"We don't have any objections." Of course, Da Ming and Er Ming would not have any objections, as long as Xiao Wu's mother was present.Then she is the absolute authority, because in their hearts, no matter how strong they are, Xiaowu's mother will always be the elder who took care of them since childhood.

"I also have reasons, after this incident. I also realized that it is impossible for me to rely on my own ability to survive here alone with two children. Then I will introduce myself formally. My name is Mengxue. This is I got it for myself when I broke through 10 years ago." Said Xueyu Tianhu Mengxue.

"That's good. From then on, our sister group will have another sister. Let me tell you, Mengxue, there is a lake flowing from the core over there. It is very convenient to practice there..." In the love apartment Said: Never underestimate a woman as an animal, sometimes all they need to make a friendship is a short sentence.

Here, Tang Yin had just made a proposal, and during a few exchanges, Xiao Wu's mother and Bibi Dong had already hugged a cute little fox that hadn't even opened its eyes and started to masturbate.

Seeing this scene, Tang Yin also felt that he could withdraw.There is one thing to say, the harvest of this trip to the Star Dou Great Forest is really rich.Originally, the best result was to get an external spirit bone for my elder brother.As a result, the one who gained the most was the one who was just playing tricks.Not to mention breaking through to level 45 in spirit power, he even got a 10-year spirit ring and an external spirit bone.The two external soul bones, I asked who~ who~?

In the future, I will talk about fairy grass with my brother, before the soul master competition, level [-] is a certainty.

You must know that you can use the awakening skills at level [-]. Even if Xiao Wu and the others are discovered by then, he can bring people out without the old man!

"That thing is settled, let's go back, we don't have to stay here all the time." Tang Yin said.

"No, Bibidong and I have thought about it, we can just go back, and you should go to join your classmates as soon as possible, after all, we have a little time in the future, but now is the best time for you to practice, and now you have more than one day. Waste." Bibi Dong said.

"Uh... that... Aunt Bibi Dong, do you need me to tell Master about your existence? If you need, I can also help you explain the cause and effect to him..." There is one thing to say, when he read the original work, he had I sympathized with Bibi Dong's experience, but now everyone is on one side, so should I tell Grandmaster the truth of the matter?

And if he told Grandmaster the truth, what would Liu Erlong do?After all, who is not a poor person?In the end, Tang Yin still decided that this kind of matter should be decided by their parties...

"I didn't expect you, Little Silver, to know so much..." Bibi Dong said with emotion, her tone was full of memories, and finally stayed at that tragic ending...


Bibi Dong adjusted for a long time, and finally exhaled a long breath and said: "Forget it, it's meaningless. If you see the master, tell her that I died a few years ago, don't read it!"

After a simple sentence, Bibi Dong already shed two tears on her face.It looks like a very poignant feeling.

Having said all this, Tang San and Xiao Wu also saw that there was definitely a very special and complicated relationship between Bibi Dong and Grandmaster.Seeing that the master had hurt her mother-in-law so deeply, Xiao Wu instantly disliked the master, um, so it was decided.After going back, I don't give him a good face.


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-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"By the way, before you leave, I have one more thing to emphasize to you brothers. The master should have told you before, telling you not to add a soul ring to your second soul ring. " Bibi Dong emphasized to the two brothers.

"Well, we are also clear about the master's purpose, and seeing Aunt Bibi Dong's spirit ring combination, we have also made our goal clearer." Tang San nodded and said.After all, Tang Yin had already pointed out this matter on the first day.

"Well, that's right, that's the truth." Bibi Dong summoned her second martial spirit again as she spoke, the sky-defying combination of eight blacks and one red fully demonstrated Bibi Dong's strength.

"But what I'm going to say next is the main thing. If you want to maximize the advantages of the second martial spirit, relying on your own physical strength alone is far from enough. If you want to continue to improve your physical strength in the future, the core lies in your spirit bones." In terms of choice. And an excellent spirit bone can not only strengthen and increase oneself, but also assist with soul skills. And this is the key for you to absorb the second martial spirit in the future." Bibi Dong said.

