"Well, it should be near the shopping street. These days, I really like to go to the roof to bask in the sun..."



The two exchanged the case.

The initial location is a black cat, which is moving around the commercial street, and may be basking on the roof somewhere.

The reason why Margaret wants Qin to help is because Qin can use the power of the wind element and can easily go to the roof. Even if the "Little Prince" is not on the roof basking in the sun, he can find its trace more quickly from a high place .

The small wind farm was started, and the passive wind spread out from the alley.

The hem of the skirt vibrated violently, followed by rising, Qin felt a gust of air rushing under the skirt, suddenly realized, and immediately crushed it to death with her hands.

His cheeks were flushed, and his eyes flickered to look around. Fortunately, he was afraid of using the power of the elements to affect the people, so he came to the back of the cattail tavern, and no passers-by watched.

But... summer is here!Must have seen everything!Although she is wearing safety pants... she should not come out in a skirt!It's such an embarrassment to get on the roof!

The more Qin thought about it, the more ashamed she became. She almost couldn't find that knight's restraint and calmness. She was afraid of being laughed at, so she didn't dare to look at Xia Tian.

The alley was very quiet, with the sound of footsteps approaching slowly, Qin clenched the hem of her skirt tightly, her palms full of sweat.

The body trembled suddenly, and the back of the hand touched the palm of the hand.

Xia Tian opened Qin's fingers, signaling that she needn't be so nervous: "I'll just go up, you wait here for me."

"Yeah." Qin nodded obediently.

At this moment, she didn't feel moved or grateful in the slightest, because... Xia Tian said the clothes looked good, so she put them on. This is Xia Tian's fault, so shouldn't he go up to find the cat?


Qin was taken aback. How could she have such dark thoughts?Although affected by Xia Tian's words, wearing a skirt is his own decision, how can he blame him?Going up to catch cats in summer is also to help the people of Mond, how can you not be grateful?

Unlike Qin who was hesitating in his heart, Xia Tian's footsteps were quick, without the help of the wind field, he directly stepped on the wooden box next to him, kicked hard, and jumped high.

The line of sight is getting wider and wider, you can see the roof reflecting the golden light, you can see the nests built by the birds, and you can see many cats gathering together, lazily basking in the sun.

Black cats are conspicuous, but not the most conspicuous.


The most conspicuous cat can speak human language, has a cute face like an angel, a cat paw satchel with four meat balls, a child's vest with a leaky belly button, pink fluffy short hair, and a fluffy big tail. Has peasy eyebrows that make people want to tease, and has a small expression that is almost always angry.

It's Diona.

Very annoyed that someone disturbed her basking in the sun, she was furiously preparing to be murderous, seeing that it was summer, her fierce face immediately changed into joy, and the next second she changed her face again, her anger suddenly rose, even more fierce than before!

In just a few seconds, the expression changed several times, and the thoughts in his heart also changed several times. Every thought has endless words, but nothing can be said.

He could only point to Xia Tian and pop out a word: "You!"

Time is equal, but different people perceive the flow of time differently. Generally speaking, the younger you are, the slower time feels.

From this point of view, Diona bears more thoughts than Mona and the others, and she can't express it, can't vent and let go.

She has just touched the emotion called "like" in the adults, and she hasn't learned how to hide the sadness in her heart. Fortunately, her character is very easy to get angry, and it is easy to pretend to be angry.

So, Xia Tian saw the melancholy Doudouma slanted down, the sad eyes with tears, the nose that pretended to be fierce and the nose that was raised up, and the lips that were dissatisfied.

Her fierceness is not fierce, her tears are real tears.

Xia Tian panicked, but his heart ached: "Don't cry! Even if I disturb you to bask in the sun, don't you need to cry?"

"Hmph!" Diona snorted with her nose, if it wasn't for the snot, the truth would have slapped him in the face.

Xia Tian liked Diona very much, but he didn't have much affection between men and women, after all, he was too young... He didn't care about physical contact, and reached out to wipe Diona's tears, knowing that she was missing herself.

