Xia Tian shook his head again and vetoed: "However... it may be because when I came to Liyue and when I first went to Mond, I had different strengths and ideas, so I would think that they are better than Qin, at least they are not unreachable."

When I first entered Mond, I was just a stranger with nothing, and I might be tied up and eaten by the Qiuqiu people at any time.

Facing Qin, who is already the supreme leader on Meng De's face, how could he dare to think otherwise.

Liyue Seven Stars, who are as noble as Qin, should be like this... But Xia Tian has changed, and she is already a hero who can protect the city, so naturally she will no longer feel that they are aloof and out of reach.

"There is definitely a good impression, and I am willing to do a lot of things for them... As for liking, I am still not sure."

After a slight pause, Ningguang first came to mind: "Because Ningguang always deliberately teases me, there is always a kind of unyielding feeling in it... Maybe it is a kind of "like" to want to conquer her?But not very clear. "

The two may be separated by a layer of window paper, depending on when they are pierced.

"Keqing's...favorability is already very high, but it's not yet at the level where you want to be together urgently."

This should be the last one, after Xia Tian finished speaking, he let out a long sigh of relief.

Going shopping today, Mona received a lot of favors, whether it was because of being soft-spoken and short-handed, or because she saw the shadow of herself and astrology in the relationship between Keqing and Liyue... Mona couldn't say Keqing's bad words.

As for Ningguang, who can refuse a hundred thousand crabs?

Mona scanned the long list, and there was one person missing: "Then what about the walnut at the end?"

Today's cross-examination was caused by Hu Tao, and Xia Tian immediately reported vigilantly: "At most, it's just a younger sister, and it doesn't even have a relationship with a younger sister. I fully understand why you hate her."

Who knew, being so mischievous in the future, it did develop in a troublesome direction.

"You're smart." Mona was ready to put away the letter with satisfaction, when a figure that she almost forgot appeared in her mind: "Oh, and that 'lady'. "

Mond and Liyue are over, does the end of winter chapter start again?

"This is more reassuring, there is no emotional communication at all, and it is far from liking!" Xia Tian said truthfully.

With that kind of figure, no man will not be tempted, but being tempted and acting are different.

Thinking that it should be over...but after Mona put away the note, she asked worriedly: "...you're not interested in men, are you?"

Covering his face and being speechless, Xia Tian doesn't want to answer this question at all.

What exactly happened that made Mona start to suspect this?

Mona also knew that she had made a slip of the tongue, and explained: "Because, recently, some people on the street said that they often see two men hooking shoulders..."

"It's normal for good brothers to hang shoulders together, so don't believe the gossip on the street." Xia Tian guessed whether these two ambiguous men would be Xingqiu and Chongyun, or Zhongli and Dadalia...

"I only like women, that's for sure." Xia Tian is very sure of this.

The way he looked at Mona became affectionate.

Mona promised to let Xia Tian rest for a day, and she really took a day off, and then it was time to pay the public rations.

Sliding down from the table, sitting on Xia Tian's lap, playfully said: "Eh? Really? I don't believe it."

"Then I'll prove it to you." Xia Tian touched Mona's exposed underwear strap.

This time, it's not about helping to lift it up, but preparing to untie it.

"How to prove?" Mona undid the buttons of Xia Tian's jacket one by one, pressing her hands on the strong chest.

"How you want to feel, I will prove it."

Feel it with your body, prove it with your body.

Before Xia Tian only belonged to Mona, ask for it as much as you want.

Mona believes that no matter how many people still like summer, the one who loves summer the most and the one who is most familiar with summer must be herself.

Because, ah, I already like him, to the point where it doesn't matter if Liyue, Mond, or the Seven Kingdoms are all destroyed.

How could they be better than me?

Chapter 320: Sending the Immortal Dianyi

After one night, it finally came to the day of "Sending the Immortals".

In their sleep, the two people stacked together were awakened by the noise outside.

I was so tired last night that I didn't have the strength to put on my pajamas and didn't take a shower, so my body was sticky with sweat.

Skin-to-skin contact, lying on Xia Tian's body was uncomfortable, but Mona still didn't intend to get up.

