"As the maintainer of the "Law of Heaven", you guard the balance between the abyss and the stars... But at least now, 500 years later, the abyss has not broken this balance, right? "

"Don't forget, the wreckage buried deep in the ground, don't forget, the end of Kyriah."

Your sentence and my sentence are all riddles, but they are fascinating.

In the previous conversation with Qin, I learned about the leylines.

According to legend, there used to be a huge tree that ran through all parts of the world, and the connected traces traced the trajectory of the earth's veins.

It is a conceptual network that connects everything in this world, and different elements flow through it.

Everything that happens above and below ground will be recorded by it.

At that time, Xia Tian's guess was that the earth veins were used as hard disks for storing substances.

With the expansion of data, when the hard disk is full, it will lead to the chaos of the earth veins and the riot of elements, which will cause a catastrophe that destroys Tivat.

Therefore, the leylines decided to carry out a wave of cleanup.

The highly civilized country "Keria" that occupies the most data has become a victim.

In order not to repeat the same mistakes, countries either choose to strengthen themselves to resist the possible cleansing, or choose to stand still and maintain their current status to avoid the attention of the leylines.

These ideas are baseless and flawed, but reasonable.

But judging from the conversation between the late God of Water and the Maintainer of Heavenly Law today, it seems that it is not that simple.

Rather than saying that the capacity of the leylines is limited, in order to control the expanding data, it is more like worrying about the excessive expansion of the data, which will cause Tevat to be discovered by some terrible existence outside the world.

That power is the "law of heaven" in the eyes of ordinary people.

"Tianli" does not allow existence that can challenge itself. Once the data generated by a certain world is strong enough to threaten it, it will bring about the end of collapse with the will of Tianli.

So Leyline summoned the gods and wiped out the mighty kingdom of Kyriah.

The purpose is to give Tivat more time to find a more secure way to overcome the laws of heaven.

The seven elements are the powers bestowed by the earth, and the seven gods have their own opinions on the happiness of the people when they are in power.

To extend this, is the so-called eternity pursued by Daozuma "God of Thunder" the same reason?

Confiscating all the God's Eyes and shutting down the country is to make her country stagnate and avoid the invasion of earth or heaven?

I also thought of Sumeru ruled by the "God of Grass".

"Wisdom is the enemy of the God of Wisdom, and knowledge is the bait that floats on the surface of the sea of ​​ignorance."

Will this bait lead to the coming of heaven?

"The scholars of the Citadel are fostering folly, and the wisdom of the gods has no problem with it."

It seems that even though the God of Grass knows that too much wisdom will bring bad luck, he still chooses to indulge the curiosity of scholars.

And the "God of Ice" in Zhidong wants to resist the law of heaven, so he develops technology without restraint. It is precisely because of the excessive development of technology that he will eventually arouse the anger of heaven.

That's why you want to collect the "Heart of God" to fight against the authority given by the leylines?

No... Before Zhidong Kingdom can fight against Heavenly Law, it must be targeted by the Earth's veins because of its high degree of development, right?

Or, did the God of Ice get the acquiescence of the leylines?

Perhaps the former glory of Kyriah was the will of the leylines, and the demise of Kyriah was because the leylines realized that the time was not ripe.

Today, 500 years later, the will of the leylines appeared in the Kingdom of Winter.

Judging in this way, it makes sense why the Winter Kingdom has the same technology as the ancient country Keria, or even surpasses Keria.

Recall the words of the late water god.

The proud maintainer of the laws of heaven maintains the balance between the abyss and the stars, not the pure laws of heaven.

"To the stars and the abyss! Welcome to the Adventurers' Association."

This is the opening statement of all the administrators of the Adventurers Association. It is rumored that the headquarters of the Adventurers Association is in Solstice Winter.

Since the stars are controlled by the laws of heaven, the abyss naturally represents the will of the earth.

To maintain the balance between the stars and the abyss is to maintain the status quo and prevent Tivat from being destroyed.

So when the world needed external power, she left Kong and Ying in Tivat.

One became the leader of the underground abyss.

A partner who will be the seven kingdoms of the earth in the future.

In the end, the brothers and sisters meet, which represents the gathering of the two forces to fight against the collapse brought about by the law of heaven.


"I'm going!" Xia Tian couldn't help but marvel at his series of thoughts: "It's a waste of talent not to write novels."

The more I thought about it in my mind, it reached the point of almost nonsense, but I couldn't stop at all.

It is not known how many of these conjectures are true and how many are false.

If you want to get more information, you may have to ask the Seven Gods in power!

Barbatos has disappeared and cannot be found for the time being, but Lord Yan, who has 6000 years of experience, is undoubtedly the best choice.

Xia Tian turned over and lay on the bed, he still had the last question in his mind.

"What is the purpose of my existence?"

"You are just a product of accident." These are the original words of the maintainers of heaven.

"I represent the will of Tevat, which tells me that the world needs unexpected people." These are the original words of the late God of Water.

