Xia Tian didn't force her to ask, and changed to a more normal question: "Then how do we meet?"

Huasan immediately sang a poem: "The cherry blossoms on the east and west coasts have different delays, and the flowers on the south and north branches bloom and fall differently... But everything on this island belongs to her, under the shade of the cherry blossoms." Under the circumstances, as long as there are still petals falling like snow on this island, I will be honored to be with you, to see you again... I wish you all the best, my friend."

Such a poetic statement, Xia Tian memorizes it silently, maybe it will come in handy when dating someone in the future.

Chapter 660 Yae Miko's Prank

Leaving the dry well, standing in Yantian Village and looking to the northeast, there is a big mountain like "Qingyunding", named "Shadow Mountain".

Today's weather is good, with no wind and no clouds, and the view is extremely wide. You can see the pink flower forests on the mountainside and the red buildings on the top of the mountain...judging by rich experience, it must be some kind of special place.

But now I don't have the time to open the map, and I don't give teleportation points anyway.

The abandoned shrine mentioned by the witch sister is at the foot of the shadow mountain, and you can reach it along a stone road.

As we walked, the wind suddenly became colder, and the clear sky that was cloudless just now became cloudy in an instant. To be precise, the sky above was covered by a layer of gray mist, just like the same style as "Wu Wang Slope", making the deep The people among them couldn't help sweating and tensed up.

Also because of its special nature, although there are statues of gods worshiped in this abandoned shrine, few people come here anymore. Occasionally, witches from other shrines may come to take care of them and replace the wicks of the ever-burning lamps along the road.

Anyway, it is a shrine, and it is better than Wuwangpo. Just the fox statues that can be seen everywhere are so majestic, and no monsters dare to approach them.

In Daozuma, the fox is a very special existence.

Previously on outlying islands, when Xia Tian and Thomas walked past the street stalls, Thomas said that no one knew anything about Inazuma when he came to Inazuma, so he bought a copy of "Anecdotes in Inazuma", which he said was very popular. There are many unimaginable legends that make people deeply suspicious and have to be amazed.

such as.

In the very beginning, there was no one in Daozuma.

The beautiful island is a paradise for "civet cats". They are good at camouflage and can transform into various appearances. Naturally, they can also become human beings that are convenient for daily life.

Later, the "fox" came across the sea and started a war with the civet cats for 800 years and 800 years.

During this process, foxes and civet cats who are good at changing change, and some of them forget what kind of animal they are, and become human for a long time.

This is the origin of the rice wife.

In the war between the fox and the Tanuki, both sides suffered heavy losses. In order to quell the war, the Tanuki clan ceded the Kagekoyama area where the sacred cherry tree was planted to the fox.

The fox leader who led this victory was called "Bai Chen".

In Naruto Island, the "Baichen bloodline" is an extremely noble existence, it can be said to be higher than all other monster races... But so far, this bloodline has reached the end of the line that cannot be continued.

In that war, the fox family ruled by Bai Chen's blood was divided into sky fox and earth fox, and they still served them after peace.

After the death of the last Baichen bloodline "Huzhai Palace", the sky fox became a big fox statue on the side of the road that could resonate with the thunder element, while the ground fox became a small fox statue that would only reveal its original shape under special circumstances .

... There are many, many legends like this.

Compared with the epic past of Li Yue and Meng De, Dao Wife is a bit more bizarre and less humanistic.

Those records are half true and half false, at least it is said that Daowife is all civet cats and foxes, Xia Tian definitely does not believe it.

It’s just that after recalling those legends, and looking at the fox statues on the side of the road, I always feel that they seem to be alive. Maybe they are really transformed by sky foxes. Lifting my leg to pee on the side, I will definitely rush over to stop it!

There are many fox statues, big and small, big and majestic, small and cute. A small number of statues seem to be mixed with special materials, and you can see the texture emitting blue light. Touching it has a wonderful illusion of connecting minds and spirits.

At this moment, Xia Tian felt a little envious of Ying. It would be great if he could also follow an optimistic little guy like Paimeng, who could talk and chat in such a gloomy situation.

He also thought, since he envied Paimeng for his family, why didn't he bring a confidante from Liyue over?Wouldn't that be wonderful!What a mistake!

Regret is meaningless, Xia Tian temporarily put aside other thoughts and started to do business.

The positions of the enchantments are different, but the process should be the same. As the witch sister said, first use the thunder element to touch the fox statue, and you can get the town...