"Auntie's main purpose of saying this is to draw your attention. Of course it would be the best if you can find or kill the spirit beast that Little Silver mentioned, but before that, if you encounter an excellent spirit bone, don't miss the opportunity. " Bibi Dong said, after all, Bibi Dong doesn't have the perspective of God, and soul bones are extremely rare, let alone excellent and suitable soul bones.

What Bibi Dong meant was to tell the two brothers not to stare at the same tree.After all, Tang Yin also said that the soul beast was a whale, which also meant that the soul beast was in the sea. As far as the breadth of the sea was concerned, not to mention the danger in it, just encountering it would be a problem.Instead of catching the uncertain future, it is better to grasp what is suitable for the present.

Of course, Tang Yin would not say anything about this. After all, he just let nature take its course for his elder brother's soul bones. Anyway, if he didn't get some soul bones because of his butterfly effect, he would just fight back on that whale later. , simple and rude.As for himself, he mainly put it on the whale, but for the diversity of spirit bone skills, if he meets some suitable ones, he will not let them go.

But then again, Tang Yin also knows how difficult it is to meet a suitable spirit bone. The protagonist group in the original book only has Tang San with a full set of spirit bones, and there are only two other people at most.So Tang Yin's main goal was still that whale.Anyway, my brother will meet in the sea god test in the future.

The two brothers bowed to Bibidong earnestly to express their gratitude, and then Bibidong and the two brothers explained in detail their soul bone collocation and the age of the soul bone, for the convenience of the two brothers' reference.

"Okay, I've finished what I need to tell you, go and meet up with your little friends." Bibi Dong said while beckoning Er Ming to come over and be the driver.

To leave so early, Xiao Wu and Yao are still a little bit reluctant, and have been tired in Bibi Dong and Wu's arms for a long time.As a result, Bibidong blushed when she said "I don't think I have seen you two come back with no conscience in all these years".However, the two women are also very clear that the current separation is for better togetherness in the future.

Several people followed Erming's arm to its shoulder, and waved goodbye to all the mothers.Among them, the little mica and the little squirrel waved their hands very cutely.

Um?squirrel?Where did this guy go before?Tang Yin was startled for a second, the thousand-year-old soul beast Dragon Taodi was so terrifying...

After saying goodbye to Xiao Wu's mother and the others, the old driver Er Ming set off again.Flying sand and walking stones all the way perfectly interprets what is meant by sparks and lightning all the way.I have to say, Er Ming's jumping and jumping, each jump is a long distance, this kind of feeling is quite fun.It's a pity that Tang Yin hasn't manufactured the music player yet, otherwise there will be a song about killing shrimp.

Er Ming drove all the way for several hours, and arrived at the outer edge of the Star Dou Forest in a short while.He is not fit to move on in the future.

"That's all for now, see you Erming." Xiao Wu patted Erming's shoulder and said.

"Roar." Er Ming let out a low growl with some regret, and after putting everyone down, he saw Er Ming waving at them in a dazed and cute way, which made Xiao Wu and Yao tremble wildly. .

Then the few people walked for a long time and suddenly discovered a very embarrassing thing, that is, Er Ming, the old driver, was driving too fast. A group of them traveled for a few days, and it was done in a few hours.

You must know that when they left, Xiao Wu and the others wanted to stay at home for a while, but now they were kicked out within a day.Now instead, they are in front of Zao Wou-ki and the others, which is very embarrassing.

There was no way, the few people could only wait for Zhao Wuji and the others to come out and meet at the gate of the Star Dou Great Forest.

And when Zao Wou-ki and the others came out, they found that Tang Yin and the others who had come out first were also curious for a while. After all, they were the ones who left first, so why did Tang Yin and the others walk in front of them instead.

For this reason, Tang Yin and the others had already unified their caliber during this period of time.To put it simply, Bibi Dong had already caught two Lightning Rabbits and Dazzling Deer that were suitable for their year.In the past, just kill and absorb directly.Anyway, all problems were pushed to Bibi Dong.After all, he was a peak powerhouse who killed the Pope and escaped from the pursuit of all the titled Douluo in the Wuhun Hall.There are also some special methods that make sense.

