"Is that why Disma brought the two of them back?"

In the murmur, Marman stood up and made his own decision.

Fragments 1-10: Journey of the Soldiers of the Sun

"Next, let's set the goal in Xingkong Town."

Solal, who was whispering to himself, put down a rough hand-drawn map in his hand, raised his head in the carriage to look at the starry sky.

Solar is a Sun Warrior.

It is a warrior who believes in the lost Sun Cult, and there are not many surviving ones.

Pursuing the relics of the ancient times, Solal has been roaming around the world over the years. Sometimes he walks in the bustling city streets, sometimes in the ruins of deserted wilderness, and sometimes in the evil soil full of filth.

Look for any clues about the ancient times, about the great sun god who created the world.

Solar is still looking, still looking for his sun.

Although, there are still no clues so far.

But Solal himself knew this very well.

The ancient old gods have all fallen long ago and turned into the source of filth. The so-called sun no longer exists, and there is no possibility of it anymore.

However, what if we can still find some remnants of that brilliance?

If it is the sun's light, is there still a possibility to shine again?

no matter how

What a slim possibility.

Solar is still willing to try, and is still willing to spend his time and life to find this possibility.

Therefore, he overcame obstacles and traveled unceasingly among the three kingdoms, going to places full of danger one after another.Sometimes it can be dealt with easily, and sometimes it is extremely dangerous.But in the end, he still walked all the way, and he is still walking on this road of pursuing the sun.

He imagined how radiant the sun must be.

He imagined what a warm world the sun would be like.

He imagined the moment when he was under the sun, illuminated by the sun, with his arms outstretched.

Therefore, he has always walked on without hesitation, and has been walking on this road.

Solal firmly believes that one day, he will be able to find the sun in his heart, the sun that is so radiant.

Therefore, no matter how many times of hardships and dangers he has experienced on the road of searching, and how many times he has experienced the perils of people's hearts, Solal will still not hesitate and continue to move forward.And use your own light and ability to help others, to provide strength to all those who can help.

Of course, not all the bad things along the way, sometimes he can still meet some good people.For example, on the way from the Kingdom of Dreams to the Kingdom of Stars, when Solal was walking with a swordsman with a broken sword who claimed to be Baldwin and covered his body tightly, they encountered an extremely dangerous situation in the desert. bloodthirsty worm.

After fighting for a long time that time, Solal finally succeeded in killing the filthy monster, but he was also seriously injured and fell to the ground unconsciously.

Originally, he thought that he would be abandoned. After all, it is extremely dangerous to lose a lot of blood in a filthy place. It is easy to attract more and more filthy monsters, leading to a dangerous situation.But that Baldwin grabbed Solal's sleeve and dragged him for more than 20 kilometers overnight to find the nearest small town, so that he could receive medical treatment, recover, and continue his journey.

He always wanted to thank that masked soldier, but unfortunately the other party had already left before he recovered from his injury, but he heard that the other party's destination was also from the Star Country, so he wondered if he would have a chance to meet him again.

"The Kingdom of the Stars, the Starry Sky Town."

Solal on the carriage was muttering at this moment.

The final destination of this carriage was not Xingkong Town. Solal was only able to hitch a ride and temporarily follow along because he helped lift the wheels of the carriage out of the mud.

For the next road, we can only walk forward.

In Xingkong Town, can I gain something?

Solal thought about it seriously, and decided to go to the library to look for it first. If there is no clue for a while, he will go to the church to ask again.

Others might be afraid of the Battle Sisters and Priests of the Church and whatnot, but Solar was never afraid of them.The big deal is to fight, if you can fight, you can fight, if you can't beat him, you can still run. Anyway, in front of those guys who serve the gods, as long as you don't violate their bottom line, you can generally guarantee safety.Too cautious and too arrogant will not work in front of them, so Solal has always treated them with a sincere attitude, and for this reason, he can still get some useful news occasionally.

Soon, the Sun Warrior arrived in Starry Sky Town.

After meeting a few interesting people, Solal went to the library in Starry Sky Town.

But obviously, this time he still ushered in disappointment. In the towns under the jurisdiction of the Three Gods, the books in the library are usually screened, and some books that are considered not to be kept are simply impossible to pass down. , and things from the age of the old gods are the biggest taboo.

Then, I can only go to the church and ask.

Having decided in this way, Solal soon arrived at the Star God Church in Xingkong Town, and then saw Father Malman who was inside.

"A Sun Warrior, you took the initiative to enter the Star God Church. You are very courageous. Didn't you know that the Star God Church was the number one force that wiped out the Faith of the Lost Sun on the spot?"

When I saw Malman, the priest was wearing glasses and writing something, as if he was analyzing and thinking about a certain possibility.

After Solal approached, the other party quickly put away his notebook, stood up very seriously and spoke to him.

"Hahaha, priest, generally speaking to me like this means that you actually have no intention of fighting with me."

Solal laughed loudly, and that contagious sunny laughter seemed to dispel a little of the perennial coldness in the Star God Church.

"So, what do you want from me?"

Malman, who didn't talk nonsense, sat down again, then looked at the other party and said.

"A message."

Seeing that the other party was a straight-forward person, Solal followed suit and got to the point.

"What kind of news?"

Malman asked again.

"Regarding the news about the relics of the age of the old gods, I hope to have the opportunity to explore the relics of the age of the old gods. The more complete the better, the less people have been there, the better.

