So in order to escape the flames of war, Tang Yin wisely sat at the place farthest from Ning Rongrong...

As a result, Tang Yin had only just begun to rejoice in his choice of seat, and Dai Mubai had already picked up the barley and said to Tang Yin: "Little Yin, I will respect you first for this first cup, you unconditionally give up your control over soul power We really can’t thank you for teaching us the skills and spiral pills. All the talk is nonsense, and the main thing is the strength of alcohol.” Dai Mubai just breathed a sigh of relief when he said that, and didn’t give Tang Yin a chance to refuse.

"Boss Dai, we are all brothers of our own family. I'm going too far if you say that! Drink more and talk less!" Tang Yin also had a drink while talking.Indicates to pass this topic over.Otherwise, he will definitely become the first target of everyone's attack.After all, although he doesn't like to drink, but with this kind of thing, what he drinks is an atmosphere, and the atmosphere can't stop at all...

"Speaking of this, let's respect Brother Xiaoyin together. To be honest, compared to Brother Xiaoyin, I think I'm so stingy..." Ning Rongrong also stood up and said at this moment.

"Rongrong, don't say that. After all, you belong to your sect's intensive sect. It's not the case of idle soul masters like us. It would be bad if you taught us. So you don't have to worry about it at all. Your situation We don't need it." At this time Tang San said, after all, as a disciple of the Tang Sect in his previous life, he knew very well how important a sect's secret book is to the sect.The involvement is huge unless Ning Rongrong's father decides, or even Ning Rongrong will be punished, and this is definitely not what everyone in Shrek wants to see.

"That's right, Rongrong, you really don't need to care and blame yourself. This guy is essentially a pirated version. Don't pay too much attention to it." Yao also directly exposed Tang Yin's pirated behavior very unkindly at this time.

Of course, no one at the scene believed her words. After all, if such a technique had been used before, it would have already spread throughout the Douluo Continent. How could they not know?So everyone took Yao's words as comfort to Ning Rongrong.

Yao is also very helpless about this, in this world, does everyone even believe the truth?


Chapter 3 today!Everyone should be full of energy today!let's work hard together! fighting!

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Chapter 160 Six Strengthened Shrek People

Yao was also very helpless for everyone's disbelief, but she didn't continue to say anything.But Dai Mubai's proposal to respect Tang Yin was approved by everyone, so that the first glass of wine became a group wine for respecting Tang Yin, and everyone's interest rose after drinking this glass of wine.

Even if Tang Yin, who doesn't like drinking, upholds the attitude of wine, water, and drinking, he is already sitting in the farthest position from Ning Rongrong, but it still doesn't prevent him from becoming everyone's favorite. primary target of attack.

But Tang Yin is not a vegetarian. After all, Tang Yin thought about his drinking capacity. When he and his brother stole the master's wine, he could drink [-]% of what his brother drank. Some time ago, he was able to drink [-]% of his old man. It's not bad at all, can't you drink these guys who are abused by him every day?

That's right, Tang Yin has started to drink a little bit now.So much so that he completely forgot that Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun, who are vying to respect him now, are all small soldiers, and an unknown Ning Rongrong who looks very kind is the final boss.

And with Tang Yin's fuss, the drinking front was instantly widened.Everyone adhered to the attitude that good wine is good character, and Tang Yin was a burst of firepower.In their words, they were just thanking Tang Yin at the beginning, definitely not to avenge the one and a half months that Tang Yin held and beat him, absolutely not.

The scene was too violent to describe in words.Anyway, the next day Yao went to buy some of the best washboards in Soto City, and even taught the girls how to use them...

Of course, these are all things to say later, of course Yao will not lose face to her boyfriend in front of her brothers, and will cooperate with Tang Yin to attack other people when necessary.

After two or three rounds of drinking like this, Oscar, who was already a little confused, suddenly thought of something and asked: "Rong Rong, you see, your name is Brother Xiaosan and Brother Tang Yinyin, so why did you become Xiao Ao when you came to me?" ? I don’t want you to be treated differently like this.”

And hearing Oscar's words, Ning Rongrong's cheeks turned red.Some glared at the elm bump angrily, and didn't say much.