Afterwards, Tang Yin told everyone in Shrek about the slight change in his affairs.After all, his spirit ring is there, and the spirit bone attached to it cannot be different, let alone Ma Hongjun's spirit bone, there is absolutely no way to hide his situation.

So under the surprised eyes of everyone, Tang Yin casually summoned nine huge white translucent tails as before. When the tails were flicking, little ice crystals emerged. The picture is not too beautiful.Not to mention the scarlet 10-year soul ring under Tang Yin's feet. When Tang Yin greeted the soul ring, he felt envious, jealous, and hated by everyone in Shrek.

There's no way, Shrek's teachers and students are really envious of Tang Yin's situation, they are all human, why are you so lucky...

Looking at the faces of everyone drowned by lemons, Tang Yin said with a smile: "Uh... I'm so lucky, I'm actually quite distressed, after all, I've always hoped to improve slowly... Steady and steady..." Tang Yinyue said later The lower the voice,... There is no way, facing the murderous eyes of everyone, Tang Yin very wisely chose Congxin...

That is cowardly!


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-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In the end, it was Zhao Wuji who first adjusted his mentality. After all, Tang Yin had already been judged so many times by Tang Yin, and this time was not bad.On the contrary, thinking about it now, Zao Wou-ki looked at the children in front of him in a really good mood and sighed: "Well, this hunting was indeed very successful, and everyone performed very well. Oscar, Tang San, Xiao Wu, Yao All four of them got the third soul ring at once. This is the first time in our Shrek. Little Silver...forget it...I don't want to talk to you now. Anyway, everyone is great this time, then Now we are heading towards the academy!"

Hearing Zhao Wuji's greeting, everyone cheered.After all, all the problems encountered have been perfectly solved.These days, everyone is very nervous in the Star Dou Great Forest.Now I can finally relax.

For a moment, the little monsters in Shrek looked at each other, and a tacit understanding that belonged to them quietly grew at this moment.

But no matter who it is now, there is only one thought in mind, so go back to the academy and have a good rest in your own bed.

You must know that the relationship between the current Shrek people was much better than that in the original book before they came here, and now they have lived a life of helping each other and relying on each other in the past few days.This made the bond between them deeper and deeper.

"By the way, Xiao Wu, why don't you tell us about the soul ring you got. Are we still curious?" On the way back, Ma Hongjun, who was in a relaxed mood, asked a little bored.

And hearing Xiao Wu's words, except for Tang Yin and Yao, who were untitled, all of them focused all their attention on Xiao Wu.

Facing the curious eyes of her friends, Xiao Wu smiled mischievously and said, "Hey, I won't tell you for now. I'll demonstrate it to you after we go back."

"That Yao, show us your soul skills." Seeing that Xiao Wu didn't plan to say it now, Dai Mubai focused his attention on Yao.

"Hey, Miss Xiao Wu said to go back and tell you, you just have to wait patiently... um... why don't you ask third brother what kind of soul skill it is, you know it's a soul ring from the year 2000." Yao also laughed.

For a moment, everyone looked at the two women with a kind of resentful little eyes.The two women watching were also a little embarrassed, so just after Yao finished the first half of the sentence, she directly turned her firepower to Tang San.

For a moment, everyone's attention was focused on the brothers of the Tang family. The momentum of a group of people was very fierce, and their attitudes were very obvious. Anyway, one of your family must come out to take the lead.

"Let me also leave a suspense here. After all, I believe that everyone must be more curious about what skills Tang Yin's 10-year soul ring gave him." Facing everyone's fiery eyes, Tang San gave his own Ou Doudou is sold.The speed at which Tang Yin was sold fully reflected his brother's identity.

"Hey, my brother didn't take you to transfer hatred like this!" Tang Yin was very helpless for his brother's blame, who told him that he had no idea about rubbing the little mica.Tang San was actually ahead of him.

"Little Yin, don't say anything else, just say whether you want to show it or not." Dai Mubai looked at Tang Yin with a "charitable" smile on his face.Hmm, quite charitable, the kind released by the knuckles of the hand...

"Okay..." Tang Yin was also quite puzzled, what's the situation with people nowadays, is everyone addicted to this?

