Ozzy rushed forward immediately, blocking further damage from the abyss mage to Fischer.

And the princess... can only be handed over to that man!

"The consciousness of the dark night..." Fischel, who lost his balance in the air, wanted to maintain the dignity of the imperial concubine as much as possible.

Xia Tian catches her.

The person in his arms had a painful face, and his green pupils dimmed a lot: "The Demon King of Punishment...the task of protecting the glory of the Pure Land..."

It's this time, and I still don't know how to speak human words, so it seems that I can't be saved.

Xia Tian is used to her: "Well, I will live up to the entrustment of the princess."

Similar to the curse cast by the Zephyr Knights stationed at the gate, but much stronger.

It was because Fischel was determined that he was not controlled, but was only temporarily in a coma.

Such curse marks were also seen on Qiuqiu people, and the abyss really controlled Qiuqiu people by some means.

The Qiuqiu people are so hostile to humans, there is a high probability that they also have the effect of the abyss curse.




Seek comfort……

Chapter 47 The Curse of the Abyss

The battle between Oz and the Abyss Mage continues.

Although he has air superiority, the damage to the flame shield that only relies on Oz's lightning is too small, and it is better to repair it quickly.

"Hmph! Annoying crow!"

The abyss mage was suspended in mid-air, and swiped the branch in his hand towards the ground, and red halos appeared one after another on the ground.

Then the ground fire spewed upwards, and the strong heat forced Oz to retreat.

It has won enough time for Xia Tian to carry Fischel to a safe place.

Fischer's condition was very bad, the curse continued to worsen, and there was faint thunder and lightning emerging from his body.

The power seems to be about to get out of control, and it is only her strong will and the pride of the princess to suppress it.

Xia Tian's condition is also very bad, the power of the right hand using the sacred relic for many times is about to reach the load.

Moreover, there is only the last one left of the one-star holy relic, and it is still of the fire attribute.

The remaining two-star holy relics represent more powerful power. Whether this poor body can support it is still a question mark.

"No retreat means no choice, we must bear it! We must protect Fischer!"

Xia Tian made up his mind and first stopped Ozzy's inefficient offensive: "Ozzy, save your power first, it will be useful later."

Because of this sentence, the eyes of the abyss mage

From the very beginning, Xia Tian was completely absent from the Abyss Mage's threat list.

How could a beginner who manipulated the fire element, who didn't even have a weapon, cause harm to himself who had a fire shield?

The abyss mage smiled disdainfully: "Do you also want to become a servant of the abyss? But the abyss doesn't want waste!"

Xia Tian has no time to babble, and her words are decisive: "Remove her curse, and I will let you go."

What a big breath!

Is it possible that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers?Still don't know that he is about to face the greatest abyss mage?

"Hehehe..." Shrill laughter echoed in the temple again: "The curse cannot be lifted, but I can make you fall with her."

"That's no way, I can only ask your body directly."

Xia Tian began to move forward, his chest was constantly rising and falling to adjust the rhythm of his breathing, his fist was constantly moving back and forth between clenching and opening, so that his right hand could recover as much strength as possible.

The abyss mage wanted to laugh at the behavior of his appointed trash who was almost courting death.

But after seeing those resolute and angry eyes, his heart was no longer calm, and the stern voice in his mouth became weaker:

"What are you trying to do? With that poor flame?"

Without answering, Xia Tian gave Ozzy a look, signaling to wait for his order before making a move.

A fire dragon spurted out from the branch in the hands of the abyss mage, burning along a straight line.

The human body's resistance to flames is notoriously weak, and the burning of a piece of grass can make them unable to bear it.

Just when he thought that a "earth fire burning" could easily solve it, a red transparent barrier appeared in front of Xia Tian, ​​absorbing all the flames.

There is only a half arc protecting the front of the body, not a complete shield.

But the abyss mage would not admit it wrong, it was the same flame shield as himself.

"Fire shield? How could someone use Mond..." The abyss mage was surprised.

According to their information, in the city of Mond, the flames are mainly driven by attacks, and no one will use such a defensive ability.

One weird thing after another.

Relying on the protection of the fire shield, Xia Tian quickly ran to the abyss mage.

He stretched out his hands, trying to penetrate the fire shield and grab the inhuman body directly.

"Is this guy a lunatic? Even if there is a fire shield to defend against the flames, but the temperature around him exceeds the boiling point of water, how can the human body bear it?"

With anxiety and panic, the abyss mage wanted to take a good look at the fate of this lunatic.

A majestic white mist rose up, obscuring the line of sight.

"Steam? Why is there steam? Is the water evaporated? Where did the water come from? Why is there water!!!"

A large amount of water must be in contact with the fire shield to have such an effect, but there should be no water elements around to drive it!

