiped by others.

After all, the levels of Xiao Wu and Yao are there, so there is no need to talk about it.

When the crystal was in Xiao Wu's hands, a burst of white light also emerged.Tang San and Xiao Wu's couple punches alone directly shattered the three views of the candidates on the spot.But Xiao Wu didn't intend to give them time to recover, looking at the surprised expression on the other side, she smiled playfully.He handed the crystal directly to Yao.At this moment, she seems to have grasped the thrill of Tang Yin's pretense...

And Yao naturally wouldn't talk nonsense with them, and directly input soul power, and the crystal ball that had just dimmed emitted the same light as before.The three views of the people who had just slowed down a little in the last second continued to collapse.

No way, God knows what he saw today?You have to know that the guy in front of you is only 12 years old at most, a 12-year-old level 29, is this a human?And there are three more at once?Are they human?

But their thinking is indeed very close to the truth, after all, except for Tang San, among these three people, none of them is really human...

Just when these melon-eaters were confused, a very crisp voice sounded: "Teacher, if there are such regulations, then I don't have to take the second and third exams."

Hearing this crisp sound, everyone subconsciously looked in the direction of the sound.I saw a girl with very fair skin and a very delicate face walking out slowly.Walking out in just a few short steps, it gives people the air of a noble princess.

The visitor smiled slightly at Yao, and Yao immediately guessed the identity of the visitor when he saw the visitor, and handed the crystal to him without any hesitation.

And after the girl took the crystal, the crystal emitted a burst of light again, but this time it was not as strong as Tang San and the others.This made the people who eat melons feel comforted.But even though they weren't as bright as Tang San and the others, they definitely surpassed level 25.

That's right, the person here is from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect who reads as the little princess and writes as the little witch.Oscar's official partner - Ning Rongrong.

Ning Rongrong, who passed the test, was about to ask the teacher if she could pass the test, when she suddenly felt light in her hands.When she came back to her senses, the crystal in her hand had long since disappeared, replaced by a figure quietly appearing beside her.The next moment the crystal ball radiated light again, although not as bright as Tang San and the others, it was higher than Ning Rongrong.

The visitor gave the impression that his age was even younger than Xiao Wu and the others.A head of black hair fell down casually like a waterfall, and his face looked very cold.Although she looks the youngest, she is taller than Ning Rongrong.

Of course, these are not what attract everyone's attention the most. What attracts everyone's attention the most is her figure that is completely out of her age.As far as this figure alone is concerned, let alone ordinary women, even the current Yao is half a point inferior in terms of stalwart.Absolutely standard childlike face.

But her fiery figure was in stark contrast to her icy face, and even those eyes, which were obviously very beautiful, didn't look angry at all.

Such a completely opposite temperament, paired with his very well-proportioned and slender limbs, gave people a powerful impact.

Combining these characteristics, the person who snatched the crystal ball in an instant can be sure that it is Zhu Zhuqing, the ghost civet!

Seeing this scene, Tang Yin was a little regretful. After all, the original Shrek had already reached the sixth place, and he was only short of a little chubby to summon the dragon. It was a pity.

"How is it? Do you have anything else to say?" Dai Mubai's eyes glanced coldly at the candidates present.

"I...we..." After showing their faces, no one dared to say anything for a while, but after all, they are all young at heart, so how could it end so easily if they lost their faces.

One of them looked at Tang Yin who was watching the show, and suddenly said, "Wait, isn't there another one that hasn't been tested?"

Because Tang Yin's skills do not need to activate the soul ring, Tang Yin did not have a soul ring when he used the skill before.Naturally, they didn't know about Tang Yin's situation.

"Brother, you don't know anything about geniuses." Tang Yin said as he stepped forward, the configuration of one yellow and two purple soul rings directly shattered the newly calmed three views of everyone present just now.

"Why? We've all worked so hard to cultivate." The double-viewing bombardment exploded again, and finally someone's mentality exploded...

"Uh...brother, you may not have done one thing. If hard work is useful...why do you need a genius?" Tang Yin said.

Tang Yin always felt that Li Bai's deleted sentence was very arrogant, but it was very suitable for Shrek. After all, they were all monsters, and since they were monsters, they must have the arrogance of monsters.


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Chapter 56 Tang Hao is Waiting for You in the Grove

Dai Mubai's eyes obviously paused on Zhu Zhuqing, but neither of them said much.After finishing these tricks, Dai Mubai also continued to lead Tang Yin and the others to the last hurdle.

Halfway through Tang Yin's questioning, Dai Mubai also introduced to them the checkpoints they skipped.

This greatly satisfied Tang Yin's curiosity, and after listening to all Shrek's admissions requirements and procedures, except for Tang Yin and Yao, who had turned on the predictive link, everyone fell silent for a while.In the end, Xiao Wu couldn't help but said: "Are you sure that you Shrek are choosing students, not picking veterans for yourself? This standard is too harsh, isn't it?"