Depend on!With so many fox statues, which one is hiding the "town thing"?

I had no choice but to use a stupid method, trying one by one, trying to try, and couldn't help but curse: "I'm really stupid!"

Walking along the stone road, I touched the fox statue all the way, and then on the high ground on the side, I saw a fox statue that was far beyond the standard in terms of size and appearance. It might really be the fossil of a certain sky fox boss. , You don't need to think about it, the "town thing" must be there!

I remember what Sister Miko said, use the elements of thunder to gather in the palm of your hand, just touch it in the past...

Touch the left side, touch the right side, no response.

try harder.

Wipe the left side, wipe the right side, still no response.


Just when Xia Tian was considering whether he had found the wrong statue, he suddenly heard laughter coming from the side and rear.


It was a laugh from the tip of the nose with closed lips, and it should have come from a very playful and lovely woman.

Looking back, I couldn't find anyone, and there was no smell of living things around. If I had to say it, there might be a faint fragrance and the smell of some small animal.

Is it an auditory hallucination?Or wind?

Xia Tian pretended to explode and asked: "Who is hiding in the dark? Don't dare to come out to meet people? I can smell your scent!"

It really exploded.

It's just that it's no longer the smothered laughter that was just as good as an auditory hallucination, but turned into a serious scolding: "What are you doing!"

Another shrine maiden, but not like a traditional shrine maiden.

Red and white priestess costumes, but there is no big skirt to cover the lower body, and the big white legs are exposed, only relying on the red skirt that spreads out to the sides for limited coverage.

Red rope clogs, different from the white cloth socks in the flowers, this witch who suddenly appeared has bare feet.

The long hair is like the color of cherry blossoms, and there are slightly upturned parts on both sides. I almost thought it was the same plush animal ears as "Sugar"!

Wearing a headdress in the shape of a sun disk, and a thunder-type God's Eye hanging on the hairpin, with such beauty and strength, he must not be a passer-by character.

Looking at her beautiful face, those charming eyes like a fox are full of anger at this moment.

Xia Tian didn't know where he offended someone, so he greeted him friendly first: "Hello, who are you?"

The pink-haired priestess crossed her arms, her words contained a bit of arrogance and contempt: "You disturb my cleanliness, sneaking around in front of my god statue, frivolous, and asking who I am?"

"Huh? In front of your statue..." Xia Tian hurriedly turned around, but didn't see any abnormality in that fox statue, why did the deity jump out?

Regardless of whether it is true or not, reputation is very important when you are away from home. If someone puts on an obscene hat for no reason, of course you have to explain clearly: "Master Hu Immortal, how can I be sneaky...and also frivolous and vulgar?"

The fox fairy said with reason: "You touched the deity at least 27 times, a total of 350 times, how dare you say that you are not obscene?"

"Pfft!" Xia Tian almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

Is it because of this being labeled as "dirty"?Be good to me, can I be called obscene even if I touch a stone?

It must be explained: "That's because I need to use the thunder element to take out the treasure... By the way, have I really touched it so many times?"

Of course not, those data were all made up by this fairy fox. After all, who would be bored enough to record how many times others touched the stone?

Not only those numbers, but even the identity of this fairy fox is made up randomly.

She is a fox, but she has nothing to do with the fox statue. Her true identity is "Yae Miko", the palace secretary of the rice wife "Narukami Taisha".

The main duty is to take care of the "Shen Ying", so he should know about the "Shen Ying Dagan", and like Xia Tian, ​​he is also carrying out the work of breaking the barrier.

After the purification of the two barriers of "Arahai" and "Bundland", Yae Shenzi came to the planned

He was very curious, so he hid and observed, and saw that guy rubbing the fox statue with his hands foolishly, so he couldn't help laughing out loud.

After being noticed, I originally wanted to keep silent and pretended to be wind...but that guy actually said he smelled me?

Well, what smell?As a fox clan, isn't it normal to be a little charming?snort!

The females of the fox family exude a fascinating fragrance from the bottom of their bones, which is an advantage that others cannot envy.

But because of this scent, when I was young, I played hide-and-seek with my monster friends and lost every time. Some people deliberately joked: "Xixi, I smell the cunning smell of foxes!"

Yae Miko doesn't like being said that.

As she grows older, she can better control this body fragrance, and she is indeed becoming more and more cunning, but she still doesn't mind other people mentioning the smell, even if it smells good...even if it smells good in the first place !

Therefore, as soon as Xia Tian mentioned that there was a smell, she jumped out on her own initiative, deliberately pretending to be a fox fairy, and bluffing this idiot!

