"Your family members, your parents, you will not be able to see them in the future."

Marman, who turned his head slightly, spoke calmly, and slowly stood up.

"Even if we go back, Dad will still go all out to find a doctor in a farther place, and Mom will continue to hide and cry secretly."

"I know that I have always been the most important thing to them, the one they care about the most."

"However, maybe after I'm gone, they can get a better life?"

"Only after they leave me completely and don't need to worry about me anymore, can they live for themselves instead of spending almost all their time on me?"

"So be it, Father, I've made up my mind."

Joseph said so, raised his head, and once again looked at Malman standing in front of him.

Slowly, he turned his gaze to the ceiling.

In this dark basement, Marman closed his eyes, and there seemed to be a moment of silence.

Then, he waved his hand to the nun standing behind him, and spoke again, with no emotion in his voice as usual.

"Get ready for surgery."

Just like before, it has been repeated countless times.

This kind of thing is already familiar to me, and I won't have any psychological burden.

Finished what I was supposed to do.

Wash the blood from between your fingers in the sink.

Malman left the room and let the nuns take charge of further work, while he came to the corridor in the underground area.

At this time, the boy's package was seen.

It was given to Joseph by his parents in the hope that Joseph would be able to use it when he lived in church.


Marman walked forward a few steps slowly, and walked in front of the package that was randomly discarded in the corridor, and would be burned together with the post-operative waste without leaving any traces.

Squat down and unzip the package.

A few changes of clothes, some personal items, some snacks, and a string of copper coins.

There is nothing else.

As a peasant family, that's all that a pair of parents can bring to their children.


The string of small copper coins was held by Malman.

Each of the copper coins made in the country of the stars has a small hole pierced in the middle, and then they are connected together with a rope to form a small string.

Malman knows this kind of string money, which is a small string of coins that can be carried easily prepared by the parents of the children for the convenience of buying various snacks for their children.

Children who know the truth have already made their own choices.

And parents who don't know anything are just worried about their children's lives.

Stand up.

Marman moved forward slowly in the next moment.

He walked through several rooms and corridors, and came to a small hidden room.

Open the door and light the burning stone lamp.

A small room with many shelves with various glass boxes.

Put this string of small copper coins into a glass box and solemnly place it on a shelf in the middle of the room.

Malman silently stared at the small glass box in front of him and the string of coins inside, and suddenly frowned slightly, looking over his shoulder.

Is that wound starting to hurt again?

He reached out and touched his shoulder lightly.

It was a wound that had healed up long ago without any trace left.

Occasionally, but still in the painful wound.

From the wound on his shoulder stabbed by his own wife who has disappeared.

[Is this how you treat our children? 】

[Is this how you treat this newborn child? 】

【You bastard!You heartless bastard!Fuck me! ! ! 】

That roar, until now, is still firmly in my heart.

Well, that was a long time ago.

At that time, I was younger, and I might be more impulsive in doing things.

However, since then, some people have felt that they are just cold-blooded monsters.

Maybe it's innate, maybe it's some family reason, it's the emotional difficulty brought about by family inheritance, Malman can always keep a calm mood when he encounters anything, and he can use it rationally. The direction to think about how to do it, how to do it.

No matter how bad things happen, no matter how unacceptable things come across, he will forcefully maintain his sanity.

Whether you want to or not, no matter what your true thoughts are, you can still control your emotions.

Emotions, still able to face everything with a rational attitude.

Just like he faced his half-dead mother who was transformed into a monster by his father.

Just as he faced his father who was revealed to be against the Trinity, burned alive, and whose spirit was made into a living monster.

And, just like he was facing a child who was cursed by the power of the gods, who was about to die when he was born, and it was impossible for him to grow up healthily.

Speaking of it, it was almost impossible for a cold and heartless person like Malman to get married and have children.

But considering the notoriety brought by his parents, and in order to further take root in the Star God Church, so that he can know all kinds of inside information and respond accordingly, Malman really needs to get married once and have a child, so as to satisfy Let yourself look more "normal" and more "easy to be controlled", so that you can achieve what your family has been trying to achieve without any problems, that is, need the opportunity that can change the world and save the world.

Even though the whole world has completely fallen into the kingdom of the three gods, even though many people have given up hope, people like them, who still try to change something, continue to exist and work hard, even from The worst and cruelest methods that violate human nature to pursue.

They didn't intend to be heroes, they didn't mind being considered demons, they didn't care about being boycotted and sanctioned by everyone.Only those who can continue to live are qualified to talk about benevolence, righteousness and morality, and in the face of the predicament of survival, someone must abandon the bottom line and become a bastard who is not as good as a beast. Then, why can't they do it for others?Anyway, even if they don't do this, the Church of the Three Gods will create more cruel things. With them, this trend can be controlled to a certain extent.

Yeah, it's funny, isn't it?

