And now the relationship between Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu is also very good, there is no way, who said that the two of them belong to the same fate now.Especially when they were learning to tread water, the two of them would look at Yao and Zhu Zhuqing resentfully every time.

And Zhu Zhuqing is more powerful, she practiced with a desperate attitude, and her perseverance was better than some boys next door, and she was promoted.And all of this was because Zhu Zhuqing knew exactly what she and Dai Mubai had to face in the future.So much so that their couple is almost the hardest working two.

Why almost, because there is still Yao here, because Yao, like the other party, knows very well what crisis they will face in the future, and Yao doesn't want her to just stand behind Tang Yin, and she must stand behind Tang Yin Only the top of the silver will do (it’s about Yao’s soul skills, think too much and consciously face the wall...)

After these three months of hard training, the two women didn't say it was hard, and even asked the master to increase the intensity.It has been pressed back by the master's extreme training that is now your body.

The final final assessment designed by the master for the Eight Shrek Monsters is the Shrek Civil War that happened every day before. As always, the Eight Shrek Monsters will fight against Tang Yin.When Tang Yin didn't need the fourth soul skill and could only use one series of skills, he defeated the opponent.

Originally, everyone in Shrek was looking forward to it. After all, after this period of soul power practice, they can clearly feel that the control of their soul skills is more refined, and the attack power they play is more powerful.Stronger!Coupled with Tang Yin's restrictions, they felt confident for a while.

And this time the battle took place at the place where they practiced, a small forest plus a river.The only requirement is not to land.

In the morning, a group of people happily discussed countermeasures, and then in the afternoon, the group got down on the ground.There is no way this time Tang Yin used the ammunition skills to fire at full power.All kinds of grenades have never stopped from beginning to end, and countless grenades bloom in the forest and rivers like flowers.

Tang Yin thoroughly demonstrated how terrifying his grenade is under the blessing of Tangmen's security methods.

That's right, the tactic Tang Yin used this time was exactly the representative style of play of the legend who once swept the entire league in the Glory Professional League and almost created the dual-core era.Dazzling Hundred Blossoms style of play! !

It's a pity that the flowers have already appeared, but the scene of blood is not seen...

Fortunately, everyone in Shrek was in a panic while avoiding Tang Yin's grenade.But it also successfully demonstrated the results of their cultivation during this period.After all, just being able to avoid Tang Yin's attack between trees can prove many things.

Therefore, although it was very miserable for the Shrek people to lie down in the ruined grove at last, the master still gave everyone a week's vacation.

Knowing that there was a week's vacation, everyone in Shrek burst into cheers, and Oscar didn't even hesitate to get into bed and start to sleep.Accompanying Tang Yin also wanted to be lazy for himself, but was still woken up on time by his elder brother the next day, and Tang Yin was also powerless for a while...

Afterwards Yao also joined them, and Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai continued to practice like them.And Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong are about the same as Oscar's now.It's all a combination of work and rest now.

On Tang Yin's side, he practiced with his elder brother in the morning, and in the afternoon he took Yao to start their date trip.As far as the result is concerned, the date this time was very successful, and Tang Yin fully reflected the boyish temperament of being taken care of by a rich woman. After all, he is completely incomparable with Yao who still receives a hundred gold soul coins every month.

But now Tang Yin also has a plan to make money, and he specially modified a few housekeeping robots with mobile attack capabilities.Now it is waiting for the auction in the Heaven Dou Imperial City.Who wouldn't love a robot like him that doesn't need to rest or charge at all, and who can pull out two Gatling machine guns directly from his back when needed?

The programs of these robots are all programmed by Tang Yin, and Tang Yin and his relatives and friends will always be the ones with the highest authority.These bots must not take a shot at it.In this way, there will be no things about the enemy.Coupled with the self-destruct system that will be triggered by malicious demolition.The security aspect is absolutely perfect.

Among the Shrek people, only Ma Hongjun went out last night, and he hasn't come back yet.In fact, the current Ma Hongjun is strengthened by the soul bone, and there is no evil fire that must be resolved.But everyone will not say anything about him. After all, his situation is indeed special, and some things need to be changed slowly.

