Such a casual attitude and reasons, in a sense, are quite suitable for this unknown guy like a man.


"Sure enough, it's still boring."

The man said with emotion in a low voice.

There is really no fun in a job like night watch.

After all, this is the rear of Starry Sky Town, facing the inland area of ​​Star Country.No matter how ferocious and ferocious those filthy monsters are, there is no reason for them to emerge from this direction.Under normal circumstances, if those things really want to attack the town, they should attack from the direction of the main entrance.

Therefore, the work I am doing at this moment is basically useless work of symbolic significance in essence.

We must know that today's watchtower guarding work has changed from being in charge of hunters to being in charge of local ordinary townspeople many years ago.If he hadn't lost to the local man in charge of the night watch at the gambling table today, it would be impossible for him to come to this place.

It can only be said that this kind of custom that has been preserved from the past is really troublesome.

"Tsk, I really hope it will dawn sooner, why hasn't the moon risen yet?"

When thinking like this, the man couldn't help but sigh again.

Really, it's so boring.

Smell something.

It's weird, I can't tell what it smells like.

It just emerged suddenly and poured into the nasal cavity.

At the beginning, the man didn't pay much attention to it.

But soon, that strange smell turned into a kind of burning pain, as if something was tearing at the man's throat, making him feel extremely uncomfortable and painful at this moment.


When I realized it, I found that I couldn't speak anymore.

Even though he tried his best to shout and roar, the voice was so small that only he could hear it.

What is going on here?

The startled man looked towards the darkness in front of him.

It makes people feel strange, weird, and seems to be different from the usual situation after the lights are turned off in the small town residential area, the spreading darkness.

He stretched out his hand and took down the torch hanging in the sentry tower.

The man walked to the railing with the torch and stretched the torch forward.

The light does not shine too far away, it just forms a

Just a certain amount of lighting.

The reason for this situation is quite simple, because there is a dark mist that is spreading throughout the entire town. Unknowingly, it has covered a considerable area, so big that the man can't see his surroundings at all. Regarding the specific situation of the building, the buildings in the distance are completely left with only a few hazy afterimages.

"what is this……"

He opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but couldn't.

After the weird mist was inhaled, it seemed to have caused some kind of damage to the vocal cords, making it impossible to speak clearly.

What the hell is this?

What is going on here?


You have to do something yourself.

Messenger, gotta launch the mechatronics!

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, the man who was stunned for a while before realizing that something was wrong, turned around and wanted to walk towards the inside of the sentry tower to get the communication tube inside, the rifle that he had originally carried on his back. At this time, it has been removed and held in the hand, ready to deal with sudden situations at any time.

Then he was hit by the wolf monster that rushed up from behind, smashed the railing behind him, fell from a height of several meters, and landed heavily on the ground.


In the sound of screaming in pain, the fighting instinct played a role at this moment, causing the man to roll around in embarrassment and quickly get up.

The werewolf roared and charged forward, and was shot down before he could get close to the man.


There was a crisp gunshot, accompanied by black blood splashing down.

But it can be felt that the sound did not spread too far. This weird mist seems to have the ability to eliminate the sound itself?

I have to find a way to go back to the sentry tower and take down the communication tube.

The man is clearly aware of this, but more wolf monsters have already run down from the sentry tower, one after another, they are facing the man's position.

No, there is no way to go back.

The steps he took were quickly retracted, and the man turned around and ran away quickly, without choosing to fight these things.

His combat power is not strong, so he can't entangle with so many filthy monsters.

In the pitch-black mist, amidst the silent pursuit of those monsters, he ran forward so quickly.

Why do these things appear in Starry Sky Town?

Why can they appear in such large numbers without a sound?

What exactly happened?

Is all I can do now is run for my life?


This is the only thing I can do.

The man is very clear that his combat effectiveness is very poor.

Even if one or two can be killed with firearms, the difference in physical fitness and combat awareness will quickly kill the man after the number of people gathered increases and the distance is shortened.He is not this material, not a person who can fight these monsters, he knows this very well.

So, have to run away.

Gotta... run in the direction of another sentry tower!

"Even if it doesn't work here... at least go somewhere else... launch the communication tube..."

Take a step forward, try your best, and run with the greatest strength in your life.

Gradually, you can see where the sentry tower is.