The blood lipid packs made by sacrificing children, the miracles maintained by the cruel blood sacrifice, and all other cruel and inhumane actions, have actually been secretly guided by them all the time, guiding them to use relative displayed in a gentle manner.Otherwise, if the Church of the Three Gods is allowed to develop on its own, the situation will only get worse.

Even so, the situation is still getting worse step by step.

Malman remembered very clearly that thousands of years ago, when the Kingdom of Stars was first established, the population of this country was more than 5000 million people.

And after a thousand years, the entire population of the Star Country today is less than 600 million people.

Yes, obviously in a safe place where you can recuperate without having to fight monsters.

The number of human beings, on the contrary, the more they develop, the more they decrease, and they are getting closer and closer to the verge of destruction.

The same situation exists in the Country of Dreams and the Country of Fog. It is obvious that everyone is recuperating in a safe place, but the total population has been quietly decreasing.

Because of the extremely long time span, coupled with the rise of the aristocratic parliamentary system after the fall of the old gods, the original national education system lost the power and technology to further advance, and various ancient inheritances were cut off one by one.Today's human world has become an ignorant and backward world, so that no one can realize that the number of human beings has been continuously decreasing under the protection of the three gods for thousands of years.

However, it's normal that this kind of thing can't be seen, isn't it?

After all, it takes thousands of years as the span, little by little, and no significant changes can be seen within a few decades or even one or two hundred years.

Like an extremely slow-acting poison, the toxicity has already spread to every internal organ in the body before one is aware of it.Human beings are gradually being wiped out by the three gods, and they are slowly being wiped out in this obscure, secret, and imperceptible way.And the vast majority of people are still grateful for the protection of the three gods, thinking that these three gods from the starry sky gave them a chance to survive, and that human beings can grow stronger again under the leadership of the three gods. Restoring it to its former glory.

No, it's impossible, the situation will only get worse, it can't get better.

There is no longer any extravagant hope that can be expected from the three gods.

Therefore, the only thing they can do is to find a way to break this deadlock at all costs, whether it is from the outside or from the inside.

There used to be many, many of these people. Although they are not worth mentioning compared to the overall human population, they used to be many.

Some of them traveled to the frontier, trying to find out the secrets of the foul power.

Some of them hide among civilians, trying to find a way to preserve the strong human beings.

Some of them sneaked into the Church of the Three Gods, faced the deepest evil, made themselves a part of it, and used this method to seek the slightest possibility.

These people were cut off from each other, cut off completely, making sure that it was absolutely impossible for each other to know the other's name, who the other was, where the other was going, and what the other was going to do.In the face of irresistible terror, this is a necessary and helpless move for them.

And Malman is the descendant of one of them, the descendant of a person who chose to sneak into the Star God Church.

So, he always knew exactly what he was doing.

He has always understood what choice he made.

And for these

Choice, these things, he will not hesitate, and he will not repent.

Therefore, after finding out that his child could no longer survive, when the next round of sacrifice ceremony was about to begin, he made a choice.

Marman replaced the sacrificial child, and let the baby return to his parents, and then let his weak child, who could not survive for too long, be placed on the sacrificial altar like this. Dedicated to the gods.

In that moment, he could see the fear of the nuns.


No matter how much you believe in the ruler of the starry sky.

Isn't it normal for a guy who has made it this far to become a fellow believer, a person whose kind would fear him?

As for human nature, as for morality, as for all other considerations.

To be honest, Malman didn't think too much about it.

At this moment, if he had to say what he was thinking at that time, it would probably be just rejoicing that the child was able to return to his parents, and after seeing the parents who were crying in despair, after the child was lost and found The look of joy at the time, I seem to have a little bit of comfort.

As for his own children.

The child who was sacrificed to the ruler of the starry sky and could never come back.


Even if he didn't, his children wouldn't survive.

Marman already had the talent of a healing warlock, and he knew very well that even with the best means, his child could only live for a few months in extreme pain and weakness, and then he would suffer in this endless torment. died a miserable death.

This is the cursed power from the master of the starry sky.

Humans have no way to crack it.

So, he was right to do so.

The pain that the child was going to endure ended early.

Give the child the sleep he deserves in advance.

The Star Ruler eats very fast, maybe at that moment, it was indeed a very painful experience, but it only takes a short moment to usher in the end, and there is no need to continue to bear the pain, no need to experience suffering in this world.

So, this is the right choice.

Only doing so is the best choice for that child.

Not only that, but also save a healthy child who can grow up well.

You see, isn't this killing two birds with one stone?

at that moment.

When facing his painful and angry wife.

Malman was like that, calmly opening his mouth and analyzing it to her.

Right in front of the sacrificial altar, in front of the dead wreckage of his own child, he seriously analyzed the pros and cons of his actions for his wife.


That's what he did.

He knows what to expect.

But that's exactly what he did.

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