With sleepy eyes, looking at the man who was about to get up, he held his arms and acted like a baby: "What's the matter? Let's sleep for a while..."

Xia Tian shook his head, shook off his tiredness and drowsiness, and sat up with Mona in his arms: "Today is to give away Xiandianyi, why don't you go and see the excitement?"

"...Okay." Mona just remembered, and left her embrace helplessly.

If it was possible, she wouldn't want to go to the "Send the Immortal Ritual", but if she wanted to go in Xia Tian, ​​then there was nothing she could do.

The husband and wife sing along.

The two played and washed, and after enjoying a simple soy milk steamed bun set meal, they stepped out of the room.

The melodies, mainly guzheng and pipa, play the ancient and lofty mourning music, which is not as bleak as Xia Tian imagined, but more mellowly reluctant and nostalgic.

The "Ceremony of Sending the Immortals" is not something worth celebrating, and there is not much time to prepare, so the scene looks relatively simple.

According to tradition, there are three procedures.

The first is to bid farewell to the souls of the immortals in the "ancient way" from the Hall of Rebirth. Through chanting in French, the long-cherished wishes and dissatisfaction that the immortals have not fulfilled before their lives can be appeased.

Afterwards, the people are allowed to enter the venue, pour out their inner grief, and put the sacrifices they used to express their grief into the "stove", and burn them together with the clothes and crowns representing the remains of the immortals.

Finally, after Liyue Qixing's eulogy, the ceremony ended.

still in

There were still so many people, and the people gathered at Yujing Terrace early on, but it was completely opposite to the atmosphere during the "Invitation to Xian Dianyi".

Not many people from other lands came to watch the ceremony, most of them were ordinary people from Liyue, they just wanted to see the emperor off for the last time.

Facing such sincere subjects, the emperor is really cruel to be happy in the name of feigning death.

In addition to the reason why the emperor promised to introduce Grandma Ping to teach the "Cave to the Sky" today, Xia Tian certainly can't miss such a major ceremony that may not be seen once in a lifetime.

But Ying and Paimeng's idea is simpler, they both spent a lot of time and energy for this ritual ceremony, and it is no exaggeration to say that they are the contributors to the ceremony.

If you don't take a look, you'd be too sorry for yourself.

Xia Tian and Mona came late, Paimeng and Ying were already waiting outside Yuheng's mansion.

"What time is it now! Didn't you sleep last night?" Paimon put his hands on his hips, very dissatisfied with Xia Tian's non-compliance with the time: "The ceremony is about to begin!"

"Pimon, this hasn't started yet." Ying helped to speak, "We've only just arrived."

"Ying! Why do you always speak for ogres!" Paimon shook his feet angrily, wishing Ying would not be so kind.

From the moment Xia Tian got up late, he guessed that Paimeng would make use of the problem, so he was already prepared.

He took out the half of the steamed stuffed bun that he had just eaten, and handed it over: "This is red bean-flavored, very sweet."

Paimon was not polite, and stuffed it into his mouth, but there was still no sign of calming down on his face.

"Okay, I'll treat you to lunch!"

As soon as Xia Tian said this, Paimon's expression changed from cloudy to clear in an instant: "You said it! Don't go back on your word!"

"You are so easy to coax!" Mona couldn't help complaining: "Should I give you food or sell you?"

Are you qualified to say this?You and Paimon are the same, each other!

Xia Tian and Ying reached such a consensus in their hearts, and smiled at each other.

After a short chat, everyone started to walk to the Dianyi Square, and it was hard to squeeze in late.

Crowds of people stood at the entrance of the square, chatting with each other about the recent chaos, and even heard many irresponsible conjectures.

"Send Xian Dianyi this way, it means that those rumors are all settled, right?"

Before that, many people still had doubts about the death of the emperor and were looking forward to the reversal, but now they can only give up.

Followed by several sighs: "Old Lord Yan, he really... But the problem is why didn't he catch the murderer?"

The emperor's assassination is by no means a trivial matter, not to mention turning the whole Liyue upside down, and it shouldn't have been silent all the time.

