Seeing Tang San's expression, Bibi Dong and Xiao Wu's mother expressed their satisfaction, and then went to see Tang Yin's performance.As a result, Tang Yin also looked at the Titan Giant Ape curiously, with no surprise in his eyes other than novelty.

Don't talk about Bibi Dong and the others here, even Xiao Wu was disappointed.Seeing Xiao Wu and the others' disappointed expressions, Yao still didn't know what he meant, but what could she say about this kind of thing.Tang Yin knew these things himself, if he was surprised, he would just pretend.

Although the original goal was not achieved, Xiao Wu still introduced to Tang Yin and the others: "Let me introduce, this is my He Yao's younger brother Er Ming. We have known each other since we were very young. Daming is still at home. Waiting to go back Let me introduce you to each other."

"Uh... Miss Xiao Wu, do you mean the same thing as I understand when you say that you are very small? How old is your small one? Or tens of thousands of years old?" Tang Yin asked.After all, Xiao Wu's age is listed here, even if she is 10 years old, she is considered a child under the span of [-] years.

"Xiaoyin, I'm going to kill you!" Xiao Wu immediately kicked.

"Hey, little sister, don't make trouble. How can you get angry so easily when you're so old? What if you dodge to your waist?" Tang Yin continued to crazily jump repeatedly on the verge of death.That's pretty exciting...

"Ahhhh! Tang Yin! Stop there, I promise I won't beat you to death!"

Tang Yin looked at Xiao Wu who was chasing after him, and suddenly felt a little regretful. It would be great if Xiao Wu had the blood of a super racer. As Xiao Wu looks like now, she becomes a super three every minute.

A group of people made a fuss like this for a while, and then they all went back in the Erming bus.Although there are many of them, but after all, the Titan giant ape is reflected there.It's not crowded when you sit up.

Tang Yin pulled Yao to come to Mother Mica's back. After all, it was the hard hair and skin of the giant ape, how could the fur of Mother Mica be comfortable to make?

Originally, Xiao Wu wanted to let Mother Mica stay on top of the Titan Great Ape directly.But Yun Mu's mother did not agree after all, after all, she and the other party are not very familiar after all, and the other party is a 10-year-old soul beast, so there is still some awe that should be had.So Mother Yunca followed behind Erming.

But because of Xiaowu's mother's promise and guarantee, Yunca's mother can also directly live with Bibi Dong and the others, so her safety is guaranteed.

And on Yunmu Mingming's body, Tang Yin gently held Yao in his arms. This feeling of flying freely in the sky with his lover is simply not so good.


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-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After a while, everyone, led by the driver Titan Giant Ape, entered beside a lake in the depths of the Star Dou Forest. The scenery here is very beautiful, and there is a two-story log cabin built by the water beside the lake.The whole gives people a feeling of otherworldly wonderland.

"Xiao San, Xiao Yin, this is our home." Xiao Wu greeted the two brothers excitedly.Her mouth never stopped along the way.As long as it is a familiar place, Tang Yin and the others will be introduced.

"This lake is called the Lake of Life. We live on the outskirts of this lake, and you don't want to go in there, you know?" Bibi Dong said to the two brothers with a serious face.

"I know, I know, isn't it the top ten murderers headed by the beast god Ditian? I understand, don't worry. It's a big deal, don't be so serious." Tang Yin said.

Now Bibi Dong has gotten a little used to Tang Yin's seeming to know everything, and she is too lazy to ask, after all, as long as you ask Tang Yin, Tang Yin's answers are very uniform, that is, you just know it.If you continue to ask, he will say hey... and then just don't say...

Tang Yin was really not worried, after all, Ditian and the others had to guard the Silver Dragon King, so how could they come out and ignore their little soul masters.Not to mention the Silver Dragon King among them, who is the Silver Dragon King?Isn't that our future nephew and daughter-in-law?Thinking of this, Tang Yin felt that he should do some ideological work for his elder brother. Why didn't he agree in the first place?There will be many disasters and disasters in the future.