"First of all, let me explain to you that under normal circumstances, a 10-year spirit ring can only give our soul master two soul skills, whether it is passive or active." Tang Yin said,

"Uh... Xiaoyin, you don't need to make these foreshadowings anymore, our three views can hold up, so you can just tell the result." Tang San, who knew Tang Yin's abnormality, said first.

"Well... actually there are not many, four heavy weapons, four spear skills, four ammunition skills, four mechanical skills, and two alloy skills. There are only eighteen soul skills in total. Among the several soul rings, it is the one that gives the least soul skills." Tang Yin said lightly that subverted everyone's three views. (Don't worry, Erha will describe it in detail as long as the protagonist uses the skills. Now if you write in detail one by one, Erha will count the words in the water.)

"What? One soul ring has eighteen soul skills, and it's the soul ring with the fewest soul skills. It's not Tang Yin. How many soul skills do you have now?" After all, everyone was still too confident in their three views.So glad to hear and see.The three-view schedule of the Shrek people collapsed...

"Uh...Although it is said that I have acquired eighteen skills this time, many of them are actually very similar... Let me put it this way...are you feeling better?" Tang Yin said weakly.

"What a Clear Sky Hammer! Are you fucking human!" Dai Mubai and the others expressed that their jealousy had already changed their faces...

Don't talk about Tang Yin and others, as far as Tang Yin's situation is concerned, even Yao, who also has cheats, is a little envious.

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooaria, two people hug.

"Uh... Although the martial soul cannot be given, there is indeed a way for you to experience my martial soul." Tang Yin said.

Hearing Tang Yin's words, he immediately attracted everyone's attention.After all, it was Tang Yin's perverted martial soul, so even the experience was good.

"Brother Yin? Can your martial soul be used by others?" Ma Hongjun's eyes have started to glow now.

"Of course not, but it can be replaced by other things. Brother, have you brought the Godly Zhuge Crossbow?" Tang Yin looked at his brother.

"Godly Zhuge Crossbow?" Tang Yin's words instantly attracted everyone's attention, and everyone's attention instantly focused on Tang San.

"If it's the Godly Zhuge Crossbow, it seems to work." Of course Tang San also knew what his brother meant.After all, Tang Yin had a blue silver hand crossbow.

Thinking of this, Tang San took out the hand crossbow from the space, and put it in front of everyone's eyes.

"Huh? Third brother. Is this the Zhuge Liannu you mentioned? It looks very similar to Xiaoyin's hand crossbow." Ning Rongrong said seeing the Godly Zhuge Crossbow Tang San took out.

Tang Yin also nodded when he heard Ning Rongrong's words, and then introduced the use of the Zhuge Liannu under everyone's expectant eyes, because everyone had seen Tang Yin use the blue silver hand crossbow before.The acceptance of Zhuge Liannu can make it naturally very strong.Once Tang San said it, they would understand how to use it.

Tang San didn't have any conspiracy against everyone, after all, not to mention everyone's current relationship here, and the mechanical hidden weapon like Zhuge Liannu itself has many Tangmen's core mysteries.Instead, it is a hidden weapon sold by the Tang Sect.

Next is Tang San's demonstration of Zhuge Liannu.


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-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Crack, bang, a series of sounds of mechanical mechanism entering the slot, all the mechanisms of the Zhuge Liannu have been loaded into the barrel at the same time.Then I saw Tang San turning his crossbow like Tang Yin and throwing out a spear flower, then aimed and shot in one go.Accompanied by successive shooting sounds.Several arrows were fired instantly.

But none of these surprised everyone in Shrek. What really surprised everyone was the impact of these arrows.Even Zhao Wou-ki's expression turned pale when he saw this scene.

Just Tang San's handsome shooting speed, if the attack target is them.Then none of them can dodge, not even Zhu Zhuqing, a soul master of the agility attack system who is famous for his speed.

Of course, it wasn't just the speed that shocked them, but also the power.Tang San also released a Zhuge Liannu with his other hand, shooting another wave in the same direction.

boom!Accompanied by a roar, a huge tree was shot down in the middle by Tang San's Zhuge Liannu attack.

