As if he was worried that he would not have the snowball to play with later, he raced against time... and pushed the snowman up.

"I, am I coming?"

"You are Fengshen, of course you are here."

"I didn't ask that, I meant..."

It's still hard to imagine in summer, how would I blow the thick snow covering Mond... Not to mention the whole of Mond's snow, even if I use all my power, I can only blow clean two streets at most, right?

"Try it, maybe there will be a miracle?" Wendy seemed very confident.

Under his sincere and expectant eyes, Xia Tian took two steps forward, ready to give it a try.

The sky was gloomy, and there was still light snow falling on the skin, which was icy cold.

Xia Tian quietly closed his eyes.

When the desire "for Monde" is strong enough, the heart of God will respond, and a power from the right arm will be transmitted to the whole body.

It's a wonderful feeling, similar to using elemental power in normal times, but very different.

Using the "God's Eye" to drive elemental power is nothing more than absorption, conversion, and manipulation. Its range can only be applied to the sensed area. Some special abilities can probably be manipulated to the range visible to the naked eye. This is the limit.

But this time, through the power of "God's Heart", Xia Tian's perception of the wind element expanded rapidly, reaching the entire Mond.

He is like a mighty general, all the wind elements in Mond are obeying his orders, and with just one order, the snow will be cleared away.

With the body as the center, it began to emit a light blue luster, first a small whirlwind surrounded it, and then the storm came...

The wonderful wind actually only acts on the snow.

Soldiers need food and grass, and these wind elements also need supplies. Their "food and grass" is the accumulated faith.

It's not enough to clear all the snow completely, so the summer is wise to prioritize clearing the roads to bring the city back to life.

As for the rest of the snow, we can only wait a few days for it to melt naturally...the sun came out.

The haze covering the sky finally dissipated.

The golden sun shines on the white snow, reflecting the dazzling brilliance... Mond is so beautiful.

Those eye pupils that were shining brightly in Xia Tian caused an uncontrollable joy to rise in his heart, and his entire chest was filled with a sense of substantial satisfaction.

Wendy ran to Xia Tian in dismay and whispered in Xia Tian's ear: "Isn't it very satisfying to see Mond being beautiful because of you?"

Even if it is, it cannot be admitted.

Xia Tian put away the corners of his mouth that he could hardly control, rolled his eyes and didn't make a sound.


The process of rousing the wind field to disperse the thick snow was far longer than talking. Many adventurers who had watched Xia Tian's battle with Emon Loka from afar and were about to leave were attracted back by the wonderful wind field.

They didn't know exactly what happened, but they saw the wonderful wind field blowing away the annoying snow, and saw the cyan light surrounding the summer.

Then, I believe it won't be long before you hear the embellished version in the tavern.

"Do you know who caused the wind field that blew away the thick snow that day?"

"Could it be Barbatos, the god of wind? Didn't history say that he was the first to blow away the thick snow that covered Mond?"

"Heh, are you still counting on Barbatos? I haven't come out for many years..."

"Who is that? Captain Qin? Has it become more powerful recently?"

"I'm telling you quietly... it's the hero who saved Mond, he was the one who blew the wind field and cleared away the snow covering the road..."

"He... can he still use such a powerful wind element? Doesn't it mean that he doesn't have the eye of God? Can he also use elemental power?"

"Of course, I saw it with my own eyes! As soon as he closed his eyes, those wind rolls appeared slowly, and when he opened his eyes, the wind field and the snow on the road disappeared! You don't think it's miraculous!"

"Can such a powerful elemental power be used without the Eye of God? Then shall we..."

"I heard that he can also become a dragon, is it true?"

"Of course it's true, otherwise, where do you think the giant dragon that defeated the poisonous dragon came from!"

"Thanks to him, otherwise we, Mond... would not know where Lord Barbatos is..."

"Master Barbatos! That god that hasn't appeared in hundreds of years, what is there to believe in..."

