I don't want to go down, I don't want to play house games with those half-grown children.Especially that Pu, who has a stinky mouth and a bear in his actions. If she stays with him, Abigail feels that sooner or later she will be angry and have problems.

So, just stay in the house for a day.

Thinking like this, Abigail turned around and saw a golden orange cat appearing outside the window, lying lazily on the window sill.

Are there any cats here?

Abigail, who was aroused a little bit of interest, slowly climbed off the bed, and then quietly approached the window sill.


The slightly plump big cat let out a lazy cry at this moment, and a pair of blue eyes turned to look at Abigail.Obviously, although the girl is trying her best to lower her movements, she has already been discovered by the other party.

"Cat, meow?"

Abigail crouched carefully on the ground, and tried to speak to the cat on the windowsill.


The girl answered with a very cute lazy meow.

"Meow meow~"

Abigail, who got the cat's response, repeated happily at this moment.


The big orange cat lay still the whole time, just responding lazily and barking

"Meow meow meow~"

Abigail simply lay down in front of the window sill, and through a window, she meowed happily with the big cat.

I want to open the window a little bit and//一//I want to lick this cat.

But if you do this, you may scare the other party away.

The cautious Abigail just stood in front of the window, looking at this lazy cat.

Under the moonlight, the big cat lay in front of the window sill for a while, then it probably wanted to change its place, stood up, stretched its paws forward, and then turned to the side of the window sill Go and prepare to leave. "

"Maomao, are you leaving? Meow~"

Abigail greeted the cat.


Once again, the other party gave a lazy answer, and the big cat quickly jumped off the window sill, not knowing where it went.

And Abigail yawned, turned around, and saw Mona at the door.

Abigail: "???"

When was it there, why so suddenly...

Could it be that when I was learning how to meow just now...

"You forgot to close the door, Abby."

Mona reached out and knocked on the door frame and said.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop. I wanted to knock on the door first, but you were really too involved, so I didn't bother you."

Mona couldn't help laughing when she said that.


The girl who was at a loss was so ashamed that her ears turned red at this moment.

I always feel that this kind of thing seems to have happened many times. When I am relaxing when I am alone, I want to relax a little while other people are not around, and show a side that I dare not show normally. This is how other people see themselves.

It's almost as if the whole world has a particularly bad taste, and it's just targeting me.

"Would you like to try on a new dress?"

At this time, Mona, who didn't know what was in her mind, suddenly said invitingly to Abigail.

"new clothes?"

Abigail froze for a moment.

"Come here and try it and you'll know."

Mona smiled and walked away first.

For new clothes...

I must admit that there are still some people who want to give it a try.

Abigail knew before that Mona has a lot of brand new girls' clothes, which are said to have been bought for her daughter, but for some reason, her girls no longer need these clothes, so These clothes were preserved by Mona and have been kept for so many years.

Abigail wore a suit given to her by Aunt Mona when she was out with Mr. Hunter.

Very nice, nice dress.

As a girl, Abigail really likes those clothes from the bottom of her heart.

"What clothes are you wearing this time?"

The bright-eyed girl followed Mona and asked.

"It's a more interesting dress. It's very cute. Maybe it suits you."

Mona answered solemnly.

"Cute clothes?"

Abigail had to admit she was intrigued.

Came to Mona's room, opened the closet, new clothes were taken out and handed to the girl.

A moment later, Abigail stood in front of the mirror, blinking and looking at herself in the mirror.

"This is... a maid outfit?"

The blue-and-white cute maid dress is designed to fit the youthful feeling of the girl's body. It seems to be very different from the real maid dress in charge of various tasks. It feels like the imitation maid dress made for little girls The feeling of the clothes.

"How about it, isn't it cute?"

Mona said with a soft smile, the softness in her eyes was like seeing another figure from Abigail.

"Then, put this on, too."

Amid Mona's laughter, two velvet headbands shaped like cat's ears were tied on both sides of Abigail's head, twining the long golden hair into two strands, and it just fell down like this.Abigail at this moment, if others don't look carefully, they might really think that she has a pair of cat ears.

It feels... really cute.

But when I thought about meowing like a cat just now and being heard, I felt that this kind of attire was a bit shameful.

Abigail's cheeks turned red again, she wanted to take off the hairband to take off the clothes, but she was a little bit reluctant, so she showed a slightly troubled expression.

"Do you want to show Mr. Hunter what you look like?"

At this moment, Mona suddenly suggested.

"Woo... like this..."

Look at yourself in the mirror again.

It's really cute, but if you show it to Mr. Hunter...

"just forget it."

Shaking her head, Abigail finally chose to give up.

"Really? It's a pity."

Mona shook her head, she really hoped that hunters could see more of Abigail's cute side.

"Let's talk about it later..."

After hurriedly changing the suit, Abigail then escaped directly from Mona's room.


Subconsciously want to remind.

But after thinking about it, Mona laughed again, and just picked up the suit, without reminding Abigail of the cat ear headband she still wore on her head.

This child is always so confused.

It is naturally impossible for Abigail to know about Mona's little thoughts at this moment.

She just went back to the room between herself and the hunter. This time she made sure that the door was closed, and then threw herself on her bed, rolling over while making a "woo woo" sound, and quickly covered herself with the quilt. Wrapped into Abby meat floss rolls.

What I think about in my head is the picture of myself wearing the suit just now, wearing the hairband with cat ears, raising my hand to Mr. Hunter in front of me, shaking it twice, and then screaming "meow meow" .

No, no, how could she not do such a thing?

Just imagining such a scene, Abigail suddenly felt that her breathing was about to stop.

Really, it's too shameful.

However, if it is really meowing, will the hunter find it cute if I learn it like this?

A little, and a little hesitant, he fell silent.

Abigail in bed again

Turn it over and re-roll the quilt that was originally wrapped around you.

Jumping off the bed, standing in the middle of the room, Abigail looked left and right, ran to the door and opened it, looked left and right again, closed the door after making sure there was no one around, and went back carefully Go inside the house (not sure if the door is locked).

Huh, very good, there should be no one around.

Abigail finally felt relieved, and patted her small chest that hadn't achieved much yet.

Well, come and try that feeling good.

Although it's a bit shameful, but if it's just me, the problem shouldn't be too big.

When thinking like this, stretch out your hand, curl your fingers like a cat, raise your palm slightly, and raise your arm high.

One hand is held above the head by the side, and the other hand is placed in front of the neck.

Then, Abigail turned around and faced the direction of the door.


The package in the hunter's hand fell to the ground.




The two of them fell into silence just like that.

Abigail, who was wearing a cute cat ear headband, was completely frozen in place, unable to move at all, and turned into a sculpture like this.

As for the hunter, he first picked up the package that had just dropped as if nothing had happened, then turned his head to look at the sides of the room, then entered the house again, and closed the door.

At this time, Abigail had already got into the bed, completely rolling herself into a ball.

"Ah woo woo..."

The lovely mournful cry that belonged to a girl was especially loud at this moment.


Taking a step forward, he walked up to Abigail.

The hunter looked at the other party's completely autistic state, thought for a while, lowered his head, left a word in the girl's ear, and then left the room.Of course, the hunter remembered to close the door and check it, instead of forgetting repeatedly like some reckless girl.

And after the hunter left, Abigail reached out and tore off the cat ear headband on her head. At this moment, her cheeks had become as bright red as a ripe apple.

[Cat ears... meowing...very cute...]

The words left by the hunter at the moment of departure are still clearly ringing in my ears until now.

"Oh, Mister Hunter, this is too foul..."

The girl muttered, it seemed a little shy, and there seemed to be a happy voice, just like this floating in the room.

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