The surrounding buildings seem to be quite damaged, and one can see an extremely huge behemoth holding a hammer, standing among these ruins.

That monster must be too big, right?


The fear that made people stop involuntarily.

However, when he turned his gaze again, he saw two boys and girls who looked less than ten years old among the ruined buildings.

Is it the two children in the boarding house?It seems to be called edelge and... and something.

The wolf monster behind, the sound of pursuit seems to be approaching.

There are also a large number of wolf-shaped monsters around the huge monster, densely surrounding the huge monster.

I have never been in contact with such a situation. I am afraid that even a very powerful hunter cannot remain calm in the face of such a situation, right?

In other words, the two children were dead.


Pull the bolt, raise the muzzle, and pull the trigger.


The bullet left a bloodstain on the huge monster's body.

"Run away..."

The man who struggled to make a sound pulled the bolt again and was about to shoot again.

But the raging monster has completely submerged him, making his remaining actions and words silent forever.

Fragments 1-17: The Hunters

The sound of fighting is spreading, spreading.

The flames were burning, covering more and more areas.

The black mist has become thinner and thinner, and the hunters have reacted one by one, joining the fierce battle one after another.

"Quick, let's go together and kill these bastards!"

Amidst the roaring sound, a hunter swung a heavy axe, splitting the head of a wolf monster that was pounced on on the spot. "

The companions beside him also waved at this moment.

With a weapon, he chopped and killed the surrounding wolf monsters, and escorted the civilians and the wounded to evacuate here.

"Two more people from the left! This place is a bit overwhelming!"

"The people in front step back and put incendiary bombs!"

"Healer come this way, there's a blood loss here!"

The voice of howling and shouting was as hoarse as the throat was forcibly torn apart. In order to be able to continue to speak after inhaling the ominous fog, the hunters had to endure great pain.But now they can't care about this kind of thing anymore, they can only do their best to fight hard.

Tear, cut, smash.

The light of magic and the edge of the sword flickered among the burning ruins and the black mist.

Although at the very beginning because of the large number of these monsters and they were everywhere, which led to a considerable number of downsizing, the hunters have already experienced a lot of battles after all, and those who can stay in the town are basically elites. Lord, so after the initial chaos, they gradually organized themselves, stabilized the situation and began to eliminate these things step by step.

"Don't rush too far forward, hold on, hold on first!"

The pungent, smelly blood spread in all directions, and the burning flames spread suddenly, followed by more hunters rushing out.

"Everyone listen to my command, the gunners in the front row are in position, let them go!"

Sangwi, who waved his hand, roared at this moment.

The gunshots rang out continuously in the next moment, and many wolf monsters charging forward were bombarded and fell down in the next moment, and some wolf monsters hit by multiple bullets at the same location were even beaten to pieces, causing the foul smell of blood to spread everywhere. Get wider.

"It's Sengwi's gang, that's great. With them, these bastards can be dealt with faster."

The hunter couldn't help showing a look of joy when he saw these companions who had just joined the battle.

"The first team is in charge of the rear, the second team is on the right side for preparation, the third team and the fourth team, act according to the 'old formation', move fast!"

Sengwi himself didn't care about other people's comments, but he just asked his companions to act quickly and throw themselves into the bloody fight in front of them.

There are so many menacing wolf-shaped monsters that people can't help but soften their hands, but they can't retreat here. In any case, they can't choose to retreat at this moment, and hand over those townspeople who have no resistance and are fleeing under cover at this moment to these addicts. blood monster.

Hunt monsters and protect civilians.

This is the most basic duty of a hunter.

Although this job has been forgotten by too many people, at least for Sengwi, he can still remember it well.

boom -

The sound of shock came from a distance, as if a violent explosion had occurred somewhere.

The flame penetrated the black mist and spread towards the surroundings.

And the hunters fought fiercely with these wolf-shaped monsters. The sound of gunfire and sword waving sounded one after another, together with the sound of flesh and blood disintegrating, just like this one after another, one after another.

Like a grand sonata of death.

A death chime of monsters and hunters, burying blood and dirty blood together.

Sengwei raised his head and looked at the huge hazy figure in the dark mist, which had been violently shaken from that direction.

"What's going on over there?"

He caught a person fleeing from that direction and asked seriously.

"That-over there is a very large monster wielding a hammer, that...Your Excellency Tardiff and another person are fighting that thing..."

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