And Tang Yin and Yao just came back from their afternoon date here, and they were going to press the dirt road in the college for a while.As a result, as soon as they arrived at the gate, Tang Yin was dragged away by Tang San to help.

There was no way, the blacksmith had already reversed the hidden weapon accessories they needed before, just now that he had time, Tang San was going to pull his brother to assemble it.There was no way, there were a lot of things assembled this time, and many of them were improved by Tang Yin. Tang San was worried that there would be mistakes in his assembly, so he had to pull Tang Yin on.

Tang Yin didn't say much about this. After all, there are many hidden weapons to be assembled in this set. This time, the two brothers made a whole set for all brothers and sisters.The workload can be imagined.

So Tang Yin was captured by Tang San as a coolie, and Yao just happened to be quite interested, so she didn't hide anything from her younger brother and sister Tang San.For this, Tang Yin gave his brother a thumbs up.And Yao also worked hard, pulling Xiao Wu over together.

So the two dated, and it became a four-person date.In this way, the two brothers assembled the hidden weapons one by one and taught the two daughters one by one.


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Chapter 140 Eight Business Opportunities Without Amateur Sugar

In fact, Tang San also subverted the three views on Tang Yin's transformation.He always thought that Tangmen's hidden weapons were exquisite, and there would be nothing more complicated than his own hidden weapons in terms of difficulty.But when Tang San was about to teach all the hidden weapons of the Tang Sect at Notting College, he saw this kind of robot dismantled by Tang Yin in a mess. At that moment, Tang San suddenly felt that the safety of his own family didn't seem particularly difficult.

And Tang Yin would say that the reason the robot guessed like that was to make a housekeeping robot, because in two days it would be his turn to clean the dormitory...

Facts have proved that laziness is the number one productive force in the world!

Even a lazy person like Tang Yin would use the knowledge in his mind for his own goals.

And now that he has come to Douluo Dalu, Tang Yin is also very interested in his brother's hidden weapons, so he will rely on the knowledge of mechanics to continuously update the design drawings of Tangmen.

It just so happens that the hidden weapon made for the blacksmith this time is also the latest updated version of Tang Yin, and by the way, the two brothers can also update their equipment.

In this way, the four of them completed their first four-person date while assembling the hidden weapon.But the time for dating passed very quickly, and when everyone looked up again, the outside of the house was already full of moonlight.

At this time, the four people felt the resistance of their stomachs, and after assembling the last set, everyone went out and headed towards the cafeteria.On the way, I also met Oscar who just woke up and also came out to look for food.

Five people were walking together, including two couples. At this moment, Oscar felt that he was the two searchlights of the domestic robot, and there was a trend of getting brighter and brighter.Just when Oscar was getting more and more embarrassed, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him, startling him.

"What the hell is this monster? Why does our academy have a pig's head?" Oscar exclaimed exaggeratedly, as if he had found an outlet for embarrassment.After all, he didn't want to leave with these two couples for a long time.If they stay with them again, he feels like his eyes are going to be blinded...

Compared to Oscar's exclamation, the two Tang brothers were much calmer. Although there is no light source in the academy, they have purple magic pupils. When they opened their eyes, the two recognized the human form in front of them. Since the unknown creature is Ma Hongjun, it's just that Ma Hongjun's face is almost the same after being beaten, and his clothes are also in a mess. It feels like he has been beaten all over.

"Fatty, what's wrong with you?" The person who recognized Tang San immediately went up to help, and upon hearing Tang San's voice, Oscar had already summoned a few recovery sausages and handed them to Ma Hongjun.

Ma Hongjun was not polite about this, and directly ate a few sausages together, and his body and face recovered.

"Don't mention it, it's too fucking embarrassing." Ma Hongjun said full of resentment. With Ma Hongjun's resentment now, Tang Yin felt that it would be no problem to shoot a hundred or eighty Grudges.

"No, why did you become like this? Who beat you?" Tang Yin asked curiously. After all, Ma Hongjun is also the future elder of his family. Can my Tang Yin people beat anyone?I'm afraid you haven't seen a missile falling from the sky with one move.

Um?wrong?Why does this feel so familiar to me?Is this some kind of plot?After all, Tang Yin didn't have Yao's super memory, and Douluo Dalu was a novel he read a few years ago, so how could he remember these little things, so Tang Yin turned his attention to his wife.

