He smashed this thing, pressed his head into the fire, and it was clean after a while.

【Abigail: But, Uncle Tardiff, you said before that the second person, the local, is also dead? 】

【Abigail: Did something else happen? 】

Oh, I forgot this one.

He is indeed dead, just like the young man just now.

He was eaten from the back, and a hole the size of a palm came out of the back of his head.

That thing actually ate up the local guy first and then the guy, but it was supposed to be mine because I rummaged through the sand where I just slept and saw some white bits of meat trace.

That thing probably sneaked in from other places, and slowly wandered to our side.

It can think, although it may not be too high IQ, but that thing is indeed an action after thinking, so two people were eaten, and I always felt that something was wrong, so I didn't suffer.

But I also thought about it later, how did that thing do it, think about it, the second person was already dead when he was sleeping there, and the person I reached out to shake was a dead person, and I didn’t even Did not feel it.Later, I chatted with that young man and a dead man, and I didn't feel anything wrong at the beginning.

Even now, I still don't know exactly how the young man who talked to me died from the first few sentences, and how he died without any abnormality. You have to see it directly to find out what's wrong.

Anyway, after that, I left the polluted desert side very quickly.

It's really weird there, it's really not a place for people to stay.



After the story was told, Tardif took a big sip of water.

To be honest, this guy is really dry. I can only say that the bounty hunter is really not a storyteller. He just retells what he has experienced, and he has no idea how to polish it a little bit. Think about it, let the content be more enriched and so on.

However, with this guy's character, it is estimated that this should have been the result. After all, Tardiff is really not a storyteller. Talking about his own experience, it is basically the same.

"Okay, it's your turn."

Tardiff reached out and patted Disma on the shoulder.

"Ah, why should it be me?"

Disma, who still had some unfinished business, froze for a moment.

"No way, no way, there are really people calling out to others to tell stories, but in the end they can't tell anything, so it's just Ababa, right?"

So in the next moment, Disma received a strange response from Tardif.

"The story just now... feels a bit scary..."

Xuerong shivered a little, and moved slightly closer to some hunters.

"It feels okay..."

Abigail yawned, completely oblivious to how scary the story really was.

To put it bluntly, the content of the reversal was revealed too straightforwardly, and the previous hint was not concealed at all. Abigail had already vaguely guessed what would happen halfway through hearing it.It's just that she thought it would be something like a bug crawling out of her face, but she didn't expect it to be a weird thing that ate up her face.

However, while eating human flesh, while making people completely unaware of what happened, this kind of filthy monster is indeed terrifying.

I have to admit that if I am in that kind of place, I definitely don't want to stay for a second, I just want to get out of there quickly.

After all, this kind of thing that is hard to guard against and penetrates without any warning is indeed a terrible enemy.


Hunter said nothing.

Because he didn't understand the content of the story a little bit.

"In short, since this bounty hunter has already brought us a horror story that is not exciting at all, let me tell you the next one, although I don't actually know how to tell horror stories. Well, I Let me tell you about some things I encountered on the way to Xingkong Town."

Disma also took a sip of water at this time, took a few deep breaths, and was about to start talking about his own experience.



【The Story of Disma】

It is not clear why I came to Xingkong Town in the first place.

But at that time, I should be regarded as a lonely guy, and more or less irritable, much worse than now.

A friend of mine should be considered a friend. After all, we occasionally exchange letters. His name is Leonard, and it can be said that he recommended me to come here.

You all know more or less about me in this town, after all, I am quite famous here.

But what I want to talk about today is what happened on my way here. On my way to here, I couldn’t find a place to take me in a rainstorm until nightfall, so I ran to an abandoned warehouse on a barren mountain. overnight thing.

It rained heavily that night, and there were hardly any stars in the sky.

I walked for more than an hour on the completely black dirt road before I finally found the warehouse on the hillside that I saw before dark. It was hidden behind a bunch of trees and it was not good. Look for it, which has apparently been abandoned for a long time.

I tried to open the warehouse door, but the thing wouldn't budge.

Then I found a window, which was half open, but it was completely fixed and couldn't move, so I smashed the window, removed the window itself, and turned it into the warehouse.

That warehouse was supposed to be used to store something before, it was very big and empty, and it was basically completely dark inside, and nothing could be seen at all.

If I were an ordinary person, maybe I would be afraid, but unfortunately, this level of blackness is nothing to me, so I just found a random place in the warehouse, sat down directly against the wall, I didn't bother to change my wet clothes, so I was going to rest like this for a night, and then continue on my way after the moon came out.

At first everything was fine, nothing out of the ordinary.

But after the sound of the rain gradually died down, I began to feel that something was wrong.


how to say……

I heard footsteps in the warehouse.


Such, very regular, slow step by step footsteps.

I was still a little drowsy at first, but I woke up immediately when I heard this sound, because on this occasion, it is unlikely that this kind of footsteps can be made by normal people.

