People can't help but feel the heaviness almost like vomiting, projected from behind the broken window of the carriage, two staring gazes.

It seems that it has been a while since I felt such a gaze.

Are you reminding yourself?

Are you warning yourself?

Or are you just laughing at yourself?

Laughing at him, a guy who tried to achieve happiness even though his hands were stained with blood?

Forget it, it doesn't matter.

In the next journey of God hunting, regardless of success or failure, I will surely usher in my own ending.

Usher in the final, the ending that you have ushered in.


"This time, can I redeem my sin?"

Disma murmured, and then couldn't help showing a disgusted expression at the next moment.

atonement for sins...

It turns out that at this point, do you still have such thoughts?

Sighing, he took a step forward.

Disma buried the small badge in the soil, and placed a small white flower in the ruins, in the home that once belonged to the children, where he and Jason once lived together. He and Liz took care of the house that had been maintained together, the house that now only remains in ruins.

This is the children's funeral.

In this cruel and dark world, this is the only way that Disma can give these children, which can be called close to the funeral.

Breeze, gently blowing up.

Disma saw that the little white flower was blown away by the wind, fell into the ruins and soon disappeared.

If there is really an afterlife and a future in this world, will these children have the chance to have a better life?

In a trance, Disma even vaguely had such an idea.

Even after thinking about it for a while, I felt a little ridiculous and sighed.


At this moment, footsteps were heard from behind.

Disma turned around and saw the figures of Hunter and Abigail.

They also come here to offer flowers.


Without words, in silence, Disma just watched the two people offer white flowers to the ruins in front of them.

As far as this world is concerned, as a commoner, a funeral of this scale can be said to be relatively luxurious.

Disma raised his head and looked at a half-collapsed wall revealed among the ruins.

On the walls are cute graffiti by children.

Disma remembered this graffiti, and remembered that Jason used chalk to measure the height of the children, and drew horizontal lines on the wall, which were later added by those lively children to make strange pictures with various details. Also participate in the situation.

The laughter at that time still seems to be ringing in my ears until now.

If it really still rings in my ears, how wonderful it would be...

In the end, Disma couldn't bear to stare at the ruins in front of him any longer, turned his face away, turned around and was about to leave.

"Our next battle is to make this tragedy a thing of the past and never happen again, right?"

Behind him, Abigail's sad and firm voice sounded at this moment.

He stopped and turned around.

Disma saw the look on the girl's face.

His body trembled slightly, and for a moment, he seemed to have a lot to say.He opened his mouth slightly, but remained silent because he didn't know what to say.

But in the end, Disma took a deep breath, calmed down, and showed the same determined expression.

"Yes, our battle is to stop this kind of thing from continuing and to end this nightmare."

Nothing like this can happen again.

Such tragedies should never happen again.

Perhaps people like myself are not eligible for happiness, and are not eligible for a good death.But at least, these innocent people can no longer die casually for this reason.

The passing wind blew the flowers away, causing the petals to flutter in mid-air.

And in Disma's eyes, at this moment, the confusion was cleared away, leaving only the deep-seated firmness.

Book Two: Sores on the Earth


heroes of the prologue

Classification of hunters:

Level 1: A rookie hunter, with the worst physical fitness and equipment, inexperienced in combat, and extremely poor combat ability, only stronger than ordinary civilians.

Level 2: Hunters with a certain amount of experience, with improved physical fitness and equipment, can undertake low-intensity hunting alone, but cannot face medium-threat enemies.

Level 3: Hunters with mature abilities, strong physical fitness and equipment, the ability to step into dirty areas alone for a certain period of time, and strong combat effectiveness.

Level 4: A truly experienced hunter with excellent physical ability and equipment quality and rich combat experience. Usually, only one hunter can be cultivated among hundreds of hunters.

Level 5: First-class powerful hunters, rare in number and difficult to cultivate, are the top strength that hunter towns can't meet.

