Here Tang Yin has already started to prepare for the laning, just kidding, as the people of Za'an, he has never persuaded him to spray.But just as Tang Yin was about to start, a hand was already on Tang Yin's shoulder.Tang Yin turned his head to look, and saw his elder brother shaking his head at him.

If you don't listen to the old man's words, you won't listen, and the old man still has to give his face.But Tang Yin really gets angrier the more he thinks about this kind of thing, and the more he thinks about it, the more he loses when he takes a step back.In the end, Tang Yin took out a small notebook from nowhere, put it on the latest page and began to write:

On January 1, XXXX, Douluo calendar, today the old man said that Mom, you are a piece of garbage, and this son of hatred will help you remember first.

Tang Yin's mood improved a lot when he looked at the notebook that he had almost finished memorizing another notebook.Mom, look at how Dad treats you.Now my son will help you remember it first, and after your son helps you resurrect in the future, you can watch and beat it yourself.

Just kidding, am I, Tang Yin, the one who suffers?Wait, old man, I really can't beat you now.But when my mother comes back to life in the future, I will give her a small book that remembers these years, so that you can experience what hell is, what is social death!

But Tang Hao saw his youngest son who started to remember his own grudges again, but he didn't realize the seriousness of this matter at all. After all, he had already read Tang Yin's two or three books of this kind of book, and he didn't care about it lazily.Completely unaware of the dire consequences of this...

Tang Yin also ignored the old man's disdain, because he knew that his plan would definitely succeed, and it wasn't because he trusted the original book and his brother so much.The real source of this confidence is his martial spirit.

Because in the experiment just now, he found that his Wuhun also has a passive skill that will not be displayed.That is, Tang Yin will be given a resurrection coin every three years!

That's right, it's the resurrection coin that even if you're already GG, just throw it away and you'll be a hero full of blood and blue.

Although it is said that if the resurrection coins are not taken out, they will not be superimposed, but after they are taken out, he will continue.And this thing can be given away and used by others.

When I go to see my mother in the future, I will shoot the resurrection coin version of the super electromagnetic gun directly at the mother's body, hehe, then I will see what kind of capital your friend, old man, is showing off in front of us.How many floors can a bag of rice resist!

Moreover, Tang Yin still remembered that his future sister-in-law died once. If this happened again, he could also send a message to his sister-in-law. Wouldn't it be possible to reduce a lot of tragedies.

I remember that in the original book, my elder brother resurrected Xiao Wu in the future. It seems that Xiao Wu returned everything from the soul ring when she sacrificed, but the resurrection coin is not needed.

It can directly revive Xiao Wu in full condition, without having to return the soul ring and soul bone back from his elder brother.It can be seen from this that this hacker improperly pried the coffin board of their former world physics boss, and now even Douluo's coffin board is not spared.It's like being sick and crazy (beautiful).

Wait, if you say this, why don't you discuss it with your sister-in-law in the future, and let her die first every three years, so that they will have a stable source of soul rings and soul bones?Tang Yin and the others didn't take advantage of Xiao Wu either. She could absorb the soul bones she exploded herself, and maybe because they were all her own special suits, her combat power was even higher.

And the two brothers suffered a little loss, so they first settled the ten spirit rings of the Haotian Hammer, and the two brothers only had twenty spirit rings. If they were to be stable, they would be able to collectively master the soul rings in 60 years. Pretend to go out.

Adding in the 20 yuan and 10 year spirit ring, the three of them would still have two yuan left.Anyway, my elder brother already has external spirit bones, and the last two pieces are simply let my sister-in-law give them both an external spirit bone, which is really flattering.Just perfect.

At that time, with 10-year-old soul bones and 10-year-old soul rings all over the body, wouldn't that just hammer anyone?That year I put my hands in my pockets and didn't know what an opponent was!

Here, Tang Yin was getting more and more excited. He didn't think about whether his elder brother and sister-in-law would play a mixed doubles if he said such an inappropriate idea...

And at the same time, Xiao Wu, who was still in the Star Dou Great Forest, felt an inexplicable chill down her spine...

"Hurry up and clean up here, and come in quickly after cleaning up." Tang Hao, who was completely unaware of his danger, continued to say to the two brothers.

And Tang Yin, who had finished memorizing the small book, was lazy to argue with the old man, and while preparing to tidy up the yard, he said, "Brother, please go and ask Master Qian to come over and fix it."

After all, these things are made by myself, and there are quite a lot of them after playing for an afternoon.If I don't hurry up, the third brother will definitely take this kind of hard work first.

