Sacred relics can be placed in the God's Eye space, but there are only five pieces that can boost the God's Eye at the same time, and they must be of different types.

The flower of life, the feather of death, the sands of time, the crown of reason, the cup of emptiness.

These five pieces respectively represent origin, end, time, space, and heaven, and indicate the direction of exploration in this world.

"Try it!" Xia Tian urged confidently, these two items were added with wind element and fire element respectively, corresponding to the attributes of Ying and Amber.

Amber did everything very quickly, put the clan flower into the God's Eye space, and immediately felt that the vigorous fire element was charging the God's Eye.

"This power..." Ying also felt it, but shook her head: "It's too precious, I can't accept it."

Xia Tian had expected to be rejected a long time ago, both Ying and Amber are independent and self-reliant good girls.

"This is not for you." Xia Tian stood up, and from the angle, the sunset glow of the sky looked like his wings.

He stretched out his hands: "Please be my friends!"

Under Amber and Ying's astonished eyes, Xia Tian smiled softly:

"I just came to Mond, and I am alone. I need help with many things. It would be great if you two would be my friends!"

Without the eyes of God, unable to sense the power of the elements, Xia Tian has not found a way to make himself stronger for the time being.

But if the people around you become stronger, it might be a strategy to protect yourself.

Amber has fire-like enthusiasm and straightforwardness, she grabbed Xia Tian's hand: "We are friends from the beginning!"

"What about Ying?" He cast his gaze on the blonde girl.

Ying closed her eyes and said softly, "I can understand your feelings. I have been lonely since I came to this world, until I met Paimon..."

"If I could be your friend and give you the warmth Paimon gave me..."

The golden eyes opened again, and Ying held Xia Tian and Amber's hands together: "I am very happy."

Unexpectedly speaking, the corners of Xia Tian's eyes turned sour.

Between reality and illusion, he forcibly suppressed his fear of a strange world, and he always faced it with a smile.

Because the character is too simple, because of the God's perspective at the beginning, he always feels like he is in a bunch of NPCs.

But at this moment, feeling the warmth of Amber and Ying, feeling their existence...

"They are not NPCs, not paper people, not moving 3D animations, but friends who should be treated sincerely..."

Xia Tian turned his head and looked towards the wind: "From the moment you rescued me, I have already felt a very reliable warmth."

"Rescue?" Amber expressed doubts: "Is there anything else going on between you?"

Before we had time to talk in detail, Paimon chewed his potatoes to express his dissatisfaction: "First of all, I don't intend to treat you as a friend, and you are still a member of Paimon's hated list."

"Is it okay to invite you to dinner?" Xia Tian finally had a chance to meet Paimon while he was not paying attention, and his hair was limp.

Paimon frowned, using a knife and fork as a defensive weapon: "Well...then reluctantly agree to be friends with you for three days!"

"Only three days?" Xia Tian exaggeratedly made a disappointed expression.

Paimon raised his chin triumphantly: "Of course, do you think Paimon and I can be bribed so easily?"

Then he added: "You gave them such a good holy relic, did you give them away with one meal? There is no way, at least three meals, no, at least ten meals!"

"So I'm jealous." Xia Tian joked, "Then I'll treat you to thirty meals, how about it?"

If you really want to invite thirty meals, the little money in your pocket may not be enough, and you have to consider ways to make money in the future.

"Thirty tons? Really?" Paimon blinked in disbelief.

"The wind of Mond never stops, and my promise will never dissipate." Xia Tian's serious eyes are more convincing than his words.

"Cheers to friendship!" Xia Tian raised the water glass, and the reflection of the sunset swayed in the glass.

"Friends are friends, but holy relics are really precious..."

Ying and Amber are still hesitant about accepting the holy relic, which is more expensive than thirty meals.

"Since we are all friends, it should be fine to accept this gift, right?"

Xia Tian recited a poem that he did not know where to copy:

"Money is nothing compared to our friendship."

"Compared to the brilliance of the two, the holy relic is not worth mentioning."

"Our differences are nothing compared to a hungry stomach."

After finishing speaking, Xia Tian didn't wait for the two to accept or reject, and greeted the boss directly: "Boss Sarah, please serve some more potato pancakes."

"There should be enough material this time, right?" Only Sarah could understand Xia Tian's joke.

"Enough and enough!" Sarah brought out the food she had prepared long ago, looked at Amber and Ying, and deliberately touched Xia Tian's shoulder: "Are you planning to invite all the beauties in Mond City to have a meal once? playboy!"

These words are a bit easy to misunderstand, and Amber first became alert: "Both? Didn't you say you have no friends?"

Her gaze seemed to be extracting a confession, as expected of a detective knight.

"That person is still not sure if he is a friend."

Xia Tian pushed the food in front of Ying and Amber: "Order first, no, eat first, if you don't eat, you will be eaten by Paimon."

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Chapter 10 The House Unsealed

Overall, it was a good dinner.

The only pity is that the fried pork with honey sauce and carrots that Amber specially recommended was not able to taste.

There are carrots and meat, but the sweetness is missing.

Recently, with the harassment of the Fengmolong, a large number of Qiuqiu people of unknown origin appeared on the outskirts of the city at the same time, making the materials that need to be collected in the wild extremely rare.

