She had thought that her homeland would be buried in ice and snow, but now she seemed too optimistic.

She looked up at the sky, complaining helplessly and angrily, has your dislike of "Fendenir" really reached this level?

Wuku made a "woo woo" sound from the side. As the last chronicler of the ancient country, he once hated everything.

May the sky that rains down this snow and ice burn until there is no more life left in the world.

May we turn into ashes, sail with the wind, and catch up with the betrayer who abandoned the princess and never returned.

May the black dragon that the princess dreamed of covering the sun paint the hateful earth with red poison.

This was a wish he had made.

He cursed, and he was also looking for it. He heard that someone was establishing a godless kingdom in other places, but he didn't wait until he left.

His body grew bloated, aged, and less human.

The memory is constantly polished by the years, and the hatred is either getting deeper or weaker.

The traitor came back with hatred, revenge, and promises, and these will only make the people of the old country fall into a more painful cycle of reincarnation.

Uku was unwilling to let those souls who could have rested in peace suffer the same guilt as himself, so he gave up his hatred.

Without the resonance of hatred, he becomes an enemy... an enemy of the people of his beloved homeland.

He is guarding the Langfang of the old palace, waiting for someone who can bring relief to this cursed land in the endless loneliness of eternal scars.

When he heard the voice of the princess, when he felt the tears of the princess, those memories that were about to be worn out by time revived... Perhaps, someone who could save this tragedy came.

When Wuku's roar filled the mountains and knocked down the surrounding thick snow, he could hear echoes from the abyss, as if there were many Qiuqiu people gathered below.

"Are we going to go down?" Xia Tian asked, knowing the answer.

The princess nodded, her resolute eyes never showed any confusion.

She could know the information recorded in Longji Snow Mountain through the veins, but the black mist blocked everything.

Emon Rocca was down there, so her instinct said.

Therefore, I have to tell him that hatred cannot be bound to this vanished country, and the people cannot be reincarnated in deep pain.

It was still Xia Tian who was hugging Walnut, and the two of them sat on Uku's shoulders and then jumped down from the air.

There is a picture of the movie "Tarzan", dragging an icicle and falling in the middle of the cave.


Sure enough, there were quite a few Qiuqiu people around, gathering together as if they were doing some kind of cult ritual.

They were woken up, and they were around Wuku, screaming "Yeah".

As a citizen of an ancient country, even though those memories have long been worn out, they do not have the respect for "reporters" in the past.

As low-intelligence Qiuqiu people, they have absolute reverence for King Frost Armor Qiuqiu.

These two points made them not attack rashly even if they saw the human beings on their shoulders.

A little farther away, you can see many wandering souls hidden behind those upside-down icicles.

Died of


No matter how many times they suffer the pain of death, they will be reborn again and again... as Qiuqiu people.

Uku is not

So, he walked forward very familiarly, to the place surrounded by sapphire-colored icicles.

There are several thousand-year-old pieces of solid ice, and a ritual high platform has been built, and in the center of the high platform is a ray of soul wrapped in black mist.

The tall figure is astonishing, this is definitely the strongest man Xia Tian has ever seen... Even the state of the soul is enough to make people feel oppressed.

The two huge swords pierced through the solid ice and leaned against each other.

Xia Tian recognizes the one on the right, which looks very similar to Mond's "Sacrificial Great Sword".

Usually it is just a large sword that has been petrified for a long time. It is rumored that it has the blessing power washed away by the wind of time, but few people use it as a weapon in battle.

But this one is obviously not as simple as props.

The sharp blade that was originally bright has lost its luster, and has mottled like rust. It is the color of a lot of blood deposition, and it can't even be washed off.

Like its master, it was stained black with blood, fighting and fighting fighters--the Emon Loka family who were good at fighting, brave and died young.

The Emon Loka clan believes that fighting is not for defense, glory, or pioneering, but for pleasing the gods in the sky who have nothing to do.

No matter whether the visitor is a monster or a bandit, no matter whether he can return to his lover's arms or not, as long as he fights bloody and roars loudly in the fight, his duty will be fulfilled.

Such a lost bloodline should not have been able to continue for a long time in history, because their battle has not ended, and there is no hope of victory.

But as the ice and snow melted and Mond was established, the descendants of Emon Loka finally had someone worthy of protection.

And their ancestor "Imon Loka" returned to Longji Snow Mountain with the original sword of killing and the rising crimes in the killing.

I haven't seen the other giant sword in Xia Tian, ​​but it should be the "Star Silver Great Sword" given to the warrior by the princess in the story.

Emon Roca left it under the wreckage of his homeland, and then embarked on a lonely journey of blood.

And now, the giant blade is held in the hand again, what is its edge facing?


Known as the most powerful human being in the history of Mond, Emon Loka and his people contributed an extremely important force to the overthrow of the oppressive rule of the "Tower King".

It's not like "Legenfind", the knight of dawn who is indifferent to fame and fortune, nor "Gunhilde" who chooses to betray for justice, nor "Lawrence" who is obsessed with power.

They only think about war. After overthrowing the tower emperor, breaking the ice and opening up the world for Mond, they went to the "Munata", which advocates fighting.

In peaceful Mond, the legends of Emon Rokar were heard everywhere, but their descendants were not seen.

Because, Emon Loka is always fighting!

And today, right here, Xia Tian saw the hero who resounded through Mond, and even made the entire Tivat reverence—"Emon Loka" himself.