"Little Yin, let me do it, you go to Master Qian." Sure enough, Tang San was about to reach out to take Tang Yin's tools, but was dodged by Tang Yin's ghostly shadow. Tang San wanted to continue chasing, but the ghostly shadow disappeared. Silver is great...

"Oh, brother, leave it to me. Hurry up and invite Master Qian. Dad is still hungry." Seeing that his brother had no intention of giving up at all, Tang Yin immediately moved out of his father.

Tang Yin has already talked about this, what else can Tang Yin say.I can only drive the ghost shadow fan track and try to get it done as quickly as possible, so that I can come and help Tang Yin. www.


It's a pity that when Tang San came back, Tang Yin had already done a lot of work, and he was just short of finishing the last work.And this point was cleared up even faster with Tang San's help.

After the backyard was settled, the two brothers started cooking. They originally wanted to keep the money for repairing the wall and eat it together, but they didn't succeed.Tang Yin and the others did not force this aspect.

After paying the money, the family sat down at the dining table again.

And the atmosphere at the dining table was still as weird as usual, every time at this time, Tang San was desperate.But just when Tang San was desperate, Tang Hao spoke suddenly.

"I don't let you become soul masters, will you be disappointed in me?" Tang Hao said in a low voice.

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Chapter 10 Revenge Don

"Father is fine. In fact, I think it's good to be a blacksmith, and didn't you promise to teach us blacksmithing skills a few days ago? I believe that as long as we practice this skill well, it will not be a problem to support ourselves." Tang San said.

Hearing Tang San's words, Tang Hao turned his attention to this son.But there was a kind of inextricable loneliness in his tone and he said: "Soul master? What can a soul master do? What is the use of a soul master? What if you have the top martial soul? The strongest soul master is not just a waste in the end."

"Yeah, only one person with a top martial spirit is really weak." Tang Yin expressed his support.After all, with two top martial souls, he is fearless.What, you said Tang San's Blue Silver Grass is also a waste spirit.

Just kidding, my brother is the Blue Rain Emperor, okay?After all, it was a matter of awakening.

Tang Hao: "..." I felt that you were accusing me, but I had no evidence at the time.

"Little Silver." Tang San was a little helpless, he felt that the atmosphere his old man had created with great difficulty was completely wiped out by his brother's words...

"So, what you said has nothing to do with us, we have two martial spirits. Right bro." Tang Yin said indifferently.

"What? You have two martial spirits?" This time it was Tang Hao's turn to be surprised.

Seeing his father's surprised and questioning eyes, Tang San didn't hide it either.After all, he himself wanted to ask about his hammer spirit.Directly release his second martial soul.Just like that, a small black hammer appeared in Tang San's hand.

"This, this is..." The moment Tang Hao saw the hammer in Tang San's hand, Tang Hao directly strode towards Tang San.He directly grabbed Tang San's hand holding the Clear Sky Hammer.And was grasped by Tang Hao's strong hand.The originally heavy Clear Sky Hammer suddenly had a much smaller load.

But Tang San didn't care about these, what he felt most clearly was the warmth from his blood.

"Father, what happened to my spirit?" Tang San asked.

But Tang Hao didn't answer directly, but said a little excitedly: "Twin Wuhun, since my son has twin Wuhun!"

Tang Yin: "..."

"It's not the old man, it's not the twin spirits, it's not your son, right?" Tang Yin said angrily, but Tang Yin suddenly felt that there was nothing wrong with what his father said. After all, since his elder brother's generation, children have It is the seven steps of twin martial souls.In this way, there is nothing wrong with the old man's words, after all, isn't he also a twin martial soul?Wait so the old man is still a prophet.Tsk tsk, one more excuse for the old man with a sword every day...

Tang Hao's spine felt inexplicable here, and when he wanted to say something after hearing what his youngest son said, he saw a Clear Sky Hammer appearing in Tang Yin's hand.

Of course, Tang Yin himself had guessed the Clear Sky Hammer, after all, as a long-range shooter, who hasn't the slightest idea of ​​melee combat.After all, Lu Xun once said that a sharpshooter who can't melee is not a good traverser.

Tang Hao was even more excited this time, he never expected that since his two children both had twin spirits.

"Okay old man, you put down my brother's hand first, don't you know that this hammer consumes soul power? We have been experimenting for an afternoon, so we are hungry." Tang Yin said.

"Oh, let's eat first." Tang Hao's spirit is obviously much better now than before.And seeing their father finally cheered up, the two brothers were also happier, so that this meal became a rare and happy meal for them.

After eating, Tang Yin came to the yard again.Once again, he summoned the blue and silver firearms to make contact.

To be honest, Tang Yin was still a little worried, worried that he would experience what his father and brother experienced in the original book.How do you say that, the best way to get rid of fear is to face it!