It seemed certain that it was Tivat's will that summoned him.

"You have to remember that Tevat's will will give you strength, standing on the ground, full of courage, and fearless."

The last words of the late water god seem to be still in my ears.

At that time, the earth veins did give Xia Tian strength, so he was able to successfully let the god of water take shape and block the maintainer of heaven.

"So, what does Leyline want me to do?"

Can no longer think, the brain is as painful as the body, and the consciousness is gradually blurred.

Afterwards, fell asleep deeply, today is too tired.

I don't know how long I slept.

In the haze, there is a familiar body fragrance near the tip of the nose.

Let's see and cherish.jpg

The next chapter "That night, they grew a lot! "

Do you understand?

Chapter 150 Four Bathrooms? Two People

Head heavy, stomach hungry.

Xia Tian opened his eyes from the twilight, the outside of the window was already darkened by the night, and he didn't know what time it was in the morning.

It was too casual when I fell asleep, and I forgot to put down the curtain in the middle of the bed.

But everyone is very familiar, and probably can trust Xia Tian's character, so how do the girls mind.

The sight quickly became familiar with the darkness, with Mona lying on her side beside her, followed by Amber and Barbara.

Amber's sleeping position is not very elegant, either hugging Earl Tutu, or pressing on Barbara.

Slight snoring can be heard.

Xia Tian turned her body and looked at Mona's sleeping face, with dried tears at the corners of her eyes.

He stretched out his right hand, which was still in pain, and gently stroked her cheek, which was as soft as tender tofu.

"...Mmm..." With a delicate sound from the tip of her nose, Mona raised her slender left hand and placed it on the back of Xia Tian's hand.

Let the warmth of the palms touch her cheeks more closely, and convey this emotion to her body and her soul more.

Xia Tian whispered: "Did I wake you up?"

As if playing, the middle finger raised the bangs covering the eyes, and the ring finger fiddled with the slightly trembling long eyelashes.

The pair of eyes carrying the stars slowly opened, and the nimble eyes were as gentle as water: "Hush."

Mona put her index finger to her lips and looked back at Amber and Barbara, not wanting to disturb them.

After confirming that she was not noticed, she put down Amber's long legs hanging on her body, and slowly moved her body.

She moved closer to Xia Tian as much as possible, wanting to feel the embrace of her beloved.

It has been a long time since the last time they hugged each other and fell asleep, this time, besides happiness, there is also joy.

For Xia Tian, ​​the moment Mona disappeared from sight, the world lost its color.

He didn't want to recall that fear and anger, and he didn't want to experience it again.

So, he embraced the delicate body in his arms, and tightened his arms tightly, fearing that she would run away.

Both fear the same thing, both have the same emotion.

There is no voice, there is no need to use words to express the anxiety in the heart, and there is no need to tell each other the importance of each other.

Everything is expressed by the lips and body.


The kiss was so natural and passionate that it gradually became uncontrollable.

Just when his hands lifted the clothes and touched the warm skin.

Mona pressed her hands against Xia Tian's chest in fright, her breath was unsteady and she had to lower her voice: "It's not working here... Amber and Barbara will find out."

Barbara is actually fine, her sleep quality is super high, basically at the level of not being woken up by peeing.

But Amber is a scouting knight, and she can detect even the slightest sign of trouble.

If Xia Tian and Mona are doing business here, they must be prepared to be watched live.

"It's true." Xia Tian sighed helplessly, every time he got emotional, he had to hold back, it was really uncomfortable.

I also complained in my heart: So, why did you let Amber live in at that time!


Suddenly heard two words in a very low voice, like an auditory hallucination next to the ear.

Xia Tian looked at Mona in her arms, she was too shy to raise her head.

After a few seconds of silence, she finally mustered up her courage again: "Bath, bathroom, there is no one there."

This time there was no auditory hallucination, nor was there a mistake.

Just a few words make the body generate heat uncontrollably.

At this time, if you want the woman to make it clear and do nothing, it would be too unmanly.

Xia Tian took Mona's hand, got up quietly, and carefully left the bed.

Like a flower picker in a fragment of a novel, he dare not make a sound or take a breath.

In order to be as quiet as possible, the two of them didn't wear shoes, and tried step by step with their bare feet.

Open the door slowly, close the door gently.

Although it is only less than 20 meters away, it is more exciting than walking the entire Tivat continent.

It wasn't until I entered the bathroom and turned on the light that I finally dared to breathe.


There was only the rapid breathing of the two, and then fell silent, and the atmosphere instantly became a little awkward.

Mona covered her pajamas and said softly, "Do you want to take a shower first?"

"Oh, it should be washed first..." Xia Tian foolishly scratched his head and turned on the hot water switch: "I'll get the hot water."

The hot water splashed on the ground, making a rustling sound, which eased the atmosphere a little.

Xia Tian wanted to test the water temperature, but was held back by Mona.

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