"Hmm." Diona still didn't speak, anger and grievances were all on her face.

At this time, a gentle voice came from under the eaves.

"Xiamen, what's wrong?"

Chapter 790 IX Want To Kiss, Want To Have

"It's nothing, Diona is basking in the sun! It seems to disturb her..."

Xia Tian first replied with a smile, then squatted down, and stretched out his salty pig hand to touch Diona's head. Although he saw the eyes of rejection and disgust, he had no intention of stopping the "evil deeds" at all.

Maybe it's because he's confident that he's not hated, or maybe it's because of the activation of the M-shaking trait buried deep in his heart. The more he is looked at like this, the more he wants to get closer to this cat.

Kneading and touching it is like a cat lover's "cat sucking" behavior, which has reaped a lot of joy.

Diona changed from lying on her back basking in the sun to a half-lying prone position, with her tail wagging back and forth and constantly patting the back of Xia Tian's hand... She didn't have much strength, it was more like a rub to express intimacy.

She clenched her fists, crawled to the edge of the roof with the lightness of a cat, and looked down.

The beautiful blond girl was waving to her: "Diona, good morning."

"Master Qin... good morning."

It's rare, Diona greeted so well, everyone really loves the leader of the Aegean.

Looking down from her vantage point, she could break through the defense of the loose men's coat and see a different dress inside.

It was the most beautiful dress in the shopping street, loved by many Mond girls, and Diona also secretly went to see it, but she was ashamed of her short stature, so she could only hope for it from afar.

She hopes that one day she can grow so tall that she can save money to buy it, and then wear it for...for "him".

At this moment, half of Diona's wish was fulfilled. Xia Tian saw that beautiful dress, but it was only the person wearing it, not her.

Sure enough, it was the head of Qin... Standing in front of the window, she thought that if anyone in Mond could perfectly show the beauty of this dress, it must be the head of Qin.

it's beautiful.

...But, how could it be worn by Captain Qin?Isn't it time for inspection work?Isn't it patrolling?What is that doing...with Xia Tian?

"Hey! Got it!"

Xia Tian's cries of celebration came from behind him, and he caught the black "Little Prince".

"Meow—" The little prince was frightened and called out anxiously.

Xia Tian hastened to use his superb cat stroking skills, and did a submissive note to the "Little Prince": "Stop barking, your master is still in a hurry! Go down and say hello first!"

Xia Tian loves cats, but perhaps because of getting to know Diona, he realizes that all cats in the world are just like this.

Margaret came hearing the meowing of the cat, saw Diona on the roof, and suddenly realized: "It turns out that the "Little Prince" is basking in the sun with you! "

The work of the tavern started in the afternoon. Diona came early today and hadn't met the proprietress yet, so the proprietress didn't know that Diona was on the roof, otherwise she would have thought that the little prince was basking in the sun with Diona.


Diona exclaimed, it was her and the "little prince" who jumped off the roof in Xia Tian.

The "Little Prince" jumped into Margaret's arms, while Diona blushed and quickly fled from Xia Tian's arms, turning her face away, pretending to straighten her clothes.

"I'm so sorry, I asked you to help me find it..." Margaret is the owner of the tavern, and she knows how to use a smile to resolve embarrassment and guilt: "Hehe... why don't you come to my tavern, I'll treat you two to a drink, It’s an apology and a thank you.”

"No need, it's just a matter of little effort, we..." Qin glanced at Xia Tian, ​​her voice lowered slightly: "We still have things to do."

"Oh?" Margaret was stunned for a moment, then covered her mouth and smiled, with an expression of "understanding": "Then go quickly! I won't bother you two."

"It's just an ordinary job. I'll accompany Xia Tian to look around, and there's nothing..." Qin explained anxiously, but at the end of the words, she found that there was nothing to explain... What am I going to explain?

Margaret kept smiling. She didn't expect that the serious and dignified Captain Qin would have such a girlish side. She didn't want to disturb her: "Okay, okay! Captain Qin is busy with work, so I won't bother you. Have a nice day!"