Having said that, Silver Dragon King, you are also right. If you come out to help us now, let my brother owe you a favor, or even get acquainted with us directly, with the strength of Silver Dragon King now, you will recognize my brother as your younger brother.When the time comes when you chase after my nephew, how dare he stop you with his elder brother thinking like a mother?If he blocks you, just beat him up, so my brother won't fight back.

So it is said that the Silver Dragon King will not seize the opportunity, and the relationship between the Silver Dragon King himself and his brother is very complicated.

The Dragon God was beheaded by the Shura God of the previous generation into the Golden Dragon King and the Silver Dragon King.Later, the Golden Dragon King was beheaded by his elder brother, and it was precisely because of this that the Golden Dragon King wanted to bring his nephew to die together.In the end, he died together, and made his own sister a member of our old Tang family.

this marriage...

So the Silver Dragon King was tricked by his own brother, and when he thought about it, he felt that the Silver Dragon King was pitiful again...

Just as Tang Yin was thinking about the future relationship between the Silver Dragon King and his nephew, the lake in front of him suddenly began to boil, and a bull-headed snake-body soul beast with a body several times that of the Titan Giant Ape appeared in front of Tang Yin.The width of the single head, including the double horns, is four or five meters longer than that of the giant ape, and this is just one head.

Accompanied by the gradual appearance of its body, a huge snake body appeared in front of everyone.At first glance, it gives other people a strong sense of oppression.Seeing this scene, Tang Yin didn't know the name of the person who came - it was Daming - Tianqing Niuban.

As a racial value stronger than that of the Titan Giant Ape, the Azure Bull Python is matched with a 10-year cultivation base.Its strength can tell that the top ten fierce beasts at the core of the Star Dou Great Forest are no match for the rest.And he is willing to stay here all the time because he was saved by Xiao Wu when he was young.It is precisely because of this that the relationship between him and Xiao Wu is particularly good.Even if his strength far exceeds Xiao Wu at the same level in the future, he is still called Sister Xiao Wu.

The strength itself is very strong, although it is only a 10-year soul beast, but when it really explodes, he can even add another place to the top ten fierce beasts.

"Hi! Da Ming, we're back!" Xiao Wu leaped from the body of the giant ape, and jumped directly onto Da Ming's nose to greet him.

"Sister Xiao Wu, welcome back... Wait... Are you Aunt Wu? You were successfully resurrected? How is it possible?" Da Ming, who originally wanted to welcome Xiao Wu back, also saw the body of the giant ape who was still on the body of the giant ape. Xiao Wu's mother, the surprised and shocked expression made Xiao Wu happy for a long time.

There is no way, since Xiao Wu rescued him when he was a child, he has been taken care of by Xiao Wu's mother. Because he failed to protect Xiao Wu's mother in time, she had to sacrifice herself to Bibi Dong, and he was also depressed. A very long time.

And now seeing his most respected elder come back to life again, how could this not surprise him.

"Da Ming, you have worked hard all these years." Xiao Wu's mother also jumped onto Daming's head, and gently touched the bull's head that was many times bigger than her and said.

Xiao Wu's mother knew very well that although Da Ming recognized Xiao Wu as her elder sister since she was a child, in fact, most of the time, Da Ming took care of Xiao Wu and Er Ming like a big brother, and he must have worked very hard for these years of sacrifices Bar……

"I'm actually fine. After all, Bibi Dong is here, and most of the time she is taking care of Xiao Wu and Yao." Daming said, but his eyes were closed as he spoke.It seemed that she enjoyed Xiao Wu's mother's comfort very much.

Next, Li Yao introduced everyone to each other, and also explained the reason for Xiaowu's mother's resurrection.After Da Ming and Er Ming knew the reason, they both solemnly expressed their gratitude to Tang Yin again.Afterwards, they seldom directly agreed to Tang Yin's request for Mother Yun to live and practice with them.Even Da Ming directly ordered Er Ming to help Mother Yun build a place to live in the future.

