The shattered glass shards pierced his cheeks, nose and lips, making the man's face dripping with blood in an instant.

And what followed was the man who spit out, threw away the shards of glass left in his hand, pulled out the knife stuck in his hand from the table, and kicked the man flying away, rolling on the floor of the tavern. Struggling and wailing with his face and hands bleeding profusely.


The laughter of the hunters suddenly grew louder at this moment.

Some who are on good terms with that man and who are obviously younger and just arrived

The fellow hunters who were not long ago rushed out when they realized something was wrong, and then picked up stools, wine bottles and the like as weapons to meet the man, and some even drew their swords.

The man subconsciously wanted to pour himself another glass of wine, but he picked up the bottle only to realize that he had smashed the glass, so he bit the cork of the bottle and poured most of the wine into his mouth. While drinking, he walked up to the person in front of him.


The first swinging stool was easily dodged. "


The second shattering sound was the man smashing down the empty wine bottle, smashing the head of the person in front of him who was holding a knife and trying to hit him, causing blood to splash.

He stretched out his hand and directly grabbed the screaming man covering his head and threw it back. The guy holding the stool who was the first to attack had just turned around when he rolled with his companion and fell to the ground, screaming together. The voice of pain came.

The long knife in the hand of the third person cut down, but the man directly pulled over a table next to him. With the crisp and shattering sound of the wine and dishes that were full of people falling to the ground, he turned the whole table sideways , Blocking the opponent's cut blade with a dull collision sound.

"You fucking—"

Subconsciously, the man with the knife wanted to say a few harsh words to tell the other party not to block or cowardly.

But before he had time to say his cruel words, the table shattered directly in front of him.

The man punched out with a fist, smashing through the entire table neatly, and bombarding the opponent's stomach unabated.

The blade rolled to the ground, and the man had already flew backwards, clutching his stomach and hitting the wooden floor, opened his mouth wide and wanted to scream out, but because he was interrupted, he couldn't even make such a sound. come out.


The fourth and fifth people came up to meet them, but the man lifted up a bench, and they were hit on the head before they had time to get close. The heads of the two people hit each other under the huge force of the man at the same time. Falling to the ground, followed by the first person who got up from his companion at this time, quietly trying to run up to sneak attack, but the man smashed the bench directly behind him without even looking back, and the wooden stool shattered. In the crackling sound, the sneak attacker rolled his eyes and fell down.

So the sixth person who rushed out last, held a short sword and looked at the several companions who fell directly on the ground, and stood silently on the spot at this moment.

"What are you doing in a daze, do you want me to find you?"

The man who rubbed his nose just stood among the screaming or unconscious people, staring sideways at each other.

Want to go?

This person looked down at the guy who was at the very beginning, who was in pain with glass all over his face.

It seems a bit unworthy...

"Don't, brother, don't, I'm just here to add to the fun, I don't want to kill people, or I'll give you a dance."

So the next moment, the man threw his sword on the ground without hesitation, and fled amidst the boos of the excited onlookers around him.

The whole tavern regained its vitality at this moment. The man was standing among the people who fell to the ground and wailed. He just clicked his ears, turned around with a disdainful expression, and was about to leave.

"Xingkong Town police officer, don't move, who the hell is fighting?"

Then he was surrounded by the sheriff with hounds and three police officers, and couldn't get away.

"I don't know, maybe they fought by themselves?"

The man rubbed his nose and said innocently, like that, someone who said that he was a pure kid who just walked out of kindergarten might be believed.

But it was obvious that these police officers were old acquaintances with the man, so they didn't even look at this guy's innocent appearance, and directly asked the two to stare at each other, and the others began to question the hunters around them.

"You don't need to ask, it's just him, this dog is so strong, one punch at a time, haha——"

"Do you think it will be someone else? Isn't he the one who likes to fight the most here hahaha."

"Hahaha, to be honest, do you believe me when I say he didn't hit me?"

As a result, as a matter of course, none of the large group of hunters who watched the excitement spoke for the man.

"Damn, let's all work together to punish me, right? You all just wait for me."

The cursing man was reluctantly taken away by the police. Judging from his familiar appearance, it was obvious that he was already quite familiar with the procedures of the police. Basically, he could be said to be a repeat offender among habitual offenders.

The wounded were quickly taken away and carried to the hospital.

The floor was cleaned, the trash was swept away, and new tables and chairs were brought in.

The tavern quickly returned to its bustling appearance, and it seemed that even the tavern itself was already proficient at this.

"So who is that guy, so fierce..."

Until now, the young man who was still in a daze, finally came back to his senses and asked in a low voice to the people around him.

"You don't know him? Bounty hunter Tardive, this bastard is one of the most powerful hunters in Starry Sky Town. Few people can walk a few rounds in his hands."

"But yes, how many of you

It's normal for someone who looks so unfamiliar to come here because he is ignorant and ignorant. That guy is a celebrity in Xingkong Town. "

"It's very miserable to do these things that he doesn't like in the drinking place in Tardiff. Haha, I hope that guy can be a little more sensible and don't do it again, or he will not be so lucky next time."

The people on the side were drinking and laughing. It seemed that this was not the first time they had seen the beating scene just now.

After explaining to the young man for a while, they continued talking and laughing, obviously not taking this matter to heart.

The young man, after being stunned for a moment, couldn't help but look up in the direction where the man was taken away, and in the direction where the bounty hunter Tardif disappeared.

Because you can't stand the person who invited you to drink to be insulted after death, so even if you are locked up by the police, do you have to give him a hard lesson?

