"Although I am a guardian knight, I don't listen to everything. For example, I cannot agree to this request."

Whether in public or private, Noelle couldn't let the Mond hero sleep on the ground.

But if everyone sleeps on the bed, it will definitely be too crowded... Although it is not completely unacceptable to be crowded.

"Ah! Mr. Xia, what, what are you doing?" Noelle felt his body suddenly become lighter, because he was being hugged.

One pair of hands wrapped around her legs, and the other rested on her back... Is this a princess hug?

I'm just a maid, how can He De accept Mr. Xia's princess hug?

No, no, what is Mr. Xia going to do?

Noelle was gently put on the bed, her hands pressed down.

Then you can see the condescending Xia Tian sternly speaking those threatening words: "If you are not obedient, I will report to Yula and demand that the guardian knight be replaced!"

This is a threat, but it is not disgusting.

"Hmm." Noelle looked up in a self-consciously embarrassed posture.

Just being hugged like that, even if she doesn't have much emotional experience, she will inevitably feel a little shy when facing the longing Mr. Xia.

The words "men and women are different" rarely appeared in Noelle's dictionary. He usually helped the Knights organize their internal affairs, and occasionally dealt with those knights.

But... I have never been hugged like this, and it is not a Mond hero like Mr. Xia who makes people look forward to.

Once aware of these differences, the heart will become much softer, and he dare not say a word, using silence to express his obedience to Xia Tian's orders.

Noelle lay quietly on the bed, as if she had done something embarrassing.

Xia Tian held the back of his head with both hands, lying leisurely on the ground, looking at the ceiling.


The bathroom door opened and closed, and Amber and Barbara emerged from the bath.

When only the two of you are at home, you will dress coolly after taking a bath.

But because there is summer, I added an extra piece of tulle, which is semi-opaque, white and red, just the right temptation.

I don't know what they discussed in the bath, the two of them harbored ulterior motives, they didn't dare to look at Xia Tian, ​​they held hands in small steps and buried them in the quilt.

Noelle went through a day of special knight training.

Amber patrolled hard all day.

In order to take care of Xia Tian and Walnut, Barbara has no rest at all.

The nighttime chat that was originally planned failed to subdue the exhausted drowsiness in the end. Within a few minutes, the room could only hear the sound of gentle breathing representing a deep sleep.

Xia Tian was also tired, so he didn't notice the pair of reddish-brown eyes that had been sneaking over.

Chapter 530 Amber of Special H

Summer is a human being, no matter how fast he recovers, his bones are only strong enough to not affect his actions, but frostbitten skin and joints will still feel sore.

If one position is held for too long, it will cause local compression, block blood circulation and cause numbness.

Summer needs to wake up from sleep occasionally and turn over to avoid this situation.

Sideways, the tip of the nose smells the fragrance of shampoo that has not dissipated.

On the stomach and chest is the soft doll "Earl Rabbit". Someone put his head on Earl Rabbit's ear and put it on Xia Tian's chest.

Who is the one?Good guess.

sneaking away, she's not

Amber gave full play to his expertise in reconnaissance, and after everyone fell asleep, he got off the bed secretly and nestled quietly beside Xia Tian.

This kind of master-level latent technique, if it wasn't for Xia Tian turning sideways, he might not be able to find it even after sleeping all night.

This time without the stimulation of eavesdropping outside the bathroom, Amber was no longer overwhelmed by desire, and shyly placed a big plush doll between the two of them.

Earl Tutu's cute face was squeezed and deformed, as if he was frowning in protest!

Amber at night, out of everyone's sight, showed a completely different expression from that during the day.

Shy, quiet, gentle... These attributes that seem to have nothing to do with Amber are truly displayed in front of my eyes, as if I have changed my personality, and even my smile has become restrained.

She came down secretly, the purpose was not to wake up Xia Tian, ​​but in essence she was always looking forward to Xia Tian waking up, so she couldn't fall asleep at all.

This kind of self-deception has a deep sense of guilt, but Amber just can't be honest about his emotional desires.

When the eyes of the two intersected again, time seemed to turn back to that night.

That day, let the flowers bloom in summer's heart.

He clearly wanted to pass Earl Tutu and hug the person who was looking forward to him, but Xia Tian stopped suddenly.

Pretending to be incomprehensible: "Eh? Are the reconnaissance knights going to conduct nighttime inspections of foreign friends who enter the country?"

Knowing that Amber is very afraid that Barbara and Noelle will find out, so Xia Tian's voice is very soft, and he needs to get very close to hear it.

With this kind of tone and tone, one could tell that it was because of his not admitting to his boyfriend.

Amber pouted: "Are you so vengeful?"

Sure enough, Xia Tian said sourly: "I'm not a boyfriend, so there's no need to hold grudges."

This sourness made Amber taste the sweetness.

She stretched out her hand to grab Xia Tian's sleeve, pulled it gently, and begged with a tenderness that she didn't even notice: "I'm sorry, don't look at me like this, I'm actually quite shy. I think... I need a little time to prepare..."

The voice was so small that Xia Tian deliberately couldn't hear clearly: "What are you preparing for?"

With a playful smile on his face, he looks like a bad guy playing a prank.

Amber quickly covered his mouth, trying to stop that unscrupulous fantasy: "Don't think about H! I mean admitting to everyone that you are in love... I don't want to go further or do something Think deeper into things! Don't think about it!"

No matter how you look at it, it means that there is no silver 300 taels here.