Sure enough, Tang Yin just turned his head away here, and Yao understood what he meant, and nodded to him, indicating that Tang Yin's guess was right.

Really plot?Paired with the current timeline... So it seems to be a bit affected, it seems that the fat man robbed the woman with someone, but he didn't rob and was beaten.Tang Yin could remember it because the man's martial spirit was very wretched.And he ate his sister-in-law's whole set of [-]-duan wrestling...

As for the name... who remembers that?

Here Tang Yin is still recalling the plot, Tang San and Xiao Wu have already started to fight for Fatty, after all, in these three months of life, everyone in Shrek has supported each other to get down.The friendship between everyone has even reached a level similar to that of a comrade-in-arms, and now I see my brother being beaten like this by others.Where can I bear it?

"It's just a fight with a wretched uncle, never before." Ma Hongjun said very depressed.While talking to everyone, he continued to walk in the direction of the cafeteria.

And Oscar, who knew Ma Hongjun's situation very well, frowned and said, "Fatty, this time, you won't be the one who grabbed the target with the other party and got beaten again, right?"

But Ma Hongjun stopped doing it when he heard Oscar's words: "What are you talking about? What is robbery? Obviously I came first, and I also fell in love with that little girl first, but in the end, that guy was shameless first. Grab it with me."

And hearing what Ma Hongjun said, it can be said that Tang Yin and the others' guesses were completely confirmed.Tang San and the others also immediately understood the cause and effect of this matter, they had no choice but to let Ma Hongjun solve the evil fire problem, and ended up being beaten up by that uncle.

At this point, Xiao Wu and Yao shook their heads directly. After all, they were also aware of Ma Hongjun's situation. Although there was a soul bone to regulate it, it was only to the extent that it could not be removed, and it did not mean that the influence of the evil fire did not exist.Even so, he still couldn't help but give the other party a blank stare.

Tang San also came to Ma Hongjun's side, patted him on the shoulder and comforted him: "Don't worry, wait and talk slowly in the cafeteria."

When everyone came to the cafeteria, they found that Dai Mubai was already showing off in the cafeteria, but this time Zhu Zhuqing was not by his side.

"Fuck! What's wrong with you, fat man? How did you get beaten up like this?" Although he had already eaten Oscar's reply sausage.When the recovery speed of the recovery sausage is limited, even now, Ma Hongjun still looks very embarrassed.And Dai Mubai's temper was much more explosive than Tang Yin's and the others, and he stood up directly, his eyes bursting with anger.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, Boss of me of, of, Ah!" Ma Hongjun saw Dai Mubai leaving all the time and rushed towards him.

And hearing Ma Hongjun say this, everyone knew that he was fine.Oscar was even more amused and said directly: "You are still handsome, so let's talk about what's going on first."

Now that he arrived at the cafeteria, Ma Hongjun opened a chair and began to tell everyone what he experienced...

It's just that compared to the rest of the Shrek people who were all focused on the fat man's story, Tang Yin's thoughts had already gone elsewhere.Because now he has discovered a wonderful business opportunity, and this business opportunity may not be weaker than sugar!The reason is very simple, because of that wretched uncle's martial spirit, there is no real thing in this world.And this is the business opportunity that Tang Yin discovered. After all, there seems to be no women's underwear in this world...


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Chapter 140 IX We are here to find a place, not to reason.

Now that he had an idea, Tang Yin took out his small notebook and started to take notes. After all, he couldn't forget the way to earn a small amount of money, not to mention that this way even related to his happy life in the future.

And Tang San went to his younger brother to listen to Ma Hongjun's painful experience. Since he started to write down his notebooks, he was confused. After all, Tang Yin's notebooks could be understood by his father. After all, it was those things. What is the situation now?Is it to record the black history of the fat man?Eh?Wait, why do I suddenly feel that this idea is very possible because of my brother's personality?

And Tang San upholds the lofty thought of international humanitarian care, and feels that it is very necessary for him to stop his brother's behavior of spreading salt on each other's wounds, and even recording the behavior of exposing the scars at any time.After all, the current Ma Hongjun looks pitiful enough, yet his younger brother is still making up the knife, this... this is also... But why do I feel that this behavior is inexplicably tempting...