So Tang Yin still wants to become stronger, and now he has such capital with the cheat.This gave him more direction and motivation to work harder.Not to mention anything else, just knocking on the coffin boards of the major physics experts and Douluo World made Tang Yin very confident.

After all, in the eyes of their adventurers, as long as there is blood, the gods will kill you!

At night, the sky is full of stars.Tang Yin lay on the roof of his own house in priority.To be honest, he is also very happy to have such a happy meal with Tang Hao.Tang Yin always thought that he was a very lucky person. Although he was cheated by his father in his previous life, he was indeed very happy.

When I first came to this world, I still missed my family in my previous life.Fortunately, he was not an only child in his previous life, so he didn't have to worry too much about his elders, let alone his elder brothers and sisters, since he was the one who made them worry about him since childhood.

And when Tang Yin began to accept a new life in this life, Tang Hao was what he was before.Even if he knew the reason, Tang Yin was a little annoyed.And now seeing his father's heart knot loosening, how could he be in a bad mood.After all, there is no overnight feud between father and son.

While his thoughts were flying, Tang Yin subconsciously summoned two martial souls. It has to be said that the Clear Sky Hammer really consumes soul power, especially when they are summoned together, the gap is even more obvious.

"This Martial Soul configuration is also good, after all, that shooter doesn't have a heart for close combat?" Tang Yin thought.

"Little Yin, are you okay?" Tang Yin just pulled back his thoughts, when Tang San's voice came from behind.

"Oh, it's okay, it's like I'm idle, look at my martial soul." Tang Yin said and didn't rush to take back his martial soul. After all, this is home, a place where he never needs to hide himself...

"That's good. The way you trained just now really scared me a little. You suddenly trained so fiercely." Tang San pointed to the yard that had turned into ruins.

"'s nothing, I just want to familiarize myself with all the attributes and characteristics of blue silver firearms, and I want to try this hammer myself, but this thing consumes too much, and I can't practice it at all..." Tang Yin said a little depressed .

"Besides, it's different from the blue silver firearm. I haven't received any information about it." Tang Yin said pretending to be new.

"Speaking of this, I originally wanted to ask my father during dinner today, but the atmosphere was so good that I forgot." Tang San sat next to Tang Yin and said with a smile, he also had a very happy meal today.Especially seeing Tang Yin's relationship with his father ease.

But this is Tang San's overthinking, after all Tang Hao is Tang Yin's real father in this life, how could he really hate it?Of course, if you don't hate it, you don't hate it, and revenge should be revenged.His reputation for vengeance against Tang is not a lie.

In the final analysis, Tang Yin was only amused by Tang Hao's self-degradation...

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Chapter 11 Blue Silver Grass in the Yard

Tang Yin's mood is almost relieved now, he smiled and said about the change of his old man today, and then looked at the potholed yard now.A thought suddenly flashed through Tang Yin's mind.

"Hey, brother." Tang Yin said to his brother who was also lying beside him.

"what happened?"

"Let's...get some blue silver grass in the backyard tomorrow." Tang Yin summoned the blue rain gun in his hand while talking.

Seeing the light blue blue silver grass pattern special effect on the Blue Rain pistol in Tang Yin's hand, Tang San also smiled, with one hand, a blue silver grass appeared in his hand, constantly swaying with the wind.

"Okay!" Tang San laughed.


The next day, the two brothers had just finished cultivating Ziji Demon Eyes, when Tang Yin directly pulled his elder brother to start plundering the land.

After all, transplanting blue silver grass is of course the easiest way to directly harvest the land.Along the way, the two brothers greeted the villagers who got up early to work one after another.The appearance of the two children holding a pile of blue silver grass is quite cute.

The two of them went back and forth a few times, as long as there was no one there, they would start Ghost Shadow Mistracking. Tang Yin, who was originally only planning to decorate, just had fun.The yard was directly covered with blue silver grass.

"Don't tell me, the blue silver grass looks pretty beautiful when put together." Tang Yin said looking at the courtyard that their brothers had rearranged.

"Indeed!" Tang San also sighed.

"Hey, it's so late, why haven't you..." At this moment, Tang Hao's voice came from inside the house, probably because Tang Yin and the others had arranged the yard and hadn't made breakfast. Tang Hao came out to urge them, but when Tang Yin The moment Hao opened the door, he was stunned by the scenery outside the door.

The hazy sunlight in the morning shone through the thin mist in the yard, making the blue silver grass in the yard full of vitality.Vaguely, Tang Hao seemed to see a figure that made him yearn for days and nights walking towards him slowly, with unique blue hair fluttering wantonly in the wind...