After getting acquainted with each other, Xiao Wu and Yao were taken away by Bibi Dong and upgraded, while Tang San was still very curious about the surroundings, asking Da Ming various questions about Xiao Wu's past and some academic questions about spirit beasts.

Seeing her elder brother who has entered the research state, Yunca's mother couldn't wait to start her own cultivation here.Even Xiao Wu's mother, who has discovered that masturbating cats is addictive, is now sitting next to Mica waiting for her daughters to finish their promotion.Tang Yin suddenly realized that he and the little mica in his arms were the only ones who were free here.

"Uh...Little Mica, why don't we take a stroll around here by ourselves?" Tang Yin said a little awkwardly as he saw that he had nothing to do.It feels like you're visiting your mother-in-law's house for the first time, and the whole family is busy trying to entertain you as well as possible.And you don't have to do anything, just sit on the sidelines.very weird...

"Meow!" Little Mica would never refuse Tang Yin's invitation.

Seeing that everyone was busy, Tang Yin didn't bother them. Holding the little mica in his arms, he activated the machinist's camouflage skills and started wandering around.


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Chapter 10: [-] Years of Snake Wine

Of course, Tang Yin also wandered around a lot, and he also had a goal.After all, it is rare to come to the area where the 10-year-old soul beast lives.He didn't just respond in vain.

As for Tang Yindao not being too worried about danger, first of all, he is confident in his cheating, and ordinary soul beasts can't find him.After all, he was sitting on his old man's hammer back then, and his old man didn't notice him.

Then he has a lot of displacement ability, not counting the external spirit bone and flying gun, Tang Yin also has a passive skill individual thruster from a female ammunition expert.With these movement-assist skills combined with the camouflaged invisibility, there are not many people who can stop him from running.

Originally, he planned to try this way to see if he could escape from Bibi Dong's hands, but it turned out that he couldn't use it now.

As a result, one person and one cat hadn't walked along the same route for a long time, when they heard a loud noise from a distance, followed by a powerful wave of soul power.

"Are there soul beasts fighting each other? I hope it's a snake-like soul beast with a higher age." Tang Yin said thinking about his plan.

That's right, Tang Yin now intends to purchase goods in this central area, to find the main ingredient for his snake wine, a suitable snake.At the beginning, I wanted to try Daming, but Daming's body was too big for Tang Yin's interspatial ring, so I had to give up in the end.

As for the cockscomb snake, just kidding, my daughter-in-law is a 10-year-old soul beast, what use is the wine made by a guy who is more than 1000 years old?

And now that he has come to the depths of the Star Dou Great Forest, Tang Yin of course has to step on the spot.After finding the target, even if you can't deal with it now.You can also remember it first, and buy it when you come to your mother-in-law's house in the future.Think of it as the 8-year-old snake wine.It's very nice.

The main thing he has to do now is to confirm, and come back to hunt after he becomes stronger, but now that there are soul beasts fighting, who doesn't like to be a fisherman?

Tang Yin, who was driving the camouflage skill, moved cautiously in the direction of the sound, and soon came to an open space about half the size of a football field.Looking at the various traces of being bombarded by soul power around, it can be seen that most of this open space was just created.And up to now, there are still two soul beasts that are not particularly large in size fighting.

The figures of these two soul beasts are extremely vigorous, at least Tang Yin can hardly see the movements of the two beasts now.Only when the two beasts stop can they be seen clearly.

Tang Yin's eyes lit up when he saw one of the soul beasts.He knew exactly one of them, it was a non-poisonous fire-attribute snake-like soul beast, the Flaming Prison Python!

Although I don't know how old it is, it must be at least tens of thousands of years old to be able to move in this area.

As for its opponent, Tang Yin, he didn't know him, but he was very beautiful in appearance, a snow-white fox with nine tails.Since he didn't know the name of the other party, Tang Yin temporarily called it Nine Tails, or the Nine Lamas who went to the Snow Country to get tattoos. Anyway, it was just a code name, and he had many goals of his own.