"It's obvious that your mind is full of H things!" Xia Tian patted Amber's forehead.

He really didn't think about that, but he really wanted to see Amber's reaction, so he deliberately pretended not to hear clearly.

Amber's reaction was very interesting, so he decided to further tease: "What is our relationship? You have to be so prepared to say it?"

Knowingly ask!

"Hmm." Amber was silent, staring.

Still can't speak, for Amber, the body is far more honest than the words.

She raised her head and gave her lips bitten with her teeth.

The last time, under the blessing of the moon and the stars, she bravely kissed the one she loved.

This time, on a night without moon and stars, she expressed her longing with kisses.

Far less hot than last time, as pure as a green first kiss.


The back of Xia Tian's hand was attached to Amber's side face, and the burning cheek conveyed the hot thoughts.

He didn't give up, didn't bend down for a kiss, and continued to mock: "It turns out that Amber is a frivolous girl who can kiss ordinary men!"

This sentence was not well spoken, causing Amber to bite Xia Tian's little finger angrily, and said vaguely: "I am not!"

"Understood." Xia Tian rescued his little finger, otherwise it would be soaked by the saliva in his mouth.

He lowered his head, and instead he took the initiative to kiss her to express his apology.

The two didn't close their eyes, they just looked at each other like this, Amber said willfully, "Again."

Clearly her lips hadn't parted yet, but she kept asking, "One more time."


I don't remember how many times I was asked, but Xia Tian satisfied all of them.

In the end, he pinched her earrings and joked, "Amber is really greedy."

"No, it's just a legitimate request." Amber made sense, and she had already thought up an answer: "You have been away for so long, and according to the frequency of kissing Mona several times a day, how many times do you have to kiss? That being said, I'm not greedy at all."

"Account, you, have, way, reason, but, also, no, can, point, hope, one, day, just, put, this, some, owe, lack, all, give, make up, up, right?"

Every word represents a kiss, making the voice sound like a stuck tape, but it has another beauty.

"At least, please let me be satisfied first..." Amber's eyes lost a little luster, as if he was dazzled by the long-awaited happiness.

Kissing raises body temperature, an instinctive phenomenon practiced by countless people.

When the body temperature rises, you will feel hot, and you will think that it will be cooler if you take off your clothes. At the same time, your body will give an alarm of high temperature, and you will make a whimpering sound from your throat.

Then, when the body and voice are uncontrollable, it will wake up her who is sleeping.

The normal sleeping position should be facing the head of the bed with the feet at the end of the bed. Like Barbara, only her bare white feet can be seen from the floor.

But in order to be able to respond in time to detect Mr. Xia's state, Noelle chose to face the end of the bed.

So, when she heard movement, she propped her head up with her hands and could see the ground.

There is no moonlight today, and the room is very dark. At first, I could only see Mr. Xia writhing. I thought it was a pain in the wound, so I wanted to help comfort him.

Look carefully, only to see that the twisting is two people.

Noelle, who didn't think too much, asked in a very ordinary way: "Mr. Xia, Miss Amber, are you..."

Then I saw that Amber was like a flame pouring cold water, and it evaporated with a "teng".

There is no chivalry to speak of in that messy and disheveled appearance.

After several seconds, Noelle finally came to his senses.

Then the whole person blushed with a "shua", and hurriedly took the pillow to cover his face, and could hear a vague voice buried inside: "Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb, you two don't need to pay attention... the guardian knight Noelle is already asleep She was asleep, and she didn't see anything."

It's not a child, how can people believe it!

But the two actually didn't do anything, and in view of Xia Tian's physical condition, they didn't plan to do anything.

Amber felt guilty, and was about to flee back to the bed, but was grabbed by Xia Tian.

He threw Earl Bunny who was between them aside, so that he could feel the girl's body temperature and heartbeat more clearly.

Amber twitched in his arms: "No way! Not today! I have a task tomorrow! Anyway, no way! Even if I have to do it, I can't be here... I will make a sound and be heard by Barbara, no way, absolutely no way!"

With her eyes tightly closed, Amber found many reasons to refuse, but her body leaned forward honestly.

"Hehe, little pervert!" Xia Tian just smiled, and then hugged her.

With lips close to ear, he confided softly: "Sorry for making you lonely in Mond for so long... Believe me, soon, soon everyone will be together every day."

Amber raised his head and asked expectantly: "Really? Can I meet Mona? No matter where you are, can I see you every day?"

"Yeah." Xia Tian nodded affirmatively, and said with a smile: "When that day comes, I won't let you find a reason to refuse."

Amber clenched his fists: "I won't refuse, if I insist, I should try my best to endure until that day."

Finally, body and speech are united.

She often fantasizes about Xia Tian in her dreams, and she has already imagined at what time, what place, and what kind of scene, she will give all of herself.

I really am a very H girl.



Chapter 524 is back. If you haven’t read it, you can read it. There are supplements to Lisa’s line.

The recent review is very strict, and if there is any problem, it will be rejected and taken off the shelves. I hope readers and adults can understand.

Chapter 530: Last Night Was Sleepwalking

Falling asleep in each other's embrace, the hot breath of exhalation hits the face, which will produce a feeling of suffocation.

But that's not important, the important thing is that we don't want to lose each other's body temperature.

Then arrived

Mond, whose weather is always good, is another cloudy day today. It seems that black clouds have gathered in the sky since yesterday, but it has not been able to rain for a long time, and there is a strong momentum of storm.

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