Even if he is in the state of soul, even if he is infected by evil spirits, his bravery and chilling fighting spirit cannot be questioned at all.

"Wuku, have you decided to come after all?"

Emon Loka is not a politician, he doesn't know any political skills, and he doesn't need any persuasion around the bush.

All it takes is to arouse the desire to fight and hate, as was done thousands of years ago.

Those souls who are unwilling to wander in the homeland, those soldiers of the homeland who have degenerated into Qiuqiu people, even if their intelligence has become low, even after thousands of years of wear and tear, they still remember their indignation at the sky!

These negative emotions and desires made the dark sea feel an opportunity, and the black mist found the fragrance of hatred and poured it into Longji Snow Mountain.

They gather here.

And the most powerful member of the people who turned into Qiuqiu, and as the person with the deepest memory of his homeland, he did not choose to join.

He didn't want, at least he didn't want to let those souls who could have been rested in peace suffer the pain of reincarnation.

Seeing the human being on Uku's shoulder, Emon Loka's gloomy pupils extinguished and rekindled: "Uku, what do you mean?"

Yes, there is no doubt that Emon Loka has been infected by the sea of ​​darkness, or he took the initiative to embrace the power of the sea of ​​darkness, but his strong will and loyalty to his homeland did not make him mad, and he can still maintain reason.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" yelled Wuku.

The other Qiuqiu people also uttered the sound of "Wooooow", as if they were having a very intense quarrel.

"Emon Loka." The crisp girlish voice sounded so sweet amidst the complicated quarrels, shaking Emon Loka's heart.

It was a strange voice, a voice he had never heard before, but... it felt somewhat familiar.

It seems that I heard it many years ago, and it seems that I have recalled it in my mind for thousands of years.

Standing on a high point, he was defiant, only seeing the girl who called out his name.

He has a black top hat, long brown and reddish hair, and pupils of plum blossom petals.

Cute, but not her.


The corners of the mouth were slightly raised, and the princess soul Walnut smiled.

This smile is an eternal memory sealed in his brain, and it is his most beautiful memory.

"My lord princess..." Emon Loka murmured softly.

No, she is not a princess, no matter her age, figure, or appearance are very different.

But...why did she feel the aura of the princess on her body?

Hu Tao approached step by step, and it was the princess who also walked in step by step: "Emon Loka, I finally see you again."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Thousands of years of scenery, no matter how wear and tear, have never lost the memory of that frown and smile.

Obviously different timbre, obviously different appearance, but hearing the voice of the princess and seeing the smile of the princess awakened thousands of expectations and regrets in my heart.

If this is not an illusion, then maybe it is a legendary miracle?

But the soul has no illusions, and miracles can never favor the rebels who have been abandoned by the gods.

Emon Roca believed that being able to meet the princess again must mean that there are corners in this world that the gods cannot control, otherwise the princess should have died under the falling cold nail.

Wei An's body only took two steps forward, then jumped off the high platform, and came in front of the yearning person.

No matter how many differences there are, he still recognizes them.

Your Royal Highness... have you found a body suitable for reincarnation?As expected of Her Royal Highness.

That ruddy complexion, the breath it conveys... there is no doubt that it is the real flesh.

The dark sea did not deceive him, the soul of the dead body can really regain the body... Perhaps, those schemes of planning can really succeed!

Emon Roca understood that his soul was contaminated by the filth of the dark sea, and was no longer noble, and he was not worthy of holding the princess in his arms.

His outstretched hands could only stop in mid-air.

Why didn't the princess want to jump into the arms of the warrior, but this was just a borrowed body, and she couldn't do such rude things.

The two are only a few meters away, but they seem far away, but no matter what they do, they can't erase the joy and joy of reuniting.

Suddenly, a chaotic evil wind came with black mist, and the target was the walnut of the princess' soul.

This is the filth of evil spirits.

Whether it is the cursed Qiuqiu people or the wandering dead souls around, they have all accepted its corruption.

As a leader, the princess should naturally follow suit.

Can!Some people do not agree.

The two big swords formed a staggered cross in front of the black mist, and their strong and overbearing directly dispelled it.

Summer's giant sword is crystal clear and cold, guarding the lovely walnut.

Emon Loka's great sword, with a sharp black blade and shining stars and silver, guards the noble princess.

Swords out at the same time, this is for two people

Different souls, same body, respective guardians.

The power from the dark sea can strengthen the body and make the stolen body and soul more closely integrated.

But even if this is the case, the princess cannot be allowed to be abused by such evil filth without permission.

Emon Loka ignored the young man holding the huge sword. A smile appeared on his ashen face, and he praised: " expected of Her Royal Highness, have you done it? You are indeed leading the revival of the motherland like a banner!"

The princess was stunned, not understanding what the so-called "doing" was.

Emon Loka turned around and announced to all the gathered Chuqiu people and wandering spirits: "Everyone, Your Royal Highness has set a solid example for us, we will get a new body and rebuild our country again with a new body! "

"Aw!" The sound wave stirred in the cave.

The existence of the princess proves that the soul can regain the body!

When the princess understood the meaning, she immediately explained: "No, this body was lent to me by a friend, and I did not take her body..."

Is it important?unimportant.

What Emon Loka saw was the possibility of the soul regaining the body, and he didn't care how the body was obtained.

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