Level 6: A champion hunter, a top-notch powerhouse, usually no different in physical fitness from level 5, both of which are at the top level of human beings, but relying on super-class weapons and equipment to exert a stronger

With great power, some strong people can even hunt extremely dangerous and terrifying existences.

Note: There is no clear classification of hunters in the plot. This classification is used to intuitively show the difference in the strength of the hunter team for readers.

The following is the hunter team configuration.

1. Frontier Vanguard

The forefront team of the entire team, the first echelon facing danger, is the most dangerous, so the strongest combat effectiveness of the team has been assembled, and personnel rotations are carried out with the left-wing and right-wing rotation teams.

(1) Hunter

(2) Disma, Level 6

(3) Tardif, Level 5

(4) William, Grade 5

2. Left vanguard

The first echelon, which is responsible for the safety of the left wing of the team and faces danger directly, is extremely dangerous, so its members are all veterans, and they will rotate with the left wing and left center rotation teams.

(1) David, Grade 4

Male, 53 years old, 189cm tall

Veteran hunters who are good at short spears and crossbows are slightly inferior to young people in physical fitness due to their older age. They have rich combat experience and have battlefield first aid capabilities.The personality is simple and honest, and the two companions of the same team all died in the monster invasion incident, so they took their weapons and set foot on the battlefield, and they were fond of cigarettes.

(2) Reginald, Level 4

Male, 42 years old, 177cm tall

A hunter who is proficient in one-handed swords and two-handed swords, carries multiple weapons, has excellent observation skills, and has the ability to track in the wild.He is more frivolous and likes to tease women, but he is extremely reliable in the hunter team. A few years ago, his wife ran away with a townsman in the same town. After a period of depression, he began to like married women, and became the object of disgust and fear of many male townspeople. .

(3) Bartley, Grade 4

Male, 35 years old, 181cm tall

An excellent musketeer and screener, talented in long-range sniping, and possesses chemical talents. He has equipped himself with a variety of throwing weapons, including smoke bombs, incendiary bombs, and fragmentation bombs.With a withdrawn personality, he doesn't say a word, he likes to hide and enjoy himself alone, he is fond of women's clothing, and the appearance of women's clothing is very attractive, and has attracted many people who don't know the truth or just like him.

(4) Sierra, Level 4

Female, 30 years old, height 171cm

Excellent field medical personnel are equipped with a variety of emergency rescue items and special drugs, which can strengthen teammates' combat ability, observation ability, thinking reflection ability, etc. at critical moments. The drugs have certain delayed onset side effects.Peaceful personality, likes a quiet environment, loves to read books, will reconcile when the team has conflicts, likes research, and likes to use teammates to test drugs.

3. Right Wing Vanguard

The first echelon, which assumes the safety of the right wing of the team and faces danger directly, is extremely dangerous, so its members are all veterans, and they will rotate with the right wing and right center rotation teams.

(1) Webster, Grade 4

Male, 40 years old, 201cm tall

Using giant swords and large shields, warriors in heavy armor are always the ones at the forefront to face monsters in battle, and their physique is strong enough to wrestle with medium-sized monsters head-on.Humorous personality, good at activating the atmosphere, can maintain an optimistic spirit even in dangerous situations, yearns for the noble warriors of the lost Sun Cult, and hopes to become a great hero in the legend, likes fine wine and food, is not good at dealing with women, is an old virgin .

(2) Jacob, Level 4

Male, 34 years old, 193cm tall

The tall swordsman is good at using two scimitars to advance in the melee, has a strong displacement ability, and also has the ability to conceal surprise attacks.A serious man who was originally an ordinary person. His wife and daughter became hunters after being killed by monsters. He is usually taciturn, but he cares about his teammates. He likes to kill monsters and the songs his wife likes to sing.