Although Ning Rongrong didn't say anything, the big hairy Ma Hongjun couldn't stand it any longer and said: "No, it's fine for you to be the second child Oscar, but since you are really the second child now, I don't think there is any chance for this kind of differential treatment What, are you still asking such stupid questions?"

Originally, Oscar also asked while taking advantage of the alcohol, and he was not completely drunk, but he also reacted when he heard Ma Hongjun's words.His gaze turned to Ning Rongrong again, looking at the pretty face now blushing due to shyness or alcohol.Xiafei's cheeks are so beautiful.This dazzling scene caused Oscar to break his guard in an instant, and hurriedly spoke to cover up: "Yes, yes, yes! I'm the one who's brain-dead, and I'll punish him with alcohol..."

The more you drink the wine, the more vigorous it is, and everyone will keep it a little bit at first.But after that, they kept asking for wine.Although it is said that everyone is still at the age when they drink alcohol and will be mixed doubles by their parents (of course, Xiao Wu and Yao are not counted).But after all, the worst soul masters here are twenty to thirty soul masters.The system is here.Alcohol has limited effects on them after all.So there is nothing to worry about.

After drinking for two hours, the miracle was that Tang Yin and Ning Rongrong had a [-]-[-] match in the end.But according to Tang San's observation, Ning Rongrong's drinking capacity definitely crushed his own old man.This also made Tang San curious.By the way, has Oududou's drinking capacity improved so quickly?

And Tang Yin who heard this situation was stunned, what the hell is this?Does he still have the same passivity as Hatake [-]-[-] and US team [-]-[-]?It's just that my passive is drinking?What is the cause of this inexplicable evil?

But after this drink, everyone knows each other's drinking capacity.Ma Hongjun is the worst drinker here.The first one was drunk and then Oscar.The third is Xiao Wu who came to join in the fun.The oldest Dai Mubai was fourth, followed by Tang San.In the end, it was Ning Rongrong and Tang Yin who fought against each other, and then died together...

Fortunately, You Yao and Zhu Zhuqing, two sober conductors, helped to carry them, otherwise a group of people would have spent the night on the table last night.

Although everyone was drunk all night, the master also said that they would have a holiday the next day.But the next day everyone continued their spirit fighting.Everyone spent a month in the fighting spirit field like this.And this month, everyone in Shrek can be said to be flourishing here.

Needless to say, in the team battle, Tang Yin directly crushed the opponent all the way, and at the same time crushed the three views of all the audience on the ground.It directly became a bug in the fighting spirit field.And Shrek's other team battles were also very smooth, with 29 victories in 29 battles.It can be said that Tang Yin crushed level [-] team battles alone, while the others only dominated level [-].

In the two-on-two match, Tang Yin's side needless to say, Tang Yin took the lead and won 29 consecutive victories.Next is Tang San's side. On the day after their hangover, Tang San and the others met a fire and ice dual control system soul master, under the restraint of attributes and levels.In the end they were a little bit close, and in the end they still lost the game.

Afterwards, Tang San summed up a lot in that defeat, and even if his teammate was Ma Hongjun, who was incompatible with his attributes, he still won 27 consecutive victories.Among them, they also encountered the team that defeated them the next day, but this time Tang San defeated the opponent very smoothly.

This time Tang San really put a lot of pressure on himself, and in many games, Tang San fought back and forth.

Of course, Ma Hongjun couldn't be blamed for this, after all, he himself was adjusted beyond a great realm.On the contrary, Ma Hongjun would use his value to the limit in every battle, and every time he stepped down early, it was because he squeezed out the last bit of soul power.It was also because of Ma Hongjun's consumption that Tang San had a chance to win.

Below Tang San and the others is the combination of Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing is also getting closer to challenge.But still achieved a good result of 29 wins and six losses in 23 games.

As for the individual competition, everyone in Shrek really became popular all the way.Even if an attack-type soul master like Dai Mubai faced a control-type soul master who was higher than him seven times, he still couldn't do anything to him, so that in these seven games, Dai Mubai only lost one game.And Tang San crushed all the way.With a level of 32, he dominated the entire level [-] area.