"He, he didn't care about Mond a long time ago, otherwise the Qiuqiu people would have gone to the city this time, and he hasn't come out yet!"

"If you want me to say, it's better to let this hero be the wind god!"

"Isn't he from Mond? Can he also become a wind god?"

"If I can choose, I still hope that Captain Qin will become Fengshen, who is gentle and beautiful..."

"Hey, hey, my saliva is dripping out... Do you want Captain Qin to become a wind god, or are you thinking about other nasty things?"

"It's not dirty, I just think that Captain Qin is a very nice person, and last time he personally taught me swordsmanship..."

"Drink and drink, there is everything in the wine..."


I believe most of the rumors and discussions are positive.

For the time being, Xia Tian will not be so stupid as to run out and shout that he is Fengshen, and Wendy's embarrassment in the church earlier is still vivid.

Wait for a suitable moment!

Before that, he still needs to deal with some sensitive relationships.


The haze is dispelled.

Xia Tian opened his eyes and saw the panting female knight right in front of him.

After seeing Emon Loka fell to the ground, Qin rushed over to care about Xia Tian's situation, and happened to bump into the scene just now.

I am amazed that Xia Tian can control such a powerful wind element, and I am surprised that Lord Barbatos actually showed up. I just wonder if he helped Xia Tian defeat Emon Loka?

Qin knew her identity, so Wendy didn't hide anything, and was eager to confess quickly, shaking her hat and saying hello: "Yo! Captain Qin, I will really be a leisurely little poet in the future, you should support me a lot! "

"Lord Barbatos... what do you mean?" Qin froze in place, as if she understood, but also didn't seem to understand.

Wendy explained in more detail: "Just now, I handed over the position of the "Seven Gods in Power" to Xia Tian. "

To put it lightly, such an important replacement of the god position is like an ordinary business on the roadside.

"I hope you can work together to create a better tomorrow for Mond!" He put his finger on his lips playfully, blinking and said, "But it's best to keep it secret for now until the new god is ready, hehe."

Qin shifted her gaze to Xia Tian, ​​pursed her lips, and tried to make a sound: "Xia Tian...Master?"

Not sure how to address her, she finally opened her heart and became friends, but now she suddenly told her, no, you will not be friends, he is Fengshen now...

"You don't need to call it that! It's still the same as before." It's not like this in Xia Tian.

He managed to get closer to Qin La, but he didn't expect to become estranged again.

Qin didn't speak as calmly as before, and even slightly trembled and paused: "No, how can it be the same as before..."

She is different from those people who treat gods, believe in them if they like them, and belittle them if they don't like them.

Qin knows very well that no matter who established Monde, who managed it, who has the most prestige, and who has the most power...all stem from the decentralization of the "Seven Gods".

Without the approval of the gods, no matter how powerful the rule of man is, it will be chaos in the end.

Just like the Knights of the West Wind, it was only after getting the approval of Barbatos that year that it was established.

At the same time, the subordinate West Wind Church was also established to express gratitude to the gods for delegating power.

Therefore, in Qin's eyes, Fengshen is lofty, in disguise, he is even the real predecessor and leader of the West Wind Knights.

The dependent friend suddenly became Fengshen, and it really took a while to sort out my thoughts.

The two have different embarrassments, and dare not look at each other.

Finally, Xia Tian said: "Let's talk about it when we go back to Mond City, side is also a mess."

"Yes." Qin's position changed quickly, she respectfully saluted Xia Tian, ​​and then turned to face Mond City with a confused heart.

Wendy whispered sarcastic words in Xia Tian's ear: "It seems that you are busy..."

"Can I refuse?" Xia Tian regretted.

Qin's attitude made Xia realize the troubles of becoming the "Fengshen"... Qin is like this, Barbara, who is a pious Fengshen, has to back away?

"How can you go back on your word when you're a dignified man?" Of course Wendy disagreed.

"I didn't promise at all, did I?" Xia Tian complained: "It's fine if there are no benefits, and there are so many troubles...then why should I agree?"

