Seeing that Xia Tian wanted to touch it, Zhiqiong worriedly reminded her.

Xia Tian smiled, indicating that there was no problem.

When touched, there is actually a beating pulse, but there is no breath of life.

This situation has been encountered in Longji Snow Mountain.

The burial site of the poisonous dragon Durin has a similar place in the cave made of ribs and snow, with scarlet rock walls everywhere, as if entering Durin's body.

It is almost possible to see the rock wall beating with the heart like a blood vessel with the naked eye, but there is no breath of life.

According to the information that Du Lin communicated to Xia Tian, ​​it is definitely dead.

But the heart is still beating, as if...

Like, the heart is the heart, and Doolin is Doolin.

Du Lin is dead, but his heart is still alive, just waiting for a new body to resurrect him at some point in the future.

Could it be... is there such an existence under the rock formation?

Everything is just conjecture, you can't cause panic by talking nonsense.

The surrounding black mud will continue to damage Zhiqiong's body, so there is no detailed survey.


Back to camp.

Tell the truth about what happened in the "Rugged Stone Hall".

Hearing that the ball of light had created a new hole, Jin Wu immediately stated that he was not allowed to go down to explore for the time being, and gave priority to completing the mapping of the upper layer.

When it is confirmed that there is no serious problem at the upper level, work can be resumed first, and the Qianyan Army can come down in a fair manner.

At that time, Seven Star will decide on further surveys.

Of course Zhiqiong was unwilling to wait, but Senior Xia also agreed...there was nothing to say, and he could only obey orders.

After that, I ate and slept without any abnormalities.

Just wait for the drawing work on the upper layer to be completed in the next two days, and this adventure can be successfully and temporarily ended.

...but the summer adventures have only just begun.

There is no need to doubt, whether it is Ning Guang's entrustment or Xia Tian's own curiosity, it is impossible to be satisfied with the exploration of the upper layer.

After everyone was asleep, he opened his eyes.

Xia Tian does not belong to the General Affairs Department, and does not need to follow Jin Wu's orders, but for Zhiqiong's sake, he still negotiated.

When he wakes up tomorrow morning, Jin Wu will tell Zhiqiong that there is an urgent matter in Xia Tian, ​​and he has already evacuated first, and will come back to explore the lower floors together in a few days.


In a few days, after Xia Tian confirms the situation of the lower layer, purifies the black mud or confirms that there are no other dangers.

Let Zhiqiong...


Suddenly there was a sound, right next to you.

Zhiqiong was wrapped in a sleeping bag, and two small pale hands had been stretched out from it, as if she had foreseen it long ago, staring at Xia Tian with big bright eyes blinking.

Yay, I'm convinced of this guy!

Xia Tian shook his head helplessly: "Are you awake? Or did you not sleep at all?"

Zhiqiong didn't answer, but pouted angrily and asked, "Senior, do you want to leave me behind and go by yourself?"

Xia Tian didn't answer, just sat beside him, Zhiqiong also untied his sleeping bag, and sat facing each other.

The two kept their voices low for fear of disturbing others.

"Why are you so stubborn? Everyone is worried about your body, so don't let those who care about you worry less? Go less to dangerous places, isn't it good?"

Xia Tian spoke in a standard elder style, and was really curious why Zhiqiong could have such a big obsession, even disregarding the danger of his life.

Zhiqiong answered naturally: "I am an adventurer! The obsession with "danger" is the nature of us adventurers!As for the fatal risk, it's not that I haven't thought about it, but... well..."

After thinking about it, continue to take "Stanley" as an example.

"Stanley, the great adventurer of Mond, is famous for his feat of crossing the Emerald Sea...not only him, but the best friend who traveled with him."

"Even if that best friend died during the adventure, although few people know what his name is, the memory of him has been passed down among adventurers to this day..."

"I was thinking... Please don't laugh at me, seniors... Is it possible that Stanley's friend who never returned has not passed away, but is really "living"? "

This kind of view is not uncommon, especially in the circle of adventurers, who believe that as long as they are remembered by people, even if they die, they are still alive.

That's why there are so many explorers who go on and on and on.

And Xia Tian held an opposing attitude: "No, only life itself is the most important."

Maybe it's because they care about different things!

As far as Xia Tian is concerned, what is remembered forever is not as good as staying with the one you love for a long time.

Although, he will also do some dangerous things, which may block the day of his life.

But it is definitely not for being "remembered" for something, it must be for a better life!

In the eyes of Zhiqiong, who regards adventure as his life, Xia Tian's concept may be difficult to empathize with.

She insisted on her own idea: "But being remembered by others itself... Even if the career makes people die early, isn't it a kind of continuation of life? Just like this, with the help of other people's longing and commemoration, evaluation and gaze... with another a way to live among people.”

Xia Tian immediately retorted: "How can a person live his whole life caring about other people's opinions? Life should belong to oneself after all!"

"Many people have already advised me like this, "Just be yourself" "Just take care of your own affairs"... On the surface, what you say is to enlighten people, but in the end it is just to persuade people to give up. "

Zhiqiong was unmoved, and couldn't agree with this statement: "In fact, I said it before, my adventure is not for others...not even for myself."

"Hmm...have seniors ever thought of this..."