This scene once again shocked everyone, and Zhao Wuji couldn't help asking: "Xian Xing, what exactly is your Zhuge Liannu, since it is so powerful, is it persistent after imitating Tang Yin's Blue Silver Hand Crossbow?"

Hearing Teacher Zhao's words, Tang San smiled and said: "No, I developed this before, but after Tang Yin obtained the second martial spirit, he used Jarvis's computing power to re-upgrade the Zhuge Liannu's Mechanical."

After all, other security Tang Yin has nothing to do, but machine-like security and mechanical devices, wouldn't that directly hit Tang Yin's professional advantage?Inheriting the mechanic's super-mechanical knowledge, Tang Yin used Jarvis' computing power as an aid to update most of the Tang Sect's mechanical hidden weapons.

Like the Godly Zhuge Crossbow used by Tang San now, it has been iterated to the fourth version by Tang Yin.Among them, the automatic loading burst function was developed in the third generation.Moreover, there is an extra tactical chute on the Godly Zhuge Crossbow compared to the original book, which is used to load some tactical flashlights, aiming and other tactical supplies.

After all, in Tang Yin's view, things are not perfect.Only more perfect.In the future, Tang Yin also wants to combine the hidden weapon with the soul guide, so that the work of the energy core can be replaced by soul power.

When Tang Yin first watched the god of death, although he didn't particularly like pinching gods.But Tang Yin agreed with his words very much.

"You say perfect? ​​From the time you say the word perfect, you are no longer a qualified scientist! For us, perfect is a derogatory term, it represents despair, because to do one thing perfectly, It means that you will never make progress in this matter! This is something I cannot allow! Therefore, I never pursue perfection!" In Tang Yin's opinion, the reason why the Tang Sect in the original book will decline is because they do not make progress Even in the past 1 years, most of Tangmen's things are still those left by Tang San.

That is to say, Tang Yin's understanding of Kungfu is very limited, otherwise Tang Yin would even want to study and deduce Xuantian Kungfu and continue to update it.That is, there is no such ability.So he can only update some mechanical hidden weapons.

"This Godly Zhuge Crossbow belongs to the machine-type hidden weapon, and the advantage of the machine-like hidden weapon is that it is simple, easy to use and anyone can use it. It has two shooting modes, and the maximum ammunition capacity is 64 arrows. The two modes The main difference lies in the reloading method of the magazine. I think the four magazines of mine are divided into four angles and reloaded. It can shoot four rounds at a time and can shoot sixteen times in a row. Three bowstrings swing this energy core installed by Tang Yin. Automatically loaded under the adjustment. Fire in turn, hit the effect of two rounds. There is also a stack of four and one horizontally pressed on the upper magazine entrance of the Zhuge Liannu. In this loading mode, although it can only be fired in bursts Four times, but each round can empty the clip of a sixteen-shot arrow at one time. However, because of the high strength of the bowstring, it will empty the clip very quickly if it is loaded. Unload the overload. If it is used for a long time Keeping it in the standby state will do more damage to it, and at the same time there is a risk of fire." Tang San said.

After years of research and communication with Tang Yin, Tang San came up with various terms casually.

After Dai Mubai listened to Tang San's words, although he heard some terms for the first time, it was easy to understand combined with real objects.But he still asked: "By the way, Xiao San, where did the arrows just shot go?"

Hearing Dai Mubai's words, Tang San smiled and pointed in one direction, where there was a crumbling giant tree.And the arrows just shot are all above the big tree, and the distance between the two big trees is about ten meters.

Seeing the direction of Tang San's fingers, he found 24 arrows stuck on the tree.

Seeing this scene, Zao Wou-ki was also shocked, and sighed: "So these arrows shot into this tree after they shot through this tree completely?"

To this Tang San nodded and said: "That's right, the Godly Zhuge Crossbow itself is a very powerful mechanical hidden weapon, and because of the special arrows it is very suitable for breaking through the soul power defense. If the defense is insufficient, or there is no The soul masters of the time defense may be instantly pierced by it. In addition, there are no conditions for using it, even a soul master like Ning Rongrong Oscar can easily use it."

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