To Xiao Wu's words, Tang San also agrees and said: "No wonder when we were in the first level, the teacher said: Our Shrek only accepts monsters. From this point of view, students who can meet Shrek's requirements are really monsters. This should be the reason why Brother Dai mentioned that there are only three students including you."

Hearing Tang San's words, this time it was Dai Mubai's turn to smile wryly, and he could only say with great regret: "This is also a time when there is no way, do you know? Our Shrek has been ups and downs until now. It has been more than 20 years, but even in the 20 years since the establishment of the school, a total of 42 students were selected. It is not bad to have one or two students in a year."

Having said that, Dai Mubai looked at the crowd again, and said with some emotion: "Unless there is no accident, the year when five people were selected at one time is definitely the highest record since Shrek was created. I don't know about other times, but I In the past two years since entering the school, our college has not received any students. Now there are only four of us students in the college."

"Four?" Apart from Tang San and Xiao Wu who already knew about Tang Yin's situation, Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong all exclaimed.

Hearing Zhu Zhuqing's surprised voice, Dai Mubai also laughed at himself and continued: "That's why Xiaoyin's special enrollment is counted. It can be said that our academy is the only one in the whole mainland that has more teachers than students .”

Speaking of this, Tang San became even more curious and asked: "But if this is the case, how can the college survive Ali, after all, there is no income without students."

"Uh...brother... guess why Flender wanted to start a school here?" Tang Yin asked his brother back.

The reason for this question is of course needless to say.

"Since the college is already in such a difficult situation, why doesn't our courtyard relax some requirements a little bit. Wouldn't this increase the number of applicants." Ning Rongrong also asked curiously.

When talking about this topic, everyone found that Dai Mubai's expression showed obvious admiration and said: "Because our Dean Flender said that the attitude towards students is to prefer lack to excess, no matter how far the academy has come, I am afraid it will be Shrek The academy has closed its doors because of this. He also absolutely does not accept waste. We only accept monsters if we want to accept them! Speaking of which, you may not know the graduation requirements of my academy."

Tang San and the others also shook their heads for a while.

Seeing this, Dai Mubai said with some pride: "Our Shrek Academy is not an intermediate soul master academy, nor is it considered an advanced academy. The reason for this is also very simple, because our requirements for graduation from the academy are the same as theirs. There is a clear difference. You already know the admission criteria, the maximum age cannot be higher than 13 years old. And the academy requires that you must pass level 20 before the age of 20! That is to say, you must reach the Soul Sect before the age of [-] to graduate."

"Twenty-level Soul Sect? Isn't this request too exaggerated?" Ning Rongrong said in surprise when she heard Shrek's request.

Dai Mubai breathed a sigh of relief before continuing: "Who says it's not? Since the establishment of our school, we have a total of 62 formal students, but fewer than 15 have actually graduated. To be precise, it is 14 people. And now, the 14 graduates are all admired by everyone in the Douluo Continent. Some of them even become the youngest elders in the Wuhun Temple. It can be said that his power is second only to the current Pope. As for Others, either failed to break through to level 20 before the age of 41 or died accidentally while hunting soul beasts. Anyway, our dean's point of view is very simple, that is: if you are not level [-], don't go out and embarrass him."

When the last sentence was spoken, everyone could clearly feel the change in Dai Mubai's tone.It can be seen from this that Dai Mubai admires and respects his dean very much.

Seeing Dai Mubai like this, Tang Yin, who knew Dai Mubai's situation, suddenly felt that Dai Mubai was not as depraved as he imagined. After all, if he was willing to degenerate, why would he choose to study in an academy like Shrek?

Thinking of this, Tang Yin said to Dai Mubai: "Dai Mubai, hearing what you said, I am really glad that I can go to school here."

Hearing Tang Yin's approval, Dai Mubai also smiled slightly to express his gratitude, but then he sighed and said: "Originally, the royal family of Barak Kingdom intended to sponsor our academy, but they asked the dean that all students who graduated from Shrek You must be loyal to their royal family. How could our dean agree to this kind of thing? So the dean directly refused at that time. This made the officials exclude us more or less, so that we were incompatible with other schools. Often Being squeezed out by other colleges, it ended up being what it is now.”

This time even Tang San and Xiao Wu looked at Dai Mubai with unbelievable eyes.After all, they really couldn't integrate that Dean Flender, who played tricks in front of the master, was greedy for money, and loved to take advantage of petty gains, and the dean that Dai Mubai said.What's more, he didn't expect Flender to let Shrek persist for so many years under such circumstances.

At this moment, they were even thinking, why is Flender so obsessed with opening the academy?

"We're here." Said Dai Mubai stopped, and now Dai Mubai has brought Tang Yin and the others to the back playground at the back of the village, although the area here seems to be larger than the previous few levels There are quite a few small ones, but if you look around and estimate, there are at least two hundred ordinary people here.In the middle of the playground, there is a middle-aged man who looks about 50 years old. He is lying on a chair basking in the sun leisurely, and seems to have fallen asleep.