Although Tang Yin couldn't tell their current age, but seeing that Yu Bo, the two agile soul beasts attacking each other, had created such a large open space, his age would not be low.

"Hey, it's you!" Tang Yin's eyes were all focused on the Yan Prison Sky Python.

Although the Yanyutian Python has a python in its name, it actually relies on flames for its main attack, and its size is not that big.And Tang Yin couldn't help giving another thumbs up to his cheat.As expected, it was a skill that even my old man couldn't discover. The two soul beasts had obviously been fighting for a while now, let alone him.

Tang Yin approached cautiously like this, and before Tang Yin got close enough, he obviously found that the nine-tailed attack had begun to be unable to do what it wanted.He has rarely moved at the high speed he had just arrived, and began to defend on the spot.Seems to have started looking for an opportunity to escape.

It's a pity that Yan Prison Sky Python didn't intend to give the other party a chance.

By the time Tang Yin spent a lot of time getting close, Nine Tails, who had been attacked continuously, couldn't get up.

Tang Yin knew that the current time when he was sure of winning was the time when the opponent was most relaxed.

The Yan Prison Sky Python should feel that it has won a stable victory now, and it is not in a hurry to kill the opponent, but is slowly crawling towards the opponent.

The behavior of the Flame Prison Python made the nine-tailed fox not even have the chance to fight for the last time, and when the nine-tailed fox was in despair, the Flame Prison Python lay on the ground and couldn't move. Shoot!

Tang Yin didn't give them a chance to recover and said, "Big Fox, do you still have the strength? If you have the strength, give him a hit. Try to kill him with one blow." Tang Yin, who appeared in figure, said.He knew that a soul beast of this age would definitely understand human beings.Not to mention the little mica on his shoulder barks at the fox too.

Tang Yin has nothing to do, after all, soul beasts are different from soul masters.A soul master like Bibi Dong, who was hit by Tang Yin's footsteps, could only rely on his body to resist Tang Yin's attack. Although he couldn't kill him, he would always suffer some injuries.

But this is a soul beast. They have rough skin and thick flesh, and their body defense is relatively strong. It is a bit whimsical for Tang Yin to break through their defense with the attack power of Tang Yin's current skills. This is why Tang Yin wanted to become stronger in the future. The reason for the hunt again.

But now that the situation is special, it is of course best if you can take advantage of it.Anyway, when he is in the shooting state, he cannot be selected, which is called invincible for short, and the attack cannot hit him.Totally true.

When Tang Yin got stuck at the beginning, the nine-tailed fox was still a little vigilant, but when he heard the cry of the little mica on Tang Yin's shoulder, as if he had decided to talk about awakening, his eyes suddenly changed and he said: "Humans, he Can I use my soul power now?"

A very pleasant voice of Yujie came out of the fox's mouth.

Hearing what the other party said, Tang Yin was not worried that the other party would attack him.Continued: "No, he can't do anything now, but you have to hurry up, I can't hold on anymore." After all, I don't know each other, and Tang Yin can't give each other the truth. Everyone is just taking what they want. Just need it.There is no trust in each other.

"Okay." Hearing Tang Yin's words, Nine Tails responded, then closed her eyes and began to gather her soul power. After a period of skill swinging forward, this Nine Tails opened its eyes instantly, and a blue light shone in her eyes. surging among.It instantly shot into the eyes of the Yan Prison Sky Python.After a while, a scarlet soul ring floated out from the body of the Yan Prison Python.

"Spiritual attack, amazing!" Seeing Nine-Tailed Fox's arm, Tang Yin gave a thumbs up.After all, looking at the soul ring, this is a 10-year-old flaming prison python, a complete 10-year-old flaming prison celestial python soaked in wine, hehe, thinking that Tang Yinjuan had the body of a flaming prison celestial python, he moved more diligently.

I'll leave the words aside today, and when Shrek gathers again in the future, he Tang Yin will return all the little notebooks that remember Yao these years, God can't stop it, I said!

