It turns out that holding hands with different people will have different feelings.

It turns out that different hand-holding actions will have different moods.

With colorful eyes shining brightly, Gan Yu nodded and smiled: "If you can't hold on, please let go immediately, and I will stop immediately."

"Yeah." Xia Tian smiled back, his hands tightened even tighter, and he only said in his heart: No matter what, I won't let go!

The golden light was strong again, purer than any power in the holy relic, it plated a little bit on the cortex, and then penetrated into the cells and bone marrow.

This force did not bring about excessive changes in the body, as if it had created a film that was invulnerable to all poisons.

Muscles were tearing, Xianli vainly tried to squeeze into every cell, pain spread all over his body.

Gritting his teeth, he kept consuming holy relics that would speed up his body's recovery.

It can be felt that the cells in the body are constantly broken and then repaired, and so on.

Compared with Xia Tian's simple pain, Gan Yu is much more busy. While controlling the ice cage that traps the evil spirits, she also needs to transmit celestial power to Xia Tian.

Pale complexion replaced ruddy, and she seemed to have lost weight, which could be knocked down by any gust of wind.

Give it your all, hold nothing back.

When the celestial power was inherited by Xia Tian, ​​the frost all over the sky disappeared instantly, and the frost cage lost the support of power, and could no longer suppress the evil spirits.


The ordinary ice element was instantly engulfed, and the hurricane-like black mist burst out of the ice.

The terrible shock knocked Gan Yu and Sister Baoer down.

Sister Bao'er was witty, taking advantage of the opportunity of being knocked down, she immediately slid down the hillside and ran away without looking back.

After imparting the exercises, Gan Yu's body was in a half-failed state and could only be manipulated by the storm.

But she didn't have the slightest worry, she knew someone would catch him, she believed so.

Arms with a little bit of holy luster embraced her, and a gentle voice whispered beside her ears: "Leave it to me."

The soft body was sent to the shade by those hands.

Eyelashes trembled slightly with the wind, Gan Yu's eyes were moist and moving: "Yes."


New year, new atmosphere!Thank you for your long-term support!

Chapter 230 Desire

When the pain is over, when the body torn by force heals again.

Whether it is the brute force of the limbs or the sharpness of the senses, they have reached an unprecedented level.

Like a newborn emerging from a cocoon, the aura of grandeur runs through the whole body, and the whole body is smooth.

The brilliant sight pierced through the black mist, revealing the rotting body that had been eaten away by evil spirits.

The space of God's Eye was opened, and the wings of the sky appeared from the shattered sky, and the gathered particles all turned into golden color representing immortal power.

The bowstring is fully drawn, and the holy relic with the highest level of four-star wind attribute is turned into an arrow.

The storm with celestial power is fearless and blows through the air.

In the place where the black mist is, it seems to have split the space, creating a vacuum, and dispelling the black mist.

With a flick of his left hand, the Sky Wing turned into light spots and dissipated.

With a lift of his right hand, the wolf spirit sword was drawn from the ground.

The elements squeezed on the blade burst out in an instant, and the tens of meters long blade was chopped down in circles.

The humanoid monster retreated sensitively, and the giant sword turned into a straight frosty road between the two.

As if there were a pair of skates on the soles of the feet, stepping on the blade of the sword and sprinting quickly, he came straight to Yaoxie.

The black mist is like a thousand hands, trying to stop it.

With a wave of Xia Tian's hand, several heavy elements entrained Xianli and defeated it.

It is obviously a borrowed immortal power, but it is more turbulent than the real body.

In the dark mist, the golden light spot is like the only shining star in the night, especially conspicuous.

Mr. Xia...

Gan Yu seemed to have forgotten to exhale, and put her hands on her chest, heaving up and down due to nervousness.

It was as if her life was entrusted to that beam of brilliance, and if Xia Tian disappeared, she would also disappear with her.

The demonized scarred face is no longer a human movement, and its speed and strength have multiplied, just like fighting some kind of wild beast.

As Sister Bao'er said, Scarface is dead, but the evil spirit is using his body to absorb energy.

There is no need to have any grudges and mercy.

Every time Xia Tian attacks, he uses his full strength, but even if he breaks his wrist, pierces his chest, or even cuts off his head, he can't stop the black mist from accumulating.

Inside that hollowed out body, other forces are being bred...

That being the case, then separate this god-killing magic spear from its host!

The blood is black blood, the flesh is black flesh, the filth of chaos is the connecting vein, the magic spear and the scarred face are connected with flesh and blood.

Fortunately, as a host, Scarface's aptitude is not high, no matter how demonized, the upper limit is just like that.