"Mr. Zhao, wake up, someone has reached the fourth level this year." Dai Mubai came to that person and said, shaking him again and again.

Seeing that person, Tang Yin couldn't help thinking, Teacher Zhao, Tang Hao is waiting for you in the grove.


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Chapter 57 Yao with Lu Chi Attributes

"Huh? It turned out to be Mubai. What's the matter? Has anyone finally reached the last level this year? Let me see. Oh? There are still six?" Zhao Wou-ki opened his sleepy eyes and turned slightly towards Tang Yin glanced in the direction of this side, and said with some surprise.

Hearing Zhao Wuji's words, Dai Mubai saw that his vice-principal included Tang Yin, and immediately said: "Mr. Zhao, they all skipped the second and third light and went directly to the fourth level. And Which one is the special recruit Tang Yin that the dean mentioned."

"Oh, so you are the guy that even Flender calls a monster. That's interesting." Speaking of Tang Yin, Zao Wou-ki immediately became interested and got up immediately.

And with Zhao Wou-ki's figure formally getting up, his whole picture came into everyone's sight completely.Not to mention, in terms of height alone, Zao Wou-ki is really bad, even compared to Tang San, he is a little shorter.The appearance is even more ordinary.But such a person gives people a very heavy and solid feeling.

Although he is short in height, his shoulders are very broad.It looks like a city wall.Paired with his exaggerated muscular figure.This sense of stalwart is even more obvious.

Even though Zao Wou-ki's words now sound very kind, his figure alone gives people a great sense of oppression.

Then I saw Zhao Wuji's smiling face, and after scanning Tang Yinzi's eyes, he said: "My name is Zhao Wuji. I'm the vice president here. The genius of the third level, then let me accompany you to have fun in this level."

As Zhao Wuji said, he threw out a stick of incense and stood aside, and continued: "Here, I will give you a stick of incense first, during this time you can get to know each other, and at the same time discuss some tactics to deal with me. You can do whatever you want in this regard. After a while, our test will officially begin."

Saying that, Zhao Wou-ki drew a circle around with one finger and continued: "Wait, we will proceed directly here, and the purpose of the test is also very simple, as long as you can resist my attack together for a stick of incense, even in the end If only one person persists until the end, then you are considered to be the winner. But I want to make one thing clear to you first, don’t try to use any tricks. After all, no one can escape from my attack range with pure speed, of course , you don't even think about relying on your personal power to block my attack. This kind of thing is impossible, so you can only have a chance if you cooperate with each other. Of course, except for those you guys I just mentioned. You call it a monster, wait for us to practice alone." The last sentence is what Zao Wou-ki said to Tang Yin.

No way, all the teachers in Shrek were curious about the monster that Flender praised endlessly.

"Finally, I would like to give you a friendly reminder. In my assessment, don't take any chances. As the vice president of this college, as long as I disagree, even if you are a special recruit, you will not be able to enter our school." In the end, Zhao Wou-ki said with a bad smile.

Tang Yin expressed his helplessness about this, he really wanted to keep a low profile, and just like this, Youzai Youzai became stronger silently.But now it is not allowed... Tang Yin did not have any psychological pressure on Zhao Wuji's dungeon, after all, Zhao's nickname was not for nothing.

After all, looking at the entire Douyi, Zao Wou-ki was beaten more times than he was shot.The only highlight might be hitting a tortoise that was [-] levels less than him...

It's a pity that masters are generally not as powerful as Tang Yin's ability to use heavy firearms at will, so now I hope that Teacher Zhao will lose his head if he dares to hurt his wife.Although it won't be really serious because of this, but a beating is definitely not enough to escape.After all, this is the daughter-in-law that I have been single for two lifetimes.Tang Yin is a treasure, don't want it.In this regard, Tang Yin successfully inherited the fine tradition of their Tang family.

If you are in the game now, there will be a notification sound now: "Your friend wife-protecting madman Tang Xiaoyin is online now"

"Uh... That Mr. Zhao, isn't your rule a bit inappropriate..." Dai Mubai said hesitantly.

As a result, just as Dai Mubai finished speaking, Zao Wou-ki glared directly in his direction and said: "What's wrong with this? Now that Flender is not here, I am the biggest in the entire academy, so I'll do what I say. Okay. I'm starting to burn incense, hurry up, time is limited, Xiaobai, go and tell them the characteristics and information of my martial spirit."

After saying this, Zhao Wuji waved his hand.Instantly lit the incense beside him, then sat back on his chair and continued to rest his eyes with his eyes closed.

Dai Mubai was also very helpless to such a result, and in the end he could only walk towards Tang San and the others with a solemn expression and said, "You all come here for a while, I will tell you about the characteristics of Teacher Zao Wou-ki, especially you Little Silver, you have to pay special attention."

Seeing such a result, Xiao Wu asked curiously: "Are these two Mr. Zhao very strong? Are they the same as the old man Neng Hun Emperor at the beginning?"

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