"Have I really touched that many times?"

Xia Tian asked with a guilty conscience, if the fox statue is this fox fairy, it would be a bit rude.

"Really? It's more than that!" Yae Shenzi pointed his fingers and scolded: "Do you know that desecrating the body of a fox fairy is a felony in Daozuma? I will embed you in a stone!"

Given that Liyue has immortals in various animal forms, it is not surprising that Daofu has fox immortals. Although Xia Tian doubts the authenticity of the person in front of him, the God's Eye shows that he is not a pure liar.

He didn't want to offend Immortal Daofu at the beginning, but he couldn't wait to be embedded in a stone, so he immediately said: "Since you are Immortal Daofu, you should know about the "Shenying Dapo", right?I was entrusted by someone to come here to break the barrier..."

As he said that, he deliberately mobilized his emotions and complained: "I am a lonely foreigner. I have been busy for Dao's wife's safety, but I did not expect to be accused of blasphemy against a fox fairy..."

Yae Kamiko was taken aback by this appearance. It seems that this guy is not so stupid... Then why would he rub against the fox statue?

What made her care more was the person who entrusted it.

I already had some guesses in my heart, and asked: "Who are you entrusted by?"

"One is called... a witch wearing a fox mask." Xia Tian thought for a while, but still concealed the name, so as not to worry about the trouble that the sister of the witch called.

Miko wearing a fox mask?

Yae Kamiko thought for a while, but failed to get an accurate answer, and then began to pretend to be serious again, continuing her prank:

"Hey? Shenying's big scorpion is a big deal for Dao's wife. Who will tell you about this foreigner? You can't tell the name. Could it be a spy from another country who came to destroy Shenying? Come with me to see General Thunder and Lightning. Cut thieves like you under the sword!"

In the same way, Xia Tian was charged with another "spy".

"No, no, no, I really didn't lie to you. I was the one who broke the barrier under the dry well in Yantian Village. If you don't believe me, go and see..."

Halfway through speaking, I suddenly thought: I just want to see General Lei Dian, wouldn't it be a good thing for her to take me to see General Lei Dian?

He asked, "Can you take me to see General Thunder?"

Yae Shenzi covered the smirk at the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, and said, "What do you want to see General Raiden for? Sure enough, he is a spy from another country. Do you want to assassinate the head of the shogunate?"

If there are more pranks, the other party will be immune.

Xia Tian felt that the fox fairy was trying to scare him deliberately, and explained: "I said no... have you ever seen a spy like me groping for a stone statue in the wild?"

"Then what did you see her for?"

"As a foreign traveler, I want to pay homage to the legendary Seven Gods. Isn't this a good reason?"

It's a legitimate reason. I believe that countless adventurers want to see the style of the Seven Gods, but this reason is generally ignored.

The one on the opposite side is obviously not in the "normal" range.

"Yes, yes..." Yae Shenzi nodded first, and after arousing Xia Tian's joy, he shook his head regretfully: "But I haven't spoken to her for hundreds of years... I'm afraid I can't recommend it for you."

Xia Tian hurriedly complained: "Then you said just now that you want to send me to surrender in front of General Thunder?"

At this point, Yae Miko's serious face finally showed a different emotion, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and dimples appeared, which was very beautiful.

"You're kidding, can't you hear me?"

I really didn't hear it.

Xia Tian became more and more puzzled: Is this really a fox fairy?How many of the words just said are true?

"Okay, let's talk about the Shenying Dagan just now!"

Yae Kamiko stretched out his finger and directed Xia Tian's sight to the floor tiles in front of the fox statue. It seemed that some words were engraved on it. Because it was too old, it had been covered by mud and moss. If it wasn't for someone's pointing, it might not be possible to find it.

Remove the sludge quickly.

"The town is sealed here with the spirit of words."

"Although I hope that the seal will not be released one day, and even though you have not heard from me for many years, if you must release the seal and carry out the Great Exorcism, then you are the one who hopes to release the seal."



Some characters are already unclear, but even if they are, they are probably confused.

Is it really all riddlers?

What and what, elementary school students have a beginning and an end when writing essays more than you...

Of course, others originally wrote to that friend who hadn't heard from him for many years. Since they are friends, they can understand it, right?

It was as if Mona said "ah", and Xiangling would know that she was hungry.

Angrily came, that fox fairy clearly saw Xia Tian's bewildered appearance, and asked deliberately.

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