Only relying on the hunters in Qingquan Town to bring some occasionally, they can't last until night.

Fortunately, there are enough potatoes and flour to make Mond's special potato cakes shine during this time.

"Thanks to the contribution of the Knights, the storm of the dragon has been quelled."

In order to express her gratitude, Sarah specially presented a few more salads: "Tomorrow, there should be all kinds of fresh ingredients, and then I invite you to eat the most delicious carrot fried meat in honey sauce!"

"This is what the boss said! Don't underestimate Paimon's appetite, and be careful to eat you bankrupt!"

Xia Tian was joking, while Paimon was vicious, if his mouth was not blocked by potatoes, he would definitely refute.

Reminded by Sarah's words, Xia Tian looked at Ying with concern: "Is the investigation of Fengmolong going well today?"

"Well, it went well." Although she said so, Ying's expression was not relaxed.

"After all, it is only temporarily repelling the Fengmolong. If we want to completely solve the trouble of the Fengmolong, there is still no way."

As long as everything goes well in the plot, Xia Tian reassured: "There will be a way, maybe tomorrow, I will meet someone... and then it will be resolved in two strokes."

"Really?" Amber was dubious.

The Wind Demon Dragon lasted for several months, and the Knights had nothing to do. It would be great if it could be as easy as it said.

It is estimated that only Fengshen Barbatos can do it so easily!

"Of course it's true, Mona helped to calculate it..." Xia Tian casually pulled out a reason.

"Mona? That astrologer who is always hungry? It is rumored that her calculations are not very accurate..."

Mond City is not that big, and most of the scouting knights who have lived for more than ten years are familiar with it.

"Does she have such a bad reputation?" Xia Tian didn't expect it.

"Some people say that the calculation is very accurate, but because the expression is too direct, it is not very popular, but I really like the direct expression..."

As Amber was talking, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration and turned his head: "Ying, maybe I can ask her to help you divination about your brother?"

This wave of drawing inferences from one instance to another was unexpected by Xia Tian.

"Divination..." Paimon was full of interest,

Ying doesn't know much about divination, but if she can really find out her brother's whereabouts, she is willing to try.

Xia Tian nodded aside: "Well, you can also predict when the little Paimon will be eaten as emergency food."

"I announce that your ranking on the Pymont Hate List has risen again!"

Paimon bared his teeth and claws, and rushed towards Xia Tian.

A convivial atmosphere surrounds The Deer Hunter.


After dinner, the sky is full of stars.

Looking up, in front of the West Wind Cathedral, the huge statue of the wind god Barbatos seems to connect the sky and the earth.

After completing the temple trial, Ying has a new title.

As an honorary knight of the Zephyr Knights, she can live in the guest room of the knight headquarters, and Amber also returned to her home.

In the empty streets, browsing the not-so-beautiful scenery, summer is still worrying about the night's accommodation.

The night in Mond was very cold, and the wind from Fruit Wine Lake was intoxicating, making the backs of hands itchy.

"If I knew it earlier, I should have lived with them."

Amber said to help Xia Tian arrange a guest room in the knight headquarters, but he thought he could find a hotel and refused.

Master Di Luque gave more than 1000 moras, and the accommodation fee must be affordable.

But is there really such a thing as a hotel in Mond City?At least Xia Tian didn't find it.

On the left side of the city gate, the gleaming red blacksmith shop was about to close, and Xia Tian felt the last residual heat of the charcoal.

"That door..."

As far as the eye can see, at the end of the road, there are two-story houses with small stairs.

I glanced at it during the day, and it was sealed by a water attribute magic circle just like in the game.

But at this time, the magic circle disappeared.

"The owner of the house is back? I don't know who is inside..."

With curiosity, Xia Tian came to the door, stepped on the creaking wooden stairs, and knocked on the door.

dong dong!

The originally weak light in the window was immediately extinguished, and a slight sound could be heard.

The wind blew three or five times, but no one opened the door.

Xia Tian became more and more curious, her ears were pressed against the door, her posture was somewhat indecent, and she could easily be regarded as a thief or a voyeur.

Fortunately, the guard didn't come over for the time being.

"Could it be a thief?"

The house is very quiet, Xia Tian is not a magistrate, and he is not capable of punishing rape and eliminating evil.

Just when I was about to give up, the low wall behind the house gave me a hint.

The center of Fruit Wine Lake was originally a one-sided steep mountain.

Because of the uneven terrain, the current architectural style is orderly.

The house in front of me is in the lowest area, and the second floor is just parallel to the low wall behind.

"Isn't that..."

Xia Tian spared a circle and came to the back of the house.

Pulling through the grass, it turned out that the three windows were facing the flat ground, and one of them was lit with a faint light.

Tiptoing forward, Xia Tian doesn't know why he is so wretched...

When I came to the window with the dim light on, I saw through the glass the people who were working hard on the manuscript.

The big magic hat was removed and the ponytail was let go.

The black hair fell like a waterfall, part of it was hammered on the chest, and part of it was hanging on the table.

Because he was too serious, he didn't notice the dark shadow outside the window.

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