Zhiqiong looked up and looked at the hole leading to the ground. It was so dark there that she couldn't see anything with her mortal eyesight.

But as long as you work hard to concentrate your eyes, you can see the brilliance of distant stars.

"This world is at the mercy of the gods... But as mortals, even if we don't have the "eyes" bestowed by the gods, we still have the persistence of being unwilling to be peaceful and forgetting..."

"I believe this unwillingness is not meaningless, so I ran desperately to explore those dangerous places..."

"After all... the eternal wrestling between a weak body and the fear of even the gods is the reason why people are "human"...I believe so! "

A mortal life is short, no more than a few decades.

But if it can be "remembered", it may last longer than the existence of gods.

"Is this the case for the so-called mortal heroes? Senior doesn't have the eyes of God, but it must be because he has the will to surpass everyone, so he can do so many earth-shattering things!"

Zhiqiong withdrew his gaze, and showed a bright smile to Xia Tian: "Compared to my predecessors, I am far behind..."


Xia Tian was at a loss for words.

This obsession with no regard for life and death is really stupid.

It's stupid, stupid, stupid, but it's awe-inspiring.

Chapter 870 Goodbye after Chapter 850 Seven!

【The hymn of mankind is the hymn of courage, and the greatness of mankind is the greatness of courage】

It seems that someone has said such a thing.

Although many times, in the eyes of others, those courage are just ignorant death, and the rewards they get are not enough at all.

But even so, in this continent that still needs to be explored, there will still be countless people going forward, just for the one thousandth, one ten thousandth possibility.

This is a stupid behavior, people should not blindly do things beyond their ability.

But who is smarter than whom?

In the face of Zhiqiong's words, "Senior doesn't have the eyes of God, but it must be because he has a wish that surpasses everyone, so he can do such earth-shattering things!" This sentence.

Xia Tian only felt ashamed.

It's not so much because of my will becoming omnipotent, it's better to's just luck or a predestined mission, and I haven't put in too much effort beyond the limit.

For this reason, it is difficult for him to answer.

But Zhiqiong didn't stop her words, like a monologue, speaking what was in her heart.

"... I never thought about living a "successful" life. On the contrary, even if I "failed", as long as it can impress everyone. "

"At least some people will say "Zhiqiong, this person has also challenged the rocky abyss!""

She blinked her eyes, after the strong anticipation, it was a pure and incomparable wish.

"Senior, I want to leave a memory."

"Just like those predecessors who died in no man's land... At least I won't be forgotten like me now."

"Cough, cough...cough!"

Started coughing again.

The pollution in Zhiqiong's body was much worse than those of the miners.

Without rebuttal, Xia Tian has been persuaded by Zhiqiong, he is very clear that he cannot shake this will that is comparable to the top of a mountain.

"Well, I believe, not only in Zhiqiong's will, but also in Zhiqiong's will to achieve what he leave his name in Haoran's history."

As if to better convey this heart, Xia Tian stretched out his arms, gently embraced Zhiqiong in his arms, and stroked her earlobe with his fingers.

"Senior..." Zhiqiong was taken aback for a moment, the coolness and itching of her ears made her blush quietly.

The body didn't resist.

After all, it is very common for adventurers to hug each other and give blessings when making some important decisions.

It's just that senior's embrace is so warm, softer than a sleeping bag... I really want to lean on for a while longer.


Zhiqiong fell asleep.

Of course it's not because the embrace is too comfortable, nor is it because Xia Tian learned "hypnosis powder".

But before 200 million words...

When he left Mond, Abedo had entrusted Granu to give Xia Tian three bottles of potions, but he hadn't been able to use them.

The effect of one of the bottles is that you only need to smear the potion on the base of the ear, and it can easily make people fall asleep.

This time, it was used.

Xia Tian admired Zhiqiong's will, but rationality still made him refuse.

In the face of unknown dangers, just go by yourself.

He put the sleeping Zhiqiong back into the sleeping bag...

"You are so gentle with girls!"

The voice behind him was Jin Wu.

As a professional in security management, of course she would not sleep too hard, so she finished watching the heart-to-heart talk between this handsome man and beautiful woman in the middle of the night.

Xia Tian was naturally aware of it, and smiled lightly: "Sister Jinwu, don't laugh at me... Is it a gentle way to knock a girl into a coma? If you do this, you will fuel the arrogance of those hooligans!"

"At any rate, I used to have a lot of glory. I haven't met any man, and I can still distinguish between a rogue and a good man..."

Facing Jin Wu's humorous compliment, Xia Tian readily accepted it: "Thank you sister Jin Wu for your compliment, then Zhi Qiong will be handed over to you... If she wakes up and you can't see her, lock her up with Tuan Que go!"

"Don't worry, I will take good care of her..." Jinwu would not really put Zhiqiong in a cage.

Besides, there is no room for a person in the cage of the Tuanque.

Slowly approaching: "It's you, do you really want to go down alone? I have notified the General Affairs Department and Qixing, and I believe they will send someone to help soon."

In order to make people feel at ease, Xia Tian deliberately used a playful and proud tone: "Think about who I am? I am an omnipotent hero, what can hinder me?"

"Also..." Jin Wu walked over, grabbed a handful of candy from his pocket, and put it in Xia Tian's palm.

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