It turns out that people really do influence each other.Tang San obviously felt that his train of thought was being misled by his own Oududou.But it was still adjusted in time. Tang Yin, who had completed the recording and was about to take back the small book, asked, "Uh...Little Yin, what are you doing?"

And Tang San's words obviously attracted the other people who were eating again. For a while, everyone who was still listening to Ma Hongjun's tragic experience focused their attention on Tang Yin.

"It's nothing to worry about. I just heard what the fat man said, and I suddenly thought of a perfect way to make money. I just wanted to write it down first. After all, these are all the income of our future sect of the Tang Sect. An important source, believe me brother, the benefit from it feels objective." Tang Yin said.

And hearing Tang Yin's complacent words, Ma Hongjun said with a complaining and depressed face: "Brother Yin won't take you to tease me like this, okay, don't you feel distressed seeing your brother and I being beaten so badly? Since you still want to make money..."

For a moment, everyone felt that Ma Hongjun was very pitiful, and was about to criticize Tang Yin's immoral behavior, but Tang Yin said first: "The salary of the elders of the sect is directly proportional to the income of the sect!"

"Brother Yin, please think a little more. If I need inspiration, I don't mind going to that guy again." Ma Hongjun's attitude changed instantly when he heard Tang Yin's words.The speed of changing his face almost made Dai Mubai and the others who were about to speak for him lose their waists...

"Huh? Just want this kind of momentum. Let's go find that person. Fatty, you lead the way." Tang Yin finished the last bit of dinner, and then began to call the fatty to set off.

"Uh... no. Brother Yin... Let me just say, you don't really want me to be beaten up again for you plus the lovely elder?" Hearing Tang Yin's words, Ma Hongjun didn't have the kind Imposing, said with some stage fright.

"What are you thinking? Are you kidding me about the person who hit me? How can I relieve my anger if I don't give him a few quantum bombs?" Tang Yin said with a wave of his hand, expressing that he wants the other party to experience what FMD is FMD despair!

"Brother Yin is domineering!" The fat man shouted with a confused face.

"By the way, fat man. What's the name of the person who beat you?" Tang Yin suddenly looked at Ma Hongjun and asked.

"Brother Yin, just tell me how much you have heard." Ma Hongjun asked weakly.

"Uh... from when you just left school... it seems..." Tang Yin said weakly.

Ma Hongjun: "..." After all, he started talking about it when he left school...

"Uh... Xiao Yin, sometimes when we deal with things, we need to understand the cause and effect of the matter first, so that we can make a fairer judgment." Tang Yin thought it was for O Doudou, his rowdy family When establishing a good three views, so it is said.

"But there is nothing easy to understand about this matter. We went to find a place for our fat man, not to reason with the other party. Besides, the reasoning is not as simple as physics." Tang Yin said.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo-bro, you will be my own elder brother from now on!" Hugged, but was blocked by the muzzle of the hand cannon that appeared in front of him.

"You don't want to come here, you call revenge, I belong to Yaojiang, don't try to take advantage of me." Tang Yin said holding a blue silver hand cannon.

"Uh... no, brother Yin, we are talking to each other, if we have something to say, why bother to use swords and guns? Let's put away the hand cannon first..." Ma Hongjun said with an embarrassed expression.After all, he really didn't dare to move when he was pointed at by a hand cannon...

In this short one-two-minute conversation, everyone's thoughts were so ups and downs caused by Tang Yin's words that they didn't react for a while.

As a result, Tang Yin's posture hadn't been set yet, but his waist was already ravaged by the person in his words, and the powerful rotation force instantly broke Tang Yin's defense.

Seeing Tang Yin, who was still very proud one second, being sanctioned by Yao the next second, also made everyone laugh.However, everyone was very supportive of Tang Yin's point of view, and Dai Mubai even said directly: "Little Yin is right, a mere soul sect dares to bully our brother, isn't it the soul sect, and we don't have no one. Fatty Lead the way, let's kill him! Little San, little Ao, not together." Dai Mubai also used the words he learned from Tang Yin and Yao as he spoke.That said, it was quite imposing.