(3) Audrey, Level 4

Female, 35 years old, height 169cm

A female hunter who is good at a variety of firearms, and understands certain mechanical maintenance at the same time, carries multiple firearms on her body, and uses short knives for close combat.A woman with a slutty personality and a hot body, she has slept with one-third of the male hunters and one-fifth of the female hunters in Star Town, but she is very serious and will not mess around during the hunting process. She likes to tease Webster, and her hobby is 20cm+

(4) Edra, Level 4

Female, 28 years old, height 165cm

Hunters who are good at first aid in the field and possess magic talents and have practiced healing spells and a small amount of offensive spells can create light sources, unleash single-target recovery and blinding attacks, have excellent observation skills and act decisively and neatly, and carry a hatchet with them defensive.Originally a carefree girl who liked to sing, she was attacked by a monster and killed her whole family. After being disfigured and blinded in one eye, she became a hunter. She fought to prevent other families from suffering her own suffering, and often donated supplies to the boarding house. The children are cheerful and easy-going.

4. Rear Security Team

The last part of the entire team is responsible for preventing the monsters that follow from behind for the team, facing the dangerous first echelon, and it is extremely easy to get out of touch with the team and not receive effective support. , The right tail rotation team performs personnel rotation.

(1) Baldwin, Grade 5

The mysterious man who hides himself under the cloak seems to have severe leprosy, and the weapon he uses is a broken long sword.He came to the town a few days before the destruction of Xingkong Town, killed a large number of monsters, rescued many townspeople, and participated in the hunt.

(2) Louie, Level 4

Male, 31 years old, 183cm tall

A hunter who uses long spears and short swords, is good at explosive sprinting, and has the ability to flexibly control the distance from monsters.Obsessed with killing monsters, enjoying their bloody carcasses and even adorning their heads around their waists.Naturally low empathy ability makes it difficult to understand others, narcissism, strong self-esteem, attaches great importance to oneself as a hunter, arrives at monsters to protect companions and the weak, thinks that what one can do must be the best, and loves to kill monsters, Doesn't like to kill the weak who can't resist.

(3) Vic, Level 4

Male, 37 years old, 190cm tall

A hunter who is good at using guns, he is excellent in long-range sniping and close-range support. In close combat, he will use the bayonet on the muzzle to attack, and he has certain field medical capabilities.He is a member of William's police force, but he doesn't like police force tactics. He is a taciturn man who is reliable in battle. He likes to be alone, has a sweet tooth and hates salty food.

(4) Natia Vida, Level 4

Female, 44 years old, height 178cm

A rare female warrior who uses hammers and jagged blades to fight, her fighting style is aggressive, and her physical fitness is comparable to or even surpasses that of men due to the strengthening of special potions.There is a huge contrast between his personality in battle and peacetime, he likes to joke, he likes young men and has a sadistic desire.

5. Left wing back

The first echelon, which is responsible for the safety of the left wing of the team and faces danger directly, is extremely dangerous, so its members are all veterans, and they will rotate with the left center and left tail rotation teams.

(1) Lowers, Grade 4

Male, 29 years old, 188cm tall

Fighting with a huge hammer and an extremely long scimitar, the warrior wearing mail has strong strength and is proficient in close combat and ground fighting. He is a very good warrior.A gladiator who used to be a star capital, tired of fighting with his life in exchange for noble applause, came to the border eager to gain real glory, despises people who can't drink, thinks that women should not go to the battlefield, values ​​brotherhood, loves half-cooked and half-baked Bloody flesh, occasionally experimenting with almost raw meat and taking pleasure in it.

(2) Ducain, Level 4

Male, 31 years old, 182cm tall

Warriors who use longbows and rapiers can flexibly roam close to long distances and fill positions. The left hand is a mechanical arm equipped with a spring axe, which can be used as a stormer in an emergency.A mechanical enthusiast who can make some very interesting small toys, very pleasing to children, and has a good relationship with many children in the boarding house. His wife died young, and he raised his daughter alone and was entrusted by hunters to make a living. His daughter Anne died In the monster invasion event.Those who have the will to die in their hearts only want to die in the battle of the God of Hunting.

(3) Karnis, Level 4

Male, 25 years old, 177cm tall

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