If anyone has entered the mysterious area, I would be happy to take a look. "

Solar looked at the priest in front of him and said with a smile.

"That is to say, you want to find the ancient records of the lost sun. This is not an easy task. As for the places where it is possible to find this information..."

Malman, who was thinking about it, was thinking about whether to lure him to the Dead Marsh.

After all, it is indeed a place where few people have explored the results, because everyone who went there died, which very satisfied the needs of the Sun Warrior.

However, at this time, Marman suddenly thought of some things he had observed during this period of time, and some tentative things he had done.Just the results of these things are actually not satisfactory to him now, so he needs further exploration and investigation.

And considering Sun Warrior's own characteristics of treating people with sincerity, this third-party neutral person who is not affiliated with any force may be able to become the help he needs and produce the effect he wants.

"There is a place that may satisfy your thoughts, the ruins of Lucerne City."

So Malman said with a serious expression.

"It is a very ancient ruin, the capital of a ruined country. The ruins have not been effectively explored because the environment there is too dangerous."

"However, recently, a very strong three-person team is trying to conquer that place, and they will set off in a few days."

"If you want to try your luck, you can go and wait near the gate. Those three people have their own characteristics, and each one is very strong. As a Sun Warrior, you should be able to tell."

And if you return with them, if you really capture the city of Luce and come back alive, it will prove that your absurd guess is a real fact that exists today.

That means, all of this is true.

"Okay, then thank you priest."

Solal laughed, turned and left the church.

And Father Malman sat in his seat silently, watching the other party leave until he disappeared.

Fragments 1-11: Ghost Story Convention at Night (1)

Ghost stories, horror stories, supernatural stories.

These stories that can bring shock and fear are not prosperous at all in today's human world.

After all, the so-called stories are nothing but false horrors.

But in life, people have the possibility to face real horrors every moment, real horrors from the crazy abominations of foul monsters.

Because of this, these stories are actually not prosperous in today's world.

Even so, there are still people who like these stories and some people are interested in them.

For example, some bold children, such as some curious guys, or some lovers who are biased towards the novelty style, and those who are afraid of real horrors, so they deliberately seek safety and stimulation in false horrors, etc. wait.

Just like now, like at this moment, when the moon has just set and deep darkness falls, the children gathered in the living room on the first floor of the sustenance house, do not know what came to their minds and decided to make a Ghost Story Convention, there is going to be a competition for telling scary stories.

"Scary stories like horror stories, as long as you go to the corruption field, you can know it?"

Tardiff, who was preparing to go to the ruins of Lucerne City, scratched his ears a little bored and said.

"So you plan to let these children go to the corrupt wilderness?"

Disma's gaze immediately projected over.

"Of course I let you go. Walking around naked without a weapon is definitely more exciting than any horror story."

Tardiff replied with a middle finger to Disma.

"Okay, okay, it's rare to get together tonight, don't quarrel here."

Mona came up with a plate of biscuits and buns. Seeing that Desma and Tardiff were about to stand up again, she said helplessly.

"So it's time to tell a story? Is it the story of the hunt?"

Xue Rong asked with bright eyes. She thought she was going to tell the story of the hunter hero again today, so she seemed a little excited.

"No, what I'm going to tell today is a horror story, a ghost story. You don't have to listen to Xuerong if you're scared."

Pu, who showed a bit of a mean smile, stretched out his hand and poked Xue Rong's shoulder and said.

"A horror story? Is it a more special hero story?"

Xuerong froze for a moment, then showed a more interested expression.

"You...well, just don't pee your pants in fear for a while."

Pu, who puffed up a little, showed a disappointed expression because he couldn't see the reaction he wanted to see on Xuerong's face.

"So why do you suddenly want to tell horror stories..."

Abigail really didn't like horror stories very much, so after knowing that she was going to tell this stuff, she was tense now.


The hunter who could not tell the story because of the problem of speaking ability, but could only listen to the stories told by others, just nodded at this moment and did not express anything else.

The gathered children gradually increased.

In this era where there are not many entertainment items, once some people start to gather to do something, they can basically attract many people around to join in immediately. This is also a characteristic of this era. ?Um, or in other words, no matter what era it is in, as long as a group of people gathers, there will be other people who run up to watch the fun, the kind of people who don't know what's going on but insist on watching?

But no matter what, in short, people have gathered now, and everyone is looking at the adults sitting on the sofa, waiting for their stories to begin.

"So, who do we start with?"

Turn off the lights in the room, leaving only one candle on the table, surrounded by everyone, still burning.

Disma looked at the children around him, swept across the faces of Hunter, Abigail, and Mona Linda, and finally settled on Tardiff.

"Look at what I do?"

The bounty hunter showed a puzzled expression.

"You were so disdainful of horror stories just now, you must have told them very well, right?"

Disma stared at Tardif and said seriously.

"Funny, whether you like it or not has nothing to do with it. Could it be that if I don't like barbecue, I have to be able to breathe fire, and if I don't like freezers, I have to be able to refrigerate?"

Tardiff snorted, looking at Disma with contempt.

"No way, no way, no one really looks down on horror stories, but they can't tell them at all, right?"

And Disma, whose expression remained unchanged, just stared at Tardif and said quietly.

"Hiss, you..."

The bounty hunter, who subconsciously wanted to swear, subconsciously looked at the children around him, and forced the swear words into his stomach.

If this dog is sure, he will be a little more reserved in front of these little brats, so he purposely came to disgust him, right?

"Can Uncle Tardiff tell horror stories?"

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