The surrounding environment is completely dark, the footsteps are rhythmic step by step, there is no loss of direction, and there is no hesitation or pause even once. This is certainly not something that normal people can do.Perhaps a deranged lunatic hiding here?Maybe some self-sufficient guy like me is sheltering from the rain here too?Or is it something else possible?I didn't know it at the time, and I don't really know it now.

All I know is that this strange voice that came out of nowhere may pose a threat to me and must be treated with caution.

Shooting directly is indeed a good means of self-protection, but if something goes wrong, I will ask again, ahem, I may be arrested by the police, so I have to test it first and confirm it first Well what the hell is that thing.

I touched it by my feet, touched the wall, touched a fragment of a wall brick, and then threw it towards the window I smashed, which is a place with a little light, making a little noise, Want to try to see the other party's reaction.

The footsteps followed and stopped.

I want to confirm what the footsteps are, but I have listened carefully for a long time, but I have not heard any sound.

Except for the torrential rain outside, the house was so quiet all the time, and I couldn't feel any sound from the beginning to the end, as if the footsteps just now were just an illusion.

I knew something was wrong, this kind of reaction, maybe I was facing a worse situation, so I took out the gun, opened the safety, and then waited for the footsteps to appear again, I had a hunch, If that thing is going to do something, it's bound to show up again.

...I did hear footsteps afterwards.

But it wasn't the footsteps just now, nor did it sound from inside the house.

I heard footsteps outside, footsteps in the mud pit, one after another.

I don't know how many footsteps there are, but I can be sure that there are definitely a lot of people. These footsteps sounded one after another, as if there were countless people passing by outside.

But I looked out of the window I broke and saw no one there.

Things are going from bad to worse.

I know there must be something wrong with this place.

I probably moved by accident at the time. After all, people will feel numb if they hold a posture for too long, which is not conducive to quick response in an emergency.

As a result, when I moved, another brick fell from the wall behind me, and it made a sound when it fell to the ground.

Almost as soon as the sound of bricks falling to the ground sounded, I heard footsteps in the room, less than a meter away from me.

There was no sign at all, and I didn't know how I got close. The soundless footsteps were less than one meter away from me.It wasn't until the sound of the wall brick falling that the footsteps suddenly sounded again, and at that time they had already come to me.

I see nothing, I see nothing in the dark.

I don't know what that sound of footsteps is, but it did appear suddenly, so there is only one thing I can do, and that is to shoot.

I immediately fired a shot in the direction where the sound came from. When the shot fired, through the flash of fire, I saw that there was nothing around me.

And that bullet, I heard the sound of hitting it.

I didn't hear the sound of hitting anything.

Then, until dawn, I have been on guard in place.

I was waiting for that footstep to come back, but it never came even once.

Outside the door of the warehouse, I didn't hear any sound again, as if it had never existed, and there was nothing around except the sound of rain.

However, I did hit something.

After daybreak, I smashed all the windows in the warehouse, and with the light from the outside and a

The light of the lighter looked for it, and then found a body.

The corpse was a person who had been dead for a long time, his whole body had been dehydrated, and he was completely just a mummy.There is no way to identify the corpse itself, of course there may still be a way, but that is beyond my understanding as a hunter.

There was a hole in the forehead of the corpse, and I could tell it was the work of my gun, and I fired the bullet, and I went through the skull of the corpse.

But this gave me a lot of questions.

The corpse looks like it has been here for many, many years, and it doesn't look like it can still move no matter how you look at it.

Moreover, I was in the inland area at the time, and there was still a long distance from the starry sky town on the border. It is unlikely that filthy forces will appear here, so the corpse should not be corroded.

But I did hear footsteps, I did shoot, and there was a hole in the head of the body.

I don't know, there's a lot of weirdness to this thing, but it happened.

I didn't stay there any longer, and I didn't bother to find a policeman to explain the situation, it would be too troublesome.

So I just left.

I just left from there without caring about anything, and headed towards Xingkong Town.

I think that warehouse may still be there until now.

And every night there would be the sound of footsteps inside.


Such, very regular footsteps.

Then there may be footsteps outside, I don't know how many people, footsteps passing by outside the warehouse.

I also occasionally wonder if I would have seen something if I had remembered to bring a burning stone lamp.

Whether it's the inside of that abandoned warehouse, or its outside.

I don't know because I just got out of there.

Maybe one day, other people will discover the secrets in that warehouse, and then find something from it.

But, that person is not me.

Because I just walked away from there.



Disma, who was shorter than the story told by Tardiff, also took a sip of water after he finished speaking.

In the dark room, only the candle in the middle was shaking slightly, emitting an insignificant light.

Many of the children in the room have already started to tremble, some embraced each other, some moved close to Disma and held his hand, and some moved close to the hunter Come on, this made Abigail, who wanted to enjoy the story at the beginning, quickly break away from the atmosphere, and stared at the group of little kids who took the opportunity to get close to the hunters with dull eyes.

"So you really encountered such a strange thing?"

Tardiff frowned at this moment and said.

"Who knows? It's a horror story convention anyway, not a true story convention, is it?"

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