I can't tell whether it smells good or bad, but it's indescribable, very peculiar, and seems to have a slightly mysterious atmosphere.

Just like the mysterious origin of Mr. Hunter, there is a sense of wonder that cannot be described in words.

For others, they probably think that Mr. Hunter has never had any smell on him, right?

But Abigail just could smell it.

She could just smell Mr. Hunter.

This taste that reassures her and gives her a sense of security.

"Hey hey, Mister Hunter~"

Abigail, who had completely turned into a child, rolled over the pillow a few times, showing a coquettish expression as if hugging a hunter in her arms.

Such a gesture cannot be seen by anyone.

Of course, she did remember to close the door this time, after all, there were a lot of embarrassing situations because of this incident before.

Then, just like this for a little while, enjoying the posture of letting go of the usual appearance, enjoying the time to relax.

After getting a little tired, he put the pillow away, lay down on it, and pulled the quilt up to cover himself.

Mr. Hunter's aura immediately became stronger.


All of a sudden, I couldn't help but recall the past.

Recalling Mr. Hunter, on the way to Xingkong Town with Mr. Disma, in those temporary strongholds, I basically slept with Mr. Hunter, and the two of them stuck together to sleep.

Even thinking about it now, I still feel my heart beating faster.

Whether it is Mr. Hunter or Mr. Disma, they just treat themselves as children, and they don't care if there is any wrong problem.

And she clearly knew this, but she didn't say anything, she just followed their wishes, kept silent and didn't express any opinions.

Probably because, during that dangerous journey, one must act cautiously, and not affect the overall situation just because of personal emotional problems, so such unimportant things must be temporarily put aside, so I also choose For the sake of silence?

No, not exactly.

Abigail understands very well that perhaps among the reasons why she chooses to quietly shut up and accept the arrangement, the reason from the serious direction can stand [-]% of the weight, but there are at least four other reasons, because she actually also wants to It is her own fault that things can develop like this.

I didn't name names, but I wanted to enjoy sleeping with Mr. Hunter in such a silent way, because the two could feel the closeness of each other's breathing.

Yes, because of myself, I really want to sleep with Mr. Hunter.

I am such a bad boy.

Abigail laughed silently at herself.

At that time, when I stretched out my arms to hold the hunter's arm and fell asleep against the other's body.

The indescribable sense of security is really addictive, and it is difficult to break free.

It's like all the wind and rain in the world no longer need to be feared, no matter what kind of natural disasters come, you no longer need to look at it, you just need to seriously feel the other party's embrace, feel the other party's temperature and breath, that way feeling of peace of mind.

Maybe even if she does it all over again, she will still keep silent again?

After all, I actually have a bad boy side.

But, Mr. Hunter will probably find it troublesome...

Abigail still knew to some extent that she sometimes subconsciously hugged Mr. Hunter's hand too tightly, which caused some inconvenience to the other party.

On this point, she actually thought about trying to restrain herself, but it has not been very smooth, and she often has excessive hugging movements that cannot be controlled, especially after she is fast asleep, her body will instinctively use more force, Wrapped completely around each other's arms.Abigail herself is completely unaware of this, she just feels that she had a good dream, and she often has to wait until she wakes up before she can roughly understand what she has done.

It is certain that such behavior must have troubled Mr. Hunter very much.

But, obviously troubled, he still didn't say anything.

Just let herself do this kind of coquettish behavior, and indulge her little thoughts.

Mr. Hunter, in short, he is accommodating himself like this.

Abigail, who rolled up the quilt and completely wrapped herself in it, blinked lightly, feeling the feeling of being wrapped in the hunter's breath at this moment.

It's like being hugged tightly by the other party.

Speaking of being so small, if you were hugged by such a tall Mr. Hunter, it would probably be like being wrapped in a quilt like this, completely enveloped in it, right?

If only I could grow up a bit more.

A little bigger, a little taller, can become more mature.

With such a self, maybe he won't be treated as a child by hunters

Maybe, the previous development of the two people will have a completely different way of unfolding.

Will something sweeter happen?

Could something happier happen?

Or will there be that kind of ordinary life that seems to have nothing special, but makes people immerse themselves in it and cannot extricate themselves?

If it's with Mister Hunter, maybe no matter what kind of possibility it is, I can happily accept it?

Abigail, who was thinking like this, couldn't help showing a chuckle.

"Mr. Hunter, come back quickly."

The girl who was talking to herself in such a low voice closed her eyes again, and her breath gradually became longer.