Below Tang San was Xiao Wu. Although Xiao Wu's third spirit ability teleportation was very strong, she encountered opponents who restrained her one after another, but she still had 22 victories.And Ma Hongjun in the twentieth-level district is also doing well, especially with the ability bonus of the spirit bone,

After all, in the face of his cobweb restraint, there is no way to restrain it, and it is difficult for someone at this level to break free.Xiao Wu is going to be a bit worse. Although her teleportation is very special, she has encountered opponents who just restrained her ability several times, but she still has 29 victories. 27 wins in [-] battles, Zhu Zhuqing also improved a lot because of the leapfrog duel with Xiao Wu.It was one victory less than Ma Hongjun who had a spirit bone.

And wait, judging from this result, everyone in Shrek is already better than the original book!


Today's Chapter 1, a new day begins.Everyone should be full of energy today!let's work hard together!

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Net provides you with the fastest update of Douluo: Full-time Sharpshooter, Chapter 160 The sixth strengthened Shrek is free for everyone to read.

Chapter 160 The seventh chapter supports also has a heart of output

And calculated in this way, the biggest winners of this month's spirit fight here are brothers Tang Yin and Tang San.After all, they all have a winning streak of at least 27 or more.Although the calculation methods for the points of the three soul fights are somewhat different, at the end of this month, their points are still enough for them to directly get the gold fighting spirit badge.Originally, Dai Mubai could almost get it, but it was a pity that his only defeat in that individual match was stuck in the middle, so that he couldn't enter the gold fighting spirit level after

That is to say, at the end of every month in the Great Soul Arena, everyone's points will be settled uniformly, otherwise the current Shrek people would have finished this stage of training long ago.

Of course, it was precisely because of this reason that even the big spirit fighting officials wanted to put the Shrek people in the central fighting spirit area.This made the officials very depressed.After all, in terms of popularity alone, both the Shrek Eight Monsters and Tang Yin have reached a peak.Especially Tang Yin, if the master hadn't always done things from beginning to end, Tang Yin wouldn't have to participate in these competitions.After all, at the beginning Tang Yin could learn a little bit because of the opponent's soul power level, but later on Tang Yin had no substantial growth, so that the daily team soul fighting was like clocking in at work, and many teams knew their opponents When it was Tang Yin, he directly took the initiative to admit defeat.

But all of this will end today, because this is the last day of this month, and everyone in Shrek will complete this round of training after completing today's soul fighting.

What's more important is that in this month, Dai Mubai's spirit power has successfully broken through to level 38. This is not only the result of his hard work and hard training during this period, but also all of this is also related to the various aspects of this period of time. There is an inseparable relationship between these two kinds of cultivation, and his and Zhu Zhuqing's martial soul fusion skills have also been successful.

Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong also had improved spirit power. After practicing and competing during this period of time, their spirit power had reached level 28 and level 27, and they were all working hard towards level [-].

And the cultivation of Helix Wan went very smoothly, and the main reason for this was because Tang Yin discovered that there were people selling oil in this world!Because in this world, oil is also used to ignite the fire and lubricate the bearings of some carriages. Because these can be replaced, and because oil extraction is difficult, it is not popular.

But Tang Yin knew very well that this thing could also be used as a raw material for rubber.Tang Yin did it as soon as he thought of it. At that time, Tang Yin drained his soul power five times at a time, and beat the summoned robot as raw material.A production line that can produce balloons and rubber balls has been abruptly transformed.

Although this production line looks a bit rudimentary due to time constraints, the products produced are still very passable.

What?You ask, where does the power supply of various machine tools in this production line come from?Actually that's the best thing to do.After all, each of the robots summoned by Tang Yin has unlimited energy to pry the coffin boards of major physics giants.But now Tang Yin directly uses these energies.So much so that every time Tang Yin sees these machine tools he made.They all seem to see a group of physics masters jumping repeatedly on their coffin boards, since the lines are already comparable to Mr. Saitama.

But this is still the main reason why the group of physics bigwigs danced so jubilantly. The more important reason is that after the explosion of Tang Yin's infinite energy, it turned out to be just a few small sparks. This is completely rubbing the iron law of energy conservation on the ground. .

