Twalin spread his wings again, the overpowering coercion made the keen knight feel threatened.

Diluc and Qin have summoned their weapons and put on defensive or even attacking postures.

And all these changes are reflected in Twarin's eyes, filling the final clarity.

He growled: "Barbatos, are these people with you to hunt me down!"

Wendy stood up with difficulty, the zither in the sky in her hand had been destroyed: "No, Twarin, people have never forgotten..."

His words did not continue, and what he saw, Twarin's eyes lost all luster.

Twarin is falling, giving up resistance.

The abyss mage stood proudly on top of the dragon's head, the staff in his hand like a branch was scattered with snowflakes:

"It's time for this dragon to serve its real just stay here and lament your own powerlessness!"


Wendy's last cry was not answered, and Twarin's figure disappeared into the clouds.

Because of the storm, most of his conversations with Twarin did not reach the others.

But judging from Wendy's lonely demeanor and the appearance of the abyss mage, the first mission to save the Tewarin team failed.

Wendy hugged the destroyed Qin and stared blankly at the direction Twalin left.

Qin stepped forward, not knowing how to address her for a while:

"Baba—Your Excellency Wendy, please protect yourself."

Although I can't believe it, the person in front of me may be the incarnation of Fengshen.

Compared with Yourou's sadness, Di Luke thought about the next step sooner: "How about the qin of the sky? Can it still be played? Or can it be repaired with the teardrops of the dragon?"

Wendy smiled wryly: "It's so bad, there should be no other way."

"Now is not the time to be upset!" Ying also came to Wendy's side, with an unusually firm tone:

"Twarin is very dangerous, we must solve the source of the corrosion, to solve those abyss mages!"

Abyss mages are enemies more evil than fools, and their only purpose is to destroy.

Qin nodded immediately: "Then I'll go find the scout knight and investigate the location of Twalin and the abyss mage!"

"The intelligence network of Chenxi Winery has been tracking the clues of those monsters, and I believe there will be results soon."

Diluc, who hates the Knights, has been protecting Mond in his own way.

"Anyway, wait for my news!"

With the big sword in his hand, Di Luke showed a little disgust on his cold face:

"I want them to understand that no matter how lawless the Abyssal Cult is... But in Mond, there are some things that cannot be done!"

The steed neighed, and Qin and Di Luke rushed back to Mond first.

The Abyss Mage has controlled Twarin, and it is very likely that they will attack the city. The Zephyr Knights must be prepared.

Chapter 28 The Power of the Elements

The wind does not take away any worries.

Ying took a few steps forward, looking at the hole left by Tewarin breaking through the clouds when he left.

"Ying, what's the matter?" Paimon expressed his concern.

The wind became calm, and Ying brushed away the blown golden hair: "I was thinking about the real master that the abyss mage said...he might be Mond's worst enemy."

Xia Tian's heart trembled, and he blurted out, "Ying, what if that person is your lost brother?"

"Huh?" Ying was very surprised by this question, and then shook her head decisively: "Brother's justice and bravery will never be corroded by the abyss..."

Together with her brother, she traveled through multiple worlds and experienced countless adventures. No matter how much hardship there was, her brother never lost that light.

Xia Tian thought for a while, and joked: "Like in many novels, when lovers, friends and relatives who have been separated for a long time are repeated again, they become enemies, and then they have to fight, even fight with their lives... But this kind of development should be rare, ha..."

Before Ying could say anything, Paimeng became worried: "Then if we separate, will the ogre become an enemy in the future?"

Xia Tian replied of course: "It's hard to say? If you really become an enemy, please ask Paimeng to whip me hard and wake me up!"

Ying laughed softly: "Then it will be good if we are together forever."

Looking at Ying's smile, "Maybe the real master that the abyss mage said is your brother." This kind of truth is really impossible to say.

And based on all the information that Xia Tian crossed before, the Abyss Cult may not necessarily be a complete villain, and even in the end...

The solstice of rebelling against the laws of heaven, the ancient country that is almost extinct, the mysterious abyss...

There must be inextricable connections between them, and there is no strategy to inquire about these, so they can only be opened little by little, and explored little by little.

Ying and Paimon returned to the carriage first, and Xia Tian stopped Wendy.

"The great Fengshen..." He saluted respectfully.

"Eh? Why did you become so polite all of a sudden? Little Paimon pulled my leg roughly yesterday! You didn't know I belonged to Barbatos until today, did you?"

Wendy's mood has calmed down a lot, and she has returned to her usual appearance of a slick poet.

"After all, there is something to ask for..." Xia Tian awkwardly rubbed the back of his head.

Having already guessed the questions and answers that will be faced, Wendy said frankly:

"I can feel the breath from a foreign land from you and Ying. She is a traveler traveling through the world, but you... I can't see through."

Although he had prepared for a long time, Xia Tian still showed disappointment:

"As one of the supreme seven gods of Tevat, don't you know why I came to this world? For example, to save the common people or defeat the big devil?"

"Save the common people?"

The tone of voice became strange, the corners of Wendy's eyes drooped, and her eyebrows came to an eight-twenty shape.

It's like looking at the eyes of an idiot, which makes Xia Tian very dissatisfied: "Hey! What do you mean by your eyes! It's not like I'm just a passerby who came here for a stroll, right?"