The noise downstairs was a little louder at this time.

The children seemed to have found some new toy, and were happily discussing and trying it out.

Xuerong's voice is quite obvious in it, and it seems that the little girl seems to be the leader. As for Pu, who has been taught a lesson, she is probably still being punished by Aunt Mona at the moment, so she can only stand in the corner. A somewhat helpless and envious voice came out.

I went to bed a little early.

Abigail felt a little helpless at this moment.

At this moment, there is still a while before the children go to bed and turn off the lights, so they are still jumping up and down and playing non-stop.

Abigail should have participated in it, but she really couldn't continue to play in such a depressed state of mind, so she went back to the room between herself and the hunter early, lying on the bed and trying to fall asleep earlier.

But now it seems that such an idea may not be so easy to realize.

"Wow, it's so noisy..."

Covering her ears, the girl muttered in a low voice at this moment.

However, this is the time for those children to play around.

In the final analysis, I went to bed too early, and there is no reason to ask other people to accommodate myself.

Abigail continued to lie on the bed, huddling her whole body under the quilt, although she briefly considered whether to tell Aunt Mona to let the children be quiet for a while.But after thinking for a while, she decided to just stay here.

It's just that, in the noisy voices of those children, the girl can't fall asleep at all right now.

"Is this thing a messenger?"

From the first floor, Xue Rong's very curious voice could be heard.

"Yes, a light pull can emit a very bright light, and at the same time it can make a loud sound, so that all the people around can be aware of the warning signal of the approaching danger. Well, although that is the case That's it, but now this kind of thing is generally not used much, it's just for prevention."

Uncle Bakker's voice also sounded at this moment, and it seemed that this uncle's mental state had recovered fairly well after he got a new job in Starry Sky Town.

"What communication tube? I want to see it too!"

Pu, who was still standing for punishment, became energetic at this moment, and seemed to be planning to walk out of the corner where he was punished for standing.

But before he could do that, Abigail heard a crisp "snap" sound of the slippers hitting his head, and Pu let out a cry of pain in the next moment.

"Stand up for me, don't move until bedtime!"

Mona's stern voice sounded the next moment.

It can be heard that Aunt Mona is really angry.

Abigail couldn't help shaking her head and sighing.

However, it is natural to have such a performance. After all, a group of new hunters came to Xingkong Town two days ago.These people who are mixed with fish and dragons, and who may even hide criminals and bad characters, are still unknown to the people in this town. If unarmed and non-combatant children are allowed to come into contact with these newcomers, it might not be possible. It's going to be pretty bad.

But this guy Pu clearly knew this, and even though he had been warned, he still wanted to take a few children who usually played together to explore the place where the new hunters were. Mona was very angry because of this, Pu It was precisely for this reason that he was severely punished.

Hey, I really don't know when that guy will learn to think for others, instead of being so selfish and going on like this. If something happens, maybe he won't have such a chance again.

Abigail, who was sighing like this, yawned lightly, and began to feel sleepiness gradually getting stronger.

Probably, almost fell asleep.

Closing her eyes, this time, listening to the noise downstairs, Abigail's breathing gradually became even.

Another day without Mr. Hunter is about to pass.

Mr Hunter...

Good night……

Fragments 1-15: In the Depths of Dreaming

I... exactly...

where is this

must... must be notified to...

Absolutely can't... Just sleep like this...




Open your eyes again.

After a lazy nap time, he sat up on the hunter's bed.

The moonlight outside the window still shines softly inside the house.

The sound of children playing and talking and laughing was still the same as before.

"Ha woo..."

Abigail yawned and slowly got out of bed.

Mr. Hunter, Mr. Disma and the others have already set off for the ruins of Luce City.

Xuerong and Pu got into a big disaster before, and now they are being punished, and every day is very hard.

In my own words, I have nothing to do, I just wait for Mr. Hunter to come back in the sustenance house, just wait for them to end the battle and bring back the blessing of the elixir goddess who can heal Blanca.

It's just that, ordinary days.

Is that so……

I couldn't help asking myself like this.

There seems to be something wrong.

Suddenly, I had such an idea.

On another day that wasn't any different than before, something was wrong.

Did you forget something?

Did you not notice something important?

Can not remember.

I don't have the slightest impression of this aspect at all.

However, he still instinctively sensed something was wrong.

There must be something wrong.

There must be something wrong around me.

"The... 12th time?"

The confused girl suddenly whispered to herself.

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