But no matter what the physicist's fitness looks like.After all, Tang Yin used a very physical method to manufacture balloons and other training supplies.Seeing Tang Yin working on the machine tool and production line for a week, everyone in Shrek was also very interested, even if they couldn't understand what Tang Yin was talking about when Tang Yin explained...

Even the master couldn't help sighing, what is the principle of Tang Yin's martial soul that can transmit knowledge to the master?

With the help of the balloon after leaving everyone, plus the experience accumulated before, the training of Helix Wan went very smoothly.According to the training method Tang Yin said, everyone began to use balloons and rubber balls to practice the rotation, power, and duration of the spiral pill in turn!

And this kind of training efficiency that has a training direction instead of pure control is really excellent.The shortest auxiliary system soul masters and Tang San completed the spiral pill training in about a week.Then it's a matter of familiarity and proficiency.

A week later, even Ma Hongjun can make a qualified meatball. So far, everyone in Shrek has successfully received the New Oriental chef certificate from Tang Yin.

And because of Tang Yin's previous research on the spiral shuriken, the current spiral pills can also be launched directly like the tailed beast jade, so that in the last week or so, each auxiliary system, this The side game had just started, and they didn't even explode their martial spirits, and rushed towards the opposite side one by one holding a spiral pill, their momentum was stronger than Tang Yin's.What is called assistance also has a heart of output to the fullest.

But now the night had completely descended on Soto City, and the entire area of ​​the Soul Arena located in the center of Soto City was as bright as day.

There are all kinds of Soto City residents and tourists who come here to watch the competition in all directions. Among them, some very gorgeous carriages will appear every now and then, entering the Soto Great Spirit Arena through the exclusive passage.

And these various wealthy families and powerful families who came in gorgeous carriages may have different forces, but this time their goals are very unified.They are the core arenas of the Suoto Great Spirit Arena.

Of course, these masters didn't care about it. On the contrary, the masters took advantage of the fact that it was the weekend, relying on more people than usual to hide their figures and enter the fighting spirit field. Now, even if they all wear masks, they still have to be very careful.

After all, the results of everyone in Shrek this month have been better than the other, and they have naturally become the focus of all audiences.Even if they haven't shown their true colors in front of others until now, the current residents of Soto City are already very familiar with them.There is really a risk of being exposed alone.

Everyone in Shrek is also very helpless about this...


Today's Chapter 2, a new day begins.Everyone should be full of energy today!let's work hard together!

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Chapter 160 Eight Requests from Soto's Great Soul Arena

It is precisely because the Shrek people are clear now, so from ten days ago, the Shrek people have begun to enter the fighting spirit field in batches.And the task of signing up is handed over to their agent, the master.

And Shrek and the others put on different clothes and entered the Soul Arena from different areas.It was also because of this that it helped everyone in Shrek to play in that area, and it became the favorite show for Shrek fans every night.

The same is true of everyone in Shrek today, and because of their age, no one would doubt them.So getting in was relatively smooth.

Although it is said that they will fight team battles together in the end, they must start with heads-up and two-on-two. After all, team battles have always been at the end.They also gathered in the team battle area where the master signed up after playing various games.

And in order not to let everyone meet together, the master also divided up the registration for everyone in Shrek.And according to the fighting spirit during this period, he can already be sure that the end of their round of training this month can also come to an end.And now what they have to do is to complete today's last match.

And the master was right to let them put on masks in advance, otherwise, the performance of the Shrek people would definitely attract the attention of the major forces. Once they find out their real ages, the next thing will be hard to guard against.

So the current master has already planned everyone's next training program, and after today's end, he will not come to this spirit fighting field again.

When the master came to the registration office, he first handed over the badges of Shrek people's registration to the staff, and motioned for the other party to help register for tonight's team battle.

The staff habitually accepted the badge that Master Dai handed over, but when they saw the team displayed on the badge, their expressions changed significantly, and finally they even exhaled directly: "Eight Shrek Monsters? Jin Peng?"

Here, Jinpeng is the name Tang Yin gave his team.After all, he was personally registered as a Dharma Protector Yasha. As a professional mandrill chef, Tang Yin simply used the title of Mandrill General Jinpeng.