With the support of Xianli and the holy relic, Xia Tian easily held the magic gun.


Then, his thoughts exploded in an instant, and his hands loosened in a panic.

What was that just now?

More than one memory flooded into my mind, full of negative thoughts that ordinary people cannot bear, hatred of the world, desire for power, obsession with drunken lantern riddles, male sex and female sex...

The evil body can be destroyed, and the evil mind can be defeated, but the filth that demonizes them will never die.

This magic gun is a concentration camp of filth!

It keeps looking for a host, maybe a human, maybe a fairy... and then degenerates into a demon.

The monster will be eliminated, and this magic gun will carry the newly added desire and hatred to find the next target.

In such reincarnation, the resentment carried is growing day by day.

Xia Tian understands, is it these filth that the "karma" suffered by those subduing demon yakshas who eradicate evil spirits?

More than one, more than once, more than one reincarnation.

After the negative memory carried by the filth pours into the body, who can tell which one is the original self... Who am I?Who is me again?

The blessing of Xianli brings higher and faster thinking.

In an instant, Xia Tian summed up everything... The magic gun in front of him will trigger all kinds of desires, and then it will devour him.

But... Looking back at the worried eyes under the shade of the trees, they are as flawless as bright stars, which is an emotion that has never been seen before.

Gan Yu gave him not only immortal power, but also fearless courage.

With trembling hands, he grabbed the magic gun again, and this time he never let go.

Pulling hard, Shengsheng tore off Scarface's arm, completely holding the magic gun in his own hands.

"Ah, do you desire power?"

This is the moment, a question from the heart.

The evil spirit is exploring his mind, the evil spirit is trying to arouse his desire, and the evil spirit is trying to occupy his body.

So, what is summer desire?

Does he yearn for greater power?Of course, it cannot be denied.

But power is just a tool, and the goal you want to achieve after you have power is desire.

The desire for summer...from the moment I stepped into Teyvat, it has not changed.

Pure ones do not have any selfish desires, lusts, and desires for power.

Just trying to protect them and the world they love, that's all.

How does a mere demon understand this emotion!

How can mere demons hinder Xia Tian's will to be born for this emotion!

Since it cannot be understood, since it cannot be hindered, and since it cannot be penetrated and changed.

Then, create memories and pictures that do not belong to this body, then use other thoughts to forcibly seize this body.

As a result, various images and memories, images and memories that obviously do not belong to Xia Tian, ​​played quickly in his mind.

scary... weird...

The demon gods who were once killed, the ambitions of those demon gods that have never been achieved...

Why did former friends, who were born together at the beginning of the chaos, and friends who have been friends for thousands of years, kill each other for the position of gods...why would a loving god be pierced in the chest by her beloved humans...why did the sky fall Disaster, destroying a happy home...why didn't you, my beloved, protect me...

These memories are vivid, as if they were experienced personally, and they pass by in a flash, and they cannot be recalled again.

Only those regrets, anger, pain, and compassion are left.

These are the memories of the demon gods who failed to become the seven rulers of the world.

It is a tampered memory.

The benevolence of God is removed, the selflessness of God is removed, the cause and effect are removed, and only moments of despair remain.

"This wretched world... is corrupt and should be ruled by the Dark Sea...."

"Compared to that stupid thing, this body is much stronger!"

Xia Tian couldn't help feeling flustered, saying words that didn't belong to his consciousness at all.

These two sentences are on the side of the ear, with different tones and different souls.

Apparently, the filth was taking control of the body, and he was stuck in those memories, powerless.

Could it be that he was trapped like this and handed over his body to the evil spirits?


The memory is still flickering, the picture of the past... is the only memory of the seven rulers of the world.

The story of the water god of Fontaine who died under this magic gun.



Enough to shatter Xia Tian's world view, enough to shatter all his thoughts, and even deny his own existence.

This memory does not belong to him, but it is so clear, as if he was born again and experienced it again.

This long spear called killing the gods, did it kill the water god?

There seems to be an activity recently, please ask for some blades...

Chapter 230 Kiss

The god I met in the clean water of the clear water source, the god who is so loving as to exist like a mother.

Once in Mond, the god who met the maintainer of heaven and gave him help, the god who told himself that as long as he stood on the ground and had courage, he would be omnipotent.

Did he die at the hand of this spear?

Is the memory just now her memory?Then the last scene... At the end of her life, the inhuman being condensed with divine power...

Am I... from Tevat?

I'm not traveling...but returning?

This disordered memory cannot be taken seriously.

He understood that this was tampered with by the monster, and it was a means to let him experience those tragic experiences to amplify the darkness in his heart.

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