Someone still saw it clearly, and pointed out: "Nonsense, someone who can assassinate Lord Yan must not be an ordinary person. I don't think the suspicious characters mentioned in the gossip are reliable..."

"Could it be suicide?"

Someone guessed the truth, but the onlookers seemed to be fools and didn't believe it at all: "You really dare to think! Why did Lord Yan commit suicide?"

"Yes, haha!"

"There is only one theory, but I think the possibility is very high! I heard that at this moment, he is a young man with a fairly high official position among the fools. His name seems to be "Young Master"..."

When it comes to fools, everyone gnashes their teeth.

And as a high-ranking official among fools, the title of "Master" is even more like a rat on the street.

"That boy, I suspect that the demon god in the sea was also released by him, otherwise he would not have appeared suddenly without a reason, right? They have been suppressed by Lord Yan for 2000 years..."

All the people agreed unanimously: "Yes, it happened to be at the threshold where Prince Yan's accident happened."

"Everything is connected, that person must have colluded with the demon god to harm Lord Yan! Hey, this murderer has a really dark heart!"

"Fools? That is indeed very suspicious. Everyone knows that they are a group of greedy guys who are crooked... and the fools have been thoroughly investigated by Lord Tianquan, and there is no trace of the fools recently!"

"I'm guilty, otherwise, why are you afraid of being investigated! It's best for those bastards to get out... It's just Lord Yan, eh!"

No matter how angry he was, Lord Yan couldn't come back, so he could only sigh in the end.

The rumors of the Fools were deliberately released by Ningguang, and she made most people blame the Fools.

The purpose is to arouse Liyue Wanmin's resistance to the Fools... In this way, even if the investigation cannot be continued due to political pressure in the end, but without the people's buy-in, the Fools' business will not be able to continue, and they will have to leave sooner or later.

Although the fools restrained themselves, they hadn't completely withdrawn yet. Someone quickly reminded: "Shhh, everyone, please keep your voice down too! What if you let the fools watch you, there is no Lord Yan to protect you now."

In a country without gods, does it have the strength to protect itself in the face of other gods?

No one knows, but at least many people are willing to believe, to believe in the Liyue Seven Stars.

"There are Liyue Seven Stars, I am not afraid."

But there are also people who have doubts about Qixing: "So, there were rumors that Lord Tianquan assassinated..."

"Hey, don't talk nonsense! In order to protect Liyue, Lord Tianquan even destroyed the Qunyu Pavilion!"

This kind of suspicion has attracted quite a lot of controversy, and there is even a situation of "if you continue to talk nonsense, I will beat you".

Originally, there were quite a few people who regarded the Liyue Seven Stars as more important than the Emperor.

After all, a god who comes only once a year, and a human being who cares about Liyue all the time... Maybe the former is greater, but the latter is more popular.

"Hey, forget it, let's stop guessing here! The Qianyan Army over there seems to be making an announcement, let's listen to what the General Affairs Department has to say!"

Follow the line of sight.

A general of the Qianyan Army wearing armor unblocked the square, and at the same time he brought a call to arms that looked like an imperial decree.

"Send the official announcement of the Seven Stars—" The loud and clear voice shocked the audience.

This is the official speaker, who is about to tell the truth about the emperor's fall, and everyone stands solemnly, waiting for the answer to be revealed.

The long history has not only brought changes in language and culture, but also more and more detailed texts.

Each country has two different scripts, its own ancient script and the modern script commonly used by Tivat.

Among them, Liyue's ancient characters have very few vocabulary, which is relatively difficult for ordinary people to understand.

Few people will learn it now, but it is solemn to use ancient characters for formal occasions in China.

It's like this announcement about the emperor.

"Everyone should know that although Tenglong Feilin lives longer than mountains, it will eventually turn into ashes."

"The emperor's immortality, his life is equal to the sun and the moon, but sometimes it is cloudy and sunny, and it coincides with the thunder disaster."

"It is said in the streets and alleys that there are all kinds of messages, saying that the emperor was assassinated, which is not true."

"The emperor suffered a catastrophe, and his soul returned to the sky."

"Therefore, I tell Liyue, and I pray that the people will mourn, so as not to cause heartbreak."

"Also, don't listen to the rumors and speculate."


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