The sharp blade formed by the water stopped Xia Tian's speech, and Mona's expression was serious: "Clear all the things and the pictures just now from my mind, otherwise I can only wash you with water!"

"Hold on!"

Xia Tian immediately closed his eyes, meditated for a few seconds, and then made a mechanical sound: "Ding—deletion successful!"

"Okay! Can we go now? The party is at Master Di Luke's tavern [Angel's Gift], and Wendy has already gone to prepare it."

"Then wait for me outside, and I have to tidy up."

After saying that, Mona stepped on the stairs and went up.

It is a party after all, girls must dress up a little bit, Xia Tian understands completely.

I just didn't expect this understanding to be understood for two hours.

Amber went to patrol first, and Mona hasn't finished it yet.

Today is the delivery day of "Steambird News", and it must be sent out before noon. Last night, I didn't finish writing to help Xia Tian.

This is her most important source of income and cannot be lost!

Chapter 31 Before the party starts

Angel's gift.

As a tavern, it is very busy during the day, and usually you have to wait until the sun goes down before it starts to be lively.

And just after this morning, someone arranged something inside, and the ribbons were pulled up like a small banquet.

Barbatos, the god of the wind, is the creator of festivals and events, and it's best for him to prepare the party.

Doing anything requires money, thanks to the two hours of business yesterday, Xia Tian has almost [-] moras in hand.

Mond is not a place like Liyue that spends money like water. The price of the Deer Hunter restaurant is very ordinary. I believe that the tavern of Master Diluc will not be too bad.

"Ten thousand moras should be enough anyway."

Xia Tian thought so, but when he brought Mona and Amber to the tavern, he soon discovered that the situation was going in the wrong direction.

White ribbons are glued to the ceiling to depict the appearance of Cecilia flowers, colorful hydrogen balloons are floating in the air, and a series of paper flowers are drawn from the four corners to cross the top of the cake in the center.

mona and amber

Xia Tian hurriedly made some broken cakes to fool him, otherwise the big cake in front of him might not survive five seconds.

Wendy looked at the tavern she had arranged with satisfaction, and when she saw Xia Tian, ​​she praised herself as if asking for credit: "How is it? Not bad! I dare say this will be the best private party of Mond in recent years!"

"The dress is really good, but the wine in your hand..." Xia Tian looked at the wine that Wendy was holding, with some concerns in his heart.

Wendy patted the wine bottle: "Oh! This is the best wine in Chenxi Winery. I begged for a long time before Master Di Luke agreed to take it out!"

The wines of Chenxi Winery are usually divided into three grades.

The lowest grade is directly packed in barrels and sold according to the volume of barrels.

The medium-grade ones are served in metal or porcelain, and sold by cup or catty.

The most high-end products are sealed separately in glass bottles, such as the one in Wendy's hand, which is also considered exquisite in glass bottle packaging.

Xia Tian looked around and lowered his voice: "Will this be expensive?"

"Fortunately, one bottle is only [-] moras. It's almost enough to prepare ten bottles. I'm not very good at drinking."

Wendy answered easily and freely, but Xia Tian's heart was racing: "Wait! Is there any cheaper one!"

"Cheap ones?" Wendy frowned, pointing over there: "How about changing it to a [-]-one bottle?"

"Is there a cheaper one?"

"one thousand?"


"No money?" Wendy shouted exaggeratedly, but was quickly covered by her palm.

"I thought I was rich, but now I realize I'm still too young!"

According to the prices I have been exposed to these days, I thought that [-] Mora would be enough for a party, but I never thought that I couldn't even afford wine...

Maybe the wrong party planner was invited... The downcast poet is also one of the seven gods. If Lord Yan were to do it, it would cost millions of dollars.

"I don't have any money for a party!" Wendy patted the wooden barrel next to her dissatisfied: "Hey! This barrel is five hundred moras."

"Good! That's it!" Xia Tian immediately made a decision, and explained along the way: "Drinking is not good in the first place, and most of the people who come here are girls. Getting drunk is easy to cause accidents."

Wendy looked up to the sky and lamented: "This is the most shabby party I have ever held, and it is an insult to the wisdom of Barbatos, the wind god."

"Aren't you the Wendy who sings now!"

Xia Tian took a glass of cheap wine and took a sip: "It tastes pretty good!"

Between wine and fruit juice, it feels a bit like a cocktail.

"In the future, in the future, I will definitely let you hold a grand ceremony that will make the whole city revel."

"I'll just accept your empty check."

Wendy spread out the prepared menu: "What about the is the list and prices...Master Di Luke said to give us a [-]% discount..."