A series of questions can only be answered from the man shrouded in white mist.

"You, what element are you using!!!" His words conveyed complete fear.

Water is the nemesis of flames. This newcomer to the Adventurer's Association can switch back and forth between water and flames.

The information about Abyss is blank.

"I am the demon king of punishment, and I am punishing the convict princess."

Like a nightmare in the white mist, the suddenly outstretched arm trapped the abyss mage.

Water gushes out from the right arm, constantly scouring.

The surrounding steam became more and more exaggerated, even turning the entire altar into a white mist.

The flame shield and the fire element attached to the body of the abyss mage were evaporated cleanly, and the shell like leather and robe was completely soaked.

"Damn it! I miscalculated... next time..." The abyss mage broke free from the restraints and wanted to escape.

Mond and people who can use multiple elemental powers must be reported to the Abyss Cult.

Xia Tian had no intention of chasing after him, and said with a sneer: "I hurt the woman I like, do you think there will be a next time?"

"What can you do? With your poor body?" Abyss Mage's last disdain.

The human body has limits, and the man in front of him had his entire right arm purple and red, and the feeling of powerlessness was clearly no longer able to move.

What else can he do?

Xia Tian gave the answer directly: "I can't do anything."

He smiled evilly and turned his hands to the sky: "Have you forgotten? There is also a crow you don't like..."

"Oz, this time I really want you to cast down the thunder of punishment! To avenge the princess!"

The voice of summer is the order of thunder!

Oz the Night Crow swooped down from the sky: "I am the Night Crow of the Darkness, not a crow!"

When the lightning strikes, the wet abyss mage only feels the tingling pain from bone to skin.

The numbness and pain are getting worse!Can't break free!

Xia Tian took a step forward and asked forcefully: "How to lift the curse! What do you want to use Fengshen pupil for? Is Twarin still in the ruins of Fenglong?"

"Ah!!!!" the abyss mage yelled in pain, completely abandoning its backbone and loyalty.

After dozens of painful seconds, it chose to surrender: "I said, I said, don't power up......"

Unfortunately, it's too late.

Oz's anger made the power out of control, and the abyss mage was turned into ashes under the thunder, leaving only the branch that was used as a staff.

Xia Tian cast a helpless glance at Ozzy, if he still had energy, he would definitely get angry.

Walking unsteadily to the center of the altar, the four divine pupils, like birds returning home, turned into wind fluff and imprinted on the inscription pattern on the right hand.

Drowsiness came rushing in, and he didn't have the energy and time to realize how much power he could get from these four pupils.

"Why am I so dizzy, why is my body uncontrollable..."

Xia Tian touched the scorching heat on the back of his neck: "Did you get cursed when you broke into the fire shield just now..."

He swayed, only leaning on the wall to stand firm: "Fichel...you must take Fichel back."

Compared to Xia Tian's curse, Fischel is more serious. If he doesn't receive treatment, he might really degenerate into a Qiuqiu person.

"The Demon Lord of Punishment...has he won..."

Xia Tian walked out with the confused Fischer on his back, and Oz, who was also exhausted, used his body to support him as much as possible to prevent the two from falling into the abyss.

"Summer... what's going on..."

The gentle voice, like a warm wind, blows into Xia Tian's heart.

"Is it Captain Qin... Fischel, she... and Abyss..."

Xia Tian threw herself into Qin's arms, tasted the fragrance of dandelions, and fell asleep peacefully.

Qin hugged Fischel and Xia Tian with a serious face: "This is the curse of the abyss... Has it appeared again after hundreds of years?"

"Hurry up and send them to the West Wind Church, and then contact Lisa... I remember she mentioned a way to remove the seal."

I want to continue watching, you understand?What about votes?




Barbara is about to break the curse, please fill in the details by yourself, please?

If you could choose, which one would you like?

A: Lisa taught Barbara how to break the spell.

B: Lisa solved the curse herself.

C: Lisa and Barbara break the spell together.

Chapter 48 Barbara, Go!

Westwind Cathedral is both an auditorium and a hospital.

Not long ago, he became busy due to the disaster of Fengmolong, and he was not free until recently.

All Mond knows that there is an angelic girl in Zephyr Cathedral.

She was bathed in the Holy Light, and her shining golden hair was pulled into twin ponytails, and the ends of her hair fell in coils.

The white collar did not cover the suet-red shoulders, and the big bow on her chest trembled with her dance.

She likes to wear a dress with a white body and dark blue edges, and pure white stockings on her lower body.

This is probably what a pure 16-year-old girl looks like!

She is Barbara, as the praying pastor of the Westwind Church and also the shining idol of Mond City, she is respected as much as her elder sister.

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