Although the other party's low voice was very small, it still made the master frown. After all, this kind of thing should not happen logically.After all, this is the basic quality of the staff here, but this service staff obviously did not perform well.

"Sorry, sir, I want to confirm here, are you the leader of the Eight Shrek Monsters?" the person in charge of registration asked cautiously.

"Well, it is. Please hurry up, I am in a hurry here." The master said.

"Sir, wait a moment, we'll be right back." The staff didn't even intend to return the Shrek badges to the master, and ran directly to the backstage area behind them.

Although the master was somewhat dissatisfied with this very unprofessional situation, the other party took away the badges of all Shrek owners.The master couldn't continue to sign up, so he just waited in place.

So much so that the current master regrets coming to this area to register, but what the master does not know is that in fact, no matter which area he registers in the Suotuo Great Spirit Arena today, he will get a salary similar to that of this service staff. treatment.It has nothing to do with the quality of the work of the staff.

Soon, the original master thought he would wait for a long time, but the other party returned after a while.He said very apologetically to the master: "I'm very sorry for giving you a bad experience today." The service staff said very respectfully while returning the badges of the Shrek people.

But the current master's attention is not on this staff member, but on another person brought by this staff member.And this person everyone knows, it is Director Ao who reminded everyone in Shrek in the first team match of Shrek.

Because when Tang San wrote the battle report about himself, he wrote it in together.So it still has a certain influence on this master in charge who kindly reminded everyone.

When Director Ao saw Grandmaster, he immediately saluted and said, "Hello, you are the leader of the Shrek team, right? I don't know if you have time. I would like to invite you to come over and have a talk."

Seeing the attitude of the other party, the master asked indifferently: "Does it mean that you are talking to me personally, or is it on behalf of the Soto Great Spirit Arena?"

After all, the master must guard against the other party's possible attempt to test the true identities of the Shrek people.

"I'm here to chat with you on behalf of our Suotuo Great Spirit Arena!" Director Ao was also aware of the master's attitude, and took the lead in expressing his position.

The master nodded in satisfaction. After seeing the way the waiter left just now, the master had already guessed.It's almost certain.After all, the performance of the Shrek people during this time is really too dazzling. Those who want Pokémon that don't attract the attention of others, especially Tang Yin, a monster with a 40-year-old soul ring at level 10.

Now the name of Tang Yin's Dharma Protector Yasha is really in full swing in Suoto Soul Arena, with strong strength, every round is a crushing performance.And every time the different auxiliary system soul masters appeared around them, everyone could tell from their masks that they were the auxiliary soul masters of the Shrek team that ruled the thirtieth level area on the other side.And this kind of phenomenon also makes them more curious, what kind of power is it that can cultivate such a powerful guy.As for why they weren't called geniuses, it was because they didn't know Tang Yin's age.

It was precisely because of the high-profile achievements of the Shrek people and Tang Yin that the master didn't want to have more contact with the fighting spirit field.After all, the forces behind the Soul Arena are complex, and even the country is very afraid, let alone them.If it weren't for the last day, the master would never agree to take a trip with Director Ao.

"Mr. Leader, I'm not going around the bush here, so I'll just say it directly." Supervisor Ao's expression was serious at this moment.Seeing the master nodding, he continued: "Now, on behalf of Suoto Great Spirit Arena, I would like to invite your Shrek Eight Monsters team to go to the Central Spirit Arena to fight instead of us."

"Oh? This kind of thing shouldn't be in line with your rules, right? After all, no matter how good their record is, they have not yet reached the silver fighting spirit, and they are theoretically ineligible to go there." The master was not surprised, but his tone was very flat Said.

Director Ao also gave a wry smile about this: "That's right, but I know very well that whether it's Shrek or Tang Yin, who is stronger than Tang Yin, they will get the Silver Fighting Soul tonight, no matter what the result of their match is. So I don’t think it’s a problem to find a day.”

"According to this, then you shouldn't have to wait another day—right?" The master's tone was still so flat, but the initiative of the conversation had already fallen into the hands of the master.


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Chapter 160 IX We seem to have forgotten something.

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