Wendy had an idea, and persuaded flatteringly: "Think in another direction! You are Fengshen now, isn't it easier to pick up girls? One can imagine how many admirers there will be, isn't Noelle a good example? ?”

"Huh?" Xia Tian's face was full of contempt and integrity: "I... I don't have such vulgar thoughts!"

Wendy thought for a while, and found a good reason: "There are other benefits too! The heart of God is in your hands. Although the common people may not recognize you, the other seven gods will recognize you. During your future travels, you can Save you a lot of trouble!"


Xia Tian finally nodded: "That's pretty good... don't worry about becoming an enemy of the gods, and if the status is equal, you can sit down and have a good chat about whatever happens..."

"That's right!" Wendy slapped her thigh, took advantage of Xia Tian's easing attitude, and left immediately: "Okay, you should still have a lot of things to deal with, so I won't bother you."


He ran against the wind on the road clearing the snow, heading towards the ancient trees in the place where the wind blows.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

When the sun broke through the clouds and warmed Mond again, the news of victory drifted into thousands of households with the breeze.

Those grateful people came out of the houses one after another, looked at the scarred city wall with pity, and felt that the peace in the past was hard-won.

They spontaneously gathered on the street, went to the gate of the city where the sights were full, and used tools or bare hands to clean up the gravel scattered in the middle of the road, sweeping out a broad avenue to welcome the triumphant return of the warriors.

Whether it is a West Wind knight, an adventurer, or an ordinary individual, as long as they return from outside the city, they can hear the majestic cheers.

Feeling this enthusiasm makes the body forget the pain, and I just feel that no matter what I do for this city, it is worth it!

The cheers alone were not enough. Someone carried a few barrels of wine, someone steamed a lot of noodles, and in short, everything was ready for food and drink.

Several nuns scolded angrily, warning that the wound was still bleeding and that they could not drink...

However, at this moment, how can I take care of these things, just drink happily to calm the confusion left by the battle.

Among the consoling crowd, a little girl with short hair was standing on tiptoe looking out, her petite body was as tender as the flowers in her hands.

Flora, the owner of the florist, expressed her gratitude with her favorite flowers.

One after another, while sending flowers, those bright eyes kept drifting out of the city, as if looking for someone.

"Why hasn't big brother come back..."

Since I hadn't seen it all this time, I was shaking my feet anxiously.

I didn't wait for the big brother I like, but I waited for the beloved leader Qin.

"Captain Qin!"

Seeing Qin at the end of the team, Flora ran over and hurriedly asked, "Where's Big Brother Xia?"

It is already the last of the team, but I still haven't seen the expected figure, so I can't help feeling a little worried.

Qin rubbed Flora's head, she always maintained the tenderness of a big sister to the petite child: "Don't worry, Xia Tian...he is right behind, he will be here in a while."

grown ups?Your Mightiness?Still wondering what to call it.

Knowing that Xia Tian was safe and sound, Flora's hanging heart finally fell to the ground.

She gave a bouquet of dandelions to Captain Qin, smiling innocently: "Thank you, Captain Qin, thanks to you, Mond City was able to survive the difficulties."

These dandelions have been improved with granulated sugar, so they are not so easily blown away by the wind. They are very suitable for viewing, filling the regret of those who like dandelions but cannot grow them.

Qin didn't dare to take the credit and be proud. She looked at the crowd celebrating at the gate of the city: "The credit belongs to all the people of Mengde, and your support is also indispensable."

He briefly said a few words of greeting, and out of the corner of his eye, he could see the figure returning from Xia Tian, ​​who was crossing the stone bridge.

Qin hasn't figured out how to calmly face the change of Xia Tian's identity, and knows that she can't expose Xia Tian's becoming Fengshen in front of the public without authorization.

So he had no choice but to run away: "I still have some things to do, Flora, see you later!"

"Well, Goodbye Captain Qin." Flora waved goodbye, and after two seconds, turned around and ran towards Xia Tian decisively.

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