After all, the Flame Prison Sky Python is a sensitive and non-poisonous soul beast, so a plate of Tang Yin's interspatial rings is still big enough.

As a result, there was still a python coiled around the Flame Prison, and Tang Yin felt some soul power fluctuations in it.

"That's right, it still has a soul bone on it, alas, this is troublesome..." Tang Yin became entangled for a while, after all, if he wanted to get the soul bone, then the corpse couldn't be so complete.This made Tang Yin, who is in the late stage of obsessive-compulsive disorder, very uncomfortable.

Or soak the spirit bone and the whole snake together, maybe the effect will be better and more nutritious.

After all, snake wine brewed with 10-year-old soul bones and soul beasts... Hehe...

Now Tang Yin wants to say, Yao, can you handle the 10-year skill of this glass of wine and snake wine?


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-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

But in the end Tang Yin gave up this tempting idea in his mind, and the reason was very simple, he didn't need this 10-year-old soul bone, but Ma Hongjun needed it very much.

After all, Ma Hongjun's inability to calm down and cultivate properly all these years has ruined his foundation because of the evil fire in his spirit.In the end, he could get the inheritance of Vulcan, and now that he has this spirit bone, it should be able to improve a lot. After all, this is a 10-year-old spirit bone with a fire attribute, which greatly increases his own growth.

In the end, Tang Yin reluctantly removed the soul bone from the snake's body. Seeing the Yan Prison Python with an extra hole, Tang Yin put his hand into the bracelet with some depression.

Here Tang Yin had just entered the snake and put it away, when he heard the nine-tailed cry again, and a small thing slipped out from behind it.

Tang Yin went up curiously to have a look, since it was a little Nine-Tails that had just been born.

Tang Yin: "..."

At this moment, Tang Yin felt that the will of the world was playing with him, and it was playing repeatedly.The last time I encountered two soul beasts fighting each other was because the mother wanted to protect her child.

As a result, it was even more exaggerated this time, this time to protect the unborn child in the womb.Talking about whether there is something dirty on his body, he has such a relationship with the soul beasts who are mothers, so he helped two soul beasts, both of which are mothers.You must know that he came out this time to find a material for wine making.I'm afraid the Will of the World has some strange hobbies...

While Tang Yin's mind was still twitching, the mother of the nine-tailed fox was still working hard. After a while, another little nine-tailed fox rolled out, but this time it was different from before.The previous one had already begun to stand up hard, but this one remained motionless, not even breathing.

And the nine-tailed fox who finally finished giving birth also found that he couldn't feel the breath of the second child at the first time, and turned his head weakly and hard, and the nine-tailed fox lightly pressed the tip of its nose against the one that had just been born without breath, and that one was still there. Little Nine Tails still didn't respond...

"Wuuuuuuu..." A desperate voice came from Nine Tails' mouth, and he kept rubbing his head against the dead child weakly.

Although the surviving little Kyuubi hadn't opened its eyes yet, it also wobbled towards its mother when it heard its mother's whimpering, and finally rubbed against Kyuubi's mother's cheek.It's a pity that until now, its eyes still haven't opened...

"Meow." At this time, little mica also came to the side of the dead little nine tails, and also arched her head with her little head.After all, little mica has experienced the death of her mother, so she is deeply touched by such a scene.

And seeing little mica so sad, Tang Yin couldn't continue to ignore it.Not to mention that this kind of picture is always easy to move people.

" don't have to be so sad, I can help you resurrect him." Tang Yin said.

After hearing Tang Yin's words, Nine-Tailed Fox looked at Tang Yin in disbelief. After all, such a thing as resurrection is too unimaginable, but now the other party is her only life-saving straw.She couldn't refuse Tang Yin's words.

"If you can really save my child, I am willing to take the initiative to sacrifice to..." This is the only bargaining chip Nine-Tailed Fox's mother can think of. She knows her body best, and her time is running out, so Now she can only gamble.

"No need, didn't I even look at the 10-year soul ring over there?" Tang Yin said with his thumb towards the 10-year soul ring that hadn't dissipated behind him.

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