"A Yin..." murmured, Tang Hao's voice was very low.Even Tang Yin and Tang San didn't hear it.

"Did I really do something wrong?" Tang Hao continued to mutter, as if asking that figure that didn't exist at all.And the next moment, that figure also dissipated with the wind and disappeared into the blue silver grass...

"Father, are you okay? Do you feel unwell?" Seeing Tang Hao's strange state.Tang San asked worriedly.

Tang San's words made Tang Hao withdraw his mind, and when he lowered his head, he saw his worried son.

"I didn't say, you guys hurry up and cook..."

"Okay, by the way, father, do you know the hammer spirit from yesterday?" Seeing that his father was fine, Tang San asked a question that he didn't ask yesterday.

Seeing his son's curious gaze, Tang Hao said: "You don't have to worry about this, you just have to remember that in the future, you must use the hammer in your left hand to protect the grass in your right hand. Forever."

And when he heard his father's words, Tang Yin was a black thread at one end, and started by mourning for his own blue silver grass for 3 minutes.

After all, you don't need to talk about protecting the blue silver grass. The blue silver grass protects the hammer more or less.If you look at the early stage of development, isn't it all Blue Silver Grass's output, and the hammer is waiting for the experience to upgrade?Looking at what Tang San's Blue Silver Grass has gone through, not to mention all kinds of tearing, not to mention being burned and frozen, and finally forcibly created attribute immunity... Are you protecting the Blue Silver Grass?Find the psychological shadow area of ​​the Blue Silver Grass...

For a moment, Tang Yin's thoughts began to resemble a husky who let go again, and he didn't know where he went.But Tang San was still thinking about the reason why his father was so serious, and the origin of this hammer.

Poor Tang San, his father and younger brother are very clear about all this, but no one wants to tell him the truth, whether this is a distortion of human nature, or a loss of morality...

Here Tang Yin and Tang San are still thinking about their own things, but Tang Hao's voice has sounded again: "Xiao Yin, Xiao San, let me ask you, do you really want to become soul masters?"

To this question, the two brothers answered in the affirmative of course.

"Okay, since this is the reason for your choice, then you go on. Similarly, this is your own choice, and you have to complicate your choice. Let's do it first, and wait for me in the forging room after dinner!" Tang Hao said.

And hearing Tang Hao's words, Tang Yin's eyes lit up, this is the rhythm of giving them the chaotic cloak and hammer method.Tang Yin was excited by this little thing.

Think about it, here Tang Yin is playing a kite-flying style against the opponent, making the opponent disgusting.In the end, the opponent did not hesitate to pay a certain price, and finally completed the close-up to him. Get ready. When all the damage you received just now was hit back, Tang Yin turned around and pulled out a hammer that was harder than others, facing the opponent's face. Just a burst of output.This scene is really decompressing thinking about it...


After the meal, under Tang Hao's leadership, the two brothers came together to the forging room where they seldom come.

Tang Hao looked at the two children who were ready and said: "Since you have chosen the path of soul masters, you must be mentally prepared to endure hardships, because you are still unable to use the hammers in your hands. Use ours first. Rely on some foreign objects to practice." Tang Hao pointed to the two hammers he had prepared before.

"Before we start, let me ask you a question. What kind of blacksmith do you think is the best blacksmith?" Tang Hao asked very solemnly.

Tang San thought for a while and said: "A blacksmith who can forge divine weapons should be called the best blacksmith." Tang San said, he remembered hearing the word divine weapon in the name of the village before, so he said .

"Where's Little Silver?" Tang Hao looked like Little Silver.

"If all the blacksmiths could go all out to compete on the same stage, wouldn't we be able to find the best blacksmith?" Tang Yin said, indifferently.After all, he didn't care about this problem at all, and he didn't want to be a blacksmith, he just came to learn hammering.

Hearing Tang San and Tang Yin's words, Tang Hao showed some indifference, and said in a disdainful tone: "Sacred weapon? Competition? Do you know what a divine weapon is? Do you know what materials a divine weapon needs to be made? How do you know?" Do you know the strongest standard?"

Tang San thought for a while, and said: "Use the best materials, plus the most suitable collocation. It should be able to create a divine weapon." Tang San said.

But Tang Hao stretched out a finger when he heard Tang San's words, shook in front of Tang San and said: "Little Silver, you have to remember, if you want to become a truly qualified blacksmith, then you must be clear. A person who can only use top-notch materials to create artifacts cannot be called the most powerful blacksmith at all. He can only be regarded as a guy who synthesizes materials. And those who can use ordinary iron to create artifacts are considered The most true craftsman!"

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