This guy is really weird...

In the border town of Xingkong Town, there are still such hunters with character.

It feels like he is a very nice person.

What the young man who was thinking in this way did not see was Tadif lying bored in the detention cell of the Xingkong Town Police Station.

"Four were seriously injured, three of them were nearly blown to the head by you, one had shattered ribs and almost lost his breath, and one had his hands disfigured. Do you know that if there weren't enough good healers in Xingkong Town to make them recover quickly, For what you did today, you can spend your whole life in prison."

The sheriff of Xingkong Town, William, looked at Tardiff with a very headache expression at this moment.

"Hey, it's okay, it's okay, aren't they good? Just take it as a lesson."

Tardiff, who didn't mind this, just waved his hand and spoke very casually.

"So can you make less troubles? If you don't fight all day long, you will feel uncomfortable in your heart, right?"

"Ahaha, no matter how you put it, they are picking things up. How can you pretend you didn't hear about insulting my brother?"

"You just learned your name, how come you are your brother? Can you stop playing your heroic tricks?"

"I understand well, I understand that you have worked hard, officer, by the way, do you think it is a good performance for me to surrender on the spot, why don't you detain me for two days?"

"Go dream!"

After some words, Sergeant William, who was so angry and sighed, turned and left with the hound. "

And Tardif is so bored, in this cell that is almost becoming his exclusive cell, in this cage that basically comes in for a few days every two months, just whistling like this lie down.

Well, tsk tsk, sure enough, it's a bit of a pity.

A little pity about that bottle of wine.

The wine bottle used to smash people's heads has not been drunk, there is still a little left in it.

At that time, I should have drunk all the wine first and then used it to smash people. Hey, I was still too young, and I didn't think through things thoroughly. I should pay more attention next time.

While thinking this way, Tardiff heard the sound of footsteps slowly approaching from outside.

Is this someone visiting the prison?

He raised his head suspiciously, and then he saw his friend Disma, another powerful hunter in Xingkong Town, walking in front of him with a bottle of wine, and stopped outside the cage.

"What are you doing here?"

Tardiff felt a bad premonition.

"I heard that you came in again, so I rushed over to laugh at you as soon as possible."

Disma said solemnly.

"Fuck, you really want to fight, don't you?"

The bounty hunter was furious.

"If you can get it, try it and smell it. Does it smell good? This wine is expensive. Don't worry, I will drink it all in front of you."

"I... Fuck!! How dare you!!!"

"The last time you pretended to be a werewolf and beat me up, didn't you have fun? Come on, come on—"

"Stop, stop, don't drink it up! Leave me at least one sip, it's boring to be locked in here, hey, stop!"

"Want to drink, don't you? Come, call Dad."

"Fuck you, uncle! Hey, stop quickly!"

"Dun Dun Dun—"


Fragment 1-04: Barbecue, Sickness, Blessing

Abigail frowned slightly, and the expression on her face gradually became a little distressed.

He lowered his head and looked at his stomach, a feeling of discomfort as if something was entangled and curled up was clearly conveyed from his body, that feeling of extreme discomfort as if something was twisted inside his body Feel.

sense of hunger.

The girl realized at this moment what it felt like.

My stomach is hungry.


Reluctantly putting down the book in her hand, Abigail clutched her stomach, showing a very distressed expression at this moment.

The hunter, who was sitting in a daze on a sofa not far away, turned his head and looked at the girl with some doubts, apparently aware of the sudden change in Abigail's mental state at the moment.

Woke up.

At this moment, it was the second day they stayed here, the second day they lived in this library.

Although it is said to be the next day, it is actually the time when I feel sleepy and sleep, and then wake up again.

After all, there seems to be no daylight in this world. After the moon sets, there is only pure darkness left. If Abigail hadn’t discovered that she could read those books and learn to recognize some things, she would teach hunters to find things like burning stones and nasty things. If there are daily necessities such as stones, I am afraid that they will have a very difficult life on the first day.

However, the safety issues and sleeping issues were resolved, and the lighting and water issues were resolved. Next, it was naturally the turn of the food issue.

After all, human beings must eat to survive.

And now, Abigail hasn't eaten anything for a whole day.


Although she really wanted to be more patient, the girl at this moment had to face the fact that she was so hungry.

The hunter stood up, walked up to Abigail and squatted down, looking at her with a questioning look.Although she didn't say anything, Abigail could understand what the hunter wanted to express, or she didn't know why, no matter what it was, even if the hunter didn't say anything, she could quickly react, I don't know why, it's like she can read the thoughts of hunters.

However, the hunter has no way to quickly figure out her own thoughts, so Abigail still needs to express her intentions by speaking.

"Mr. Hunter, woo, I'm a little hungry, can you go and investigate around to see if you can find food around here?"

After some hesitation, the little girl decided to make a request to the hunter.


Without speaking, the hunter just nodded, then stood up and left. "

To be honest, Abigail is somewhat not optimistic about whether it is possible to find food sources around her. After all, this place is like a crazy and twisted monster paradise. All the living things that can be seen The things are all rotten and twisted weird things, and the plants are obviously completely different from normal plants, showing chaotic structures and abnormal swelling, and there are obvious rancid smells and toxicity.

It's as if everything has been broken, everything has been distorted, and all existence has gone completely crazy, and there are only fallen and corrupted evil things that continue to wander on the earth with.

In such a world, I am afraid that there is no food that can be eaten by normal people, right?

In this case, myself and Mr. Hunter...would starve to death?

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