Wendy closed her eyes, enjoying the mountain breeze: "Isn't it better to be simple? Enjoy this trip to another world to the fullest, and I believe the songs and scenery of this world will not disappoint you."

Traveling to the world I am interested in, meeting many favorite characters, and barely having a skill to make ends meet, there is really nothing wrong with it.

"I'm happy with the world and in a way blessed to be here, so I want to do something..."

"Do you want to get the power of elements from me?"

Xia Tian immediately nodded, Wendy helplessly spread her hands and sighed:

"You may be looking for the wrong person! Although I am one of the seven gods, I am far away from the crowd and lose my faith, and I don't have much strength."

"What's more, in the realm above people, my authority is not high, and I can't interfere with other worlds."

"Maybe there is a higher being that brought you into this world, such as..."

After thinking about it for a while, I didn't say the second half of the sentence, and turned to regret:

"Whether it's the eyes of God or the power of elements, what our seven gods can give is very limited."

"Although it is said to be a god, it is actually a chosen person just like ordinary creatures."

"In the Tivat continent, everyone has the qualification to become a god. Whether it is Mond or other places, or you who come from afar, you will have this opportunity."

"Complete the breakthrough of one's own limit, obtain the recognition of the law of heaven, and get the help of the "God's Eye" to drive the power of the elements..."

As the least famous Fengshen among the Seven Gods, he was even used as a unit of measurement for a time, and Xia Tian had very limited expectations for him.

So while Wendy was talking, Xia Tian had already taken off his coat.

Facing the wind, the lines on the arms are clearly visible.

"This is... the eye of God? No..."

Wendy took a closer look, and the astonishment in her eyes became more and more exaggerated: "I didn't expect to gain knowledge after living for thousands of years."

"There are three layers of patterns, the outermost one is the eye of God, the pattern in the middle layer should be the heart of God, and the pattern in the center... I don't know what it is."

The brows were furrowed tightly, it seemed that it was not as simple as he said.

Xia Tian asked urgently: "Whether it is God's Eye, God's Heart or something else, I can't use it! There is no elemental reaction at all."

Wendy slapped the texture, and then explained like a teacher:

"The reason why the God's Eye is an external organ is because the human body cannot properly guide the power of elements, and your God's Eye is in the flesh..."

Casting a [you understand] look, Xia Tian held his forehead: "Is it purely for decoration? The big man who made me time travel forced me to get a set of tattoos?"

"It's still useful." Wendy put her hands on both ends of the lines, and the cyan light spots slowly penetrated into the skin.

"What I can do is to help you activate the God's Eye space, so that you can put weapons with rough stones or holy relics and Mora into it."

Listening to the words, Xia Tian immediately tried to send Mo La on his body.

Like Doraemon's Dimensional Pocket, although there is no detailed system list, you can clearly determine what items are in the space, and it is easy to take them out.

Wendy emphasized: "Not only that, the elemental power contained in the holy relic can be filled into the eye of God and released."

Xia Tian probably understood the meaning: "That is to say, as long as you equip the holy relic in the God's Eye space, you can use the power of the elements?"

Wendy nodded and reminded: "Well, but only the elemental power of the holy relic, the ability displayed will change with the quality and attributes of the holy relic..."

"Is there any holy relic for me to try?"

Xia Tian was so excited that he wanted to try it immediately, but even if the poor ghost poet had a holy relic, he would definitely exchange it for wine money.

There are still two holy relics that were collected from Master Diluque, and they are placed in Mona's house, just in time to try.

"Let's go back to Mond quickly!" He couldn't wait.

As long as you can use elemental power, no matter how strong or weak it is, it will be a qualitative change!

Mond City will soon have a handsome boy who can use the power of elements!

At the very end, looking at Xia Tian who was getting carried away, Wendy pulled the broken strings and fiddled with a short section:

"The scattered pupils, gathering the power of the storm, will lead your power..."

Chapter 29 Girls Wake Up

The stable and no longer bumpy carriage proved a truth, the road during the day is much easier to walk than at night.

Mond's noon is the busiest time.

The hot aroma of potato cakes parades the streets, constantly giving hints that "it's time to eat."

Wendy said a lot on Star Reaching Cliff, one of which was touching.

"Enjoy this trip to another world to the fullest, and I believe the songs and scenery of this world will not disappoint you."

No matter what you will encounter in the future, no matter where the road is going, you should feel this beautiful world, instead of completing a certain task step by step.

To experience Mond's enthusiasm, to thank Amber and Mona for their help, to dispel the haze of the Twarin incident, and most importantly to celebrate his promotion from mortal to element user.

Summer decided to hold a party, please have a good meal.

What does it take to throw a party?

Exaggerated balloon decorations, countless food and wine, melodious songs and poems, and enthusiastic guests.

"Party? Is there going to be a lot of food?"

"Party? Will there be a lot of wine?"

Wendy and Paimon

"Of course there will be, but before that, I need your help..."

Ying and Paimon were arranged to invite people from the Knights, Wendy went to [Angel's Gift] to coordinate the organization first, and Amber and Mona were naturally invited by Xia Tian himself.

In the alley on the left side of the city gate, there are many businessmen holding holy relics.

They happily ran into the alley, but failed to see the open appraisal room, so they could only look back disappointed.


Such behavior is indeed very problematic for a businessman.

Fortunately, his appearance is not well known by the city people, so he can sneak past with his forehead covered.

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