In the end, I didn’t forget to mutter: “Rich people are stingy. If I were the boss, I would definitely be free of charge!”

"What are you talking about behind my back? I run a tavern, not a charity hall."

Every time Wendy made a small move or complained, she would be caught by Di Luke.

"Nothing, nothing!" Wendy shook her head and waved her hands.

Di Luc put a bottle of wine on the table. The exquisite arc shape showed its luxury, and the dark color was clear and transparent under the light.

"This is it!" Wendy exclaimed happily, and immediately wanted to grab it.

Diluque: "I am also an invited guest, this is my gift."

"Master Di is still grand!" Wendy approached Xia Tian and explained: "This bottle is a rare wine called [Angel Hickey], and the market price has been fired to [-] moras!"

"One hundred thousand!"

Before Xia Tian was startled, Mona's voice penetrated the tavern.

Then, under the eyes of everyone, she pulled Amber lowly to hide behind the cake.

The voice was soft: "Do I still need to bring gifts to the party?"

Amber thought for a while: "I used to attend the banquets of knights and festivals. I don't know much about private parties. It seems that there is such a custom?"

"Eh? What about you? Are you ready?" She remembered that Amber also came empty-handed.

"I haven't either..." Amber shook his head, and suddenly remembered: "However, I said earlier that there were not enough carrots for fried meat with honey sauce and carrots. I helped bring some back when I was on patrol..."

"Isn't it just me eating for nothing..."

As a great astrologer, he absolutely cannot do such a shameful act.

Mona walked behind Xia Tian aggressively: "Hello!"

When Xia Tian looked back, all he saw was the back of his head.

Mona turned her head away, without showing her face, while reaching out her hand.

The palm is a blue candy.

"what is this?"


"I know it's candy, I mean why are you giving me candy? Is it Halloween?"

"Party gift, take it."

Without waiting for a reaction, Mona forcibly broke Xia Tian's hand, put the candy in his palm, and immediately hid behind the big cake.

"Shabby gifts go so well with shabby parties that it makes me want to sing."

Wendy sat on the bar counter, looked at with a smile, and raised the harp in her hand.


The piano sounded, and the piano also came.

Ying and Paimon waited until the deputy head of the Knights, who was busy with official duties, was done, and they also brought Lisa and Kaia.

Kaiya, the captain of the cavalry of the Zephyr Knights, met once when the Fengmolong attacked the city. It is characterized by the hereditary island blindfold.

And Lisa, is

To ask the evaluation of the first meeting, Xia Tian only has six words in his mind: This figure, tsk tsk tsk!

Ah, those lazy eyes.

Ah, the alluring curves.

Ah, these lace stockings.

Ah, this broad mind.

If Mona is a little witch, then Lisa is a 'big' witch, in every sense of the word.





The review of hedgehog cats is getting stricter and stricter. If you want to see pictures, you can only say that the early birds had worms.

Ask for a ticket, ask for a blade, ask for a sticker...

Chapter 32 Cake Fight!

The librarian of the West Wind Knights, an elegant lady with a big heart, and a genius witch who once dominated the Sumeru Academy.

In Mond City, her wisdom is unparalleled, and she can always find the best solution to the endless troubles in the library and Mond City.

Only facing more and more hateful readers who borrowed books and did not return them made her physically and mentally exhausted and depressed for a long time.

I thought that Lisa would refuse this party hosted by a stranger on the grounds of sleeping, but she still came.

Ying, Paimon, Diluc, Jean, Wendy, Mona, Amber, Lisa and Kaia who came by herself without invitation.

Adding Xia Tian, ​​exactly ten people, plus the guests who were already in the tavern.


With the cannons fired, the party officially begins——

Changes in the situation often only take an instant.

"Hey Hey hey!"

Unable to see who did it, the petite Paimon was pushed forward by an external force, and his whole body was buried in the cake.

Wrapped in cream like a sugar man, the atmosphere of the party is suddenly lively and the laughter is endless.

"Who the hell!" Paimon jumped angrily: "Shouldn't he be playing tricks on the ogre? He's the star of the party!"

Xia Tian wiped the cake on Paimon's face with his fingers, put it in his mouth and tasted it: " tastes good, can I eat you?"

"Smelly ogre! I want revenge!"

Grabbing the hair, Paimon threw himself on Xia Tian's face, using his handsome face as a towel to wipe it off.

A large amount of cream was transferred, and Xia Tian couldn't even open his eyes.

"I didn't do it."

While defending, he grabbed the cake with both hands and started tossing it with Paimon.

The flames of war are on the verge of breaking out, and the cake and cream are overflowing!


Ying was affected inexplicably, and before she knew who the murderer was, the cream had already exploded on her pretty face.

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