Of course Tang San would not refuse, and signed up directly.

In fact, Tang San also supported his Oududou's point of view, after all, thinking about such a thing, of course he was helping his brother to speak.

Of course, Oscar was also ready to join in the fun and said, "I have to go, wait until I provide you with sausages, and everyone can eat melons as you like."

And Ma Hongjun was also excited when he saw that his brothers were willing to find a place for him: "Brothers are very interesting, then we should go back now, and we should be able to stop that guy." It's as if all the wounds on his body have healed.

"Fatty wait a minute, we have to wait until everyone has finished eating. Oscar hasn't finished eating yet. How can you be strong if you haven't eaten? Everyone, just take advantage of this time, and tell me what is that guy's martial spirit?" What's the situation. We can also arrange battles when the time comes. After all, if you know yourself and your enemy, you can never lose in a hundred battles."

After all, the opponent is Soul Sect, this is a very good training opportunity for them, and it happens that there is Tang Yin pressing the formation, so it is not more suitable for them to experiment with the training results during this period.

And Ma Hongjun also calmed down at this time, thinking that he hadn't eaten yet, he simply took some food, and continued to introduce to everyone while eating.


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Chapter 150 Tang Yin's Treatment

Ma Hongjun recalled a little bit, and said while having dinner: "I remember that guy doesn't look tall, his skin is relatively dark, and he feels like he just came out of the black mine, and his martial spirit looks very Don't be weird. It doesn't look like an aggressive spirit, but if you say he is a defensive or speed-type soul master, that can't be called... That feels very strange..."

Then the fat man turned his gaze to Tang San who had already had dinner and said: "As far as the feeling of Wuhun is, it is a bit similar to the third brother's control, but the appearance is quite different."

And hearing Ma Hongjun's words, Tang San and the others immediately got a useful piece of information, that is, the other party was most likely a control system soul master.

As for everyone's conclusion, Ma Hongjun also very much agrees and said: "Although I have not seen all the soul skills of the other party, but just from the soul skills he uses and the soul skills displayed by his martial soul, this is indeed the case. And his Wuhun looks like two semicircular covers, each about the size of a steamed bun. The whole is pink. Especially when he releases the Wuhun, the Wuhun is wearing his On his head, it looks as wretched as it needs to be. And when he was fighting with me, he also used two soul skills, one was to make his two hoods bigger, since it blocked my phoenix line of fire. The second and soul skill is a control skill, which can trap me in two covers, and those two covers are very soft, but I don't know what material it is made of, even if it is attacked by my flames head-on. It's okay. Just when I was about to use the spirit bone skill, he made a move first, shrunk the cover, trapped it completely like a rice dumpling, and finally started to attack me like a human flesh sandbag, and then I became the previous one. It looks like it."

And listening to Ma Hongjun's description, everyone turned their attention to Tang San, the low-profile version of Wuhun Encyclopedia.But this martial soul really stumped Tang San, after all, he had never seen a martial soul composed of two pink covers after studying with the master for so many years.

Unlike Tang San who didn't know why, Yao, who knew everything, was already blushing to the ears, which made Tang Yin couldn't help but want to tease the other party.

So Tang Yin handed the small notebook that Yao had put away to Yao, and told him about his plan to make money.After all, this product is for a single dog like Tang Yin in his previous life. Except for seeing it from his 10G seed learning materials, he can't touch it now.

And handing these over to Yao, so that Yao and Xiao Wu can also have an industry that belongs to them. As for the commercial value of this thing, Tang Yin is not worried at all, after all, this product has passed the test of their era.

"You still said that you are not a hentai, how long have you been planning this thing?" Although Yao knew that Tang Yin wanted to have a property that belonged to her, she still couldn't help pinching Tang Yin's waist.

"It's reasonable, you can also see that I only remembered to write this down when I heard Ma Hongjun talking just now." Tang Yin immediately expressed that he was a pure young gentleman.I definitely didn't come up with this idea just to watch my wife's swimsuit show, absolutely not!

Obviously, everyone in Shrek is not paying attention to Tang Yin and the others, and no one cares about their whispering, but Tang San is still thinking and said: "According to what Ma Hongjun said before, does the other party have another soul ability?" use."

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