"Do not--"

There was nothing to refute, and he wanted to refute, but in the end he could only open his mouth and be speechless.

Margaret touched Diona's little hand, ready to take the kitten away, not to be a light bulb that would affect the ambiguous friends.

Gently pull, no movement.

Looking back suspiciously, she saw Diona staring blankly at Xia Tian and Qin.

After all, he is still a child, even if he always uses anger to cover up, he will inadvertently show his thoughts on his face, which is the bitterness that only this ignorant young girl has.

"Diona." Margaret called out.

"Huh?" Diona came back to her senses.

"Let's go, it's almost time for work! I'm going to get ready."


Diona's footsteps were heavy, and the lightness of the cat seemed to have disappeared. She tried her best not to look back, but she couldn't stop Yu Guangwei from staying in Xia Tian.

When he walked out of the alley and was about to turn the corner, Xia Tian walked over quickly: "Diona."

I don't know why I want to shout, feeling inexplicably sad and guilty... Is it because I disturbed her basking in the sun?probably?

"Another day, I will accompany you to bask in the sun."

Xia Tian smiled and gave compensation.

I wanted to reach out to touch my head, but was pulled back by a tail. This time it was heavier, and the back of my hand was red.

"Hmph!" Diona made a grimace, and then ran away quickly... she didn't need him to accompany her!

What a childish temper!

Xia Tian shrugged helplessly. If it was usual, she might follow her to drink her today's drink.

How can you leave the head of the beautiful piano alone!

"Let's go too."


One after the other, return from the alley to the fountain square, less than a hundred meters away from the gate of the city.

Xia Tian remained vigilant, observing everyone passing by and saying hello, fearing that there would be another temporary commission...

Afraid of what to come.

Oncoming is a middle-aged man with a brown beard.

Xia Tian was startled, isn't this the bartender of "Angel Gift"?

What are you doing?What is needed now is to prevent Qin from contacting "Angel Gifts", so as to avoid the surprise party in the evening from being leaked in advance, and then you, a bartender, came to meet Qin?Is it to increase the difficulty of the task?

Today's party is a secret operation. The bartender only knows that there is a party, but he doesn't know who is hosting the party.

"Captain Qin!"

"Charles, what's the matter?"

Charles' footsteps were in a hurry, and Captain Qin could naturally judge that something was important.

"That's right! Our Angel Gift received a banquet business today, but the wine stock is not enough. If it is shipped from the winery's cellar, I am afraid that there will be too little time, so I want to ask the headquarters of the Knights if there is any stock. "

After the last dragon disaster, the Zephyr Knights clearly realized the importance of storing supplies, and wine is undoubtedly an essential and important commodity for the Mond people.

Qin nodded: "There should be some, how many do you need?"

"The guests have very good taste and hope to use the best wine. About five barrels are needed."

"Okay then, I'll take you there..."

Qin was about to lead the way, but she stepped back in mid-air: "You go to Lisa! She will help you deal with it. I still have something to do."

"Okay, I also wanted to go directly to the Knights, but I didn't expect to run into Captain Qin on the way...You go ahead first."

Charles is gone.


Obviously did not consume any strength, but Xia Tian let out a long sigh of relief.

Clearly evading the public's request, Qin was delighted to see Xia Tian's comfortable appearance, and even laughed out loud, "Ha ha."

Suddenly laughing, Xia Tian naturally asked: "What are you laughing at?"

Qin shook her head and kept silent: "No, nothing."

It doesn't matter the reason, seeing Xia Tian laughing, Qin wants to laugh, seeing Qin laughing, Xia Tian wants to laugh, it is so strange to like someone, even if they have never expressed their emotions to each other frankly.

But the smile soon disappeared.

At the end of the Fountain Square is the "Deer Hunter Restaurant". It is half an hour before lunch time, and it is already very busy...

Xia Tian wanted to prepare two takeaway meals, so he walked over: "Sarah."

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